No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 240: Not Very Pleasant First Encounter...

Chapter 240: Not Very Pleasant First Encounter...

After my horrible act with the brats, I sent them to sleep and ignored Rin, Chino, and the other underage brats' claims that it wasn't fair to exclude them.

I held BB down so she wouldn't run away and took her to another room to talk about why the fuck the brats had come into my room while I was drunk, but her explanation only increased my migraine.

I massaged my forehead looking at the troubled purple-haired woman. – "Let me see if I understood, while I was succumbing to the demands of the readers performing unpleasant acts with brats, you were contacting three Outer Gods even though a single Outer God could completely destroy this world…"

BB smiled awkwardly as she lay on her side on the bed as her butt hurts and she can't sit up. – "When you say it like that you make me look like an idiot…"

"You're an idiot" - I sighed. – "But at least you prepared Contracts, that subtracts your idiocy points…"

"I made a lot of effort to get helpers for senpai, senpai should reward this pretty kohai" – BB pouted.

I sighed. – "Have you already given our coordinates to the Outer Gods?"

"Not yet" – BB kept pouting. –"I wanted to wait for senpai to stop stuffing lolis butts, see? I'm very considerate, senpai should be nicer…"

I walked over to BB and pinched her cheeks. – "I was willing to do it with Yue and only with her… Then why did almost all the brats I know enter my room?!"

"Waa senpai will break BB-chan!" – BB made pitiful sounds so I pinched her cheeks harder.

"If it wasn't for the fact that I have a certain level of self-control, then I would have slept with all the underage brats…" - I gritted my teeth angrily. – "Fortunately I only did it with the brats who are over 16 or they would really make me want to kill myself…"

"Senpai evaded the UN of the multiverse since they were legal lolis, well-done senpai" – BB smiled even though her cheeks hurt.

I sighed and released her cheeks. – "Forget it, it was only a matter of time for this to happen… Better explain the situation with the Outer Gods"

BB gave me a summary of the situation which made me frown.

Large organizations are hunting the Outer Gods as Beast VII is bragging about being the only entity capable of killing an Outer God which increased her prestige and influence.

Beast VII took advantage of this to gain worshipers and allies so other groups like Paradise and Eternal Heaven Immortal decided to divert a lot of resources to hunt down the Outer Gods.

Although individually the Outer Gods are among the strongest entities in the multiverse, the total power of an organization is enough to face the Outer Gods since they have no allies and no one will offer them help, they are not even capable of working as a team among themselves.

This is not just a matter of prestige, the body of an Outer God is a treasure chest so it is worth the investment.

For example, if Ortro were captured she would be turned into a weapon without a will as she has the power to destroy souls and her power to protect people from mental and spiritual control.

The situation is not good and the fact that Seraph did not tell me this means that this is a secret only known by the true leaders of each organization, it is even possible that Auriel is part of this hunting event.

If other entities know that I am an Outer God and also a system user then I will become one of the main targets to capture…

My only consolation is that not even my father knows that since at most he only knows that I am the reincarnation of Ortro and a system user.

Damnit, I barely have the power to threaten a solar system with the help of all my women, but now I'm getting drawn into a conflict that spans much of the multiverse...

Regardless, BB did the right thing.

This situation will bring a crisis for the Outer Gods, which will make it easier for me to recruit them and thus form an organization capable of opposing large groups such as Paradise and Hell...

I sighed. – "Fine, but before you call them let me make preparations"

I contacted System Goddess and asked her to modify Miledi's dungeon to be able to contain a Higher Entity in case an accident occurs.

Maybe I'm paranoid, but I asked for barriers that could contain magus, Outer Gods, cultivators, demons, and other powerful entities.

A barrier is strongest when it is designed to block a specific entity or a particular type of energy so it would be enough to prepare specialized barriers on Outer Gods, but I want to be prepared in case some idiot manages to enter this world due to a convenient coincidence.

That's not very likely, but caution is the key to survival.

Even though all the resources I currently have will only be able to contain a universe-level entity for two seconds, that will be enough to escape.

I summoned back the God of Wind and the divine bird Caladorius, then gave them the locations of the other heroines I haven't met yet and sent them to find them.

