Nova Roma

Chapter 197 - New threat from the north

As they continued to carve the gigantic statue, Quetzalcoatl and Xolotl took giant blocks of water from the lake out of the water, Xolotl cut them and placed them outside the cave while Quetzalcoatl climbed them to the coast of the artificial island with its divine energy.

In the afternoon that everyone was resting drinking a little water and eating some fish tacos they could feel that someone was entering the barrier, Apollo looked at Flavio and sighed as he handed him a bag that contains an elementary crystal of water.

Flavio and Apollo had bet on when their wives would visit them in their confinement, Flavio said that one month while Apollo was sure they would only come when they finished building the wonder.

Apollo looked at Flavio "How could you do it?"

Flavio smiled while admiring the stone of the water "If only they were the women and knowing how Miyuki and Hellena were, it would have taken 3 months to visit us but remember that I have 3 small children.

Which are accustomed to having their father close by taking care of them and playing with them, they can be children with a very early maturation but when they do not see their dad for days they will press Hellena or Miyuki.

You see why it is good to take care of the father children, you should consider having a child with Artemis and taking care of him as I take care of my little ones, you will realize that it is much better than applying the great-grandfather method of eating the children or the grandfather of abandoning them to their fate."

Apollo scratched his head and looked at the lake in front of him. "I guess you’re right."

Flavio put away the elemental stone of water and continued to eat his fish taco when he heard his daughter’s scream and after that, he carried out on the floor while Erendida hugged Flavio’s back "Stupid dad don’t make Mom mad that makes I can’t see you ..."

Erendida began to cry and Flavio got up from the floor with wounds that were healing and turned to hug his daughter "Don’t cry my girl, you know that dad and grandfather are working to build a great house where you can live more comfortably."

While Flavio hugged Erendida he felt other small hands on his head was his baby Bastet who also wanted a hug and then came Yuma who also hugged his father.

Quetzalcoatl looked at that scene with a smile but before he could realize his son Pilcoatl gave him a big hug that broke his backbones "Dad, I want you to help me, I want to make Erendida fall in love."

Flavio and Quetzalcoatl shouted in unison "What !!".

While this was happening, in the north, ten tribes were walking south fleeing from bad weather and hairy beings that were mostly much larger than them.

These beings had no qualms about killing the humans they will find to eat the raw meat of their bodies, they had a predilection for opening the skulls and sucking the brains.

The warriors of the ten tribes have been fighting against these beings but the arrows and the stone spears cannot pierce their bodies, in order to kill them they had to cheat on the ground and place wooden stakes to kill them.

The attacks were only sporadic but each of these beasts could kill up to 50 warriors of the tribes before dying in the traps, to make the traps made a campfire on the floor because the cold made it very difficult to dig.

Then using their stone tools they made a hole only 1 meter deep, to have time to make the traps the warriors went ahead of the walk and worked against time to have them ready.

The wooden skewers were sharpened using leaks and buried in the floor of the hole where once the entrance was covered with dry leaves and wooden sticks, several traps had to be made to work.

A large number of deaths caused the tribes to have to sleep only 3 hours at night to continue the walk, many of the elders preferred to stay and fight against those hairy beasts so as not to be a burden for the walk.

The leaders of the tribes could only trust that the shamans were not mistaken and that in the south they could find a safe haven for all of them, otherwise, the walk would have been useless and their tribes would be doomed.

In Lake Texcoco, the situation was quite pleasant only for Flavio and Quetzalcoatl who had children since their wives despite being angry with them, gradually they were content when they saw their husbands play with their children.

For Apollo he could only be with the indifferent Artemis who was looking at him sideways while playing with his grandchildren, Xolotl spent time with his nephew while talking with his brother.

The joy could be felt on the artificial island until the women began to look at the island and asked what the palace would look like in the end.

Flavio showed the palace with his divine energy and the face of the 5 women frowned and began using their divine energy to make their own modifications, starting with the statue they were building.

It remained the same but next to Themis were placed the images of the 5 women who had their hands pointing forward.

The temples that were planned in the corners of the walls, were replaced by other more functional things while the palace made it much more stylized with a neo-Gothic style combined with oriental touches.

These changes were noticed even in the four gates of the fortress that took the form of the traditional Torii 1 .

Also on the bridges were statues of beautiful women wearing warrior garments carrying a saber in one of their hands and in their other hand stretched small maguey that will function as a light that will illuminate the path of those who travel the bridge to the great imperial palace.

Flavio, Quetzalcóatl, Xolotl, and Apollo were afraid of the great changes women were making, but they had to admit that the palace of being a functional fortress became an art show that could last for countless years to come.

The women noticed the fear and surprise of their husbands and sighed, Hellena smiled and placed her hand on Flavio’s shoulder "Sweety we will help in the construction but we will have to take turns because we cannot leave the empire alone.

You will have to take care of the children too since they don’t like being away from you.

The gods thanked that they did not have to do all the work alone, at least they could have company in their beds without having to sleep in the solitude of the weather at the mercy of the weather.

The only thing that remained pending was to see the matter of the "little" Pilcoatl who fell in love with Erendida and wanted to marry her ...

Japanese Traditional Arc

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