Naruto System In Marvel World

: Chapter 38: Weakness and Fear

: Chapter 38: Weakness and Fear

Firefighter A, who had been holding the fire ladder tightly, did not have enough hands to grasp the fire ladder. Another firefighter B quickly tried to hold him, but he miscalculated his own strength and was pulled together. Fall to the sea.

originally supposed to grab the front of the car, but he was fighting with Dr. Lizard on the side. One skin was thick and the other had strong resilience. I was afraid that it would be impossible to finish.

Little spider Peters strength is not strength after all. Although he tried his best, his face was full of blue muscles, and he couldnt change the slipping under his feet!

He was too light and his heels were unstable, so he couldn't use any strength at all.

At this very moment, Zhang Lan has always released the sand and made achievements.

He saw that the sand was transformed into two sand hands, instead of grabbing the fire truck, but piled up on Peter's lower body, forcing him to increase his weight.

Peter's mass is too small, and his heel is not stable, so he can't use force.

Under the stability of a lot of sand, Peter successfully stood firm, and with the recovery of some Susan, the fire truck gradually pulled back to the bridge deck.

The liberated Peter immediately sprinted away and jumped directly out of the bridge. His danger sensor told him that a car over there was about to be in danger, and there was a little boy inside.

On the other side, the rubber man Reid also successfully caught the two firemen who fell into the sea.

Zhang Lan tired spread directly to the ground, just a while ago, using the sand to control the limit reached, not only consumes Chakra as simple, but also a lot of mental power.

This makes him very uncomfortable now. As if his brain was pierced by the battlefield, he barely maintained the transformation technique, which is already the limit.

In this state, even if he opened the eight doors, he would have no combat power. No matter how powerful the body is, there is no healthy soul to control it, but it is just a skin.

has always been familiar with the plot, so why are they all caught, the result is that the real battle is to realize that power is king.

Reluctantly looked up at the battlefield between the Stoneman and Dr. Lizard. Dr. Lizard's right hand had already begun to disintegrate. This is an unfinished lizard potion. The sign that it is about to end. If it does not continue to be injected, it will degenerate to its original appearance.

The broken hand Kurt Conners, biogenetics expert.

Dr. Lizard, whose strength was waning, gave birth to retreat, glaring at a black Audi car, and then began to retreat.

Does 's instinct that has been fighting with him let him go like this? He is not agile but has been in a passive position. Seeing that he wants to run away, he directly wants to suppress Dr. Lizard with a flutter.

Why is too heavy, yet unfamiliar with this, just grabbed Dr. Lizard's tail, and the other party didn't even look at it, broke his tail directly, and then fled quickly.

stood up with the lizard tail in his arms, glanced at the back of Dr. Lizard who was running away, and disgustedly shook the tail of the lizard still in his hands.

At this moment, the little spider Fang successfully rescued the little boy. Rhett has been holding two firefighters for some reason. Zhang Lan and Susan were unable to recover their bodies for the time being.

For a time, no one could stop Dr. Lizard from escaping and let it disappear smoothly in the eyes of everyone.

looked at Dr. Lizard and fled, Zhang Lan could only helplessly look far away, slightly mentioning a trace of the recovered spirit, controlling the sand to return to the sandstorm pot, just leaving some protection around himself and Susan.

Police officers who are always late, Kankan rushed to the scene, raising his gun at his party, he could not help but guard!

"Lying on the ground! Now!"

"Lying on the ground! Quick!"

A police officer shouted through a megaphone, Zhang Lan ignored it, and tried to walk to Reid, shaking his head vigorously, forcing himself to be awake, and trying to use the spider launcher to stick the two names under the bridge. Firemen.

is too far away, his condition is too bad, he can't open the writing wheel, and he can't aim at all.



Zhang Lan scolded fiercely, followed by a gunshot, a police officer thought he was firing some dangerous items to the firefighters, and shot very nervously into his calf.

