Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 184: Flame Crystal Battle Armor and a Two Ton Transcendent Battle Halberd (I)

Chapter 184: Flame Crystal Battle Armor and a Two Ton Transcendent Battle Halberd (I)

In the afternoon of the second day, the Eight Desolations Purgatory Halberd swept through the area, emanating a black and red glow. In an instant, it detonated the head of the mutated beast as it lunged forward. The creature's body crashed to the ground, rolling away into the distance.


Chen Chu sheathed his halberd as he watched the corpse spew copious amounts of blood. “A beginning stage level 3 Mount-splitting Tiger. Bringing it back could get me around 20 points. Decent enough.”

He walked over to the corpse as he said this. The mutated beast’s legs were as thick as an elephant’s, but he grabbed one of them with a single hand and dragged the seven-meter-long creature over before tossing it.


The several-ton mutated black tiger fell on top of a pile of corpses, consisting of the Three-tailed Blue Fox and two other level 3 mutated beasts. The anti-gravity disks activated, emitting a black light.

With a combined weight of fifty tons, the four anti-gravity magnetic field devices were almost at their limit, emitting a humming sound as the Energy Crystals embedded in them rapidly depleted. It looked like they could be used at most two more times after this trip.

Chen Chu glanced at the disks, but otherwise didn’t pay any attention to them.

He came here so that he could go all out. How could a single beginning stage level 5 mutated beast be anywhere close to enough? So, on the way back, Chen Chu had made no effort to conceal the bloody aura emanating from the fox. In fact, he had been deliberately taking unfamiliar routes to attract attacks from more mutated beasts.

Whether these mutated creatures lurked or launched frontal assaults, Chen Chu effortlessly obliterated them all. Within the maximized state of the Insightful Eye Realm, and the use of his Insightful Perception that allowed him to sense even the slightest hint of a malicious gaze directed toward him, it was all but impossible for these mutated beasts to truly ambush him, unless they could somehow erase their own aura and avoid looking at him.

For these mutated creatures, however, consuming the flesh of a high-level mutated beast would lead to substantial growth. As a result, despite Chen Chu's imposing aura, numerous mutated creatures continued to launch themselves at him.

After laying down the mutated tiger, Chen Chu approached the fox's corpse. His arm muscles bulged as he exerted sudden force, lifting its neck with his left hand.


Under his formidable strength, Chen Chu hoisted the beast's head onto his shoulder and continued on his way. Every one of his footsteps was heavy, sinking deep into the earth and causing the ground to tremble slightly.

Here, Chen Chu couldn't help but admire the cutting-edge technology of the anti-gravity disk. The official explanation was that one disk could neutralize up to five tons, while four could neutralize a maximum of fifty tons, and six were capable of neutralizing even heavier objects.

When four or more were used together, they formed an anti-gravity magnetic field that repelled against the earth’s magnetic field. While this field exerted a heavy entanglement force that still required considerable strength to maneuver, both the lightened weight and the suspension that led to a lack of ground friction allowed Chen Chu to quicken his pace significantly.

He ran with heavy footfalls, dragging the small mountain of beast corpses behind him. His right hand gripped his halberd, ready to defend against any threats. All the while, he had to keep his true power surged to double the normal amount to make transport easier.

Although Chen Chu managed to vanquish some more low-level mutated beasts, he stopped collecting their corpses due to the anti-gravity disks reaching their limit. The mutated creatures’ massive size also continued to be an issue. Hundred meter ravines that he had been able to easily jump over required detours, and steep mountains were impassable.

Even for someone like Chen Chu, the journey that had previously only been around seven hundred kilometers became a detour of a thousand, and it took more than a day of running before he finally returned to base on the third day at noon.

As he trudged along the mountain road with a pile of mutated beast corpses, a Second Heavenly Realm senior operating a harvester in the paddy fields by the road stared with wide eyes.

"Ah! It's that guy again."

A new student who was transporting rice in a truck reminded him, “What do you mean, 'that guy?’ That's Chen Chu, the freakiest first-year genius."

