Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 535: Infinite gloves on the right hand

Chapter 535: Infinite gloves on the right hand

Johnny's supernova high temperature is simply useless in space. He needs oxygen to burn. Standing in space is still useless with the help of steel armor.

Banners own terror fighting power is based on the infinite growth power, which is implicitly the power law, which is the power law realized through technology, just like the space law used by Malkis space bomb.

However, Banner has only mastered the fragmentation of the law of unstable power, which is nothing compared to the hegemony with an authentic and complete law, and it is useless.

Natasha's own combat power has not reached the s level. She has always been used as the brain of Banner's rampage, so after Banner's useless weapon is useless, it is also useless.

Thor's Thor's Hammer is even more uttered-together with Thor's Hammer, they were robbed by the Bully. As a weapon for the Bully to deal with Odin, it is useless and adds a negative effect.

Not to mention Rocky, the illusion of good play is a joke in front of people's soul gems. As for the attack power... It can be said that it is the penultimate waste on the spot, which is better than Johnny and useless.

Only Peter with the reincarnation eye, its unique golden wheel reincarnation explosion (extreme power of extreme repulsion), silver wheel reincarnation explosion (extreme power of extreme gravity), but can effectively contain the domineering, making the deadly attack of the domineering always It's almost the same to pass by his teammates, or bounce and **** away the people who are about to be attacked by the bully.

As a result, with all of the efforts of the people, all they could do was distract the Bully a little bit to deal with them, instead of going all out to deal with the black on the left arm, thus quickly contacting and swallowing the lives of many s-class strongmen. The seal created.

However, it was only slightly delayed.

No, the red-eyed Tony rushed forward and wanted to make a big attack. The blue and gold suit armor plates all over the body were opened, revealing the next missile with engraved runes.

Needless to say, this must have been the strongest attack that assembled the latest rune technology on Earth.

However, before Tony failed to send these attacks, he was noticed by the Bully. He stabbed Odin with a shot on his left shoulder, and the Bully slammed into Tony!

I saw a layer of space in the space compressed into shells, and almost instantly hit Tony's blue-gold suit. The strange thing is that this space shell did not blast Tony, but instead Tony is wrapped in it!

This scene, it seems familiar!

It was the first time that the Tyrant came to earth for the first time, and then released a weakened version of the space attack on Zhang Lan-even if it was a weakened version, Tonys ordinary flesh could not bear it.

Therefore, just like the original Zhang Lan, Tony didn't even have a chance to speak, just to be shattered into cosmic atoms directly by the shock power of space attack.

With it, there are countless rune missiles on Tony who were also detonated by this force!

For a time, the blue and gold suits were directly covered by various states, and finally turned into a freeze-like picture. It stopped at the same place-that is the power of "time and space", freeze the time of one side of the space, and then-like The glass is generally broken!

The tear from the law of time, the blue gold that can barely resist the space attack, without any resistance, shattered along the time mirror, and finally turned into a powder, fluttered in this space, and became the victim of this battle. one.

However, nobody present was able to mourn Tony, because the black on the left hand of the tyrant has become thinner and thinner, and the weakening of the tyrant is also getting smaller, so the resistance of everyone is also more difficult. .

When the time came to 3 minutes and 12 seconds, the black on the left hand of the killer was just a thin layer of light black film, and even the skin color on the original arm of the killer can be seen through this film. Infinite gloves.

In this state, Destroyer finally took most of his mind out of the black and put it in the battle in front of him.

The first thing to dominate is to slam the hammer on the head of Odin stiffened by the law of soul. The aging body of the latter can't fight against the law of nearly full strength, and it bursts without surprise. .

It is Thors hammer of Thor!

In this scene, Saul was breaking apart, and he no longer had to defend himself. Waving his fist and fighting with the tyrants-even Rocky didn't have time to pull Saul to death.

So, Thor died on his weapon Thor's hammer.

Contaminated with the blood and life of his current master, Thor's hammer seems to have received a curse, no longer has the weight and soul of a planet, and some are just ordinary hammer bodies.

