Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 52: The General Has Fallen

Chapter 52: The General Has Fallen

It would be a walk in the park for enemies to wander through such a large army without a password. The way the ancient people prevented this was for their commander to give the password to the general who then passed it onto their officers and ultimately to the soldiers. 

Of course Lei Fei and Wang Huan didnt know what that meant. They thought putting on some Cao armor would allow them to strut unhindered.

Compared to Zhao Yun, the Cao army didnt take kindly to threats. The officer ordered and the soldiers obeyed.

In the chaotic battle that ensued, the first thing Lei Fei did was throw away Adou to protect his life. Poor Adou was ignored by the charging soldiers as he landed on the ground and soon vanished among the mass of soldiers

Lei Feis hand ignited and unleashed the Conflagration Technique burning to ashes dozens of Cao soldiers.

Wang Huan flickered with golden light and stuck his hands in the ground. Thirty meters in front, earth spikes jutted from the ground and into a hundred Cao soldiers. 

Lei Fei took a long look at Wang Huan.

Now that Lei Fei and Wang Huan dealt with the nearby soldiers, a red horse ridden by a general holding a halberd was attracted by the sudden silence here.

Lei Feis hand burned and Wang Huans hand stuck into the earth. Conflagration Technique and earth spikes attacked the general at the same time. 

The general jumped from the horse to avoid the spikes and hacked with the halberd to split the Conflagration Technique.

Why are there so many experts in this era? Wang Huan was startled.

We dont have time for that. We need to figure out how to survive!

The general waved the halberd in his charge, unleashing violent qi for several meters around. But with Lei Fei and Wang Huans quick reaction, the qi waves were avoided. If not, the power behind one of those attacks was enough to curb their lives.

The general shouted, With Zhang Liao here, no spy shall live!

Lei Fei and Wang Huan were getting ready for another round with him, but hearing his name, all bravery left them.

Who was Zhang Liao? One of Cao Caos famous generals. His greatest battle was leading 20,000 strong to break through Sun Quans army of ten thousand and almost captured Sun Quan. 

Fighting with one whose power was on a different level? Thats suicide! 


Lei Fei released a fireball and bolted. Wang Huan was even more determined, diving into the earth. It quaked for a moment and he was already thirty meters away. 

But Wang Huans Earth Escape Art wasnt perfect, needing to come out thirty meters away and then dive again

Zhang Liao mulled for a second before chasing Wang Huan.

Zhang Liao recognized not Wang Huan, but the spear on his back, Fierce Dragon Spear.

That was close. Lei Fei hid behind a wall 

In his breather, Lei Fei saw a handsome man riding a bloody white horse coming right at him.

Only allowed on

Zhao Yun!

No rest for the wicked Lei Fei paled.

If before, he was fearless when he had Adou to shield him from Zhao Yun, now he was empty handed. Was Zhao Yun going to stop again? 

Absolutely not

Zhao Yun didnt speak a word as he swung his spear, sending a qi wave at Lei Fei.


The qi wave flew and the spear broke in two. Why would any general use a named weapons? Because normal tools couldnt handle their power.

Zhao Yuns spear broke but the attack was completed. The qi wave flashed forward like a bullet and Lei Fei tried his hardest into dodging. But no matter how fast he moved he couldnt match a bullet.

The qi wave hammered into Lei Feis shoulder and through his bone.

Black smoke ebbed from the ground, with Lei Feis clothes left there, but no sign of him.

Thou actually use Soul Drifting! Thunderstruck Enterprise is hiding many things it seems. Zhao Yun muttered to himself and took Lei Feis items he left behind.

Soul Drifting was a function of spiritual root. It was used in a moment of danger within the time-space rupture, a safety measure to save ones life. The user would be sent outside the entrance at the price of damaging both his soul and body.

Im running out of time. Zhao Yun rode his white horse in Wang Huans direction.

Stop, spy! Take mine halberd! Zhang Liao waved the halberd atop his horse, chasing after Wang Huan like chasing a mouse. 

Wang Huan felt like crying. He only started learning Earth Escape Art and couldnt use it for long distances. Each time he was taking a breather between dives, Zhang Liao was there on his horse to smash the halberd on his head.

Ill die if this keeps up.

Zhang Liao goddamned bastard! What are you going after me for? Chase Lei Fei!

Take my halberd! But Zhang Liao ignored his cursing, yelling the same line each time.

Im finished. I can use the Earth Escape Art for three more times before I run out of spiritual qi. Seeing Zhang Liao coming again, Wang Huan was ashen.

Give me the spear if thou want to live! In his time of dying, Wang Huan heard a shout from behind, Zhao Yuns.

Zhang Liao attacked as Wang Huan dived into the earth again!

He came out right at Zhao Yuns feet.

General Zhao, I can give you the spear, but can you spare

Zhao Yun snatched the spear from Zhao Wang Huans back impatiently.

Get lost if you want to live. Zhao Yun charged Zhang Liao.

Wang Huan was startled before running away.

Birds Gazing at the Phoenix!

In his running, Wang Huan turned his head to see an unforgettable scene.

The qi waves descended like a flock of birds at their target.

Zhang Liao grunted, pushed back.

In this single clash of two mighty generals, the outcome was already settled.

In the nick of time. Zhao Yun breathed easily.


At the rivers shore, Du Fei was hurling.

He was swept by the current and his consciousness left him. He then woke up on the shore barfing his lungs out.

Take this. A man threw a wrapped item and a silver spear at his feet.

Du Fei looked up to see a handsome general, Zhao Yun.

Du Fei paled and was ready to bolt, but his legs failed him as they shivered.

Zhao Yun ignored him as he rode away.

He rushed along for miles, and only then he slowed.

I have a minute at most.  A pity I cant take Azure Blade and Heaven-reliant Sword.

Zhao Yuns armor was a bit off and he reached a hand to refit it on his chest when his face blanked. 

Why were there two lumps on his chest?



When he was ready to feel around for them, a blue light left his body. Zhao Yun shivered and his behavior suddenly changed.

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