Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 507: Realistic gems

Chapter 507: Realistic gems

Jane didn't care too much at first, just walked around.

I never thought that it would be such a random accident to walk around casually and avoid being injured by the single Wang.


The instrument in his hand is beeping, but looking at it in a puzzled way, it is found that the data of the instrument is very strange.

This strange data, Jane has only seen in two places in his life.

One is now.

The second is when Sol opened the Rainbow Bridge back to Asgard in New Mexico.

This discovery made Jane's gradually cold heart warm again.

However, there are some differences in this value.

Holding the instrument in his hand, Jane moved around. After determining the change pattern, Jane moved towards the data value that he could not forget.

As the value of the instrument in his hand became closer to memory, Jane couldn't help feeling nervous.

Unconsciously, Jane walked into a long corridor, at the end of which was a worn door.

The dust all around indicated that the place was old.

The gloomy atmosphere made Jane dare not take steps.


Suddenly, a strange wind blew, and Jane's figure slipped forward involuntarily-not because the wind was blowing her forward, but with a strange attraction, which pulled Jane forward.

At the moment when he was about to hit the wall, like the car keys that Darcy had dropped, Jane disappeared on the earth.

At that moment, a strange breath spread, blinding some perceptions, but also causing another sense of existence.

Far above the top of the Himalayas, there is a more peculiar scene on a mountain bag that is covered by thick learning.

Goose feathers and heavy snow fall on the ground is a natural law.

But in this mountain bag is different, because it is hollow.

On the periphery, thick snowflakes cover the scene inside, and no scientist on earth can explain the principle that scene.

Because, snowflakes, they float in the air, and they become snowflakes, and sometimes dissolve into water, but sometimes just a mass of gas.

In the very center of this weird sight is Zhang Lan, who has disappeared for a long time.

He was like a statue, holding a standing posture lifelessly, as if he was feeling something. The sacred clothing was broken down into parts and pieces around Zhang Lan, sheltering him from the wind and rain.

And at this moment, a slightly unhealthy strange wave came, which caused the long-moving Zhang Lan's eyelashes to vibrate slightly, followed by the eyeball rotation, and finally this lifeless bronze statue was restored to the human body. The vitality has come back to this body again, and it is even richer than before.

At this moment, Zhang Lan's s-level barrier that could not be broken through was finally a breakthrough.

The first ss-level strongman of the earth was born on top of this Himalaya.

Zhang Lan, who woke up, looked away in one direction, and murmured in his mouth: "This wave... six gems, what gem was born this time?"

With that in mind, Zhang Lan broke a door of space in front of him and took a step. He was already standing in the corridor where Jane disappeared, staring at the void with his eyes closed, feeling the surrounding disorder to the extreme space.

"This kind of feeling...Nine stars are continually beaded, the space is disordered, it is a gem of reality, "Raytheon 2" is on!"

In space and space, there are many gaps in space.

The gaps between these spaces have no meaning, because they are full of inexhaustible land, there is no sunshine, no land, no life.

The only thing that can be done is the land of exile.

Banish some, abandoned people or things.

The king of Asgard, the father of King Odin, has eliminated the dark elf family who tried to make the nine universes fall into eternal darkness, and sealed the artifact of their family, the real gem, in this space. Crevice.

Already, I don't know how many years have passed.

Up to now, Jiuxing Lianzhu is approaching, the space is disordered, and the gap between the space used as the seal is exposed.

Coincidentally, Jane, who made the turbulent fluctuations of space into the fluctuations of the Rainbow Bridge, accidentally stepped into the gap between the spaces.

Realistic gems that haven't felt the human breath for years, immediately sucked Jane into this space.

As a result, Jane saw a pool of red fluid, crushed between two boulders.

Jane, who was full of curiosity, just wanted to reach out and touch the blood-red fluid that seemed to be alive, but didn't want it. The blood-red fluid was more eager, and the moment Jane's hand broke through the seal and entered the seal, it was completely lost. In the body.

