Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 232: Level 58 World Rank Boss; Earth Evil Centipede!

Chapter 232: Level 58 World Rank Boss; Earth Evil Centipede!

Ling Yizhan and company continued to follow behind Lin Moyu. By this time, their way of thinking had undergone a complete transformation. They no longer entertained any thoughts of being the oriole from the Shenxian saying: the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind.

At this time, they just wanted to watch how Lin Moyu forged ahead.

Ling Yizhan suspected that Lin Moyu was pretending to be weak, maintaining the facade of a mere level 30 class user. He believed Lin Moyu was waiting for those unaware of the truth to walk into his trap.

"I hope no one of our human race messes with him."

Another thought crossed his mind. He hoped no human would attack Lin Moyu. After all, given Lin Moyu's character and methods, he wouldn't show any mercy.

Ling Yizhan had already forgotten that he too once harbored such designs. Thinking about it now, it was fortunate that he didn't mess with Lin Moyu, or else his entire party probably would no longer exist.

While he was immersed in his thoughts, he turned a corner and suddenly stopped. Lin Moyu was standing right in front of him, as if he were waiting for him.

Ling Yizhan swallowed, "Junior, what a coincidence..."

The others looked at their party leader strangely, not expecting him to exhibit such behavior.

Lin Moyu asked, "Senior, how do I get to the central area of the upper layer?"

Lin Moyu knew that Ling Yizhan and company had been following him all along.

His immense spirit force made his senses very keen. Unless they had the Stealth skill, it wasn't easy to hide from his senses.

As for the intentions of Ling Yizhan and company, it wasn't hard to guess. Lin Moyu didn't mind them. As long as they didn't provoke him, he wouldn't bother with them.

Faced with Lin Moyu's question, Ling Yizhan pointed in a direction, "It's that way."

"Thank you, Senior!" Lin Moyu replied politely.

With that, he turned and left, accompanied by two skeletons. The clicking sounds produced by the skeletons inexplicably made Ling Yizhan feel a bit uneasy.

After Lin Moyu left, Ling Yizhan couldn't help but ask himself, "Why am I afraid of him?"

After thinking about it again and again, Ling Yizhan still couldn't come up with an answer. Perhaps the things he witnessed Lin Moyu do had subtly influenced him.

"Party Leader, since we aren't after the Primordial Rune, why are we still following him?"

Some teammates didn't quite understand what Ling Yizhan was after.

After some consideration, Ling Yizhan declared, "I want to witness history!"


Lin Moyu proceeded ahead. The light from the Primordial Rune was like a beacon, attracting a lot of attention. As he kept moving forward, the range kept expanding, drawing more and more attention.

A Dragonkind party, just a party of six, came over. When they saw Lin Moyu, who was only level 30, their eyes surged with a bloodthirsty shade.

To begin with, human and Dragonkind class users were enemies, destined to fight each other on sight. Moreover, since Lin Moyu had the Primordial Rune, they had even more reason to kill him.

They swooped down from the sky, completely dismissing Lin Moyu, a mere level 30 class user.

Subsequently, a curse descended on them, batches of Bone Fangs stabbed into them, Skeletal Warriors severed their wings, and Skeletal Mages drowned them in magic spells.

In less than two minutes, the Dragonkind party was completely annihilated.

The two minutes were bought by the Dragonkind Knight's defensive skills. When his defense was broken, it spelled death to the entire party.

The skeletons quickly stripped the equipment off the dead bodies, their actions practiced and precise, showing that Lin Moyu had done this many times before.

Moreover, Lin Moyu had only summoned a single undead legion, showing minimal effort.

For three consecutive days, as if flies drawn to the scent of meat, Dragonkind parties and Abyssal Demon groups flew over one after another, only to perish.

Unbeknownst to him, Lin Moyu's military badge turned gold. He had finally amassed 100,000 military merit and reached the colonel rank, albeit without any stars. To reach the first star in the colonel rank, he would need 1,000,000 military merit.

In the private rank, each star required 100 military merit, while in the lieutenant rank, each star required 10,000 military merit. In the colonel rank, 1,000,000 military merit were necessary to acquire each star.

For high-level Abyssal Demons ranging between level 40 and level 50, 1,000 had to be slain to gain one star in the colonel rank. As for Demons above level 50, which were worth 2,000 military merit each, 500 had to be slain.

In this manner, by accumulating military merit continuously, one would eventually reach the godly general rank... However, that was an impossible task for ordinary class users.

In the Shenxia Empire, there were very few godly generals. Not to mention godly generals, even high-star colonels were rare.

At this moment, Lin Moyu's military merit had reached 103,000. He still had a long way to go before he could become a one-star colonel.

