No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 231: No one touches my bunny

Chapter 231: No one touches my bunny

As we headed to the Sea of Trees, Shea wanted to know more about us so Yue told her tragic story as we relaxed in a wagon. Although it would be faster to travel on Ortro, sometimes it's nice to take a moment to enjoy the moments of peace.

The perverted brat was clever and kept secret the fact that her uncle had been released from Ehit's clutches so Shea thought that Yue was still sad at being betrayed by her family and her subjects.

Although Yue already knows the truth of her uncle's betrayal, she is still angry as spending 300 years in complete darkness and loneliness is not an easy thing to overcome.

Shea began to cry as she hugged Yue. – "Uwaaa you have suffered so much!"

Yue had an uncomfortable expression, but at the same time, she seemed a little moved by the sincere concern of the rabbit girl.

Yue hasn't had any real friends since she ascended the throne at a young age so Shea could be considered her first friend.

Shea managed to calm down and then started waving my hand. - "How about you? How was your past? What have you been through?"

I rolled my eyes. – "What makes you think I have a tragic past? Well, my life has certainly been a mess, but I don't have a depressed idiot attitude"

"I want to know more about you" - Shea smiled, the sincerity of this girl is closer to naivety than innocence.

I sighed. – "I am from another world, my father is trash who indebted to my family to the point that I had to flee the country to avoid being killed, then I worked to the brink of death to feed my useless mother and my noisy sister, then my father disappeared leaving me the debt, now I am working as a mercenary for smugglers…"

"One day I was transported together with a group of idiotic teenagers to this world... During the exploration of a dungeon, a group of idiots attacked me because they are jealous of me since I have a harem... I fell into an abyss and that's how I met Yue" - I shrugged. – "It is not a tragic past, just problematic"

Shea hugged me. – "To think that you were betrayed by your classmates… Don't worry! I will never leave you nor betray you!"

… Is this woman deaf or does she only hear what she wants to hear?

Yue held my hand. – "Mmm… Revenge"

"I don't think it's necessary, someone else could go ahead and eliminate those idiots" - I smiled wryly.

Shion was not present when I was attacked from behind, but she is not only a sadistic woman, but she is very talented in information gathering.

Even though the crazy girls in my harem already know that this was part of my plan, Shion, Mion, Rena, and Akane won't be happy knowing that someone decided to attack me from behind.

I just hope Tsugumi can keep them under control or it will be a headache if those girls start brazenly murdering the other students, it's better if only tragic accidents happen with no evidence.

Yue pouted, this brat wants to prove that she is a suitable woman for me.

We finally reached the Sea of ​​Trees so we got off the carriage.

The rabbits would be our guides to get to the entrance of the dungeon, although the truth is that I can find my way through the threads of destiny on my own.

Before entering the forest, Shea's father asked us if we had any way to hide our presence since this place is forbidden for humans and the rabbits had been considered traitors for protecting Shea.

I'm not in the mood for niceties and I can sense that there are beastkins nearby so we'll be found before long, so I just shrugged. – "Let's move forward, I will take care of it if a problem arises"

Shea's father sighed and led us through the woods.

In a few minutes, a group of weretigers appeared and started talking nonsense about taking out the humans and killing Shea.

What I like about using the identity of Luis is that I can be violent without the need for dialogue so I used the second stance of Full Contact Karate, Phoenix Kick.

The forest trembled as a deep rift appeared in front of the weretigers causing them to back away in fear as their instincts warned them of danger.

I pointed to the crack in the floor. – "If one of you crosses that line I am going to kill you, now stop bothering us and get out of here"

The leader of the group gritted his teeth in frustration as our difference in strength is obvious, but his concern for the other forest dwellers gave him the courage to question me with hostility. – "Tell me… What is your objective?"

"Under what you call the Great Tree Ua Alt there is a dungeon, my goal is to enter that place" - I answered with slight annoyance showing that I have little patience.

"What?! One of the seven great dungeons?!" – The man seemed not to know about this.

That's understandable, if this information was made public then a lot of idiots would try to complete the dungeon causing a lot of senseless deaths.

"It is a difficult place to access even for demihumans so it is logical that it is a dungeon" - I sighed. – "Surely you do not have the authority to make a decision so let's do this, go to your leaders and tell them I am here to pass the test of the Liberators"

The weretiger looked angry, but he still nodded and decided to talk to the leaders of the forest while his subordinates watched us so that we didn't do anything suspicious.

Before the man left, I gave him one last message. – "Oh, right, something else… The Haulia tribe are now my subordinates and if anyone dares to attack them, I will split them in half"

The man's mouth trembled bitterly and he hurriedly sought to speak to his superiors.

Shea approached me with concern. – "It was not necessary for you to threaten them, I do not want you to get in trouble for protecting us…"

I rolled my eyes. – "Even if there were no witnesses, my actions made me an enemy of the Empire, it is already a waste of time worrying about making more enemies"

Shea looked down feeling guilty so I sighed. – "If you are so worried about the future then become strong so that you can help me fight… Your tribe also has some potential so I can help them train"

The rabbit tribe has no magical abilities and low physical strength. Compared to other beastkin, this tribe is the weakest, especially because of the pacifist and submissive mentality.

