Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 157 Eight Desolations Halberd, Colossal Beast Returns (II)

Chapter 157 Eight Desolations Halberd, Colossal Beast Returns (II)

Taking a deep breath, Chen Chu asked, "How did you know it was my birthday?"

"Your mom whispered it to me yesterday morning. She also mentioned that she'd wanted to invite us out for a meal to celebrate, but you seemed hesitant. I didn't expect you to feel bashful" The girl chuckled as she spoke, unable to contain her laughter.


Chen Chu cleared his throat. "It's not that I felt embarrassed. I just thought a regular birthday shouldn't warrant so much trouble. I'm not anyone important."

Luo Fei shook her head. "Not yet, but who knows in a couple of years? Isn't there an old saying about how even emperors and generals were once humble?"

With Chen Chu's terrifying talent, he would definitely reach at least the Seventh Heavenly Realm within two years, and become a significant figure in Wujiang.

The girl blinked her beautiful eyes and pointed to the halberd on the counter. "This is my first time giving a gift to someone. You wouldn't want to embarrass me, would you?"

"Alright, I'll accept this gift." Chen Chu didn't hesitate. 30 contribution points were nothing to him now, so he had no issue with accepting it. He grabbed the middle of the halberd's handle and felt its weight.

The halberd was 3.6 meters in length, nearly a meter wide, and weighed about 150 kilograms. It was too heavy for an ordinary person to lift, but Chen Chu effortlessly raised it with only some slight exertion.

He casually swung the massive halberd twice, and a fierce wind howled through the logistics department, exuding an invincible aura that left everyone in awe.

As Chen Chu halted, Luo Fei exclaimed, "Looks like you really are suited for this kind of heavy weapon."

"It does feel more natural." Chen Chu nodded.

The two walked out of the logistics department side by side, instantly easing the tension among the several staff members behind them. Finally, those two lovebirds are leaving.

Once they stepped out of the logistics department, Chen Chu moved the halberd into his bracelet with a thought, causing the invisible space within to expand slightly.

Observing this, Luo Fei exclaimed, "The Sumeru Bracelet. Was it Pang Long who applied for it for you?"

"You know about that too?"

The girl shook her head. "Pang Long also messaged me earlier to collect the rewards I'd applied for. But I didn't expect yours to be the Sumeru Bracelet."

As someone who had slain a Fourth Heavenly Realm Blood Emissary, Luo Fei's achievements were no less than Lin Xue's, warranting additional rewards. She had received resources that aligned with her arts.

Suddenly, Luo Fei said, "By the way, weren't you planning to exchange for that high-level halberd art? When the time comes, this halberd will be refined into a transcendent weapon, right?"

Chen Chu nodded. "Yeah, once I have the materials I need."

"In that case, shouldn't this weapon have a name?"

Chen Chu didn't particularly care about naming weapons, but seeing Luo Fei's eagerness, he couldn't help but smile. "Why don't you help me come up with one?"


Excitedly nodding, Luo Fei pondered for a moment before suggesting. "Your fighting style is fierce and domineering, unmatched in strength, and you'll be using a halberd suitable for chopping and slashing. Plus, the art you're going to exchange is called the Eight Desolations Purgatory Halberd. So, how about naming it that as well?

"Once you reach the Ninth Heavenly Realm, one swing of that halberd will make mountains crumble, the earth split, colossal beasts howl in agony, and even make gods and ghosts yield, dominating the Eight Desolations." The girl waved her hand with eager force as she spoke.

You might as well not name it if you're going to name it directly after the art.

Chen Chu internally grumbled, but outwardly nodded in admiration. "Great name. When I forge the transcendent weapon, I'll inscribe the name 'Eight Desolations Purgatory Halberd' onto it."

Seeing her self-proclaimed name being accepted, Luo Fei felt delighted. She waved to Chen Chu and said, "Go and get that skill. I'm collecting my items from Pang Long."

With that, she turned and walked lightly towards Building C, her hands clasped behind her back.

Watching her departure, Chen Chu smiled and turned in another direction.

Just like with other high-level arts, inheriting combat skills of the Fourth Heavenly Realm and above also involved Martial Will. Thus, Chen Chu once again arrived at the square-shaped building.

