Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 10: The amazing power of Table Lotus

Chapter 10: The amazing power of Table Lotus

"Drip, start the scanning system, the scan is successful, the data has been released."


Name: Peter Parker/Spider-Man

Skills: danger sensing, C-level strength strengthening, agility strengthening, reflex nerve strengthening, physical strengthening

State: Sad

Comprehensive ability: C level (combat value: 176)

Comprehensive evaluation: agile and responsive, but with a little lack of strength. He has just been awakened and he is still in continuous strength. His combat experience is his weakness.


"It seems that there are still many functions of this system that have not been tapped by me." Zhang Lan thought: "But even Peter's weaker power is much stronger than me, and I can't do battle experience."

scanned Peter's information, then looked at his skill panel, thinking about tactics.

"Dude? Did you hear me speak?" Peter hangs upside down on the rope, he prefers this posture: "I really don't have the mood to fight with you today, is it alright?"

"Beat me, I will tell you what you want to know."

"Do you really want to fight? I really feel today..."

Body SkillMillennium Kill

Zhang Lan directly released his only displacement skill. Now he has no long-range attack skills and must be close.

He instantly disappeared into Peter's sight. Peter's danger perception that he had just received felt that the chrysanthemum was tight. This signal made Peter suddenly change color, and his hands and feet rushed to the ground.

He looked back and saw Zhang Lan's hands forming a tiger's seal, his arms stretched out, and he stabbed straight forward, with a little surprise on his face, obviously he didn't expect Peter to be able to escape his instant thousand-year kill.

is a bit tricky!

In a thousand hairs, Zhang Lan's fingertips touched the edges of Peter's crotch, but unfortunately still did not hit the target.

Peter used both hands and feet and ran on the iron rope until he still felt that his chrysanthemum was still cold.

"What kind of tricks are you? So nasty, mean, don't force me, otherwise I...FUCK!"

Peter warned again that Zhang Lan in the line of sight disappeared abruptly. At the same time, the tight feeling of chrysanthemum struck again, and he could not pay attention to the warning. A top hip, the entire abdomen was attached to the iron rope, and the foot was full of strength. Pedaling, shooting off the ground like an arrow from the string, with both hands on the ground, dangerously and dangerously avoiding the danger of being "intestinal".

Peter shook his numb arm, which was shocked. His full-strength impact on the ground was great. His eyes looked strange, and he was a little annoyed and rushed to Zhang Lan without saying a word. Too.

Peter didn't dodge this time anymore. Since this person didn't listen to the warning so much, then give him a hard lesson, just because he needs to vent!

The two were fighting together, but the angry Peter had a lot of strength in his hand. He didn't have any moves at all, just punched Zhang Lan.

There was no way to dare to dodge with his agile skills. Peter noticed that each time the other party used that strange trick, he had to form a tiger seal with both hands before disappearing.

Therefore, Peter's attack is a continuous one. He cannot let Zhang Lan's hands idle.

originally thought that his power was higher than Zhang Lan. Even if he gave up his agile strength, he could beat Zhang Lan down, but the more he beat Peter, the worse it felt.

The face-to-face boxing of the two men was close for a minute, and they blocked each other no less than 50 times. Both hands showed some unusual red purple.

But looking back at Zhang Lan, his arms are still as clean as ever, with no trace of strange colors.

The reason is that every time Peter's attack always hits a mass of moving sand, they remove most of their power, and Zhang Lan also concentrates on Chakra at the hit position, which can effectively defend against the attack.

"No, this guy has a weirdness and is stronger than me."

Peter has a clear mind.

After blocking Zhang Lan's attack again, he jumped back immediately and pulled away the distance. The entire back was attached to the wall. This is to prevent Zhang Lan's millennium killing.

Zhang Lan didn't chase, just played a set without skill, just vented his emotions, and then he should consider how to defeat Peter, which is the requirement of the main task.

"It seems that you can only use this." Zhang Lan frowned helplessly, his attack skills are still too little.

Eight Men DunjiaShumenOpen

There were blue muscles on his face, and the blue Chakra on his arm became a little fuller. At the same time, his legs slowly emerged from the light blue Chakra.

The body is full of power!

Feel the changes in his body. This time his body is in a normal state. He feels that he can maintain the current state of transition for as long as three minutes, and then the body will not bear the blood collapse.

The body is still too weak.

"Can't delay the time anymore, quick battle and quick decision, use watch lotus flower."

Watch Lotus, can only be used when the eight-door DunjiaHume door is open, and belongs to C-level body surgery.

After making a good tactic, Zhang Lan exerted force under his feet and rushed towards Peter in a flash. Peter on one side didn't know where was the chain of a thick finger, and he watched Zhang Lan rushing with great eagerness. ..


There was a muffled noise, Zhang Lan covered his head and crouched beside the wall not far from Peter. The speed was too fast, and his reflex nerve could not keep up and hit the wall.

Peter apparently calculated this result, brandishing Zhang Lan with an iron chain in his hand, trying to tie the lost lamb.

Waking up from the dizziness, Zhang Lan had been wrapped by Peter with a chain of iron. His hands and feet could not be stretched. He tried to stand up. Peter at the other end of the chain dragged vigorously and dragged Zhang Lan's unsteady center of gravity. Ground.

"Hey, how do you count now?" Peter didn't chase after the victory, he felt he had won.