Despite their weaknesses, this tribe has excellent senses, reflexes, and agile bodies, as well as being talented in stealth techniques.

With proper training they can be talented assassins, I can even teach them some ninjutsu techniques, I just have to remove their moral limiters through psychological torture.

Sure, I have no problem if the rabbits want to remain pacifists since they will still serve me as farmers, but it all depends on what they choose.

Despite that, I really want Shea to improve her strength since she has great innate potential as a magical warrior.

Her body is suitable for body strengthening spells and if she learns martial arts, in the future she could be a fighter comparable to Kanata, of course, that will only be possible if Shea has enough willpower to withstand my training.

On a side note, Kanata has no talent in martial arts, and to make up for that, she spends most of her time training and that's why she's not in my Core of Existence.

Shea stared at me and then clenched her fists in determination. – "I want to be strong to protect my family!"

I smiled slightly and patted her head. – "Fine, then I will help you train"

Shea looked happy, but Yue gave her a sympathetic look. - "Do not die…"

Now Shea looked worried.

After a few minutes, the weretiger finally returned with an adult elf escorted by a group of elven warriors.

"I am Ulfric Heipyst, one of those who hold the position of Elder of the country of the Beastman Country of Verbergen" - The man introduced himself politely. – "I have already heard your story, but before speaking I want to ask you something…"

The elf looked at us seriously. – "Where did you hear the word 'Liberators'?"

From my Rasen Dimension, I drew the evidence that we completed the Orcus Labyrinth. – "This is the ring of Oscar Orcus"

I handed the item to the elf and he inspected it carefully. – "Certainly this emblem belongs to him… I find it hard to believe, but without a doubt, you were able to reach Oscar Orcus's hideout"

The elf handed the artifact back to me and started walking to guide us. – "Very well, with my name I give the authorization for you to enter our city, the incursion into the dungeon will have to wait"

I sighed. - "Because?"

"At the base of the tree there is a thick fog where even we would get lost, but there is a time when the fog is less dense so we must wait" - He replied calmly. – "Any demihuman should know"

I sighed and looked at Shea's father who looked worried because he claimed to be able to take us to the tree.

"Well… what can I say… a lot happened and I forgot…" – The man seemed nervous, then pointed at Shea. – "Why didn't you say something all the way?!"

"Are you going to blame me?!" - Shea yelled. – "I saw you so confident that I thought it was already the time when the fog diminished!"

The rabbits began to argue so as not to take the blame.

I sighed and looked at Yue.

"I want to see the forest…" – Yue was curious to see how much the world had changed in the last 300 years.

I smiled bitterly and stroked her hair. - "Let's go"

We followed the elf while the rabbits were still arguing so I hit them on the head to make them shut up.

The country Verbergen was more like a city-state than a real country. It was basically a city within the forest where non-human races coexisted.

The demihumans (the name given to all non-human races) had been persecuted and attacked by humans for centuries so they had developed hostility and distrust towards humans so when Yue and I arrived, we received many looks of disgust, fear, and a little curiosity.

Since vampires died out hundreds of years ago, they thought Yue was human too, but she doesn't seem to care what others think and just looked around curiously while holding my hand.

We were taken to the elven leader's residence where we had a long and boring talk where I explained that this world was being controlled by the gods and all races were just playthings of the gods.

One important thing I learned when I captured Ehit was that the false gods of this world favor humans because they were human too, only with much more advanced magic.

Ehit and his bunch of idiots saw this world as a game where demihumans were targets that they had to hunt down to score points.

The elf did not seem surprised or upset by this, he already seemed to know that the false god was a jerk and even mentioned that his ancestors left the task of not being hostile to those who complete the dungeons, besides that, he had to guide said people to find the dungeon inside the forest.

This was a rule that came from the founding of this country, but some people did not agree with this.


A perfect example is a stupid werebear who just kicked the door down.

"What do you mean by inviting humans and defectors?!" – The bear pointed at us with disgust while I ate an apple, the fruit of this place is delicious.

"I just followed the tradition" - The elf sighed. – "If you are also one of the elders you should be able to understand the situation"

"As if such a weak human could be qualified!" – The bear pointed at me.

"Hey Listen! Shut up you noisy bitch! I'm eating!" – Navi threw a tangerine peel at the man's face.

"… What's that?" – The elf looked at Navi in surprise since he didn't notice when the idiot started eating the fruit.

"I'm the fucking master of this place! Kneel before my greatness!" – Navi being Navi.

"Do he have a problem with his brain?" – Yue asked me with curiosity.

"The idiot doesn't even have a brain" - I sighed.

"Only losers have brains! A true leading man doesn't need it!" – Navi shouted with joy and began to eat grapes.

The werebear's face turned red from extreme fury since we were ignoring him.

"To hell with this!" – The stupid bear approached me and clenched his fist to hit me in the face. – "I am going to put this weakling to the test!"

