No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 250: Plans and Conceptual Garbage

Chapter 250: Plans and Conceptual Garbage

"Using senpai as an old rag was fun, let's do it again!"

"I think we were very cruel to him…"

"Cruel? It didn't feel like a real villain! I told you that we should imitate Aize■!"

"Hey Listen! My script was better than this shit!"

"My poor little brother…"

"It's fun to play the villain~"

"I don't want to do this again, it's bad to hurt a friend"


"Damn stalker yuri! Do not talk to me!"


"Heh, this slave contract is very useful"

The inside of my head is in chaos as my body receives medical treatment in what looks like a ceremonial temple within Paradise, more specifically a temple in Auriel's territory.

Things went according to plan so it was easy to capture Kuuko (Cthugha).

While I was displayed like a torn rag, the Old Ones and Outer Gods of my group joined together to form an artificial body, the plague doctor.

The doctor's body was made of my black blood and was controlled by BB with the help of Ortro and the other women. Additionally, I used [Mythomania] to make Madness look like other types of energies giving the illusion that the medic could wield multiple energies similar to a system user.

It can be said that this doctor was a robot controlled by Ancient Ones and Outer Gods.

Although this sounds powerful, the body is too unstable as the different Paths of Madness fight each other to gain control of the body.

The doctor can only function for 2 hours, after which his structure will spiral out of control and mutate into an amorphous mass of flesh and blood that is useless for combat. Not even [Anti-Rasen] can stabilize the doctor since that body is built from the most chaotic energy (Madness) so his nature is instability.

Although the doctor is useless in actual combat, it was an excellent disguise to create a fake villain to blame for the Elder Ones' sudden demise.

I can now build my organization out of chaotic entities without raising the suspicion of other organizations as they investigate a suspected system user related to the Seekers of Truth.

I'm a pessimist so I've already accepted that this lie will be discovered one day and I'll make a lot of enemies so I'm just buying time to create a group with the necessary strength to negotiate with the big organizations.

Not only was I able to create a villain that I can blame for my future actions, but I also improved my image among Auriel's subordinates, even members of the racist faction gave me some recognition for my loyalty to Paradise.

I stood my ground against an entity on par with Auriel, warned Paradise about a cultivator attack, faced an Ancient One, protected innocent people during an apocalyptic war, and endured torture from a power-crazed system user.

I certainly deserve a raise in my salary, rather, I deserve to be paid.

Damn idealists who believe in selfless work, this is labor exploitation...

Back on topic, when Kuuko was eaten by the doctor, she was transported to Abby's dimension where BB handled the negotiations.

BB told her that I am forming a group to unite the rejected entities of the multiverse, but she did not mention that the members of the group are agreeing to become my belongings.

Kuuko thought this would help her get close to Nyaruko so she signed a Slave Contract thinking it was an alliance agreement.

So Kuuko became my belonging and although she complained a bit, she seems happy to be near Nyaruko.

To clarify, Kuuko can't sexually harass Nyaruko and she can only fantasize, although the redheaded girl seems happy with it.

3 Ancient Ones and 4 Outer Gods, there are strange things in my head.

To conclude with my plan, all that remains is to wait.

The cultivation array that will capture Azathoth was tapped by the System Goddess so when Azathoth falls asleep, she will be sent to my Rasen Dimension.

Paradise decided to give up the war since they have enough problems with the disaster that was the tower to create Higher Entities, additionally, I just found out that one of the main commanders of Paradise is unable to lead the army since his body was divided into 500 pieces which were distributed throughout the multiverse so now there are elite squads looking for the pieces to rebuild that idiot.

The entity that caused that is now eating pancakes inside my mind, no doubt Abby is a good girl.

Hell thinks that they managed to modify the spatial array of the cultivators so they will only prolong the war and then steal the sleeping creature, although, in reality, Azathoth will end up in my party since even if the array fails, Navi put a spatial mark on my stalker.

It can be said that the war lasted less than a day and in public view, this was the victory of the cultivators, but in objective terms, the cultivators suffered the greatest losses.

Additionally, this is only the beginning of a much larger conflict.

Now Paradise is totally hostile against Eternal Heaven Immortal as Paradise thinks that the cultivators attacked them twice in a row and brazenly.

When Azathoth disappears, the cultivators will find the traces of Hell in the spatial array while Hell will think that Azathoth is in the cultivators' vault which will create hostility between both groups.

