Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 126: The Confessions of a traitorous official 3

Chapter 126: The Confessions of a traitorous official 3

Duanyue, Northern Wei

Su Liya climbed up behind Baozhai on a chestnut horse as they rode off to the Wu Yi company's safe house in the next town. Su Liya couldn't possibly ride on a horse alone. With her level of inexperience, she might end up falling off her house and getting trampled. She didn't want to be the first person killed by her horse, She asked Baozhai to ride in front while holding her tightly until her knuckles were white.

Duanyue wasn't very far, they arrived three hours later, they were led into a casino owned by the Wu family. Su Liya removed her winter gear and changed into lighter clothes before going into Duanyue. 

Duanyue is the last city at the border entrance of the northern region, unlike other northern cities which were cold most months of the year. Duanyue's weather was similar to that of the capital. To avoid drawing attention to themselves, they changed out of their winter gear.

Duanyue wasn't a very big city compared to Ningzhuo and the capital. It was the trade Center of the other region because of its ideal location at the centre of other regions. They met with a team of Wu Yi agents a short distance from Duanyue. They were dressed as merchants, with the long roll of wagons supposedly carrying their goods. 

Wu Yao and Su Liya got down from their horses and got into a waiting carriage before continuing on their journey. They were greeted by loud noises from sellers announcing their wares and the roadside performance entertaining their audience as they rode in. 

Wu Yao booked the rooms at a guest house days earlier since they were fronting as merchants. They stopped by at the guest house and clocked in before sneaking out to get to the Wu family's casino. An older woman dressed in vibrant colours, with a transparent veil covering half of her face, giving her an exotic look led them into the casino through the back entrance. 

The lady lead them to the secret room and bowed to Wu Yao at the door, Right this way, Madam". She stepped aside for them, Wu Yao nodded and walked in. Su Liya follows her in, Baozhai and Rong Rong walked in with her. Su Liya instructed her secret guards to follow her at a distance, only Baozhai and Rong Rong followed her closely.

The secret room was a mix between a study and a bedroom. One half of the room had a wide canopy bed with purple silk covering, a. Small dressing table and mirror, a cupboard and a small tea temple in the middle.

While the outer half of the room started a the door of the room was divided into two. At the right hand was a small study, with a low table, cushioned chairs and a bookshelf. To the left was a decline a small table and two chairs with a chessboard on the table. 

Wu Yao frown when she saw Su Liya come in with her maid but she quickly dismissed her concern. 

She thought 'this princess doesn't trust me completely". She walked to the tea table in her bedroom and sat on one end, Su Liya walked to the other end opposite her and was supported by her maids to sit. She sat on her knees and rested her hand in front of her, just below her waist.

Wu Yao smiled when as she watched Su Liya sit properly. 'she quite graceful for someone who only became a princess 5 months ago,' she thought. 

There was a low knock on the door, drawing her attention away from Su Liya. She looked to the door, "come in".

The Lady with the veil came in with utensils for making tea, carefully set it up and retreated. Wu Yao had two of her most trusted guards standing outside the door to keep guard. While this was her establishment, she rarely have here. Human beings were gullible, they can easily betray you for profit. It was better to be careful around even her oldest staff. 

Wu Yao picked up two teacups that were bent over from on the inside and flipped them to the right position. She rinsed the cups and poured the water into the extra cup before pouring in the tea leaves. "Your highness intel was right, the Shi family is indeed making moves with the Droko tribe and Yan state in the dark. As soon as the Lu family is eliminated, they plan to attack".

Su Liya sighed and replied, "As expected, did you get the evidence?"

"Yes, your Highness" removed a later sachet from inside her blouse and placed it on the table between them. "Your highness, I am a little bit curious. How you found out their plans, Prime Minister Shu has been planning in secret for decades. It started right after the Sixth prince was born, the Shi family's spies are top-notch. Even if one got suspicious, it won't be easy to get this evidence without getting close to the print minister", she passed a cup of tea to her. 

Su Liya immediately thought, 'Because I read about the Shi families methods in the original novel'. However, since she couldn't give that as an answer without being called crazy. She decided to give Wu Yao the answer she had prepared, she had expected this question at some point and prepared a satisfying answer for it.

Su Liya took the cup of tea from her and placed it on the table in front of her, " You are right in your deduction. Prime Minister Shi's network although commendable, is not fail-safe. Human beings are not reliable with secrets, worse so when they are overconfident. That is one of the major faults when more than one person is aware of the complete plan. 

"As you must have heard grew up in Zhu Mansion and while Minister Zhu is loyal to the Emperor. The same can not be said for his son. Servants here everything, one should be careful what you say in front of servants. A part of their plans was picked up from Zhu Faye, while the rest I picked up during my short stay in Ningzhuo. I found it strange that the Bongju bandits weren't handled properly considering the proximity of Ningzhuo and the grasslands" 

Wu Yao nodded and continued "Why didn't you inform General Lu of your suspicion, he is in a better position to deal with this. Why ask me to investigate in secret?"

"Asking you looked like the best option for me, I wasn't sure if my suspicions would bear fruit and didn't want to raise the General's hopes. We as women should learn to gel each other and not attack each other".

Wu Yao laughed when she heard her last statement, she stood and looked outside the window. It was getting late, "You have a glib tongue. We should get back to the guest house, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. We leave for the capital at dawn so that we can get there on time".

Su Liya stood and gestured to the door, "Alright, lead the way, Sister Yao"

Wu Yao stood and looked at her with wide eyes and said gently "sister Yao"

Su Liya blinked at her innocently, "Yes, as I said. We women should help each other in the spirit of that talk, let's dispense with the bulky titles".

"Su Liya, you are nothing like I expected. Things just became interesting. Let's go sister Liya" she walked forward with her lips curved up.


The Ice Prison

The guards tortured Lu Yaozhu for three hours straight but failed to get a confession out of him much to the Prime minister's annoyance. He glared down at Lu Yaozhu who lean forward passed out, "take him back to his cell, we will resume again tomorrow. If he keeps being stubborn, we can move to his brothers. I think his youngest brother would be more flexible"

The guard unlocked the chains at his wrist and ankle and dragged him by his shoulders back to his Prison cell. Zhu Fengyin stood and looked out of the iron bars toward the door when she heard the sound of footsteps. She asked when she saw the soldiers drag in a limp tall male body.

She moved to block Madam Lu from sight but it was too late. She heard a loud sob and looked to tge side. Madam Lu fell on the ground and crawled to the iron bars, weeping loudly. 

"Xiao Zhu'ah Xiao Zhu'ah. Why!!!" Madam Lu began to hit the iron bars. Lu Yiling and Zhu Fengyin rushed to hold her back. Madam Lu was now old and her bones weak, she can not get injured. The Emperor had made up his mind to abandon them, the guards wouldn't send for a doctor if she got injured.

Lu Yiling hugged her mother close and consoles her quietly. The noise attracted some guards closer who shouted "Keep quiet old woman or I will shit you up permanently. Do you think you are at your mansion?"

Zhu Fengyin stood in front of Lu Yiling and Madam Lu hands spread out and whispered "sorry".

The guard glared at her and walked away. The next day, Lu Yaozhu was dragged out of the prison again.

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