No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 53: Happiness is in the Little Things in Life

Chapter 53: Happiness is in the Little Things in Life

My plans to take a break were ruined as Mikoto's companions are in danger.

Mikoto has been trying to contact her friends and when they finally answered her call instead of a warm greeting, what she received was a threat that she would not dare to return to the hospital since Mikoto and Arashi were expelled from Black Label.

It doesn't have to be a genius to notice that the people at the hospital weren't hostile to their friends, rather, they wanted to protect them from something dangerous.

Instead of getting angry, Mikoto ran to ask for my help, even if the girl may be an impulsive tsundere she knows it would be suicide trying to deal with a problem that her friends can't deal with.

Mikoto has told me all about Black Label, love is incredible, Mikoto did not consider for a moment the possibility that I was part of a hostile group, if we were enemies she would be giving me to her group on a silver platter.

After I will give her interrogation resistance training, I don't dislike her absolute trust in me, but I worry that someone might trick her into getting my secrets out of her.

From what Mikoto said, the people of Black Label are strong, they are too strong to be ordinary humans without access to Ki so the scale of power in this world is increasingly unbalanced, which is problematic.

Since I am the strongest person Mikoto knows she did not hesitate to ask me for help which I agreed, I want Black Label to join my group as my group is not only too small to establish a solid foundation, most of the group are too weak and although some people have good potential they still lack training.

There are two people at Black Label that I am interested in, Sayo Hitsugi the sick chief, and Yuko Sagiri the chief surgeon at the hospital.

Sayo is something like an experiment that Yuko rescued, Mikoto doesn't know the details of what happened, but one thing is clear, Sayo is strong and Yuko is skilled.

In fact, Yuko is a disciple of the former Busujima family patriarch, although Saeko lacks physical strength, her sword techniques are astonishing and are not inferior to Shigure's sword techniques at least when it comes to skill.

Yuko is a highly talented martial artist, but without Ki, if I grant her Ki then I will have a warrior with great potential on my side.

Sayo is more interesting. What Mikoto told about the nurse may sound exaggerated to normal people, but in my opinion, Sayo is an innate genius with monstrous strength that if trained carefully, it will be easy for her to overcome experts on destructive power like Apachai.

There are other interesting people like a nurse with the ability to analyze any problem that affects the physical and even mental health of her patients as well as being able to erase short-term memories, I want to learn medicine techniques from her as they sound useful.

Overall, Black Label is a treasure chest full of wonders that I plan to claim for myself and no one is going to stop me from obtaining those treasures.


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Some men can be useful as soldiers, remember I need to form an army.




One important thing these last few days is that I have managed to create a certain harmony with Madness. It is partly thanks to the efforts of my lovers helping me to meditate intensely every night, but more importantly, Madness and I came to an agreement, we would both team up to stop the Diclonius impulses as it will be a problem if I start killing my harem.

I have been training my willpower with Kaede, we both sat in a reinforced room and let out our genocidal instinct, the point is to be able to control it and not fall into insanity.

It was difficult, but I got benefits. My Will of Steel skill reached 100%, my Will went from Unbreakable 70% to 82%, Calm reached 65%, I was finally able to control the Intimidation skill and raised it to 35%, and even Rasen went up to 5.4%, the problem was that Madness also rose and is now at 28%.

You gain something you lose something, if the price of power is my sanity it seems fair to me.

Another issue was that Kaede loses control easily so I had to hit her to stop her as her vector control is improving rapidly making her more dangerous.

She always gets mad when I beat her unconscious, but nothing a little patting and candy can't fix. I'm becoming an ideal abusive father, I don't know what to think about it.

Kaede is the second strongest person in the group after me and that is why I left her at the main base to protect Shizuka, Nao, and the other women who do not specialize in combat, I am worried that something could happen to them in my absence since the hospital is far from the school and Navi will not be able to monitor them.

The rescue team consists of Mikoto, Arashi, Saeko, Rei, Hirano, and I as the combat team accompanied by Yui, Alice, and 10 mutant animals as the recon and support team.

My affinity with non-feline animals allowed me to subject several mutant animals that I found, at this point I am sure that my lineage is related to dogs since of the 10 mutant creatures that accompany us 7 are dogs, 2 birds, and a rat.

It takes me a long time to subdue mutant animals and many times they flee when they see me so I have not been able to get an army, but the dogs follow me obediently as soon as they see me.

There are another 20 mutant animals that were left at the base as a security measure so the place is becoming an animal shelter. The interesting thing is that some of the girls have a good affinity with animals, Yui and Alice being the most prominent.

