No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 233: New Tenant for the Madman's Mind

Chapter 233: New Tenant for the Madman's Mind

A week of training was enough for the rabbits to stop being hippies to become a squad of professional assassins, I am satisfied with the result, although they can still improve...

"I don't know how I should feel" – Shea sighed as she enjoyed a fruit cocktail. – "My family looks happy and that makes me happy… But seeing them kill monsters as if they were ants is strange…"

Shea, Yue, and I had a moment of peace while the rabbits were skinning the monsters they had hunted as they are learning how to gather materials.

Knowing the anatomical structure of a body makes it easier to cut meat efficiently, so a butcher can separate the meat from the bone with the same precision that a samurai shows when swinging his sword.

I personally don't like taxidermy, but it is very useful to learn how to cut the enemy's tendons, ligaments, nerves, and veins.

Since I have always liked animals, my first practices in anatomy, taxidermy, and surgery were with a group of idiots who invented assaulting me taking advantage of the fact that I was an eight-year-old boy.

Anyway, it's nice to see that the rabbits take training seriously.

"Look on the bright side" - I smiled. – "Your family is now able to protect themselves and level up… With their current strength, they should be able to take on any Empire squad as long as they stay inside the forest"

Since I had little time, I trained the rabbits in guerrilla tactics so that they can protect themselves while staying in the forest.

Although they can still fight in open terrain and have the ability to infiltrate fortresses, rabbits now specialize in ambushes, traps, and stealth assassinations.

"Even so…" - Shea sighed. – "Well, at least they still have a certain kindness so I won't keep complaining"

The rabbits happily lived together as a loving family while mutilating monsters that were still alive since more things are learned from vivisection than with a dissection.

I smiled wryly. – "Being hit by Yue made you mature?"

Shea pouted. – "She was too cruel to me, I thought she would turn me into an ice statue! You must comfort me…"

I sighed and hugged her waist allowing her to put her head on my shoulder. - "That's better?"

"Hehehehe~" – Shea started giggling.

"It's not fair…" – Yue pouted. – "You are more affectionate with the noisy rabbit…"

"You're a brat and Shea is closer to my age" - I sighed as Shea's ears caressed my cheek, this girl is quite cute when she's not loud.

"But I'm older!" – Yue pouted more.

"Even if you use magic to change your appearance, your attitude is that of a brat so I'll still treat you like a brat" - I shrugged.

"It's not fair…" – Yue was depressed as she was worried about my lack of sexual interest in her body, and even seems to believe that there is a possibility that I will leave her because I don't feel sexually attracted to her.

Dependence on this brat is a headache, although she is a bit adorable.

I sighed and grabbed her waist to sit her on my lap, then took out a lollipop from her and put it in her mouth. – "You are a spoiled brat so I am going to pamper you a little… But for the love of God, she stops trying to drag me to bed"

Yue ignored my complaints and enjoyed the close contact.

Unlike Yue who tends to get jealous easily, Shea has no problem with me flirting with other women as long as I show her affection.

So we spent some quiet time until I received a sudden message from Seraph.

[Seraph: Hero, my friend is ready to go to your location.

To prevent an information leak that could endanger you, I have prepared a bondage contract where my friend will be your servant for 100 years. She is not very strong, but her skill in combat puppet production is top-notch so she can help you in case you need a combat squad.

I'm going to be busy for a while so it will take a while to answer your messages so I hope you can get along with my friend.

Finally, and as a thank you for your effort and help, I will give you an additional gift so you can protect yourself.

When you're ready to receive my friend just send me a message]

[System Notification: The entity 'Seraph' has sent two items.

- Property contract of the entity 'Daedalus'.

- Concept Weapon: Auriel's Justice]

[System Notification: The title 'Silly Jack' has not found any cheats in the property contract]

I pulled Yue off my lap and made Shea let go of me.

"Wait here for a moment" - I sighed.

"You go?" – Yue asked me with slight anxiety.

I smiled and stroked her hair. – "An ally is coming and I need to welcome her"

"I will accompany you" – Yue stood up and held my hand.

I sighed and forced her to sit down. – "Just wait a minute, I won't be long"

Although Seraph's 'friend' must follow my orders, Yue and Shera are not yet ready to get involved in the affairs of Higher Entities.