Although he had yet to earn a star, but the gold colonel rank already qualified him to enter the Sixth, Seventh, and Eights Fortresses. The battlefields outside these fortresses were teeming with Demons, making it easier to earn military merit.

As he got closer to the central area, the number of monsters Lin Moyu encountered along the way increased, and their level rose rapidly.

By the fourth day, the level of monsters he met had already exceeded level 45. Some even reached level 50.

According to Bai Yiyuan, in the central region, monsters above level 55 were commonplace. These powerful and hazardous creatures caused Bai Yiyuan considerable trouble in the past.

With this in mind, Lin Moyu remained vigilant.

Ling Yizhan had followed him for three days, witnessing firsthand how Lin Moyu pushed through every obstacle. Whether it was Abyssal Demons or Dragonkind class user parties, none could last more than five minutes.

During these three days, human class users had also appeared. However, upon seeing that Lin Moyu was a fellow human, they quickly retreated, showing no intention of fighting.

The vast majority of humans were very united. Otherwise, under the assault of the Abyssal Demons, they could not have persevered until today.

"Strange. How come there is no one today?" Lin Moyu wondered.

For three days in a row, there had been a constant influx of opponents. But on the fourth day, Lin Moyu didn't see so much as a shadow. It was quite strange.

Not only did Lin Moyu find it strange, but so did Ling Yizhan and company following behind him.

Half a day had passed already, yet neither Abyssal Demons nor Dragonkind class users had shown up so far.

"Something isn't right!"

In addition, there were also no monsters. Lin Moyu hadn't encountered a single monster in the past two hours.

This was highly unusual! Lin Moyu became alert at once.

Ling Yizhan and his party, who had been following Lin Moyu from afar, also sensed that something was amiss. They were experienced veterans with nearly two years on the Immemorial Battlefield, and knew many of the battlefield's secrets.

The Immemorial Battlefield seemed to be in a state of flux, with many changes having taken place in the past few decades. People like Bai Yiyuan, who hadn't been to the Immemorial Battlefield for many years, wouldn't know about these changes.

The current situation made Ling Yizhan think of a possibility.

"Retreat!" Ling Yizhan roared and quickly darted the way they came. His teammates complied and retreated without hesitation.

Someone seemed to have a realization, "Party Leader, do you think this is its territory?"

Ling Yizhan nodded. "Yes, that's the only possibility. Look at that distant mountain in the distance, doesn't it look suspicious?!"

About 1,000 meters away stood a 100-meter-tall mountain. But upon closer inspection, something seemed off about it. The mountain was smooth, unnaturally so.

"Then what about him?"

Ling Yizhan looked at Lin Moyu and shouted, "There's danger here! Get out of here quickly!"

By then, he had already run far away, noticing that Lin Moyu showed no reaction.

Ling Yizhan's eyes flashed with a shade of indecision, "You guys leave first. I'll go warn him."

With that, he turned and ran back. He quickly reached Lin Moyu's side, "There's danger here! We need to leave now!"

Danger? Lin Moyu had already realized that something was off.

Just then, there was a rumbling noise, and the ground began to shake violently, as if it were an earthquake.

Ling Yizhan's face turned ashen, "Damn it, it's too late!"

Footsteps sounded as Ling Yizhan’s teammates hurried back.

Ling Yizhan exclaimed, "Why have you come back?"

The teammates replied heartily.

"Party Leader, we can't leave you alone here."

"Exactly. We came together, so we’ll leave together."

"We're fellow students as well as comrades-in-arms; we can't just leave you behind."

Though they spoke casually, but the serious look in their eyes betrayed their readiness to fight to the death.

The mountain 100 meters away suddenly exploded, and boulders hurtled forward as if meteors. Not only were they fast, but they also contained incredibly force.

The two Skeletal Warriors were struck at the same time and sent flying, and then were retrieved by Lin Moyu.

A boulder slammed into Lin Moyu, but it was blocked by the Bone Armor, which creaked under the immense force. It was unlike anything generated by a mountain explosion.

"Defend!" Ling Yizhan shouted.

Skill: Mass Protection!

A Knight activated a skill, summoning a shield to deflect the incoming boulders. The shield buckled under the impact of a boulder, appearing on the verge of collapse. The Knight gritted his teeth and maintained the skill.

When the mountain exploded, Lin Moyu saw a colossal monster emerge. Half of its body was hidden underground, while the other half towered above ground, standing 70 to 80 meters tall. The monster resembled a centipede, with dozens of legs waving in the air.

Moments ago, the monster was hidden inside the mountain. Its movement triggered the mountain's explosion.

"Earth Evil Centipede!" Ling Yizhan's face turned pale, his hands trembling slightly.

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