When they find the heroines, they will use spatial markers I made with [Anti-Rasen] to mark them, so I can quickly find them to take them to the Rasen Dimension in case of an emergency. If the worst comes to pass, later I will talk to those women because in the worst situation this world will disappear.

I had Navi take advantage of the connection with the wedding rings and he put space markers on the women I'm interested in, the rest of the students and citizens don't care.

I also contacted Coco and the other goddesses to return to Ortro's Mythological Pantheon after putting spatial markers on the rabbits.

Preparations were completed in 10 minutes, but for BB it was a long time as Nyarlathotep seems to be in danger.

The fact that an entity with universe-level power is begging for help only makes me uneasy, everything is becoming troublesome...

I nodded at BB and she sent the contracts through a cell phone she made herself long ago.

Only now have I discovered that there are three types of system users: Those who get a system like me, those who get a unique ability that allows them to evolve like the ability to devour all energies, and finally, those with a chat room that connects multiple realities so that the characters of different stories get to know each other.

I found this interesting, but it's something I'll look into when I have time.

[System Notification: The entity 'Nyarlathotep (Nyaruko)' is now owned by the user]

[System Notification: The entity 'Yog-Sothoth (Abigail Williams / Abby)' is now owned by the user]

[System Notification: Two property contracts have been successfully established. There is no resistance from both entities]

[System Notification: The 'Reader's Madness' energy has been synchronized with three paths of the Madness energy. 'Reader's Madness', 'Prankster's Madness', 'Collector's Madness', and 'Traveler's Madness']

[Warning: The different paths of Madness energy are fighting each other]

[Warning: An 'insanity attack' is being generated]

[System Notification: The 'Anti-Rasen' energy has managed to stabilize the four paths of Madness energy. Insanity attacks have been suppressed]

[System Notification: Anti-Rasen (75%) > (89%)

Complete control of the Anti-Rasen energy has not been achieved. The requirements to fully master this energy are unknown]

[System Notification: Title 'Crazy Psychiatrist (100%)' has been obtained]

[Crazy Psychiatrist: Your brain is missing a lobotomy…

Mental health care is the responsibility of a psychiatrist, but when the world is crazy, sanity is the real disease.

Increase efficiency by using proper skills, techniques, and methods to contain mental issues.

Empowers your own and other entities' Madness energy-based skills as long as those entities are close to the user]

A title that helps me suppress the Insanity attacks of the Outer Gods while also empowering my own and other Outer Gods' Madness-based skills...

Although it sounds good, the problem is that this title also benefits enemies...

I'm really becoming a living time bomb, how troublesome.

I sighed and nodded to BB who was looking at me with an amused smile since she can see my system notifications.

"Senpai is the best~ ♥" – BB smiled with obsessive affection as her eyes turned red.

I sighed internally, although I can more easily use [Anti-Rasen] to prevent BB from having a insanity attack, her own personality is already a problem...

BB sent the coordinates and without waiting a second I felt a distortion in space.

BB and I remained on our feet, System Goddess was waiting for my signal to activate all the traps to seal the Outer God while we escaped this world, but it seemed things were less troublesome than expected.

[System Notification: The approach of a Higher Entity has been detected. The entity is not hostile]

In front of us appeared a small Dimensional Gate that looked like a keyhole.

When the door appeared, I felt a great amount of Madness approach.

Even though this Madness had no hostile intentions, its mere presence was capable of corrupting the minds of most sentient entities which could bring about the apocalypse in low and mid-level worlds, even high-level worlds like Gaia would enter into chaos by this energy.

[System Notification: The 'Reader's Madness' energy has negated the degeneration and corruption effects of the 'Traveler's Madness' energy. The 'Anti-Rasen' energy has suppressed the spread of the 'Traveller's Madness' energy.]

Small steps approached from the door making me sigh, more brats...

What appeared was a small twelve-year-old girl with long blonde hair, the most striking thing about her appearance was the keyhole-shaped hole in her forehead.

She was dressed in revealing clothing consisting of strips of black cloth in the shape of butterflies, a witch's hat, small black panties, and she was holding what looked like a large key as if it were a sword, although the said key was broken.

