Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 39: Kushina in Danger?!

Chapter 39: Kushina in Danger?!

-Time Skip- (Age 10 years old)

I am now 10 years old, I celebrated my birthday by inviting all of my clan members to my house, as the clan head I am expected to do at least that. I spent about 2 million ryo in the party and I got to say... it was boring.

Only my family and friends were there, Kushina like always was congratulating me with a bubbly personality. I didn't really recive any useful gift.

Tsunade -sensei went to the battlefield again so she wasn't in konoha for my birthday. Sakumo was in konoha for some time but he then went back to the battlefield again, we didn't really meet, after all we are just acquaintances.

He was probably here for Kakashi's birth even though that is probably a secret. After all we don't want the spies in Konoha to know the White Fang's weakness.

I also finished constructing the

Strength of a Hundred Seal and also learned Cteation Rebirth, I am going to try to create a more efficient technique from it.

My body has had time to grow a little so I trained it again at its full capacity and I still train every day to keep it that way, my chakra also grew by quite a bit, and now that I have the stored chakra in my seal I have quite a lot of chakra available to me.

Also after I got my full capacity again I started training wind control with my shadow clones, you know the one that Naruto did to split the waterfall. I did it in a normal waterfall that I created in the Inuzuka training ground, of course I am not Yamato so I used a river to help me make the waterfall.

I still haven't got the wind control technique down yet, but I can feel it, I am close to doing so.

In the battlefield side, Konoha and Cloud are in a stalemate. In the Rock side the battle is happening in the land of Rain the main fighters on Konoha's side are Dan, Jiraya and Orochimaru. Tsunade is in the Mist battlefield but she might also move to the land of rain to fight against Rock, Hanzo is just fighting both Konoha and Rock village that are fighting in his country. But there is just one of him, and there are probably a lot of massacres of his people going on in the land of Rain.

By the way Mist is being very passive they might try for piece... or they are planning something.

I am going to bet that they are planning something. Anyway I am not going to the battlefield at the moment I still keep observing Kushina waiting for my moment to strike.

-Time Skip- (5 months later)

As I am going to the meeting place that me, Kushina and Minato were supposed to go I think back on the progress I made during these last months. I mastered the wind control exercise, of course I don't have the chakra to use Rasenshuriken but I can now coat my weapons in wind chakra and I am even able to throw them with wind chakra still being on them.

I am now also able to cover my claws in wind chakra now to make them able to rip through people like tofu. So yeah now I am very dangerous to fight in close combat.

I have also been storing a lot of chakra in my seal I have about 10 times my normal chakra in my seal, so yeah it's like having 11 low elite jounin chakra in one person, which is a lot.

Then as I arrive at the meeting place which is in a training ground, then I see something in the ground... my eyes widen and I think... FINALLY.

There is some red hair left in that place.

Well then time to start the plan. I then sense all around me and stay in there just holding the hair for about 15 seconds and then Minato comes and then he says.

Minato:" Hey Yami where is Kushina, it's not like her to be late."

I just look at him and show him the hair.

He just looks at it confused and says.

Minato:" Kushina's hair?"

Then I point in another direction, in which there is another patch of hair he takes it in his hands and then I say.

Me:" Why would she leave her hair like this.... ".

Then my eyes widen and I say.

Me:" Impossible.... Minato follow me."

He looks at my serious face and he then follows me.

I then tell him my 'speculation' that something happened to her and then we keep following the trail for hours untill we are in the land of hot water which is betwen the the land of fiere and the land of Frost. In the land of Frost is where the battlefield between Konoha and Kumo(cloud) Village.

It takes us some hours to catch up to the ninja it even becomes nighttime, but me and Minato just keep following the trail then we see the 3 Cloud ninjas just walking with Kushina also walking tied with a rope around her upper body

... they think they are in the safe right now.

They didn't notice that Kushina left a trail of hair for any enemy ninja to follow.

I sense their chakra and tell with handsigns to Minato that they are Anbu level.

