Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 90: Goblinshire (II): Green Boar

Chapter 90: Goblinshire (II): Green Boar

The village didn't seem large at first, but after walking through it for a while, Rezar knew he was wrong. There really wasn't much of planning put into its construction as you would find an inn, a smithy and bunch of residential buildings in the same street. The village itself only had five streets including the main street that led straight to the mine entrance where a bunch of goblins stood guard and others carried out transactions between the visiting merchants and those who needed the ores for one thing or the other. The sun was well above his head by this point, and while he really wasn't hurt by it, the idea of being out in sunlight did not sot too well with him.

He made his way to an inn called the Green Boar, for some reason the names of the establishments here seemed to cater to the ego of the goblins or seemed to appeal to them in one way or the other. Rezar could tell that this goblin king monarchy style government seems very totalitarian. Everything seemed firmly within his grasp without any room for difference or originality. It made it really difficult for Rezar to believe that the Goblin king was actually a player, the way he did his things were really hands-on, that sort of style was synonymous with uploads not players.

Shaking his head, he walked into the inn that also seemed to serve as a bar, but it was the morning, so the only people up were miners who had things to do, or visitors who wanted breakfast. In one corner of the inn were a bunch of tables were arranged, Rezar could see a couple of drunks, and in the other corner were those having a simple and hearty breakfast. Rezar moved forwards with Valka close behind as he moved to the counter of the inn and took a sit.

"What can I do for you stranger?" a woman asked, as she turned to look at him, using a clean cloth to wipe the insides of a mug. The woman in front of him was we'll ahead in years, she seemed to be in her early to mid-sixties, yet here she was working in an inn and in a position that should normally belong to younger girls of middle aged women. She raised an eyebrow as Rezar stared a little bit longer than was necessary before he started speaking.

"I'm sorry, but do you have any available rooms? My companion and I have been traveling all night and we would like to rest." Rezar said to her as he apologized for staring or rather for getting lost in his thoughts while he stared at her. He shuddered to thin k what the older woman might think about his prolonged stare, he might find older women very appealing, but he did now want to go that 'old'.

"Well that might be a bit difficult to arrange. All of the standard rooms have been occupied, a deluxe room has just been vacated, but its price is a bit higher than the norm, so I don't know if you would want to pay for the full package" the woman said as she stopped cleaning the glass and gave her full attention to him.

"Well how much's the full package? Money is not a problem for me." Rezar said to her as he shifted his gaze around the inn, moving his leg to kick Valka in the side and stopping the familiar from using his claws to scratch at the counter they were sitting at, he wouldn't want to be billed for that if he had to be honest.

"The Deluxe room is 5 silvers a night, including a bath, breakfast, lunch and dinner, and a few extra services from the ladies working in the inn, if you're into that sort of thing." Rezar raised an eyebrow, while he wasn't averse to sex or shy about it, he was still in a sixteen-year-old body. Plus, he's not really looking to pleasure, nit when he was like a ticking time bomb of bloodlust, fangs and death ready to go off at any moment. He would very much prefer to keep people away from himself.

"I'll pay you twenty silver Elys for two nights, the extra ten Elys would be payment enough for information about the current state of things. As you can see I'm a stranger here and I don't really know much about the territory I'm in and the surrounding lands, all I know is that these are the Bahrenburg wildlands, and this territory belongs the goblin king, anything else is a big blank I'm afraid." Rezar said to her with a soft tone to make himself seem harmless, of course that was way far from the truth.

"Well make it 25 silver elys and I'll tell you the kind of underwear the goblin king wears every Thursday." Rezar raised his eyebrow at that, while he was sure she had no idea what sort of underwear the goblin king wore every Thursdays, she seemed very confident about her information. But then again, liars and scammers have to be really confident in their acts to be able to sell their stories to someone else. But whether or not she would lie to him remains to be see, besides money wasn't a problem.

"Deal, now tell me what you know?" Rezar asked as he deposited a bunch of coins on the table, but instead of telling him what he wanted to know she shook her head and put her fingers to her lips before going under the counter and coming back up with a key.

"I'll take you to your room, and as for anything else, I'll send her up to your room later." For a moment Rezar was confused about the 'Her' but then he realized he was asking about information about the area, including its ruler and he was doing it in a goblin village that pretty much seemed to preach the propaganda that goblins are better than everyone else. Getting that information out in the open would be pure suicide, and while it wouldn't be a problem for Rezar who can fight his way out, the same couldn't be said for the woman in front of him who was just trying to make ends meet.

"Valka lets go get some rest, could please send up some breakfast for my companion too?" Rezar asked as the woman nodded and moved out from behind the counter to lead Rezar and Valka up to their room. But as they left, a couple pair of eyes followed behind them, greed, curiosity and animosity hidden within them.

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