The animals see me as the leader of the pack while Alice, Yui, the teacher Megumi, and Chino are somewhat of sub-leaders. If I am not present then the animals will obey these girls so I plan to train them to become capable generals.

Mutant animals possess greater strength, intelligence, and speed than normal animals, but compared to mutant humans, animals are much weaker. Yet they have a strong point that makes them a valuable resource.

Mutant animals grow stronger by eating the brains of other mutant animals or infected humans. Common and mutant zombies may perhaps do the same, but they only seek to attack uninfected humans and I have not had time to study their behavior.

I have not had the time or the equipment to do experiments, so on the trip to the hospital, I hope to find appropriate medical equipment.

At the moment we are moving in two vehicles, the main car is an armored military vehicle, a Humvee M1025 that was at Rika's house and I must say, I love this car.

It's my first time owning my own car and I love it, I can run over people-ahem, infected, without worrying about causing a dent in the bumper, people just turn to meat paste when they get run over, I love it.

"Luis, why do you hit every infected we see?" - Mikoto asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It is faster to move forward instead of evading" - I answered seriously while running over an infected old woman making her explode like a watermelon, heh.

"That's true, but I feel like you're enjoying this" - Miko kept looking at me doubtfully.

"It's your imagination" - I replied with the same seriousness while I ran the tires over an infected child.

The fact that they are living people who can be healed if I find a way to bring them back to sanity only makes it more fun.


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Sure, it literally explodes.





"I insist, I think you enjoy it too much" - Mikoto stopped looking at me and just sighed, she is cute when she is not insistent.

"Instead of judging my driving skills, you better try to contact your friends, they haven't responded since they told you not to look for them." - I continued to have fun while thinking about the possible dangers we would encounter.

The equipment I brought is small so we can easily escape if things get too dangerous.

Behind the Humvee is a reinforced school truck where the mutant animals, Yui, Alice, Hirano, and Arashi ride.

On the way to the hospital, we found hundreds of mutants, but I reinforced the two vehicles with Ki so we could move forward without a problem.

To avoid having to resort to extreme eating measures, I brought in a large number of cereal bars and energy shakes that I found in a gym.

I was able to gather very good resources in my daily explorations, if I did not have to take care of my group it would be easy for me to survive in this world which explains its difficulty.

It is difficult to have a huge harem since I have to take care of all my lovers, but it is worth it, being able to have Shizuka and Nao in the same bed is one of the things that motivates me to be alive.

"Are you thinking of women?" - Mikoto pouted.

Although we are not the only ones in the car, no one interrupted us. Saeko is obedient and never criticizes my actions, Rei is too dependent and she prefers not to bother me as long as I don't abandon her.

Women like Mikoto who criticize me or act jealous are rare in my harem. Although it can be annoying at times, it is nice to talk to someone who is not afraid to speak his mind because if everyone around me blindly obeyed me it would make me think that I am surrounded by sex dolls and not people.

On the other hand, that Mikoto can intuit what I think despite my acting skills makes me think that female intuition is terrifying, I need to improve my acting ability if I want to continue increasing my harem.

"I'm thinking that we should be cautious, the description you gave of your friends shows that they are strong so something that can put them in danger must be really dangerous" - I spoke in a solemn voice to divert the subject.

"I know ..." - Mikoto forgot his jealousy and started to worry.

Contrary to driving rules, I took my hand off the wheel and patted Mikoto's head.

In a soft voice, I comforted her. - "Everything will be fine, regardless of the circumstance we will find a way to save them and take them to our base"

"Thank you" - Mikoto closed her eyes and smiled.

"Even so, remember to face reality, we cannot save all civilians and we will only save those we can" - I spoke in a serious voice but tried to keep a trace of concern and affection.

Regulating the emotions in the voice is problematic.

"I understand, I will not ask you to save all the people in the hospital, just saving my friends is more than enough" - Mikoto showed some pain in her words, but there was great determination in her eyes.

Since Mikoto loosened the knot in her heart, her resolve grew and with it, her selfishness also grew. Mikoto now prioritizes her own happiness and that of her loved ones over innocent people, I love this girl.

"Sure, I'll do my best to save your friends" - I smiled, I like Mikoto's growth.

"I just hope that Hitsugi-san and Sagiri-san don't fall into your clutches ..." - Mikoto sighed to herself without taking into account that I can hear her.

Nobody seems to remember that I have improved my hearing. Is it part of the plot armor? Interesting.

Sorry Mikoto, because of how you described your group I can't let them go, but look on the bright side, they will all be gathered in the same bed which should strengthen the friendship between you.

I'm so nice to my lovers that I deserve a vacation, I want a vacation, I really need a fucking vacation.

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