Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 168: Military Family; Proceeding To Nanhong City

Chapter 168: Military Family; Proceeding To Nanhong City

Ning Yiyi went back home to show off in front of her grandfather.

Two-star lieutenant, that's not something easy to achieve.

After he left the God Bai Courtyard, Lin Moyu contacted Jiang Taotao and agreed on a time to leave tomorrow.

Next, he didn't return to the dormitory, but instead sat in the teleportation formation and went to the First Fortress.

In the First Fortress, there are many people discussing the matter with the Battlefield Ghost King.

As he walked through the fortress, Lin Moyu listened in on the conversations and heard a lot of information.

"Have you heard? It is said that the guild master of the Dynasty Guild came here and blew his top."

"I heard that a group of the Dynasty Guild was searching for the Battlefield Ghost King, but ended up being wiped out by someone."

"That's right. The Battlefield Ghost King was killed by someone else, while the group of the Dynasty Guild that was searching for the Battle Ghost King disappeared. It's pretty obvious what happened."

"The Dynasty Guild suffered quite a blow this time. Reportedly, their young guild master, who went out to gain combat experience, died as well."

"With the son dead, it's not surprising for their guild master to go mad. I wonder who is behind it."

"No matter who it is, I want to say to them: beautifully done. With the way they act -- all tyrannical and overbearing -- they brought this upon themselves."

The Dynasty Guild's reputation among class users is very poor.

Unsurprisingly, most class users received the news of their misfortune with glee.

Lin Moyu knows that this matter shouldn't be over.

If they want to investigate, they can go ahead. In any case, try as they might, they won't be able to trace him down.

He doesn't regret killing Wang Zihao.

Subsequently, Lin Moyu spent military merit on the Officer Skill Grinding Site and began to summon Skeletal Warriors.

The 100 Skeletal Mages are enough for now.

At this time, there are 30 slots left in the summon space, and Lin Moyu plans to fill them with Skeletal Warriors.

He summoned 10 Skeletal Warriors, then began to meditate to restore his spirit force.

The Officer Skill Grinding Site is much better than the academy's Elementary Skill Grinding Center. In the Officer Skill Grinding Site, over one hour of meditation is enough for him to fully restore his spirit force.

After only three hours, Lin Moyu left the Officer Skill Grinding Site, his summon space already full.

At this time, there are 170 Skeletal Warriors and 100 Skeletal Mages in the summon space, forming a small army.

These expert goons provide Lin Moyu with great confidence.

After he was done, Lin Moyu returned to Xiajing Academy.

Since he has been staying on the Third Battlefield, he hasn't been able to have a good rest the past few days.

This night he intends to have a good night's sleep.

"Lin Moyu!"

When he arrived at the dormitory complex, he saw Xia Xue, Feng Xiu, and Zuo Mei walking side by side.

There are two more people with them, a tank and a support.

Xia Xue asked, "Where have you been? I haven't seen you for days."

Lin Moyu replied calmly, "I went to the Third Battlefield."

Feng Xiu was dumbfounded, a look of disbelief on his face, "You went to the Third Battlefield!"

Subsequently, he saw the military badge on Lin Moyu's chest, then stood at attention and gave a salute, "Private Feng Xiu greets Sir."

The others looked strangely at Feng Xiu.

Xia Xue asked in confusion, "What are you doing?"

Feng Xiu said, "He is a lieutenant, while I am a private. When you see a senior officer, you need to salute them."

Feng Xiu pointed to his chest. There is also a military badge on his chest.

However, his military badge is white and has no stars.

It is the most ordinary private rank.

When Lin Moyu first met Feng Xiu, he felt that his temperament was different from that of ordinary people.

"So you're from a military family."

Feng Xiu nodded and said, "Yes. Our ancestors were military personnel. Our family has produced military personnel for generations."

Lin Moyu asked, "What are you going to do now?"

Xia Xue said, "Since we are going to Nanhong City tomorrow, we plan to practice our tactics, so that we can achieve good results."

"It's your fault. If your leveling speed weren't that fast, we wouldn't have to go to these lengths."

Lin Moyu smiled and said, "Then give your best. You will definitely be able to achieve good results."

After Lin Moyu left, Feng Xiu couldn't help but sigh, "I'm afraid he's the youngest lieutenant in the history of Shenxia Empire."

Xia Xue asked, "Is it difficult to become a lieutenant?"

She knows very little about the military.

Feng Xiu sighed and said, "It's very difficult. Killing an ordinary Demon below level 40 provides 100 military merit."

"A lieutenant has to accumulate at least 10,000 military merit. For him to be a two-star lieutenant, Lin Moyu must have accumulated at least 20,000 military merit."

"Are you saying it's difficult or not?"

"To surmise it, many level 40 class users haven't reached the rank of lieutenant."

The others were amazed.

Ever since they were little, they learned how powerful and dangerous Demons are.

Killing one Demon is already very difficult, let alone hundreds of them.

Feng Xiu's eyes flickered with a shade of aspiration, "How did he do it ?"


The next day, Ning Yiyi arrived early in the morning to have breakfast with Lin Moyu.

She looks quite spirited and must be in a very good mood.

Something pleasant must have happened after she returned home yesterday.

"Grandpa was quite shocked yesterday."

Ning Tairan was indeed shocked.

In just a few days, Ning Yiyi advanced from a private to a two-star lieutenant. His shock is suite understandable.

Unlike top class users, Ning Yiyi can't wipe out a tract of Demons with a single skill.

She's only level 26.