While both girls are strong, brute force is not important in ascending out of the chains of Destiny and if both girls become obsessed with ascending then they will lose their way which will damage their future Concepts. It is also because of this that I have not helped my wives to ascend and I let them find their Ways themselves.

Shea was more understanding than Yue, but she was still worried that I would walk away.

I had to give the girls several desserts to stop them from complaining, then I left the safe area that I built with multiple barriers and went to an area that I previously prepared.

A couple of days ago I found the dungeon entrance and although the door could only be opened after completing other dungeons, System Goddess modified the magical formations giving me access to the dungeon.

I haven't explored the dungeon yet as I want Yue and Shera to be the ones to clean it so they can train, but this place is suitable for receiving my new maid.

Now that I've seen the contract I'm sure that Seraph didn't send me her friend but her slave.

Although Seraph believes in Auriel's teachings of kindness and fairness, she is more realistic and understands that kindness cannot solve all problems, sometimes it is necessary to play dirty to progress.

I went to a room of the dungeon and covered it with [Anti-Rasen] to avoid drawing attention from other entities, then accepted the contract Seraph sent me.

[System Notification: The entity 'Daedalus' is now owned by the user]

Before sending a message to Seraph, I first checked the artifact I received. Depending on the quality of the artifact, I'll be able to get an idea of what Seraph thinks about me and how bad the situation is.

[Auriel's Justice: Fairly, heroically, and justly, I'm going to break your face...

"When facing your enemies, keep a gentle heart or hate will control you"



- Judgment: When locking on a target, their 'Sins' will be judged. In case the sins are greater than the virtues, the execution will be carried out.

- Execution: The sword will be called to execute the sinner, the attack will ignore defensive skills, probability modification, reality manipulation, and spatial movement. The souls of the sinners will be purified of any skill, energy, and mind becoming blank sheets ready for reincarnation]

This is Auriel's personal sword...

"Luis..." - System Goddess was practically salivating. – "Let me disassemble that sword, I'm sure I can refine the materials… I can even study the Concepts used in this sword so you can use it with your Dissociative Identity skill…"

"Not for now" - I sighed internally, this is problematic. – "This sword was created with the power of Auriel and if Serafin gave me something so valuable it means that she put all her expectations on me… It will be a problem if she discovers that I used this treasure to refine other weapons"

I can't make Tsubaki devour this weapon as there is a trace of spiritual consciousness in the sword.

This conscience is not going to spy on me rather it is a security mechanism designed so that only Auriel, Seraph, and I can use this sword… An interesting security mechanism.

"B-But… I can make a much stronger weapon…" – System Goddess sounded like a little girl who was abandoned by her parents in the middle of the road.

"Sentimental value is important" - I smiled bitterly. – "If I am not mistaken, Seraph gave me this so that I can show that I am close to Auriel, which will give me many benefits and allow me to recruit other entities more easily"

I heard Tsubaki sigh sadly. – "So now this sword will be your main weapon…"

I smiled slightly. – "You are wrong… Although this artifact is a sword, its main function is that of a guillotine so it is not suitable for combat, don't worry, you will continue to be my main weapon"

Tsubaki was relieved but still worried.

Although it is clear that I am not going to abandon her, the idea that she is no longer an appropriate weapon for me makes her sad since in the multiverse there are many weapons much stronger than her.

I may find stronger weapons or women who become powerful weapons in the future, but at this point I can't leave Tsubaki as she is a weapon perfectly suited to my combat style so her worries are unnecessary.

While Auriel's sword is powerful, there are many restrictions on this sword so I can only use it in specific situations.

For starters, I can only use this sword against enemies that are classified as villains or enemies of the world as the sword judges sins and not negative karma which means I can only use it to kill truly evil entities that enjoy causing suffering to innocent people.

What's problematic about this is that Seraph is putting too many resources on me, which may seem good in the short term, but in the long term this means I'll get involved in large-scale battles between organizations, it's even possible that I'll be drawn into the conflict that Paradise has with cultivators...

Very troublesome.

Anyway, for now, I have to focus on getting strong and ready for future problems so I sent a message to Seraph to confirm that everything was ready.

[System Notification: The user's spatial coordinates are being used for dimensional travel. Use the skill 'Mythomania' to change spatial coordinates?