Nantian's base wasn't large; after a few days, most of the new students had become well-known among everyone else. Especially Chen Chu, who ranked sixth on the Genius List and had entered the Achievement List's top one thousand on the second day of his arrival.

The senior operating the harvester chuckled bitterly. "I know it's him, but even if he's a freak, isn't it dramatic to go out and kill so many mutated beasts just like that?"

Although they had witnessed numerous individuals returning with mutated beast corpses daily, many of which were larger and fiercer than the Three-tailed Blue Fox, most of them operated as part of a team. Individuals like Chen Chu, who hunted mutated beasts alone, were a distinct minority. Even if the Level 5 mutated beast was ignored, he also had four Level 3 mutated beasts piled up like a small hill.

While some solo hunters could kill Level 5 mutated beasts, it would be far more challenging to drag back so many corpses.

So when Chen Chu arrived at the logistics warehouse with a bunch of mutated beasts, the warehouse supervisor, Hong Shan, welcomed him warmly. "Young Chen, here, just leave them here."


As Chen Chu deactivated the anti-gravity disk, the piled-up mutated beast corpses crashed to the ground with a loud thud, scattering across a significant area.

Whew! Chen Chu exhaled and said politely, "Supervisor Hong, could you check for me?"

“No problem.”

Hong Shan was very enthusiastic, scanning each of the five mutated beast corpses with a detector, then measuring the energy content in their mutated flesh.

"Young Chen, this beginning stage Level 5 fox’s head has been shattered. The price is 130 points.

"The four Level 3s vary from the beginning stage to the late stage, but they are mostly damaged. Their total value is 85 points, adding up to 215 points in total.

"If you find the price acceptable, I'll register it and transfer it to your account."

Chen Chu nodded. "The price is acceptable. Thank you, Supervisor Hong."

Hong Shan chuckled. "No trouble at all. Just call me Old Hong."

With the addition of 215 points from this batch, along with the 18 points from the day before and his initial 1 point, Chen Chu now had a total of 234 contribution points in hand. Rather than go directly to the logistics department, however, he instead returned to his dormitory.

After three days of intense battles, trudging through deep mountains, and having to stay alert without rest, he felt somewhat fatigued, especially spiritually.

As soon as he returned to his room, Chen Chu took a shower and cleaned his armor, then changed into casual clothes and grabbed lunch at the cafeteria. It was only after that that he headed over to the logistics department.

As he reached the square, the large screen in the distance suddenly lit up.

“Chen Jianyi, in the beginning stage of the Fourth Heavenly Realm, has defeated Lu Xinshu from Linchuan Martial Arts High School. His sword will was unstoppable, cutting through everything. He now ranks 940th on the Achievement List.”

Some seniors who were descending the mountain or returning to the base stopped in their tracks. One of them sighed, "Another genius breaking into the top thousand."

"Yeah, it's only been ten days since the start of the second semester, and so many freshmen have already come to the battlefield. Three of them have already made it into the Achievement List."

A senior in the late stage of the Fourth Heavenly Realm sighed, "We’re also geniuses, but why does it feel like they’ll catch up in no time?"

"Don't compare yourselves to them. Every school produces one or two freaks like them each year. There just seems to be more than usual this year."

"All right, stop staring. Let's hurry up and get going. We’re not coming back until we kill two Level 5s."

Chen Chu paused his steps too. He looked up at the red characters on the big screen, thinking about the youth who had challenged him back in Kyria and chuckling softly. "It looks like no one wants to be lonely"

As the freaks from various schools broke through to the Fourth Heavenly Realm and secured their positions, the "seniors", who had relied on battle points to gradually move into the top thousand of the Achievement List, were starting to realize they were no match.

Each of these freaks possessed formidable combat power, capable of crossing an entire realm in battle. Otherwise, they wouldn’t fit the criteria of being a freak; they would merely be normal geniuses who could cultivate a little faster.

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