Nova Roma

Chapter 216 - Attack on the imperial palace

R-18 Chapter: Gore

Prince Julio got up from his bed with the first rays of the sun that illuminated his face, this was weird because the maids know that they have to wake him up in the early morning to do his exercise, the first thing he saw was his beautiful wife Estela the daughter of one of the most important senators of the empire.

Although his father proclaimed the empire years ago and with that, the republic disappeared, the Senate continues to occupy a very important space in the life of Rome although they lost even more power when his father made a purge after knowing what they had done to Hellena the fiancée of Flavio his nephew.

While he was putting on a gown to observe the beautiful city of Rome, he realized that where the colosseum was, a fire was coming out, this surprised him and he immediately prepared to change his clothes.

At that moment a praetorian guard entered holding with his hand a wound on his neck and with his other hand a bloody short sword "Prince we have to leave Rome, we are under attack by people who lost their mind and some soldiers talk about the undead.

On my way to inform you one of the maids attacked me and managed to bite my neck, fortunately, I managed to bury my sword in his head and this stopped the attack, I fear it is an attack by the Persian murderers ... "

The Praetorian spit some blood and fell to the ground, Julio stared in horror at the Praetorian on the floor while his wife with some sleep and surprise see the body of the Praetorian in the floor and gave a shout that rang throughout the villa in the palace.

Julio approached the Praetorian body and very carefully took the short sword from the Praetorian body "Stop shouting Estela, if we are under attack your screams will only alert the enemy we have to leave the palace and head north.

Fortunately, Father is in the south suppressing the revolt of some desert villages, but if the attacks are the work of the Parthian Empire, Father is likely facing the forces of the Parthian Empire in the south.

We have to group the armies in the north for an eventual reconquest.

At least I have a clear conscience that if we die Flavio will continue with our legacy wherever he is."

Estela with fear nodded and prepared to change their clothes, Julio wanted to check the praetorian’s body but the body of the pretorian trembled for a moment and his hand moved to press Julio’s foot.

Julio looked with horror at the corpse on the ground and used the sword to cut the Praetorian’s hand, the edge of the short steel sword without difficulty the flesh and bone allowing Julio to free himself from the Praetorian’s hand.

The Praetorian body gets up from the ground and he let to Julio see his face without life and a lost look, Julio wasted no time and buried his sword in the Praetorian’s neck.

But to him or Estela’s surprise, the Praetorian continued walking, burying the sword, even more, Julio did not want to waste time and hurriedly moved it to the side, cutting the spine at the height of the neck and thereby leaving the Praetorian’s head hanging on one side while the body fell lifeless.

Julio looked in horror "The troops were not lying when they said Walking Dead, take what you can. Estela we can’t stay in the city unless you want to die."

After this Julio closed the door of the room to prevent someone from entering while changing clothes.

Estela changed her clothes to a lighter outfit with which she could run while Julio put on his Vi Opus outfit which was a green cotton suit and black leather boots.

When they finished, Julio asked Estela not to make noise because she didn’t know how the cursed would react with not being able to live, Estela nodded and followed her husband who led the way as they left the room.

The palace seemed to be silent but paying attention to the dead Praetorian he decided not to walk carelessly through the rooms of the palace, the last thing he wanted was for one of those things to attack him or his wife.

On the way they could only see some traces of blood on the floor and hear some noises as if many people were eating, the first room they had to pass was the kitchen where there was an exit from the palace to the courtyard.

When Julio peeked at the door he could see that two of the maids were eating the cook’s body which had the intestines outside and one of his eyes hung down his basin.

Julio sighed and with his hand stopped Estela’s advance and whispered: "Don’t move just come in when I tell you."

Estela nodded and saw Julio enter the kitchen, Julio walked without being noticed by the two maids who were quietly eating the cook’s corpse did not notice anything strange.

Julio took advantage that they were not paying attention to behead the first maid and after this, he buried the sword in the eye of the other through his brain, the two bodies were in the kitchen lying on the body of the cook they were eating.

Watching more closely Julio realized that the cook was one of those damn things only that he could not move, Julio assumed that when he fell to the ground the column was broken so he lost the movement in his body.

He decide to end the suffering by burying his sword in the chef’s head which stopped showing signs of life when he finished cleaning his sword with the clothes of the maids while opening the wooden kitchen door carefully.

The first thing he could see was some praetorian bodies in the place, they didn’t seem to be like the cursed beings he killed but, it was best not to take a risk he doesn’t want to create a situation he can’t handle.

It has to leave the city but the city is full of people so the only way safe to get out is to do it through the cave of Luperca where the founders of Rome were saved by the Capitoline Wolf.

The cave is located in the imperial palace and is connected to underground tunnels which have an exit outside Rome, the only problem is that they have to pass the courtyard and reach the main building ...

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