In an instant, Jane lost her perception. When her body was soft, she would fall to the ground and be wrapped around her waist by a forceful arm.

It's Zhang Lan.

The turbulent spatial fluctuations made him take the time to find Jane's space coordinates even though he left the [Flying Thor] seal on Jane.

For such a short period of time, Zhang Lan was still one step behind.

The left eye eternal kaleidoscope rotates, wanting to use [deprivation] to deprive the real gems that have not been merged with Jane, and the real gems that finally get rid of the difficulties naturally rise up to resist.

With the powerful force of contact, Jane's thin body couldn't reach at all, and there was blood flowing out of the nose immediately.

Zhang Lan immediately stopped the power of the eternal kaleidoscope.

If he insists, he will be able to deprive the real gem, but... Jane, I am afraid that he will die before the deprivation is completed.

This is obviously not what Zhang Lan wants to see.

Stretching her hand between Jane's eyebrows, she injects Xianshu Chakra for Jane. With enough energy, her body adapts to the real gem very quickly, slowly awakening from the coma.

Jane, who was awakened, opened his eyes at first glance and saw Zhang Lan holding his waist, and immediately bounced off in panic.

"Wow, blue, how are you..."

Jianpo has some incoherent words and does not know what to say.

For Zhang Lan, she only had one side of the relationship, and then she only talked about Zhang Lan's great achievements on major TVs.

Seriously, if she met Sol earlier, she might really fall in love with this **** who guards the earth.

"It's okay, Jane, you're fainting. I'm preventing you from being injured. Go out with me first."

With that said, Zhang Lanhua opened a door to space and walked out first.

It appeared that Daisy and Darcy, who were still talking about car key issues, had several children separated by them.


"Oh, God!"

After two screams, the sudden appearance of Zhang Lan made Daisy both frightened and surprised.

Daisy even touched Zhang Lan's pectoral muscles in disbelief, and looked like an idol but couldn't believe it.


Jane, who came out of Zhang Lan, had to cough and remind Daisy, who had been nympho, to pay attention to the impact.

"Sorry Lan, Daisy, she's just a little...well...wanna adore you."

Zhang Lan smiled gently, saying that he didn't care, but his eyes looked in the other direction.

The three also looked down on Zhang Lan's line of sight. Jane suddenly felt like a lightning strike, his body stiffened for a moment, and then he ran away involuntarily.

That figure... that figure that thinks day and night.

She saw it again.


It was pouring down, leaning down from the sky, but Jane was desperately chasing away from the building towards the figure he dreamed of seeing.

The strange thing is that the heavy rain did not wet Jane's body, but formed a two-meter vacuum zone around her.

Jane, who looks like an arrow, didn't care about this, but Zhang Lan, who was far from the top of the building, noticed it.

"It is the power of the reality gem...can be realized, the power of any will."

When Zhang Lan was thinking about the problem, Jane finally ran to the person he was thinking about day and night.

At such a short distance, Jane can finally be sure-nothing is wrong, it is Sol!

After more than a year, she finally saw her love again.

Saul even opened his arms and waited for Jane to send him a warm embrace that he hadn't seen in a long time.


Suddenly changing the style of painting, Jane flicked his hand to give Sol a slap, and Sol was a little caught off guard.

"Sorry, I just want to confirm if you are real, weird all day today." Jane apologized.

"I'm real, Jane." Sol forgave Jane very generously.



Saul's words were not finished yet. It might be Jane of Virgo. On the other side of Saul's face, he slapped a slap in the face and pursued the balance on both sides.

"Where have you been?" Jan questioned Thor aloud, venting his anger that the other party disappeared for more than a year without news.

"Hildam said he couldn't see you anymore." Saul said without a head.

According to what he meant, he was worried about Jane, so he came.

Jian Ke, who was in a state of excitement, could not hear this, but vented herself.