Because of the experience I have gained helping to heal BB's wounds, I became the first doctor capable of treating the wounds of an Outer God, so I could see that this little girl was not well, leaving aside that her clothes were not suitable for a brat, she looked tired and hurt.

The little girl approached us causing the Dimensional Gate to close, but before she could speak, BB snorted disdainfully. – "Damn exhibitionist loli, are you trying to seduce my senpai?"

The little girl pouted. – "My favorite dress was destroyed, I only have this"

"Tch, perverted loli" – BB sneered.

The girl pouted angrily, but seeing me, she dropped the broken key and took off her hat making them disappear, then she came up to me and hugged me. – "So nice and warm…"

The brat wasn't interested in my body, she was actually sensing my [Anti-Rasen] energy.

The brat's energy was unstable, but when she hugged me her energy managed to calm down.

Apparently, she was on the verge of an insanity attack and she could only calm down by coming into contact with my energy.

I sighed and automatically stroked her head making the brat smile.

"It's not fair senpai! You're only supposed to pamper me and not this perverted loli!" – BB made an angry expression.

Although she was joking on the surface, the red light in her eyes showed that she was really angry.

I kept stroking the brat's head while using [Anti-Rasen] to stabilize her 'Traveller's Madness' which was causing the Laws of space to distort.

If this brat were to lose control, then the entire space would become chaotic causing the world to be destroyed by space storms…

I sighed and looked at BB. – "You did a good job, as long as it is not excessive you can ask me for one thing"

BB's eyes returned to normal and she then smiled mischievously. – "Oh, senpai, you finally recognize the importance of your pretty kohai~ Come on senpai, say how much you love this pretty kohai~"

This girl is letting herself go… But well, she asked for it.

"BB, I'm really sorry for not having been nicer to you, it's true that you are wonderful and without you, my life would be incomplete" - I smiled softly ignoring the feeling of nausea. – "Thank you for existing and being part of my life"

"…" – BB stared at me and then turned around. – "I'll be back in a moment, I need to go vomit"

BB disappeared leaving me alone with the brat.

I sighed and looked at the brat who was rubbing her cheek on my abdomen.

"Finally... No more voices in my head... It's so nice to hear my own thoughts..." - The brat seemed to be in the happiest moment of her life.

I smiled wryly. – "It is a pleasure to meet you, my name is Luis and as you should know, I recently became an Outer God"

"Um, I already heard from Daoloth" – The brat moved her cheek away from my abdomen and looked at me with a big smile. – "I am Abigail… Abigail Williams… Others know me as Yog-Sothoth, but it would be better if you call me Abby… I am sure we will be good friends… Thank you for silencing the voices"

One of the biggest problems of the Outer Gods is that Madness often generates multiple personality disorder, this disorder becomes uncontrollable voices that express different emotions, thoughts, and desires at the same time, which causes attacks of dementia.

Although it is impossible to destroy those voices as that would cause the Madness energy to disappear, there are other ways to deal with the voices.

For example, I gave name and shape to the voices which caused the birth of Ortro, on the other hand, BB learned to live with the voices giving birth to a second personality that she baptized as 'Simp Side'.

From what I see, Abby kept strong control over the voices almost as if they were a subordinate, but the wounds on her soul weakened her control over the voices so her mind was suffering due to the voices trying to control her mind.

Using [Anti-Rasen] I put the voices to sleep so they wouldn't continue to affect her mind, so she could have her mind at peace without the risk of damaging her Madness energy.

"For now here, eat something" - I took out some cookies for Abby which she received with a big smile.

"Then can you make me pancakes? They are my favorites" – Abby ate the cookies with a big smile while one of her hands refused to let go of my shirt.

"Yes, later I'll make you the food you want" - I smiled wryly. – "For now let me check your condition, as you should know, BB has a wounded soul and her body was totally destroyed so we have been developing methods to heal the wounds of Outer Gods"

"Oh" – Abby looked at me in surprise. – "Did you do these methods to heal your own wounds?"

"Partly yes" - I agreed. – "But I also want to help BB, she can be a headache, but she is still my wife"

"…" – Abby nodded and ate the cookies in silence.

I sat on a sofa with Abby on my lap and used [Reader's Madness]'s analytical abilities to check Abby's body.

