Naruto: The Prince of Lust

Chapter 36: Chapter 36

"You think it's okay to overreact like that just because you lost Sasuke-kun to me? What you did is a punishable offense! And you can bet your ass I'll tell the Hokage about this.

You'll be lucky if you're still a ninja after this." Having to take a break, Sakura finally feels something is more wrong than she can understand. Ino should be scared, she should be apologizing, she should be on her knees groveling.

Instead, she's smirking, or outright laughing depending on which card she looks at. Ino shuffles from one to another, questioning each one as if trying to decide which is the best, and Sakura finally asks, "w-what are those?"

"Oh, these," Ino finally speaks as if every threat Sakura declared on the blond was never spoken. "They're pictures, Forehead. I thought even you would be smart enough to see that."

Sakura couldn't see the front of the pictures but she dreaded what they might depict without fully comprehending why.

"What did you do?" Touching her face at the drying substance, Sakura fearfully asks, "what is this?" Several seconds pass as Ino shifts her sights between two photos she seems to be deciding over. "INO!" Sakura tearfully yells, feeling arrested somehow.

"Mnn?" Ino playfully returns looking at the cum covered, pink-haired girl who's ready to cry. Ino smiles wickedly. 'This girl thought she had the upper hand,' the blond's thoughts happily express. "You're not going to tell Hokage-sama, or anyone for that matter-"

"The hell I'm not-" Sakura tries to interrupt but is cut off by a louder Ino.

"And you're going to stop all attempts to be anything more than Sasuke-kun's teammate." That stunned Sakura even as Ino continues.

"Outside of trying to be the best teammate possible, nothing else is permitted; no more asking for dates, no more trying to seduce him, no more gifts, no more special treatment. Unless it's something that you do for your other teammates, it's not allowed.

Hell, if I ever find out you dreamed about him, well, I won't be very happy."

"How dare you!" Sakura screeches. "Who gives two shits about your happiness! Nothing you say will ever keep me from being with Sasuke-kun!"

"No, not what I say," Ino plays. "But I bet this picture of you sucking Naruto's dick will," Ino states as she extends a photo of a girl with pink hair sucking Naruto's dick, happily, cheerfully.

The absolute, dumbfounded expression of unsettling shock on her pink-haired rival's face was like a quick release of all the pent up stress and anguish Ino's suffered these past few weeks, like a radiating tingle running up and down every part of her chakra exhausted body.

Sakura was speechless as she glared at her clear visage with a large penis in her mouth, cheeks caved in as she sucks at his man meat like trying to suck the grease out of a sausage.

No matter how much Sakura stared at it, unable to believe it with her heart of hearts, but undeniable to her sharp mind, all she could see was her face wantonly sucking Naruto-baka's dick. 'His dick!' Her mind yells.

"I also got a money shot," Ino tells her, casually overlaying the petrifying polaroid with another stunner of said blond-bushed penis firing white goo all over her face. In a fraction of a second, Sakura knows the fluid substance she felt on her face, hair, and in her mouth... that she swallowed, "Naruto's sperm?"

The irrefutable truth Sakura's mind slowly spelled out was that she, under control of Ino, gave the worst loser of their class, a boy she didn't even like, let alone love, a blowjob, but sinking her deeper in despair was that she can taste his seed, thick and slimy, as her mind automatically tries to break it down to her great disgust.

However unlikely, Sakura could sense the foreign secretion traveling down her throat and her stomach lurches, as if trying to jump out of her mouth. Sakura immediately doubles over and starts vomiting, heavily.

It was unattractive, to say the least, as if a large quantity of bile was being forced through a throat too small. Though it'll do nothing to help her forget the taste of it, she'd welcome the burst of acidic burn her mouth and the putrid smell if it burned away Naruto's semen.

"Not bad, right?" Ino sarcastically asks after the worst of her retching ceases. "I'll assume you already know what these ten pictures mean, what with being the top kunoichi in our class after all. You know what I can do with these if you upset me, or who I can show them to if you don't do as I say."

After some dry heaving, having already expelled the content of her stomach on the disgusting floor, Sakura tearfully asks- yells, "Why?! How could you do that?"

"Well, I can't say I liked it," Ino lies. "But he was nearby and I was really working on the fly. If we were somewhere else, I might've done something else instead."

"Something else? You- You raped me!" Sakura screams, eyes filled with running tears and pleading.

"And you were being a bitch!" Ino furiously returns, gripping the rails as a dizzy spell hits her. "Equal only to how piss-poor of a kunoichi you are! 'Sasuke-kun this and Sasuke-kun that,' like a dumb little lamb, lucky enough to be oblivious to anything or anyone else.

You were innocent, Forehead, but now you know how easily everything can change... Now you know how easily it could all be taken away," Ino trails off, fighting back her own tears from a drained body. Forcing fervor she didn't feel, Ino continues, "forget about what you want.

All is fair in love and war, so unless you want Sasuke-kun to see these pictures of you sucking the Dead Last's dick, you're going to be the smart Forehead I know you are and do as you're told."

Sakura said nothing. Even as Ino left, Sakura could not utter a sound of protest. Her resistance died along with her hopes for the raven-haired boy in her heart.

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