The Buddhists weren't totally eradicated, but most of their treasures were stolen by Abby and Nyaruko so they will lose a lot of power and can no longer maintain order among the cultivator sects which will cause a lot of internal conflicts in the Eternal Heaven Immortal.

Paradise will now be suspicious of the Truth Seekers due to the plague doctor which will drag that group into this disaster.

When the big organizations conflict, the small organizations will take advantage of the situation to seek profit which will eventually cause a true war in the multiverse.

When the multiverse plunges into chaos, it will be the best time to get allies and slaves so that my organization can grow discreetly, and most importantly, I will be able to overexploit the hero's tactic by saving the princess to increase the number of Higher Entities in my harem

While there are many things that can go wrong, at least I am assured that I have a reliable ally in Paradise.

Seraph contacted me as soon as I pretended to regain consciousness.

News of my deeds has spread throughout Paradise and I am now a role model for other heroes within Paradise.

Even the idiots who hate me calmed down, for example, Diedhauser and Archon stopped demanding Auriel that I be punished for my offense against them, two noble entities. They are definitely a couple of narcissistic assholes.

For now, we just have to wait for things to progress, in the meantime, I will have to practice to adapt to the improvement in my skills, in addition to learning to correctly use the skills of the Ancient Ones and Outer Gods in my group.

"Ready, there are no wounds in your soul and your body is already healthy..." - A gentle female voice spoke to me with maternal kindness, which caused me some disgust. – "But my recommendation is that you stay here for a couple of months since your strong willpower makes it difficult to check if you have not developed emotional problems"

I'm lying on a bed that seems like a mixture of technology and magic. This artifact is interesting since it can deeply analyze the soul and body in search of wounds, curses, or problems in the Concepts.

If it wasn't for the improvement in [Anti-Rasen] and [Mythomania] it would have been impossible to hide my system and [Reader's Madness].

I sighed and tried to stand up. – "I'm fine, it's not the first time I've turned into ground meat"

The woman in charge of supervising my health came over and pinched my cheek as she frowned like an angry mother. – "Do not underestimate the impact of trauma, I have seen many heroes resorting to suicide to escape trauma and depression"

"That's not very encouraging" - I smiled wryly.

"Facing reality will help you have a longer life" - The woman pushed my shoulder and forced me to lie down again. – "Emotional health is just as important as physical health, so be a good boy and rest"

I sighed. – "I really need to go, I have a lot of work to do"

The woman sighed. – "You are so young and you are already a workaholic… I understand why lady Seraph insisted that I must make sure that you do not escape before concluding the treatment"

I sighed and went back to bed, I can't even relax since I have to prepare some things before going back to Gaia.

"Much better" - The woman smiled gently. – "You are cute when you are obedient, now try to sleep a little, that will help you relax"

"Hey Listen! Why the hell aren't you fucking that sexy milf?!"

I ignored the idiot's voice and closed my eyes to pretend to sleep.

The woman smiled and took out a kind of glass sphere to analyze the state of my mind in search of nightmares or unconscious traumas that may affect my mind.

With [Mythomania], I pretended to be going through horrible nightmares of war, suffering, and death by making it seem like I have Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, which is normal for Heroes who have experienced war on a global scale.

This is one of the reasons Heroes don't live long, Heroes' minds are designed to collapse over time causing the Hero to inevitably die, this is how the multiverse maintains balance.

"I agree with the fairy" – Nyaruko ignored Kuuko and spoke to me with some curiosity. – "That woman is beautiful and you are a womanizer, I am surprised that you are not trying to seduce her"

It is true that the woman in charge of taking care of my health is just my type, a beautiful mature blonde.

The problem is that although she treats me kindly, she remains alert and suspicious of me.

Apparently, Seraph warned her that I am a perverted womanizer who does not hesitate to seduce any beautiful woman who crosses my path...

To clarify why this woman knows Seraph even though we are in Auriel's territory, it is because she is one of Seraph's informants within the idealist faction.

The woman is not really a friend of Seraph, she is just her subordinate, but Seraph trusts her a lot so she is the right person to monitor my health after what happened in the Buddhist sect.

She is not a Higher Entity but a mortal and she is one of those in charge of the medical area of Paradise.

[Name: Sword Maiden

Origin: Goblin Slayer

Categories: Woman. Adult. Holy Maiden. Tragic character. Secondary character. Sexy Onee-san. Not virgin]

With the evolution of [Reader's Madness] my skills have been improved, for example, [Character Sheet] now shows me more information, although I feel like it became a stupid skill in a bad way.