[System Notification: The approach of a Higher Entity has been detected. The entity is not hostile]

A holy-looking golden gate appeared in front of me, and although I could recognize a mark of Seraph's energy and Auriel's blessing, I still mentally prepared myself to fight in case an enemy entity had infiltrated during the dimensional journey.

The door opened and from it appeared a woman who was sitting in a strange flying machine even though she had two pairs of wings.

The woman's appearance was attractive but not too beautiful. Her body was slender and while her face was beautiful, the bangs of her long blue hair covered her eyes making her look like a slightly gloomy woman.

"N-Nice to meet you…" – The woman bowed. – "My name is Daedalus… From today I will be your servant… W-Well… How should I refer to you?"

"Oh, she looks familiar to me" – Arisa sounded curious.

[Name: Daedalus

Origin: Sora no Otoshimono (Error: Higher Entity)

Categories: Woman. Secondary Heroine. (Error: Higher Entity)]

I had a slight migraine, using this ability on Higher Entities gives me a huge headache and it's actually not at all useful as the Higher Entities managed to separate themselves from their origin stories so the information may be wrong but it was worth it since Arisa shouted excitedly.

"Now I remember that anime! Sexy angels with big breasts!" – Arisa sounded proud of herself for remembering something stupid. – "She is the creator of a group of very powerful robotic angels… Ah, one of the most beloved waifus on the internet was created by her! Ask her where is Ikar■■!.... Ahem, ask her where the pink-haired angeloid is"

I looked at the woman who was looking at me nervously and a little scared since she felt the traces of [Character Token] so she must think I used an analysis skill to study her.

From her reaction, I can guess a few things which made me sigh. – "Seraph ordered you to blindly follow me and keep the fact that you are a slave a secret?"

Daedalus froze and her face paled, but she didn't nod or deny, she just stood still.

I saw traces of a Contract that prevented her from revealing the truth, so my theory turned out to be true, this woman is Seraph's slave and she gave her to me to have a subordinate with whom I can face the dangers.

I sighed. – "Okay, I understand the situation… Did Serpah order you to report my secrets to her?"

The Contract is already active which prevents her from lying to me.

Daedalus was quick to shake her head. – "N-Now I am the property of the hero and although the contract says 100 years, Lady Seraph said that I will live in the service of the hero for the rest of my life…"

Although she sounded a bit sad, there was no reluctance in her words as if she had already accepted her destiny.

To think that a Higher Entity would be reduced to a disposable servant… The multiverse is cruel.

On the other hand, Seraph is interesting, she reveres Auriel at the same time that she is willing to use the same methods of the racist faction. I like that woman more and more.

Daedalus' energy was weak so she must be similar to the System Goddess, an entity focused on utility rather than combat.

Taking advantage of the fact that this place is isolated from the world, I let Goddess of the System and BB out so they could meet their new partner.

"Cultivator?" – Daedalus looked at the System Goddess with suspicion, but when her eyes met BB's it was as if she had seen the end of the world. – "Da-Da-Da-Da-Daoloth!"

"Oh, I'm popular~" – BB smiled cruelly as her eyes turned red.

I sighed and pinched BB's cheek. – "Stop bullying her, now she is our partner"

"Ouch ouch ouch ouch senpai is going to break BB-chan, BB-chan's weak body will be mistreated by senpai *desperate waifu cry in mindbreak doujin*" – BB pretended to cry.


I sighed tiredly. – "Don't make me use [Sadism]"

BB shut her mouth, she is afraid of that skill.

"Better" - I sighed and let go of her cheek.

Daedalus looked at me in disbelief. – "C-Can you give orders to that monster?"

"That's rude" – BB pouted. – "I am the most beautiful and harmless kohai in the multiverse, do not lie to senpai to make me look like a monster"

Daedalus seemed scared of BB so I sighed and pinched the troublesome Outer God's cheek again.

"Senpai prefers an unknown woman over his cute kohai! Senpai is a heartless bastard!"

[System Notification: Senpai is trash]


"Stop doing that" – I massaged my forehead.

"Do what?" – BB made a false expression of innocence.

[System Notification: Neee senpai~]


I really hope that Nyarlathotep is not as annoying as this woman...

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' is packing bags to run away]


I need to hit something...

I asked Ortro to bring Ehit, now I understand why that girl likes to chew gods, causing pain to a deity is strangely relaxing...

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