Falling on the ground, Zhang Lanyi raised his head with his teeth. His face was more painful than hitting the wall. His handsome face.

smiled coldly at Peter, Zhang Lan raised his hand, and his hands were already held together, forming a tiger seal that made Peter suddenly change color.

didn't think at all. When Zhang Lan hadn't disappeared yet, Peter jumped up, twisted his body in the air and kicked him behind him. He must teach this shameless guy a lesson.

did not have the expected shock!

It turns out that Zhang Lan did use the skill, but he used the avatar. The goal was to secretly move a small ball of sand under Peter.

Only objects of the same quality with their own chakras can be used for avatars.

So when Peter had a beautiful round kick, Zhang Lan appeared under Peter.

I saw that his body emptied into a handstand, slightly bent his hands on the ground, his waist exerted force, and a rabbit kicked the eagle on Peter's stomach, kicking the body that Peter was about to fall higher, and was relatively impacted by Peter. Blue, push your arm to a limit.

The rich Chakra filled his arm. As the arm burst out a lot of blood, Zhang Lan slammed into Peter like a slingshot, and his powerful legs were full of Chakra. When falling, they will be kicked into the sky again.

The speed of the outburst at this instant was not caught up by the sand flow that had originally surrounded Zhang Lan, and was left behind.

The iron chain that was originally in Peter's hands has been put in the hands by Zhang Lan.

It's a long story, but this series of actions only happened within a second. Peter was hit directly in the abdomen in the air, unable to take advantage of the force, and directly dissipated his strength, and then hit the chained legs one by one. It made Peter unable to gather any strength to fight back.

When Peter was taken by Zhang Lan to seven meters above the ground, Zhang Lan's arm exploded and finally exhausted.

Waving the iron chain in his arm, intending to use the iron chain as a bandage to wrap around Peter, and then cast the second half of Epiphany, that is, to help Peter rotate, and then his head fell perfectly.

However, the previous explosive eruption allowed Zhang Lan to jump so high, but the price was extremely high. The blood flower that burst out made the blood vessels of the entire arm withstand a large amount of Chakra and burst after the extreme force. opened.

This caused the waving arm to be unable to perfectly control the aspect of the iron chain, and failed to bind Peter, giving him a reaction time, struggling to kick Zhang Lan away from his side.

There is no cushion of sand flow, Peter kicked directly on Zhang Lan's stomach.

Peter's feelings told him that without kicking the blue, he might die, but he would really die.

Even Peter, who had been fortified, did not dare to approach the height of two floors at a height of seven meters, spiraling his head against the ground.

After all, he only awakened his ability for a few days, and has not yet reached his peak!

"Boom! Boom!"

Two sounds of falling objects sounded one after another. Peter covered his stomach and lay prone on the ground. Even after avoiding the main damage in the second half, the series of combos in front were not in vain.

as the attacker Zhang Lan, but more miserable.

The hands and feet have been stained with blood, that is, using Chakra to protect important parts and prevent Peter's leg.

However, Chakra is already exhausted!

Without the buffering action, without the protection of Chakra, Zhang Lan crashed on the floor.

The impact force perfectly attacked his body, and then hit the internal organs through the bones.

A spit of blood spit out, mixed with some visceral fragments, the acceleration brought by Peter's foot is not weak.

'S undead ability once again exerts a miracle effect. Even if he is already physically dead, he can still act.

Zhang Lan was very lucky. Fortunately, his arm was injured. Fortunately, Peters foot, otherwise the smooth and continuous feeling, may make Zhang Lan lose two relatives in a day.

"Look at the effect of this trick. The comics have not appeared very good in several appearances. I thought it was a small trick. Damn, even if this did not defeat Peter, it is no wonder that the battle value is 196 C grade. Evaluation."

Lying silently on the ground to restore their strength, Peter also rarely got quiet.

In the world, Peter's injury was not serious, but it was a little too slow.

In contrast, Zhang Lan's internal organs were all spit out, obviously the injury was more serious.

First stood up was Peter, who was overstretched. He stood up from the ground with his stomach covered. He glanced at Zhang Lan's miserable condition, frowning a little.

"Can you tell me who you are now? My mood is really bad now~~ Peter is still a benevolent American superhero after all, and it is not his style to kill casually.

"Who do you think I would be?" Zhang Lan asked Peter instead.

He needs to delay the time for the passive effect of [Cell Riot] to take effect. Now he feels that a sense of heart-breaking tear has struck him, and there is no way to continue the fight.

does not die, does not mean that it will not hurt.

On the contrary, because I cant die, I cant pass out, but I feel even more painful.

"It won't be my brother anyway." Peter didn't notice Zhang Lan's intentions, frowning: "If you don't say anything, but you're going to die, you spit "bubbles"."

Listening to Peter's opening, he could not help but pick out the corners of his eyes. Isn't Spider-Man a funny one after wearing a balaclava?

The bubble here refers to his meat fragments.

"His-yes, do you think you want to call me an ambulance call? You can call the police."

The action of provoking the eyebrow angle seemed to involve the wound, and the painful Zhang Lan couldn't help but take a breath.

Peter was obviously impressed by Zhang Lan's suggestion, reaching for his mobile phone in his pocket.

"I think it's still the police, after all you are a'violent element'."

Zhang Lan does not stop, Peter will not say his own name.

Unknown to Spider-Man, he doesnt like being placed on the big stage.

"Hey, the police station? I found a violent person here, um, an abandoned steel factory on the streets of Queens*, he is here... oh um... who hit it? Ah, hurry up, I will start Bye."

When Peter turned his attention, Zhang Lan had secretly entangled the two hands behind his back, silently waiting for the opportunity.

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