The American standard M9 pistol was naturally blocked by the sand, but the impact of the bullet made him staggered and another shot of silk was not hit.

didn't even think about turning back. The figure of Rhett had already shivered slightly. Ben in the distance found this plight and rushed towards it. During the period, he also received a few bullets.

No pain or itching.

Zhang Lan gritted his teeth, and the sand around him formed a sand chain around his waist. He jumped off the bridge, pulled it close by three meters, and aimed again.

has not yet fired, and he has maintained superpower for a long time. Fang Fang awakened that he was obviously overspending. Finally, he failed to hold on, and the rubber body began to contract quickly.

Rhett with his upper body down naturally would not let go, so he contracted with his lower body down.

Zhang Lan's hand quickly grabbed Rhett, who was passing by, and turned back to shoot spider silk towards the bottom of the bridge.

After doing this action, he was also quickly pulled to the sea by Reid, wrapped around his waist with sand chains, even if he did not resist, he was directly broken, just when the four people wanted to fall freely to the sea, Fang Qianzhang The blue fired spider silk successfully stuck to the bottom of the bridge, dangerously stopping the falling trend.

Zhang Lan in the middle of the hub, his eyes, ears, nose and nose are bleeding. The sand chain that he broke just before he managed to maintain it. Before he was broken, he failed to release the maintenance force in time. Trying to maintain, the consequence is the rapid consumption of mental energy.

And when the mental power is close to exhaustion, under the extreme squeeze mental power, if the normal person, it should have been congested and comatose, but fortunately Zhang Lan has an undead body.

However, the pain and injury should not be discounted at all!

left hand holding spider silk, right hand holding Reid, Zhang Lanqiang maintained his energy.

'S rushed Ben grabbed the spider silk and pulled Zhang Lan and the others up like water.

As soon as Fang touched the bridge deck, Zhang Lan had not yet stood firm, and his mental strength was extremely weak. Zhang Qian failed to stand in time and fell backwards.

Fell down to the rough sea!

The fast-responding fireman B, once again exerted his special ability, grabbed Zhang Lan's tie in time, this was to prevent an accident.

It's just the face that hit the bridge, it hurts a little!

After being pulled onto the bridge again, Zhang Lan's spirit seemed quite weak.

The surrounding crowds spontaneously applauded, and the applause gradually spread. Finally, the police officers who even raised their guns to guard against the fire were all guns to the ground.

Seeing the end of the event, Peter left the swing and left, hiding the merits and fame.

Outside the crowd, a blonde woman squeezed in, with a slightly frightened look~~ looked straight at the stone man, and also noticed the familiar figure, and walked towards it with a meaning .

frightened her with this move. She shook her head involuntarily, making her stop involuntarily and staring at her from afar.

He saw her finger stretched out to the engagement ring on the ring finger of her left hand.

However, she didn't look at Ben's eyes. After gently putting the engagement ring on the ground, she turned her head away and stopped looking at Ben.

Ben hurried away, wondering if she wanted to recover her or wanted to pick up the ring. The crowd applauding in front of them all meant to stay away from Ben.

realized that he is no longer a normal person.

bent over to pick up the ring on the ground, but he, with only four fingers, was not thinner than before, but he was much thicker and could not afford the small ring.

Zhang Lan controlled some sand wrapped around him, gently lifted the ring on the ground, and placed it in Ben's palm, he could only do it.

Lett, who was one step late, was also assuring him that he would definitely let him return to the original state.

Looking at the farewell in front of him, Zhang Lan felt a lot of emotion in his heart. Superpower is clearly the power that some humans desire, why are some people afraid?

glanced up at the bridge and looked devastated. Although everyone tried to protect it, some people were still injured. A very small number of people lost their precious lives in the initial car accident and subsequent explosion.

This made Zhang Lan feel very uncomfortable, because he felt that at least half of them died because of his reasons, then the difficulty of the world +3 recruited Dr. Lizard.

The faint thought in my heart became clearer.

Again, another seed took root in his heart, waiting for germination and growth.

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