Yue was about to use her magic to destroy the bear so I patted her to calm down.

I raised my hand and taking advantage of the fact that the bear's fist was not firm, I grabbed his little finger, then slightly pushed his little finger causing his own force to attack the joints of his hand.

The werebear lost control of his own body and in an instant was kneeling on the ground.

Jujutsu is useful against large opponents who rely on brute force as the more force the enemy uses, the more damage they deal with themselves.

The werebear tried to get to his feet, but his muscles were pressing on his joints and if he keeps fighting, his own muscles will tear his ligaments and tendons.

I sighed in annoyance. – "If you do not give up, your limbs will stop working and you will be a complete invalid… Is your pride so important?"

The bear's veins were marked on his arms, if this continues then his blood system will be under a lot of pressure causing his veins to burst.

I sighed and released the bear's little finger. – "Stop making noise when I am eating"

The werebear fell to the ground as he gasped. His muscles had started to press on his internal organs so it was hard for him to breathe.

This idiot will be fine, but the trauma of almost dying as a useless piece of trash will be something that will damage his self-esteem for the rest of his life.

"Do you also want to test me?" – I sighed and looked at the other leaders who had arrived with the bear, but they remained silent to watch the show.

"Hmm I recognize you as someone qualified" - A fox man was the first to agree.

The rest of the leaders also acknowledged me and sat down at the wooden table so we could chat calmly.

So we manage to talk like civilized people, but unfortunately, stupidity does not discriminate against sex, race, or world.

"Let me be the one to guide you to the Great Tree" – The tiger tribe leader smiled as he spoke energetically. – "I do not think that the Haulia tribe is able to guide you, they are only criminals who hide a taboo girl, the execution of the tribe was already decided by us elders"

Shea paled. - "I beg you! At least spare the life of my clan!"

Shea looked like she was about to cry, but her father spoke calmly to her. – "It's fine daughter, we are ready for this… You are not to blame for anything, it is impossible to even think that we will abandon a member of our family, we are the Haulia tribe no matter what happens"

The weretiger smiled like an idiot. – "You already lost the way to get to the Great Tree, what will you do? Will you bet your luck to see if you get there without getting lost in the fog?"

Only the leader of the elves seemed to want to oppose this, but the other leaders were in favor of executing the rabbits.

I sighed tiredly. – "To tell you the truth, I don't give a shit about the traditions and beliefs of this place"

"What did you say?!" – The weretiger yelled at me furiously. - "Listen to me…!"

With my right hand, I grabbed his head and slammed his face into the table. - "You listen to me! If any of you fucking assholes lays a hand on my wife I'm going to kill you all!"

Even though I am unable to emit killing intent, my presence when I show fury is enough to scare a normal person into having a heart attack.

Killing intent is similar to having a knife pressed against the throat, but my presence as a Hero is comparable to being in the middle of a volcanic explosion.

The leaders paled as they felt that they were in the presence of the equivalent of a natural disaster, only the leader of the elves could remain calm since he is the only one I am not intimidating.

I let go of the weretiger's face, although an injury like this is insignificant considering his innate strength, he fainted from the instinctive fear that animals feel in the face of natural disasters.

I stood up. – "I don't care if you exclude the Haulia tribe, go ahead, you are free to act like idiots, but if someone tries to attack this tribe, I will kill him along with his whole family"

The elf nodded as he struggled to hide his fear. – "I understand, in that case, we will say that they are your slaves and according to the law of this country, all those who were captured outside the forest are treated as if they were already dead… We cannot execute the dead so we will not persecute the tribe Haulia"

"That's acceptable" – I nodded and looked at the other leaders. – "Any objections?"

The leaders quickly shook their heads in denial, they still haven't recovered from their fear.

"I'm sorry I can't give a more appropriate welcome to someone who is qualified" - The elf sighed as he maintained his courteous attitude.

I massaged my forehead. – "It's fine, I really admire your professionalism, anyway, I am retiring since I do not want any more problems"

"Hey Listen! I want more fruit! Hey idiot, make me an apple pie!" – Navi doesn't give a damn about the atmosphere.

I sighed heavily. – "Do you have any fruits that we can take with us? I can buy them with gold or other minerals"

The elf smiled wryly and called an elf to bring us several sacks of apples. – "Consider it an apology gift"

The elves in this world are better farmers than the elves in my private world... I'm starting to consider enslaving them to have a fruit farm...

I put the sacks of apples in my Rasen Dimension and wanted to leave to find a place to train the rabbits, but Shea stood still.

"What are you waiting for? We have to go" – I sighed towards the bunny. – "Come on, I'll make something to eat"

Yue's eyes sparkled. - "I want cake"

"You can't eat sweets all the time" – I sighed at how spoiled this brat is.

As Yue insisted on eating sweets, Shea hurriedly hugged me. - "Thank you very much! I definitely won't let go of you!"

This girl makes a lot of noise… But she's nice when she presses her breasts on my back so I'm going to take it.

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