Following Liu Feixu's instructions from the first time, Chen Chu went through the identity verification process and entered the long corridor, soon arriving at the Inheritance Hall. Though unmanned, the entire process was under the surveillance of the Celestial Think Tank System.

"Welcome to the Celestial Think Tank System. Please enter your student ID...

"Facial verification passed. Pupil verification passed. Please select the combat art you wish to learn.

"You have chosen the high-level combat skill 'Eight Desolations Purgatory Halberd.' Learning this requires Level II access and 100 contribution points.

"Requirements met. Activating the Martial Will of the Eight Desolations Purgatory Halberd...

It was similar to the Dragon Elephant Tyrant Body inheritance, but there was no need to repeat the oath. Chen Chu simply pressed his palm against the stele.


Chen Chu's consciousness was drawn into the stele. From afar, a terrifying aura emanated from a colossal halberd that slashed through the sky. Wherever it passed, the heavens collapsed, and the earth shattered.

As the halberd collided with Chen Chu's consciousness, his mind resonated and became inundated with profound information, plunging him into silence.



On the sea, a massive fishing boat sounded its horn, and the crew began to lower the long trawl net, beginning today's work.

In this era where marine mutant creatures were becoming increasingly abundant, fishing boats still managed to catch fish. However, modern fishing boats needed to be sturdy, massive enough to withstand the impact of ordinary mutant creatures, and their nets must be very resilient, or else they risked being torn apart and letting the fish escape.

Furthermore, fishing targets needed to be precise. With the assistance of sonar detection, they could only catch ordinary groups of mutated fish, and it could only be done in the shallow waters within a hundred meters of the coastline. Going any further out posed too great a risk.

Despite the fact that fishing was much more troublesome than before, it was still worth the effort. Possibly because of the mutations, coastal areas that had previously been depleted were seeing surges of marine life over the years, providing sustenance for many people.

At the control panel, a young man gave the sonar scan a puzzled look. "Strange. Captain, I noticed that the large mutated creatures have been decreasing recently."

The captain, steering the ship, shrugged. "Maybe they've moved elsewhere. They're not domesticated livestock; they won't stay in one place. And that means less mutated beasts for us to deal with. Otherwise, if they target our catch, they might tear the nets again, and it'll be troublesome to repair them."

As they spoke, the fishing boat slowly pulled away from the area with its large net in tow.

After the fishing boat turned into a small dot, a massive black shadow emerged from the depths of the sea.

With sharp dorsal spines, a massive body stretching twenty meters long, and thick, distinctly angular black exoskeletal scales, the creature emitted a searing heat from the crevices between its scales, hot enough to create a faint crimson glow.

On either side of its ferocious head, three pairs of red feathered horns, each three meters in length, unfurled with spikes as flames danced atop them, emanating an imposing and domineering presence.

It had been three days since the start of the school year. In a frenzy to accumulate the remaining evolution points, the Sword Armored Fiery Beast had relentlessly slaughtered any mutated creature it encountered that exceeded five meters in size, sparing nothing.

In doing so, it had nearly depleted the mutated fish population in this area, but it now finally met the requirements for its fourth evolution.

Casting a glance at the now distant fishing boat, the Fiery Beast's colossal body suddenly sank, disappearing beneath the water's surface. Having diligently practiced the Hidden Divinity secret art for over a month, it could now envelop its entire body with invisible fluctuations of power, suppressing its aura and energy waves.

The Fiery Beast was now at level 6, the peak of the middle-level for mutated beasts, and two levels higher than when it had just completed its third evolution.

Once it underwent the fourth evolution, the Fiery Beast would naturally advance to level 7, becoming a high-level creature.

By then, with the absorption of the electrical energy from the Electric Lightning Eel and its current blazing flames, it would possess dual innate abilities, though it remained uncertain if the flame ability would be enhanced.

At the thought of this, a glimmer of anticipation flickered in the Fiery Beast's cold eyes.

Beneath the sea surface, as it swam toward the Linchuan coast, the Fiery Beast diligently suppressed the energy fluctuations on its body to avoid detection by any nearby sensors.

With its fourth evolution imminent, it needed to avoid any unforeseen mishaps.

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