Seeing her condition I wanted to sigh, this brat is in very bad shape.

Although her body is in good condition, her soul is fragmented and although there are no missing pieces of her soul, it will take a long time to put all the fragments back together without causing side effects.

The physical body is something replaceable for the Higher Entities, but the wounds in the soul are a serious case.

Abby is less hurt than BB, but if the little girl uses too much of her power, she could break her Core of Existence which will permanently damage her soul and mind.

From the type of injuries she received, she must have been attacked by a powerful Devourer, so it's surprising that no fragments of her soul are missing.

Abby is the hardest Outer God to catch because of her space skills, but the real cockroach is BB as her trick of hiding her soul inside her own Madness makes her nearly impossible to kill.

I'll have to talk to BB about teaching that trick to other Outer Gods, though I'm sure she'll ask for something troublesome in return.

In short, BB's case is about rebuilding a body compatible with her soul while helping Abby will be like completing a puzzle with millions of pieces, it will take time, but it just takes patience.

During the medical check-up, Abby was like a spoiled kitten, she kept a happy expression while eating cookies without causing any trouble.

Let's see, just like BB, Abby should have a universe-level destructive power, but because of her injuries, she is somewhere between the world and the solar system...

I already expected that things would not be too easy for me so I am not disappointed.

I kept checking on Abby's health when BB showed up again.

"Ugh, senpai, I hate it when you're so disgustingly cheesy" – BB sighed, but seeing me she raised an eyebrow. – "Senpai finally accepted his loli fetish?"

I rolled my eyes. – "Why don't you be like Abby? Look at her, she is a good girl who does not give me headaches"

Abby had an expression of satisfaction at being called a good girl.

"It's not fair that senpai shows favoritism" – BB pouted, but she wasn't angry as she was before. – "Mm? Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something?

Abby finished another cookie. – "Nyarlathotep"

"Oh right, that otaku idiot!" - BB applauded. – "Hey loli, bring that idiot, but do it discreetly so that the bald monk doesn't find us"

Abby nodded. – "Now that I do not hear the voices I can improve my control of the space so it will not be a problem"

Abby reached out her little hand and the broken key appeared in her hand.

"Are you sure you can make a Door discreetly?" - BB looked at the key with a frown.

Abby nodded. – "Even though I can't use much energy, my skills weren't sealed like you were, so no problem"

"Tch, damn loli" – BB clicked her tongue.

Abby pointed the key at nothing and then turned it as if she were opening a door.

With the sound of a key opening a door, a keyhole appeared in front of us.

[System Notification: The approach of a Higher Entity has been detected. The entity is not hostile]

From the Dimensional Gate appeared a girl who appeared to be 14 or 15 years old, her hair was silver and although she was cute, the fact that she was missing an arm and covered in wounds was unsettling.

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia'..................….. Error Error Error Error...….. A powerful Energy of Destiny is interfering with the skill 'Paranoia']

Damn Murphy's Law!

"Don't activate the barriers right away" – I quickly contacted System Goddess. – "We cannot prevent the enemy from entering this world, but we can seal his energy when he is here, just wait for my signal"

[Warning: A Higher Entity is approaching. The entity is not hostile, but it is recommended to escape]

I didn't try to use [Anti-Rasen] to seal the Dimensional Gate since that would be a wasted effort on top of showing off my skills.

What worried me is that Abby started vomiting black blood so I focused on stabilizing her energy.

I can't use [Hero's Martyrdom] on Abby since Auriel's blessing is like acid to the Outer Gods due to Karma incompatibility so I can only use [Anti-Rasen] discreetly.

"Damn bald monk!" – The silver-haired girl used something like a steel lever to hit a beam of golden energy that came out from inside the Gate.

Although the girl managed to destroy the purification energy attack in one hit, it seemed to have injured her so she spat out black blood.

Abby was about to try to close the Gate, but I used a little mind ability to give her a message. – "Cut the connection with the Gate or you will get hurt"

Abby sighed and severed her connection to the Dimensional Gate just as two giant golden hands gripped the edges of the gate to prevent it from closing.

If Abby hadn't severed the link to the Gate, her soul would take additional damage since the hands were made of Buddhist energy with purifying properties.