On the other hand, since I met System Goddess I got used to people using titles as if they were names.

Nyaruko recognized this woman's series and her backstory is bizarre.

Although I don't know if she had the same traumas as in the original story, I'm sure she's had a lot of bad experiences.

The best evidence of this is that she began to treat me with kindness and empathy when she witnessed my nightmares where I am beaten, humiliated and tortured.

I made my nightmares abstract, but the general idea is obvious, my life sucks.

"Using pity to deceive the heart of a tragic woman…" – BB gave a thumbs up. – "Senpai is still the same trash as always, I'm proud~"

"Tch" – Chiyo wasn't happy with the fact that I'm already looking for ways to woo a woman I met a couple of hours ago, but her attention was focused on something else. – "Although you are fabricating those nightmares it seems that you are using real memories… Who are the people who bullied my cute little brother? I want their names…"

"She is definitely a Yuno Gasai" – Nyaruko nodded approvingly. – "Well, yandere waifus are a projection of the unconscious fear that otakus have towards abandonment and rejection, after all, a yandere can stab you, but never abandon you"

BB smiled. – "So senpai is the representation of possessive tendencies and fear of loneliness?"

"Hmmm, possibly yes" – Nyaruko nodded.

"Don't worry" – Abby spoke to me sympathetically. – "You are not the only one who feels lonely, but don't worry, you are not alone anymore…"

My mind became a support group for people with depression...

I sighed. – "If you are done talking nonsense then help me set the stage for the fictional dream"

"I insist, senpai's creativity to give names is terrible" - BB sneered.

"I'm not a writer, I'm a reader, so it doesn't matter" - I sighed.

"As you say senpai~" – BB continued to mock as he helped me prepare the method to deal with the students who accompanied me to Arifureta.

The Samsara Cycle gave me some ideas for new techniques using illusions and dreams.

There is something called the 'Dream Realm' which is the union of the dreams of all intelligent entities in the multiverse.

While that place is a massive source of information, the messy, abstract structure of dreams makes trying to analyze the Dream Realm a waste of time.

Despite that, there are entities capable of connecting to the Dream Realm in a conscious way. This does not allow you to see the secrets of the multiverse or find world coordinates, it is simply a good method to empty unnecessary thoughts.

For the Outer Gods, hibernation is the best remedy to avoid losing self-control, so some of them connect their minds to the Dream Realm to discard their thoughts and thus be able to sleep.

This does not mean that the Outer Gods are losing their memories, all they are doing is forcing themselves into a trance-like state with a blank mind.

It is somewhat similar to Buddhist meditation, but in a more extreme way, since if the Outer God is not careful, it is possible to lose track of time and thus fall asleep for eons.

The Dream Realm is basically an ideal mental labyrinth to rest, in fact, it is the place where Azathoth usually empties her mind to prevent her Madness from destroying her own body.

I only found out about this place because of Nyaruko since BB considers it a waste of time while Abby sees it as a boring place.

Although I don't plan to study the Dream Kingdom at the moment, that place gave me an idea.

Using my experience with the Samsara Cycle I made a dream space using [Reader's Madness].

That skill generates a narrative based on the information it can analyze, so if I can create false information that makes sense then I can overwrite the narrative by creating a new story.

This doesn't mean that I can modify the entire existence according to my wishes, but I can use [Schizophrenia] to create a perfectly believable illusion that will immerse people in a fictional world built by me.

What I am doing is similar to directing a fictional film and passing it off as a real documentary. The film must make sense and have a good narrative so that viewers really believe that they are seeing something totally real.

I really don't want to use this technique on the women in my harem as it's similar to brainwashing and I still think mind control or brainwashing my future wives is so easy it's boring.

The problem is that I will go directly back to Gaia so I will have to create false memories for the people who are hibernating in my Rasen Dimension or it will be troublesome to go back to the classroom without having won the affection of certain women.

There is also the fact that some heroines were sent to the Rasen Dimension before they met me so it will be difficult to explain to them that I kidnapped them because I want to add them to my harem even though we have never met, although technically that's what system users usually do...

The reason why I won't be able to return to Arifureta is that various problems arose in that world.

To begin with, the group in charge of supervising that world was furious that the heroes had disappeared without a trace, plus traces of the Basic Concept Magic had disappeared as if someone had destroyed the locations of the original formula fragments.

