Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 186: Shenxia Tower's Main Body Arrives; Individual Competition Begins

Chapter 186: Shenxia Tower's Main Body Arrives; Individual Competition Begins

The teams that took first place in the team competition are the primary targets of the Demons.

Thousands of Abyssal Demons rushed over with a massive number of abyssal demonic creatures.

It's unknown how the Demon Worship Society brought so many Abyssal Demons here. But at this moment, that isn't important.

The shields protecting the encampments were tottering, on the verge of collapse.

Among the Abyssal Demons, there are both low-level and high-level Demons.

They roared and bellowed, filled with blood thirst.

"Get ready for battle!"

"The shield is about to break! Get ready!"

"Come on, let's kill them!"

At the last moment, the class users put their fears aside. Even though theyre the weaker side, but they will still face the enemy with heads held high.

The gaze of the above level 80 peak class user of the Demon Worship Society fell on the high-level encampment, where the situation was similar.

There are even more Abyssal Demons rushing toward there.

In addition, there are six above level 70 top class users over there. The opponent stands no chance.

At this time, his eyes revealed a playful hue.

"Courage is all and good, but it won't do you any good."

"The outcome is already set in stone!"

"People who are too outstanding often do not live long."

He muttered to himself.

"I don't think so. My life at least has been quite good so far."

A voice rose abruptly. The man suddenly turned around and saw Bai Yiyuan.

"So you've come, God Bai."

Bai Yiyuan chuckled and said, "It appears that you've been expecting me, Councillor Xu Wei."

The man trembled, then sighed lightly and took off his mask.

It is indeed Xu Wei.

"I knew I couldn't keep it from you, God Bai." Xu Wei said softly.

Despite being faced with Bai Yiyuan, Xu Wei wasn't afraid at all. He must have made preparation.

"Ha-ha. Without a fallback, no one would dare to provoke you, God Bai." A pleasant laughter sounded, and a female Demon appeared beside Xu Wei.

The Demon has pointy ears, a gorgeous face, and a graceful figure, a slender tail slowly swaying behind her. She exudes a strange allure from all over her body.

After she appeared, Xu Wei's eyes revealed a fervent shade.

In Xu Wei's eyes, Bai Yiyuan was no longer there. Only the female Demon remained.

Bai Yiyuan dug his ear and said, "So it's you, Succubus King. And here I was wondering who could turn a level 83 peak class user into a lackey of the Demons. It turns out it was you."

The Succubus King smiled charmingly and twisted her figure, "Unfortunately I can't entice you, God Bai."

Bai Yiyuan slowly clenched his fists, "Since you've come, you'll have to s stay here forever. Anyone who dares to provoke the Shenxia Empire will have to pay a price."

The Succubus King's smile became more alluring, "You seem quite confident, God Bai. But, I have no intention of staying. I am only here to kill people. After I am done, I will leave!"

"That isn't up to you!" Bai Yiyuan set his sights on the Succubus King and has no intention of letting her go.

The Succubus King smiled lovely and said, "God Bai, are you that confident that you can make me stay?"

"If you count me in, then yes!"

Another voice rang, and Ning Tairan appeared beside Bai Yiyuan.


Flames exploded and engulfed the sky.

"Old Ning, I'll be your opponent!" A booming voice sounded.

A Demon emerged from the sea of fire, its whole body is shrouded in flames. Its eyes, in particular, are filled with billowing flames.

"Fire Demon King!" Ning Tairan gritted his teeth and said ferociously.

There's clearly an old grudge between the two.

The Succubus King said with a lovely smile, "One on one, now it's fair."

All of a sudden, there was a loud bang.

The shield of the low-level encampment was the first to break.

A massive number of demonic creatures rushed in.

The class users have resolved themselves to fight to the death!

Divine Eye Sniper Liu Xianren was already done gathering power.

An arrow shot into the sky and exploded.

Skill: Ruinous Arrow Blast!

In an instant, a massive number of arrows fell.

