Naruto: The Prince of Lust

Chapter 176: Chapter 176

"That's part of the reason why the Uzumaki were a clan to be feared, son," Minato states, patting his son comfortably on his shoulder.

Naruto doesn't notice his father's hand beginning to fade as Minato continues, "they have strong bodies, special chakra, and techniques that can mitigate the loss of chakra and blood. If it wasn't for your mother helping me, it would've been impossible for me to survive composing the contract.

It was the most taxing technique I ever learned, but it served me and my loved ones greatly."

"And you think I can," Naruto asks.

"I do," Minato answers. "You may look like me but you are Uzumaki strong.

The clan I married into, your clan, has the greatest anthology of Finjutsu seals and they all required a strong life-force and chakra to function, making it nearly impossible for their work to be stolen without an Uzumaki to facilitate the task." When Minato's arm disappears to the elbow, Naruto frantically examines the rest of his father's state before fearfully realizing the only time in his sixteen years of life that he's ever spent with his father is moments away from coming to an end.

"From the very first moment I saw you, I knew you were your mother's son, Naruto," Minato softly professes. "And she was the strongest person I knew."

For the first and final time, matching blue eyes of father and son gaze respectfully, affectionately, and pridefully at one other, and when Naruto tries to voice all the things he's always wanted to say to his father, his quaking voice struggles to be heard. "Tou-chan"

"When you're done, you should place the Fin scroll somewhere where no one will get to it," Minato says. "I buried mine on Mount Myboku. Don't worry if you don't get to go there."

"Tou-chan, I" Naruto tries but his throat closes as his clear blue eyes begin to water.

"Remember, I utilize attacks that don't require performing seals, for even if it takes you less than a second to create all the necessary hand-seals for a jutsu, a faster shinobi will stop it, and possibly kill you.

So, please, son please be careful Live a full life, find love, and have many children."

Naruto can't say it alla solid decade of questions and confessionsbut with his father nearly gone, Naruto declares the most important sentiment he's always wanted to say. Letting the tears fall where they may, he confesses, "I love you, tou-chan!"

Smiling, Minato says, just as he disappears, "I love you more."

And when Minato fully evaporates, an emotional Naruto allows the unheard, "thank you, tou-chan," escape his lips.


Kurama witnessed his jailer heartfelt farewell and couldn't help drawing unwanted parallels by recalling thoroughly recycled memories of his own father and feeling that exact loss.

As Kurama silently watches Naruto exit his room to collect a few books and triple-sized scroll for comprehensive Finjutsu designs, he loathes feeling empathy for the blond.

He may hate humans, hate being controlled by them, and disapprove of his current container, but that doesn't mean they don't share similarities.

Kurama can always recall cherished memories of his father; talking to him, learning from him, being blessed with a gift of so much peaceful land to live on. He loved his father more than anything, but, his father died.

This brat never experienced that joy, and for him to try as hard as he can for as long as he can Kurama couldn't help but believe with near certainty that his father would like and approve of Naruto.

'If my own father may look favorably on the brat, shouldn't I?"


"Who are you," Sasuke yells from his defensive kneel. "How did you get in here?"

"I am one of the greatest shinobi ever," Orochimaru touts. "A mere door cannot keep me from what I desire, no matter the security."

"Who are you," Sasuke demands to know.

"Oh, how you wound me, Sasuke-kun," Orochimaru's scratchy voice playfully vocalizes. "How could you forget me after I bestowed upon you such a beautiful gift," he asks, baring his wicked smile.

"Orochimaru," Sasuke deduces. "What do you want from me?"

"Like a windmill that isn't turning, the world is still, my boy," Orochimaru begins. "Nothing is changed; nothing moves, and living feels very much like choking. You feel it too, don't you?

There are some who may find this lifeless tranquility beautiful, but they are complacent, easily pleased, and often end up prey to predators."

"You haven't answered my question," Sasuke sternly states.

"And you haven't alerted your sensei, as I have no doubt Kakashi-kun would've set up such an alarm," Orochimaru states looking at the wall very near Sasuke's hand.

Looking around the dark room, Orochimaru happily notes, "I find it fitting we first meet in the Forest of Death and then again in pure darkness; but we see the best in death and darkness, do we not. It's where mankind create their finest accomplishments.

When everything that you know and love is taken away from you so harshly, all you can think about is anger, hatred, revengethe darknessand no one can save you."

"No one but you, is that it?"

"Only you can save yourself," the legendary snake nin answers. "To achieve your revenge, you must become the wind of change strong enough to move the world and that will not happen without power."

"And I'm just supposed to trust you will give me power without something in return," Sasuke skeptically reasons. "I'll ask you one last time, what do you want?"

"But I've already told you, my dear boy," the smiling missing-nin asserts. "The world is still and I but want it to move. Bringing about your own gain will bring about my gain as well."

"Then tell me everything you know about Itachi," Sasuke commands.

Orochimaru laughs greatly. "Ku ku ku, has your hate made you delusional? Do you truly believe you stand any chance of defeating Itachi as you are?

Your teammate would fair better, I would imagine," Orochimaru expresses with clear glee, angering Sasuke near to the point of recklessly attacking the legendary ninja, however, clenching his fists, Sasuke manages to restrain himself. "I'll ask you this one time, Sasuke-kun.

Do you desire to remain as you are; attain friends, find love, create a family, like the complacent dead perfectly still?" Orochimaru takes out a vial of small medicine pills and outstretches it toward Sasuke as he continues to ask, "or do you crave the power to remodel the world as you see fit?"

And Sasuke looks from the amused and confident eyes of a legendary nin, to the small vial of pills and removes his hand from the alarm switch Kakashi had installed by his bed


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