Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 143: Sweet dreams 2

Chapter 143: Sweet dreams 2

The west side hall, at the Crown Prince's Mansion 

"Mistress, it is Ji Yang. His Highness must be back!"

"Finally!" Zhu Fenfang muttered as she felt like a huge weight was lifted off her shoulder. It was like the reward of all her pain and sorrow had arrived. She sat up to appear more regal, image was everything in the royal family. She placed the book she held on the table in front of her and looked up with a serene expression.

Ji Yang was a eunuch registered under Zhu Fenfang at the crown princes mansion. He served as the steward and footman in her courtyard and was well connected since he had worked at the Crown Prince's mansion for over a decade. He came in immediately after the crown Prince moved in but because the Crown Prince already had some reliable workers that served him in the palace while growing up.

Ji Yang wasn't used to his full potential and was abandoned. He was forced to do hard labour which was below his qualifications. He had grown dissatisfied with the crown Prince and even considered applying for a transfer. However before he could make up his mind to apply for a transfer, he was assigned to the new madam of the west side hall.

This madam was very insightful, she called him over two days after she was married to sound him out. Ji Yang was grateful to this concubine for indirectly allowing him to showcase his talent so when she instructed him to collect information for her about his highness and the Princess consort, he agreed.

He grew up at the imperial palace so he understood how the Imperial haram worked better than most servants. He supplied her with whatever she asked for, so far it has been nothing else but information. Ji Yang wasn't a saint neither was he so naive as to think that she wouldn't ask him to do something morally wrong one day. 

Even if she asked, he would do that because he knew the only rule in the palace apart from 'Do not get caught' which is 'Efficiency and silence who get you rewards but sympathy would only get you killed. 

Ji Yang bowed a few steps away from Madam Zhu's table.

"Raise, Is his highness back?"

"Yes madam, but_"

Zhu Fenfang turned to Xiao Chu, "his highness will be here soon make sure that everything is set before he arrived"

"Yes, Mistress" Xiao Chu bowed and turned to go in but paused when she heard Eunuch Ji's next words.

Ji Yang didn't like to deliver bad news but, he needed to say this before she got her hopes up. "Madam, I feat that his Highness will not be coming here today", he said softly. 

Her serene expression broke away at her face squeezed into a frown, "What! why?"

Ji Yang glanced at Xiao Chu, he signalled to her. To get closer and console her mistress, the girl was rather sharp. She walked back to stand behind her mistress. He let go of the breath he held and continued, "her highness came back a little drunk, the crown Prince is keeping her com_"

Zhu Fenfang kicked back her seat and stood, "She came back drunk! If she came back drunk can't her maid feed her some sobering tea! What does she need to hug his highness for!"

"The Crown Princess held onto his highness tightly as she got down from the carriage. She demanded that his Highness carry her to her room, which is highness obliged. It was his highness that offered to stay with her"

"Oh really! Good! What a well-planned move. Her Highness is cunning indeed! You may leave!"

"Yes, goodbye madam". He said and retreated.

Zhu Fenfang fell on the seat, she placed her elbows on the table and rested her forehead on her upraised palm. She said in a tired tone, "pack this up, Xiao Chu" she stood and walked into her room. Zhu Fenfang removed her outed layers of clothes and changes into the ticker nightwear before climbing into her bed and pulling the blanket around her.



While Zhu Fenfang was plagued by nightmares and painfully thoughts, Su Liya on the other hand slept peacefully. Su Liya's night was filled with sweet dreams that would have anyone blushing. All her sleep was filled with Lu Yaozhu, his touch, his smell and his face. She dreamt that they had taken a boat ride in the countryside amidst the flowers and bright clouds.

From Boat rides to attending the mid-autumn festival celebration festivities together to the make-out session in his study. Each dream was stranger than the rest, even in her dreams, she could run away from her feelings for him. No matter how she tried, all roads seemed to lead to him. 

Her face heated up the next day when she remembered her steamy dreams, she could barely look him in the eye when they met up for breakfast. She had her head down, her gaze focused on the streamed burn and soy milk on the table.

Her fused expression didn't go unnoticed to Lu Yaozhu but since he wasn't a magician that could read her mind. He just assumed that she was still shy from him hugging her close in public. He grinned at her bent head and continued eating. He had a lot of patience, even if it took him years. He was willing to spend the winning her heart because of him. She was worth more than gold. 

After eating, he left for the ministry of justices. Lu Yaozhu had been called in to give his report on Deputy Sun and the other corrupt officials at Ningzhuo. The entire Sun family and the corrupt officials were all transported to the capital for questioning. They would be prosecuted and a new set of officials sent down there.

Su Lita locked herself in her room to process her conflicting thoughts and feelings towards Lu Yaozhu. She felt that these feelings needed to be sorted out carefully before making any moves.

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