Although this is my first time seeing Buddhist energy, System Goddess has told me a lot about cultivators so I roughly understand what we're up against.

As if the enemy wanted to confirm my theories, a suffocating yet relaxing pressure emerged from the Gate...

[System Notification: The Auriel's blessing has been synchronized with the 'Golden Samsara Mantra'. An improvement has been obtained in the skills related to the concepts 'Calm', 'Peace, 'Order', and 'Purification']

[System Notification: Skills related to the concepts 'Insanity' and 'Chaos' will receive a penalty while the 'Mantra of Golden Samsara' is active]

[System Notification: The 'Reader's Madness' energy has weakened. The skills 'Reader's Perspective', 'Sadism', 'Schizophrenia', 'Paranoia', 'Dissociative Identity', and 'Character Sheet' are temporarily inaccessible]

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' has managed to bypass the 'Mantra of Golden Samsara', but its effectiveness has been reduced to less than 10%]

[System Notification: The Ortro entity has been forced into hibernation. black blood's regenerative and defensive abilities have been suppressed]

… Shit…

"Amitabha… Evil creature, give up futile resistance…" – A middle-aged man appeared from inside the Gate.

There was nothing special about his appearance and he looked like the stereotypical pacifist monk, but his mere presence could bring even gods to their knees in worship.

"I prepared some measures in case you wanted to run away" – The monk looked at BB and Abby in amazement. – "But I did not expect that other evil creatures would help you escape… Well, never mind, I will make sure to purify all of you…"

"Luis" - System Goddess spoke to me nervously. – "This man is the Great Buddha of Order, he is one of the guardians of the largest organization of cultivators and he is the strongest Buddhist cultivator in the multiverse…"

"Despite being able to destroy universes, his skills focus on evil and chaotic entities so if you only use Hero abilities you have a chance of surviving…"

"He is also friendly with Auriel so you can take advantage of that, but whatever happens, stay humble as this man hates selfish and overbearing people…"

"Understood" – I mentally prepared myself. – "Can the barriers suppress his energy?"

"I'm connecting the barriers to the core of this world to enhance the barriers through the Laws, this will damage my Karma, but that's better than dying..." - System Goddess spoke bitterly. – "Tell me when you are ready, I can only suppress his Buddhist energy for half a second, but I am sure that man has many defensive devices so a sneak attack will not necessarily work"

"He seems to be hurt" - I'm racing my thoughts to speak as much as possible before the monk pays attention to me. – "What level do you think he is at?"

"At most, he's a galaxy level" – System Goddess wasn't sure either. – "But I heard that he uses the Dao of Samsara so his skills must be based on rebirth, purification, life cycle and it is even possible that he can see parallel timelines so don't be hasty"

So troublesome...

"Take care of the barriers and wait for my signal" – I answered and focused on using [Anti-Rasen] to hide my [Reader's Madness] making me look like a heroic human with Positive Karma, I also made sure to show my Auriel's Blessing.

BB was struggling to stay on her feet as the Buddhist energy was suppressing her Medness making her unable to speak.

Abby kept vomiting black blood as the Buddhist energy was damaging her Madness.

Nyarlathotep was badly hurt and her legs were shaking as if she was going to pass out at any moment.

Although it is clear that the monk is also injured, his physical body seems abnormally strong as he remained calm even when his had a hole in it where his heart should be.

The problem is that the Laws of this world were suppressing Nyarlathotep and Abby since they are both foreign entities. The Laws didn't affect BB as she is linked to me so she shares in the benefits of me having the plot armor of this world.

The monk was also being suppressed by the Laws, but his restrictions were much less compared to the two girls since he has a lot of Positive Karma so the world sees him as an ally.

Another problem is that the monk has no sins so Auriel's sword won't hurt him either.

To increase my chances of survival, I used the Contracts that control Ehit to make the idiot god head towards the residence of the overseer sent by Paradise and stand by for orders.

When I give the order, the god will report a cultivator invasion.

Although this monk may be friends with Auriel and maybe have some acquaintances in Paradise, the Tower incident made the relationship between Paradise and cultivators hostile so I can take advantage of the situation.

It had been a long time since the last time I had a headache from thinking too many things in a short time… How troublesome.

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