"I was where we broke up. I have been waiting hard, crying while waiting, crying and waiting, and then go out to find you again, you said you will come back!"

"I know, of course I will come back, but the Rainbow Bridge is destroyed, I can't... To know that the Nine Kingdoms are in chaos, the flames are raging, and the marauders are robbing by fire, I must first end the unrest." Sol explained domineering Very good.

I dont know, I thought he was showing off his princehood.

No, Jane's excitement was immediately under control, and finally only a weak reply.

"If that's the case, it's the past." This means that the explanation has been accepted, but I don't intend to let Sol pass away: "But I saw you appear on TV, you are in New York, and the Blue God Fight together."

The implication is that you have all come to earth, why not come and see me?

"Jane, you know, I went there to protect humans from the upper realm and fulfill my promise to Lan, but...I was wrong."

Saul is coming here, and finally it is no longer reasonable to talk to Jane, and he has spoken some affectionate words.

This simple mind is about to melt.

Sol immediately hit the iron while hot, wanting to have a long-lost kiss with Jane.

"Hey!" Intrusive Daisy interrupted the two and asked, pointing at the pouring rain: "Did you do it?"

The next moment Daisy asked, the pouring rain stopped immediately.

As suddenly as it came, it suddenly stopped.

Such a coincident moment must have been controlled by Sol.

"Sorry, but we are discussing some issues, you..." Jane hopes Daisy will not disturb her rare world of two.

"Of course, but in that case, the police will take us away." Daisy said in a good tone.

It turned out that unconsciously, the personnel of the US government had already come here.

"Oh, it's a group of dog-like guys, and their noses are really sensitive." Jane complained impatiently and said to Sol: "Don't forget what you just said."

Then, he ran away quickly.

After all, two of them were her interns on the spot, um... one was an intern.

This kind of docking still requires her to come.

The government officials who came here, just like the SHIELD staff who looted her laboratory last time, said that after a brief inquiry about Jian Routine's suits and shoes.

"This is private territory, you are suspected of illegal invasion, please come with us!"

With that said, the man in the suit was just reaching out to grab Jane's arm.

Although it is not a policeman in the movie but a government agent, the situation remains the same. The reality gem automatically shielded the suit agent and directly shattered the glass of all the cars around.

A circle of red waves rippled, even reaching Zhang Lan who was watching the situation from the top of the building ~ ~ From that fluctuation, Zhang Lan felt a familiar taste.

"There is nothing wrong, it must be a real gem."

Seeing this not far away, Sol hurriedly ran to Jane's side, helped her up, and asked her how her body was concerned.

"Put your hand on your head and back away!"

Several agents in black were on alert with guns, warning Jane and Saul.

"She's uncomfortable." Sol frowned and explained that this was his greatest tolerance.

"She's dangerous." Agent Black explained with a focus.

"I'm the same!" Saul stared back at him with a stern look.

Seeing that the two parties were about to start a conflict, Sol bowed his head to Jane and said softly, "Hug me tight."

Immediately afterwards, the tremendous brilliance at the start of the Rainbow Bridge came, and Sol and Jane disappeared in place, leaving only a huge array printed on the ground.

Seeing this, the black agent immediately opened the walkie-talkie nervously, requested support from his superior, and sent an expert to identify it.

Seeing this in the distance, Zhang Lan did not show up from beginning to end.

After the two of Sol left, he also broke through the door of space and appeared in the Karma Taj on the top of the Himalayas.

Fortunately, it happened to hit Devon and Strand in a training match-of course, just relying on the power of magic, and Zhang Lan's wooden avatar was on the side as a referee.

Otherwise, as long as the engulfing law is arbitrarily launched, even Gu Yi is difficult to resist, let alone a half-bucket of water.

Seeing this, Zhang Lan didn't say anything, but just watched the battle between the two, looking very interested.

The new book "Naruto has made a false god" for support, thank you!

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