Then me and Minato put on a chakra suppressing seal and attack them immediately Minato takes out one with a chop to the neck and I take mine out by slicing a kunai behind his neck the last one notices and jumps back.

I immediately undo the chakra suppressing seal.

Me: *GROWL* [Demonic Illusion: Paralysis Dog Binding]

His eyes then get unfocused. I just throw my kunai towards him with wind chakra and it pases right through his throat and spine.

Kushina is still walking absent mindedly, then me and Minato get infront of Kushina and then both say at the same time.

Me/Minato:" Are you hurt Kushina? We came to save you."

Then she looks at us and she smiles before starting to fall down.

Me and Minato catch her and untie the ropes.

I smile towards her and tell her.

Me:" You will be alright now."

Then I nudge Minato. Who blushes a little but carries her like a princess. Then Kushina comes to her senses and says.

Kushina:" Hey wait a minute."

Them Minato jumps up, and Kushina looks at Minato's hand and sees her hair.

Kushina:" T -That's..."

Minato:"Your hair is beautiful. So I noticed it right away."

I also jump right behind them and then think... ahhhh this is so weird seeing kids doing that Romeo and Juliet thing.

Then Kushina looks away with red cheeks and says.

Kushina:" But you always ignored me."

She is probably talking about him not helping her with the bullies in the academy.

Minato:" Because I knew you were strong, in body and spirit."

Then he lands on the top of a tree I laso land on top of a tree next to them. Minato then says.

Minato:" But this is a fight between villages. It's different from your other fights so..."

Kushina while looking at his face says.

Kushina:" So?"

Minato then smiles towards her and says.

Minato:" I didn't wanna lose you.."

Kushina blushes and says.

Kushina:" Even if I am an outsider"

Minato:" Why do you say that. You live in Konoha so you are one of us."

Yeah this got boring real fast better do something useful.

Then I put all the bodies in a scroll and after some time we started returning to Konoha.

When we arrived in Konoha we got questioned a lot by the konoha council, then we showed them the evidence of 3 Clous ninja and they checked the bingo books one was worth 14 mill Ryo another 2 mill ryo and the last 17 mill ryo. The 2 million ryo guy was probably some hiddn agent or spy because he definitely was stronger than 2 million ryo.

The council which the members are Homura, Koharu and Danzo all gave us the ninjas bounties and told us to decide amongst ourselves how to split it.

Then we go outside of the hokage tower and we split it 11 mill for each even though Kushina didn't want to accept her part so I said.

Me:" Kushina we are friends right."

She nods shyly.

Then I smile and say.

Me:" Then I want you to have it... imagine, you could buy so much ramen with that money. Now are you really sure you want to give that up."

She seems tempted but says.

Kushina:" Yes I am sure I want you guys to have it."

I then look at her seriously and say.

Me:" I will throw it in the garbage or burn the money that you give me."

She looks determined and says.

Kushina:" I don't care, you can do whatever you want with it."

How god dam headstrong can she be...

Well then I will show you.

She then gives me her bag of ryo I then take it, put it in the ground and start doing handsigns. [Fire Style: Fir-

Then as I am about to use a fire jutsu she takes the money from the ground very fast, she then looks at me angrily and says.


I just smirk and say.

Me:" Well then will you accept the money now."

Kushina: " Yes I will accept it."

Minato just laughs while looking at our interaction.

We then look at him also and have a small laugh together.

-Time Skip- ( 1 week and 3 days later)


I hear a knock on the door while I am reading the advanced Uzumaki Fuinjutsu Book that Kushina gave me because we are 'family' and 'friends' she also gave it to Minato and probably didn't want to make me feel left out after I just saved her plus she trusts me.

Now I also know why this book is not given to outsiders... 90% of the book is filled with curse seals.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

I then sigh and go to my front door open it and see a genin corp guy then he looks at me and says.

???:" Inuzuka -sama you are being summoned by Danzo -sama.....

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