Lin Moyu smiled and said, "So what happened?"

Ning Yiyi explained as she stuffed herself with food, "I told Grandpa about what happened these days, and he got angry and said he was going to raze God Bai's home."

What does it have to do with anything?

Lin Moyu couldn't understand why he would want to raze God Bai's home.

Ning Yiyi explained, "God Bai sent you to such a dangerous place, and I followed you there, but he didn't tell Grandpa anything."

So that's the reason. Lin Moyu smiled involuntarily.

"But it should be okay. The two have been quarreling and arguing for years, so it has already become a habit."

"A few days ago, they went to Guhrow Church and leveled it. They also killed that guy Rutger for good."

Lin Moyu was dumbfounded.

Bai Yiyuan didn't tell him about this.

It goes without saying, but it was all for him.

Bai Yiyuan has been very good to him. Lin Moyu is aware of this.

Ning Yiyi also talked about the matter with Wang Zihao and urged Ning Tairan not to speak up.

Of course, Ning Tairan readily agreed, or else the consequences would be very serious.

After finishing the meal, Ning Yiyi bought another bunch of food, in case the food in Nanhong City isn't to her taste.

Lin Moyu just smiled and followed her.

As one of the few super large cities in Shenxia Empire, Nanhong City is not much inferior to the capital city of Xiajing.

In Nanhong City, there are more than 100 teleportation formations arranged in a row, with class users constantly emerging from the formations.

The Shenxia Empire is fully prepared for the 100th class user competition.

A large number of facilities have been built for the class users coming here from all over the world to participate in the competition.

Whether it's in terms of accommodations or food, everything has been prepared adequately, and of the best quality.

And they're all free.

This serves as a testament of the Shenxia Empire's strength and magnificence.

"There are so many people!" Ning Yiyi's eyes widened in curiosity.

She has never seen so many class users in one place before.

Jiang Taotao smiled and said, "This place is only for class users below level 40. High-level class users who have completed the second awakening are in another place, and there should be no fewer people than here."

It may be difficult to reach level 70 and complete the third awakening, but most class users can achieve the second awakening.

It can be said that class users below level 70 account for more than 95% of all class users.

Therefore, for the class user competition, when designing the groupings, only class users below level 70 were considered.

Class users above level 70 won't participate in the class user competition.

As for class users below level 70, they are divided into groupings of 10 levels.

This way things seem more fair.

The class user competition has existed for hundreds of years. This is now the 100th iteration of the competition, and the rules have already been set in stone, with no one raising any objections.

Jiang Taotao has already familiarized herself with the rules and sites of the competition.

As if an older sister, she led the team to Xiajing Academy's encampment, all the while explaining the rules of the competition along the way.

"This time the competition is unprecedentedly grand, surpassing all the previous ones."

"According to the preliminary data, the number of teams participating will exceed 100,000."

The others looked shocked when they heard this.

Ning Yiyi showed her tongue, saying, "With so many people, this will take ages."

Lin Moyu couldn't help but caress her head.

The empire's senior figures must have already considered this question and come up with a solution.

Jiang Taotao smiled and said, "For that reason, there will be a preselection tomorrow."

"Only teams that have passed the preselection are eligible to stay and proceed with the competition."

"Although the criteria for the preselection haven't been published yet, but the empire has announced that more than 90% of the teams will be eliminated in the preselection."

"I think the preselection should be quite difficult, so we have to be prepared."

Ning Yiyi calculated and said, "Even if 90% are eliminated, that still leaves us with 10,000 teams. That's quite a lot."

Miao Yu chuckled, "The announcement said more than 90%. 99% is also more than 90%."

Jiang Taotao added, "It was also announced that the difficulty each team will face in the preselection will be the same. Everyone will have to work hard, leaving no room for lucky breaks."

"Furthermore, the empire announced that the competition will be absolutely fair and impartial."

When three women get together they are bound to start chattering.

The three chatted along the way, without giving Lin Moyu and Duan Gao a chance to butt in.

Lin Moyu, who doesn't speak much to begin with, just listened.

Duan Gao couldn't hold back and tried to interject several times, but was rebuked by Miao Yu.

Consequently, he said no more and just listened.

There will be more than 100 teams from Xiajing Academy coming to compete this time.

Lin Moyu searched through the crowd. In the end, he showed a shade of disappointment. He didn't find Lin Mohan in the crowd.

Ning Yiyi noticed the disappointment in Lin Moyu's eyes and held his hand, "Don't worry, you'll definitely be able to meet her."

Lin Mo nodded and said, "Maybe she hasn't come yet."

Lin Moyu and his team arrived at the Xiajing Academy's encampment.

The Shenxia Empire built a large number of encampments for class users to reside in during the competition.

Jiang Taotao went to complete the procedures and get the room cards.

Each residence has five independent lodges, perfect for five people to live in.

After completing the procedures, the team went to familiarize themselves with the surroundings.

In the encampment, there are class users coming and going.

They are all below level 40.

Obviously, class users above level 40 have their own encampment.

Ning Yiyi trotted over and said, "I asked around. The teams from top institutes aren't here."

"But I have confirmed that there will be teams from top institutes participating. After we pass the preselection tomorrow and the competition proper begins, we can go and watch the matches."

"At that time, the list of participants will also come out."

Ning Yiyi specially went to ask around. She knows that Lin Moyu wants to find Lin Mohan.

"Thank you."

A dissatisfied voice suddenly came from the side, "If you are horny, get a room. Don't stand here and block the way."

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