Fortunately for me, all the blame fell on the cultivators.

The idealistic faction thought that the heroes and the people related to destiny (heroines) were destroyed by the cultivators to prevent Paradise from being able to restart that world and thus obtain the formula.

Large organizations seem to take resources out of a world and then restart it to get constant resources without caring that the people of the said world are stuck in an endless and repetitive loop.

Restarting worlds can only be done on worlds where Higher Entities have not been born since that affects the world's records.

For example, Sora no Otoshimono cannot be rebooted since Daedalus became a Higher Entity so she is no longer part of the Plot. If that world is reset, the Plot will not work as it will be as if Daedalus never existed.

There are other factors that affect the plot, such as a system user taking a character out of the world.

Every time a system user kicks a woman out of a world she is causing that world to be doomed to destruction as the Plot cannot work and therefore it will not be possible to have a reboot.

A World is similar to a puzzle in that losing a piece will make it impossible to rebuild the puzzle.

Sure, we Heroes can help stabilize the Plot.

Heroes can replenish the pieces of the puzzle (Energy of Destiny) and this is how a World is saved.

However, it is impossible to stabilize the worlds where the Plot is totally destroyed, in those situations it only remains for a Superior Entity to provide new resources to create a new Plot.

An example of the latter is the Kenichi world. I literally destroyed the fabric of that world but gave it new resources so the world didn't die.

Anyway, the main point is that I'm going to make the students have a dream where they will experience what would have happened if the shitty monk hadn't shown up.

I feel bad for cheating on Tsugumi and the other women in my harem, but on the bright side, I'll be able to win over troublesome women without having to put up with annoying drama.

Although I can build this dream on my own, I asked for help from BB and the other girls as I want to make a perfect and unquestionable illusion.

This dream isn't just to increase the women in my harem and get rid of idiots I dislike, I'm also building an illusion for Azathoth so I can't make any mistakes.

When Azathoth is sent to the Rasen Dimension she will be asleep, I will take advantage of that to make her live an illusion so that she trusts me and thus allows me to put restrictions on her that limit her destructive power.

While this will allow me to have a weapon of mass destruction to threaten idiots causing trouble for me, she's too dangerous that I can't ask her to help me with all my problems.

To make a comparison, I am an ant fighting worms while Azathoth is a nuclear bomb.

If an ant uses a nuclear bomb to kill a worm the result will be the ant's self-destruction, it is even possible that my anthill (harem) will be destroyed as collateral damage.

I will keep Aazthoth in a quiet place until she is able to control her own power. In an emergency situation, I'll set her free and then run away while she destroys some of the universes until she calms down.

Anyway, for now, I will focus on a short-term goal.

I shook as if the emotional pain and trauma were severely affecting my mental stability.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine…" – Sword Maiden hugged me gently while she stroked my hair.

Although I still feel disgusted by motherly affection, it's nice to have my head pressed into this woman's breasts.

Then I have to thank Seraph for this service, I will give her a lot of affection when I can meet her.



Author's Note:

My bad need to explain everything strikes again… I'm sorry.

Anyway, this ends the Arifureta arc, although it actually looks like the Eternal Heaven Immortal arc.

It seems that I have an attention deficit as the plot moves everywhere….

Later I will do one or two short chapters to explain what the students saw in the dream, but it is basically the cliché of Luis being the hero and courting women in convenient situations.

With this arc I realized something, writing about anime worlds entertains me but I get bored fast as there is a certain plot I have to stick to, on the other hand, I love writing random worlds without a fixed plot since I have the freedom to do what I want and I don't have to spend five hours looking at the wiki...

My idea is to make small arcs of anime worlds focusing on expanding the harem while the main plot will focus on the chaos of the multiverse, in this way I will be able to explore weak worlds whose most valuable resource are the waifus such as Infinite Stratos, Akame ga Kill or My Hero Academia.

Anyway, that's my point of view, but I want to know what you think since my work is only possible with the support of my beloved readers, you.

To tell you the truth, sometimes I have trouble writing and my biggest inspiration is seeing that you guys enjoy my work so I want to give you the best work I can do.

Well, I got a little sentimental so in closing, I just want to thank you guys for reading my work.

I'd love to read any feedback you guys have, whether you like what I do or think my ideas are stupid, I really appreciate the feedback (I'm not a masochist!).

Tomorrow I'll update the character list since I'm sleepy, also, it's time to change the cover again~

Anyway, a hug <3

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