The explosion was overwhelming, and a large number of low-level abyssal demonic creatures screamed in agony.

In the blink of an eye, a large area of death appeared.

The arrows also fell on the Abyssal Demons, causing them to scream in pain. But they weren't able to harm to them.

After all, Liu Xianren is only level 29.

The weakest Abyssal Demons are level 35, and there is no shortage of above level 40 high-level Demons.

Pure white sacred light suddenly emerged from the encampment.

Sacred Light Mage, Su Sheng!

Skill: Sacred Light!

The sacred light covered a large area, illuminating most of the encampment.

Within the sacred light, abyssal demonic creatures died without making a sound.

As for Abyssal Demons, as if they met their bane, black smoke emitted from all over their bodies.

The sacred light, which contains holy power, is a most detestable thing to them, and is their natural nemesis.

The two killed hundreds of abyssal demonic creatures in the blink of an eye.

Due to their outstanding performance, high-level Demons and two top class users of the Demon Worship Society set their sights on the two and quickly rushed toward them.

The Succubus King said with a smile, "Meaningless resistance..."

"The struggle before death is most lovely."

"The flesh of geniuses is most delicious. I would really like to catch them, bring them back to the Abyss, and then slowly savour them!"

As she spoke, she slowly licked her lips with her long tongue.

Bai Yiyuan uttered, unconcerned, "I'm not sure about that."

"There is meaning in the existence of genius!"

All of a sudden, a rumbling echoed.

A tower suddenly appeared outside the barrier.

Under the pressure of the tower, the incredibly sturdy barrier shattered like glass!

"The Shenxia Tower's main body has arrived!"

"Meng Anwen has come!"

"Crap, we've been had!"

The Succubus King's complexion finally changed.

The Shenxia Tower instantly crushed the barrier. In the blink of an eye, it became infinitely large and emitted brilliant light.

The Shenxia Tower turned into a sun and illuminated the entire Nanhong City.

Illuminated by the light, all the Abyssal Demons and abyssal demonic creatures in Nanhong City disappeared.

At the same time, all the class users who registered for the individual competition also disappeared.

In an instant, Nanhong City, which was about to suffer a devastating disaster, returned to normal.

As the Shenxia Tower collected the abyssal demonic creatures and class users, Bai Yiyuan let out a furious roar.

A pair of hand wraps appeared on his hands.

Bai Yiyuan unleashed a punch, and the space shook violently and surged a large amount of ripples.

Bai Yiyuan's class is Divine Fist Overlord.

Skill: Blast Fist!

The Succubus King let out a strange cry. Not daring to meet the attack head on, she backed away at once.

Ning Tairan moved at the same time.

Skill: Firedragon!

Flames burst out and transformed into a Dragon that shot toward the Fire Demon King.

The two godly powerhouses struck at the same time.

At the same time as they moved, a large teleportation formation flickered underneath Nanhong City, and dozens of class users with the emblem of the Xiajing Academy appeared underneath Nanhong City.

They are all above level 70 top class users, with several above level 80 peak class users sprinkled in the middle, their aura tremendous.

The leader of this group drew his sword and swung it, and sword energy instantly broke through the earth, and then the group rushed out into the open and went straight for the members of the Demon Worship Society.

The Succubus King took everything in, realizing that they have been fooled.

The Shenxia Empire has been ready.

Otherwise, there's no way the Shenxia Tower's main body would have appeared here.

Otherwise, the barrier wouldn't have been crushed so easily.

This is their loss!

"Run!" The Succubus King shouted!

Her words have just fallen, when a low growl sounded, "You can't leave!"

When she heard that, Succubus King's expression became unsightly.

The Fire Demon King, who was fighting Ning Tairan, let out a strange cry, his eyes filled with fear.

The Shenxia Tower divided into two spaces, one for high-level class users, and the other for low-level class users like Lin Moyu.

Each space is further subdivided into three independent areas, corresponding to level 10, level 20, and level 30 groupings.

"The individual competition starts now!"

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