It's like a normal hammer.

In fact, hegemony also frowned slightly, and he didn't expect that such a handy hammer would destroy itself after killing his original owner.

Throw out the hammer that is already out of hand. Under the power of tyrannical power to terrifying, this ordinary hammer is instantly transformed into a meteor, and then it is slammed in Susan's mind. Above the shield, the power shield shattered like a broken bamboo, and then fell heavily on the blue-red Ride of the whole body. The strong impact force took Ride to fly out involuntarily and hit the original along the way. Susan, who wanted to protect herself, had been standing by Susan's Johnny, who wanted to pull Susan away, and herself, who wanted to come to help.

Undoubtedly, even if Reid had undertaken the most direct attack, the remaining three Susan, Johnny and Ben who received the aftermath attack were killed on the spot.

As for the relentless Rhett, it is still in the future and sad. The direct attack on the soul of the tyrant directly wiped out Rhetts soul, and the body without the soul control also faded from the blue and gold state. Floating in space for the original.

Even the instinct of the soulless body disappeared, and it didnt take long for Rhett to suffocate because he couldnt breathe spontaneously!

And Charles and Qin, who have been trying to use the power of the soul to contain the bully, are even more miserable. The two of them directly burst into a whole, turning into a force of soul shock spreading around, which makes the only remaining Banner and Na Tasha, Loki, and Peter were caught flat-footed. Instead, they were shocked and blank, all of a sudden losing consciousness.

In this emptiness, the tyrant will be polite in the face of Banner, who has recently lost his will. He punched the space with a punch, and the strong waves of space directly shake Banners body of hundreds of meters into powder, stepping on Tonys. Followers.

As for Natasha, who has always been inseparable from Banner, she is naturally not immune.

For a while, only Rocky and Peter were left alive!

This kind of strength... is terrifying! ! !

When Tyrant wanted to continue to destroy the two, suddenly, Loki did something that no one thought of!

Loki, with his own dagger, stabbed Peter into the back of his heart and gently turned, a complete heart was unloaded by Loki.

This sudden change, but let the tyrant stunned, then looked at Loki with interest.

Loki put Peter's heart on his face with pious hands, and said with fear in his mouth: "My lord, I hope that the city and you will manage the borders of these nine countries for you and become your faithful men!"

Listen to this, Loki escaped and surrendered!

Loki's head was deep and deep, and he couldn't see his face at all. However...the idea of the inner soul can't be deceiving.

The hegemony with the law of soul, it is very easy to explore the heart of Loki-this guy, really want to surrender to himself!

An interesting expression appeared on the face of the bully, and then asked: "In the future, more powerful people will appear, will you betray me?"

"Of course!" Loki even admitted directly: "As long as your existence is stronger than Lord of Tyrant, I will surrender, but... the universe, I am afraid that there is no stronger existence than Lord of Tyrant, Therefore, I have no object to betrayal."

In a few words, the sincere and extreme remarks were shocked to hear the bully, and then laughed hahaha.

"Hahaha, interesting, interesting!"

The Bully laughed and walked across Rocky towards the battlefield of the two armies.

Really just let Rocky go!

Rocky's eyes flickered, and he threw Peter's heart into space, and then drove Tony's steel suit to chase away the bully.

"Master Domineering, do you think you can give me some time to persuade the people of these nine nations to surrender? On the one hand, they can reduce the loss of your army, on the other hand, these people will be your people in the future. By the time, it may be your soldiers at the time."

Faced with Loki's suggestion, Domineering bowed his head and thought for a moment, then immediately glanced at the battlefield where the warriors of the earth passed through the battlefield, and their army was at an absolutely disadvantaged position, and nodded slightly.

As long as his hegemony comes, there will naturally be no disadvantages or disadvantages. It is just that the two armies are intertwined. Even if he is hegemony, there is no way for him to separate the attacks of all people in a short period of time. .. No, if the people of the eight nations tried their best to resist, they would also lose a large number of men and future people.

