My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 716: Tubo

Chapter 716: Tubo

Qin Feng raised his head and saw a huge shadow looming in the yellow mist.

A pair of blood-stained giant hands emerged from the yellow mist and suddenly waved, causing a howling wind to rise.

Screams echoed incessantly.

Feeling the pain, the lost souls quickened their pace and headed toward the Gate of Hell.

Of course, there were also weak lost souls who collapsed after suffering the ravages of the cold wind, including a pair of unfortunate mother and daughter lost souls.

Seeing this, some ghost soldiers in the vicinity wanted to step forward and help, causing the long line to come to a halt.

When Tubo saw this, he shouted angrily, “Who told you to stop? Are you looking for death?”

His roar, imbued with his own cultivation, was like a divine power to the wandering souls. Except for Qin Feng, the Ox-head and Horse Faced, everyone else cowered, almost crawling on the ground.

As for the mother and daughter, under the pressure of Tubo’s roar, their souls trembled slightly and became a little weaker. It seemed like if they got pressured like this a few times and they would disappear into nothingness.

Originally, Qin Feng only wanted to coax the Ox-Head and Horse Faced into revealing the location of the Yellow Springs. He never expected to encounter such a situation.

The ordinary people in the mortal realm were already suffering enough, why should they be tormented even after death?

Frowning, he transmitted his voice to the Ox Head and Horse Faced and ordered them to stop Tubo’s actions.

Upon hearing this, the two showed a bitter expression, but suddenly felt a tingling sensation on their necks.

Their hearts trembled as they thought about their own lives. They immediately showed respect and said, “Lord Tubo, your divine power is incomparable. These despicable creatures are ignorant and dare to disrespect you. They deserve to die! But… the newly appointed Ghost Emperor has instructed us not to kill these lost souls at will. If he finds out, I’m afraid you’ll be punished.”

As these words came out, Tubo’s three eyes narrowed, and the cold wind abruptly stopped.

Sensing the change, Qin Feng was surprised. It seemed that this big guy in front of him was quite afraid of the Ghost Emperor mentioned by the Ox Head and Horse Faced.

‘I wonder who this Ghost Emperor really is who cares so much about the lost souls of the mortal realm,’ he thought silently.


At that moment, Qin Feng saw a massive black shadow descend into the yellow mist.

A tiger-headed figure appeared, with three eyes and a pair of sharp horns, looking ferocious and sinister.

It glanced at Qin Feng without paying much attention, and spoke directly to the Ox Head and Horse Face with a cold voice, “You two scoundrels dare to interfere in my affairs?”

The Horse Face trembled all over and smiled hastily, “We wouldn’t dare, we’re just afraid of offending the Ghost Emperor.”

The Ox Head also spoke up, “Yes, yes, it’s not worth angering the Ghost Emperor over these lost souls.”

“Ghost Emperor…” Tubo gritted his teeth, his three eyes turning red as he roared angrily, “Constantly mentioning that Ghost Emperor, a fellow from the mortal realm, what qualifications does he have to rule over the southern territories of the netherworld realm?”

“And making those absurd rules forbidding me from consuming the lost souls of the mortal realm, what a joke!”

His voice thundered, causing the lost souls to tremble in fear.

“I’ve had enough, even if he won’t let me feast, I’ll feast today anyway!”

With these words, Tubo’s blood-stained hand reached out and grabbed the young girl’s lost soul, ready to devour her. But suddenly, he felt movement at his feet, and when he looked down, he saw the mother clinging to his ankle with tears streaming down her face.

“My lord, if you must eat souls, then eat mine. Please let my daughter go.”

“She had a hard life when she was alive. She was swallowed by a monster and died. How can her fate be like this even after death?”

When Tubo heard this, he unexpectedly grabbed the mother as well and sneered, “Since you two have such deep affection for each other, I’ll let you both scatter into nothingness together.”

“Tubo, you can’t!” As soon as the Ox Head and Horse Face made a sound, they were directly pressed to the ground by the pressure.

Even though the souls of the other dead soldiers tried to stop him, all their efforts were in vain in front of Tubo.

Countless souls prostrated themselves on the bone-strewn road.

They were powerless against Tubo’s pressure.

Just as the lost souls of the mother and daughter were about to be swallowed up, a red bolt of lightning shot into the sky and pierced Tubo’s wrist!

He winced in pain, and his blood-stained hand opened, causing the mother and daughter’s lost souls to fall.

A figure shot forward like a ghost and caught them safely.

The sudden turn of events stunned everyone present.

Tubo, holding his wrist where black qi was flowing from the wound, roared, “Who did this?!”

Looking down, he saw a young man surrounded by white light with amber eyes.

This was a unique state where Qin Feng enveloped himself in his domain. In this state, he could see through the yellow mist around him.

Tubo was shocked. He had never expected the lost souls he had previously ignored to possess such abilities.

Looking at his pierced wrist, he felt a searing pain as if needles were piercing his heart.

Normally, with his strength, such a wound would have been healed in a few moments by the Netherworld’s Qi.

However, this thunderbolt carried a terrifying power that prevented the wound from healing.

The red thunder, incomparable in its destructive power…

The combination of the two made Tubo realize something, his three eyes widening in astonishment.

‘This is clearly the rumored long-sealed Annihilation Thunder!’

‘And this Annihilation Thunder is the nemesis of ghosts!’

‘Who exactly is this boy who can control the legendary Annihilation Thunder? Luckily, it only pierced my wrist; if it had pierced my head, even Plucking Stars and Seizing Life wouldn’t have saved my life.’

‘Damn it, six months ago, the rift between the underworld and the mortal realm opened up, and I thought my good days were coming.’

‘But unexpectedly, a mortal Ghost emperor appeared, banned us from going to the mortal realm through the rift, and made many rules. And now another boy with unfathomable strength has appeared. Could it be that the land of the mortal realm is filled with such monsters?’

‘On the other hand, if those two are so formidable, who has the ability to kill them? Could it be that the land of the mortal realm is also plagued by those monsters?’

‘The more I think about it, the more terrified I become. But having lived for thousands of years, I understand one thing: I must never show weakness at a time like this!’

‘The underworld has experienced many upheavals, and countless stronger ghosts have died. However, I have survived to this day simply because I am bold and meticulous to the extreme!’

‘Just like when the new Ghost Emperor took office and established these rules, of course many people were not satisfied. But I remained silent in the shadows. Only after those stubborn ghosts died or were injured did I step forward to show my loyalty.’

‘How else could I have ended up guarding the Gate of Hell?’

Tubo narrowed his three eyes and unleashed his divine power. Red light emanated from the twin horns on his head, and black flames roared around his body. In the blink of an eye, his body swelled to more than twice its original size.

His head even surpassed the Gates of Hell!

Seeing this, the Ox Head and Horse Faced trembled uncontrollably. “Oh no, Lord Tubo is angry.”

Qin Feng’s expression turned serious as well. He could sense how powerful Tubo’s aura was.

Since he was currently in a spiritual form, he couldn’t fully unleash his power. The upcoming battle might very well be a life and death situation.

But he had no regrets. His father had told him that all one should strive for in life was a clear conscience.

Even if given another chance, he would still reach out to save the lost souls of the mother and daughter.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Feng slowly floated up.

In the hazy sky, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled as a red thunder dragon roared, casting a dark crimson hue over the dim world.

At the same time, in another part of the underworld, a strange beast suddenly opened its eyes and its canine ears shook.

Beside the beast, a voice sounded soft and comforting. “To save the lives of common people, he sacrificed his soul to enter the underworld and seek the Farshore Flower. He really is a kind person.”

Some people may die, but they don’t really die…

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