Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 58: Green clouds covering New York

Chapter 58: Green clouds covering New York

Victor is dead!

The skeleton held by Ben has less interference from the extreme environment. When the charred black skeleton stands up, a layer of black bone is removed, exposing the white skeleton, and the bones in the right hand grow very quickly.

After the skeleton is complete, tender red granulation emerges, and a trace of granulation swaying and interweaving together, extremely creeping, forming the body's flesh tissue, blood vessels, internal organs, etc.

Just in front of everyone's eyes, in just fifteen seconds, the skeleton that was originally burnt black was re-grown into the shape of Zhang Lan, but fortunately Zhang Lan has always been conscious, and before his face has grown completely, he first transformed. Surgery.

So what the Fantastic Four saw was Hu Ge's handsome face.

Reid exclaimed: "Wow, this is a magical scene."

Susan lay on the ground: "...vomit~"

Johnny: "Cool, like a bug."

Ben: "Oh, it's disgusting, Lan you wrapped my arm!"

was that Zhang Lan was growing too fast. It was too late to put it down, and his arms were wrapped in extremely fast-growing flesh. This made me very distressed, and finally pulled hard with his hand.

"Ao-hiss!!! You can't be early, Ben!" Fang Fang generated Zhang Lan of the nerve center and felt extremely painful.

In the previous process, due to the protection of the body, the cerebral nerve veins were not immediately generated, so in addition to the blood weirdness, in fact, there is no sensation, but this time, it is just to grasp that after the generation of brain nerves, this Ruthless!

This book is very honest: "Sorry, blue"

Zhang Lan was a bit uncomfortable: "No, Ben, thank you for saving me out, otherwise I will be consumed to death in that place."

Taken for granted: "This is what I should do, after all, it is the phone I gave you. I really appreciate your coming."

After hearing the words, Zhang Lan didn't know how to answer it. In fact, if he didn't come, it is likely that the battle had already ended. As for such twists and turns?

Thinking of the end of the battle, Zhang Lan looked at the wreckage of the uncooled Victor on the side with a complex look. I didnt know what to say. During the previous battle, he was like a different person, fanatical, keen, and disregarding all.

is like a bloodthirsty fighting maniac.

This feeling, for Zhang Lan, well...very good.

He kind of likes this kind of hearty feeling, like the cells in his bones are eager, if he had to let him make an analogy, it would be like the Hulk, but this "hulk" is controlled by himself , Will only appear when fighting.

can be considered a second personality.

The gap of the dark cloud in the sky was blown away, and the hot airflow of the firework storm was lost. The surrounding black clouds filled it up again. The rainstorm once again came to this dried area and hit the wreckage of Victor. .

is noisy.

I don't know why, Victor's last wreckage was not only not re-cooled under the rain, but also lit up more and more, neither bright red nor light blue, but a strange purple.

This gave Zhang Lan a very ominous hunch.

"Go! Immediately, leave here." Zhang Lan growled anxiously.

didn't speak much on the side, directly picked up Zhang Lan again, rushed away, and Johnny and Reid supported Susan who was off the power and walked away quickly.

Soon after the people left, the sky was suddenly thunderous and a series of lightning struck Victor's wreckage. The wreckage seemed to absorb the energy of the lightning, and the purple became thicker and thicker.

seemed to reach the threshold, without any sound, without any impact, from the wreckage of Victor spread a circle of purple waves, wave after wave.

looks like calm purple waves, but everything that comes into contact, whether it is a car, the ground, or rain, is wiped off like a pencil drawing of an eraser.

is like it did not exist before.

Everyone who avoided this wave of attacks was watching with horror, centered on the location where Victor died, within 30 meters in diameter, including the ground, nothing!

Zhang Lan, who was taken away by Ben, snorted a few times in his mouth. His body is extremely fragile. He accidentally broke a bone.

The cell riot took effect again, which made Zhang Lan's body worse.

He is very tired now, and he doesnt want to think about it anymore. At present, he has only 14 combat strength. He has no ability to use Chakra to isolate rain. Layers of folds are growing on his face. The roots start to gray out, and I feel that the strength of the whole body has been pumped away.

This is a manifestation that the cells have begun to age extremely and are about to die naturally.

Fantastic Four, after waking up from the fear that Victor brought, they looked at this change in horror and wanted to comfort something, but they didn't know how to speak.

"Blue, I'm really sorry." Ben said hardly: "I didn't think it would be like this, this is not my intention, if I didn't invite you, you wouldn't..."

Speaking of which, Ben gently put down Zhang Lan, and then the four-finger hands seemed to have nowhere to put, and he covered his face. He was very guilty now. In his heart, all this was caused by him. .

Wherever you gain, you must pay.

Zhang Lan's current performance is very strong in expressing his news of his imminent death. He died and resurrected in just ten seconds, and the price he paid was absolutely the same.

Not to mention, before this, Zhang Lan had already "dead" once in the eyes of everyone, that is, the time to lure Victor to release all the electricity.

opened his mouth, Zhang Lan did not know how to explain, after all, the existence of the system can not be explained, then how to say how to recover?

In the end, Zhang Lan still kept silent and chose to let time explain.

Remove the intercom from the system space, produced by SHIELD, and there is no problem with waterproofing.

"Hey, vampire? Come and collect the corpse for that little iron man. If you can still find it, I think you will really want this experimental material. I... cough cough cough!" The voice is very old~www.mtlnovel .com~ suddenly coughed violently after speaking about half.

Now, he is too weak. After being soaked in this rainstorm for so long, he has already shown signs of fever.

This is how everyone reacted. He hurriedly helped Zhang Lan to the side to hide from the rain. Standing far away, his strength was too great to dare to touch the now fragile and abnormal Zhang Lan.

Furry asked: "Is it blue? Victor has solved it? What's wrong with your voice? It's blocked by dark clouds, and the satellite can't see the image."

Zhang Lancang's old voice: "Ah, cough...It's me, now that something is wrong, send someone to clean it up, and how about Oscar?"

Fury: "This is exactly what I am going to inform you. Agent Natasha has piloted a helicopter. Oscar over there may need you to help, because...FUCK!"

hasn't finished speaking yet, Fury is a rare swearing, followed by an urgent order, hurried to hang up Zhang Lan's call.

It doesnt need to be explained by Fury. The location of Zhang Lan and others is inside a commercial building. The original floor-to-ceiling windows have been shattered. The cold wind has blown in from the outside. A chill.

However, Zhang Lan had no time to take care of it. He stared deadly at the sky. A light green cloud covered the original dark clouds. This light green cloud was obviously heavier than air and was slowly falling from the sky. With.

is like raindrops.

Zhang Lan rushed into the heavy rain desperately, and ran to the place where Victor died. The perspective here was very good. Looking around the sky, the pale green clouds couldn't see the edge.

The whole New York!

The light green clouds covered the whole of New York!

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