Therefore, if Loki can really stop this battle, it is naturally the best.

"Very good, please wait for a while. I will go to the main command system to command the army to retreat. At that time, they will let them lose their weapons first, and then ask your army to show mercy."

After talking about it, Loki waited until the hegemony nodded again to express his approval, before Loki was ready to continue to speak.

However, it was grabbed by the tyrant, and before the opening of Loki, he was suddenly thrown out. His body broke through the space limit and shuttled the space, and then hit the Star Warship just a few light years away. .

Had he not protected the whole body with the rule of power to eliminate hegemony, I was afraid that Dangdang's ride would be enough for him.

Far away bowing towards the tyrant, Loki got into the Star Wars ship, but the soldiers who saw Loki raised their weapons and pointed at Loki, this guy just exchanged them, but they were all heard in the communication system. clear!

"Stop it!" The cold sound of the phantom sounded in the call system: "Let him come in and come to the main command room of Atlantis."

In spite of their unwillingness, the soldiers took Loki to the location designated by Phantom.

This time, it took more than 10 minutes, plus the previous time has been delayed for more than 14 minutes, which has far exceeded the limit of 3 minutes Zhang Lan said earlier.

"Damn, isn't it 3 minutes!" As soon as he entered the command center, Loki roared away: "What the guy is doing, Phantom, you quickly let the army retreat first, as long as you can drag."

In a word, if it was seen, it must have thought that Loki was thinking about the eight great nations. But previously Loki set out Peter's heart...

You know, Peter's eyes, after evolutionary reincarnation, are 360 without dead ends! How could it be impossible to see Loki's attack?

Obviously, Peter voluntarily let Loki attack.

All this is based on the premise that the Bully does not understand Peter's eyes. Fortunately, Loki and Peter succeeded.

Phantom looked back at the same Rocky, and then slapped it **** the face of Rocky-with the illusion that the ordinary people's physique at this time, Rocky could easily escape, but Rocky did not hide.

In any case, he did kill Peter himself. There is no way to change it.

"If it weren't that the plan was proposed by Peter himself, Loki, you also want to live!" Phantom's tone was cold, but it was revealed-as for this plan, Peter himself proposed it!

Rocky slaps Phantom violently, but does not say anything, but pulls out a **** heart from the void with his backhand, and gives it to Phantom with a slight trembling.

Its Peters heart.

"Sorry, everyone... I only brought this back."

But I dont know what method Loki used to bring this back under the eyes of the bully~~ The phantom took Peters heart expressionlessly and put it aside. In a cultivation tank, as long as this is returned, then they can at least create a clone of Peter.

At that time, the clones were filled with the previous memories. In another sense, Peter was also resurrected.

At the same time, Mirage also gave orders to his soldiers-

"The general guardian headed by Tony (the unified name of the s-level strongman) has been killed in numerous battles. Only the **** Loki is left. Loki asks you to put down your weapons and surrender. My command is... retreat!"

In a short sentence, none of the soldiers present suspected that they had misheard, and the movements in their hands stopped, and the army of the tyrants who had been prepared to receive orders immediately stopped the attack.

So, even if they were not reconciled, the soldiers of the eight nations still formed an orderly team under the command of Phantom, and then slowly retreated.

Regardless, the phantom did not let them lay down their arms. The Rocky behind him saw the sound and immediately reminded, "Phantom, let them lay down their arms."

Phantom did not look at Loki, and coldly issued the last command: "All soldiers, for glory, attack all the enemies in your eyes!"

In an instant, the soldiers of the eight major nations who were unwilling to reconcile raised their weapons and confronted their enemies with wanton laughter.

Seeing this, the bully, who was originally showing satisfaction, shouted in exasperation: "Loki, you dare to deceive me, you all deserve to die!"

It is said that the bully is to attack downward, but-his figure is frozen in place in vain, a figure drilled from the door of the space behind the bully, that is a right hand.

One, right hand with infinite gloves!

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