My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 15: Fierce Battle

Chapter 15: Fierce Battle

“I really didn’t expect that, that night I clearly saw your soul scattered, yet you, brat, didn’t die?” The black mist trembled, emitting a sinister voice.

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng was shocked. Could it be that the original host was not scared to death? Moreover, something sounded off in the mist’s words. Wasn’t the original host just unlucky to encounter a demonic evil spirit while wandering in Jinyang City? Why did the entity still remember him? After pondering for a moment, Qin Feng thought of a possibility—

Unless the demonic evil spirit absorbed the souls of the others to divert attention, and its true goal was himself!

“Are you here to kill me?”

“Oh? Why do you think so?”

“Because you remember me. That night, you absorbed the souls of many people. If it was just to satisfy your appetite, there’s no reason you would remember my face specifically.”

“Perhaps it’s just because you have a good-looking face, so I remembered you? After all, when I was alive, I detested people like you, those pretty boys.”

“Thanks for the compliment.”

The black mist trembled, and Cang Feilan couldn’t help but glance sideways.

Qin Feng cleared his throat and continued, “You’ve endured for so many days without showing up. It doesn’t make sense for you to suddenly appear during the day. Even if you were eager to consume souls, you should have chosen an ordinary household that never leaves, not come after me, who is protected by a seventh-rank Hundred Ghosts Daoist. So, I’m sure your target is me. And because of some reason, you had to take the risk and attack me in broad daylight!”

The black mist fell silent. After a moment, it spoke again, “You’re clever. Indeed, my target is you. Someone has promised me an ample supply of souls if I successfully kill you, helping me advance to a higher realm. I also know that you’re trying to trick me with your words and stall for time, hoping that the personnel from the Demon Slayer Department will find this place. But let me tell you some regrettable news: just moments ago, Si Zheng and the people from the Demon Slayer Department were deceived by my clone. The two of you are doomed to die here today.”

As soon as it finished speaking, Qin Feng saw a surge of black energy rushing toward him. Just when he was bewildered and didn’t know what to do, Cang Feilan swiftly took off the soul-stabilizing furnace hanging from her waist. She stepped forward, blocking the oncoming black mist.

“Thank you, Miss Cang, for saving me. I have nothing to offer in return, but I’m willing to give you my life in exchange.”

“Shut up!”


Cang Feilan’s eyes turned icy. She looked at the black mist and said coldly, “You talk big, but considering the intensity of your recent attack, you’re just a ghost cultivator at the Third Cycle Calamity. How dare you boast so arrogantly? Even before Si Zheng arrives, I alone can kill you!”

Qin Feng hid to the side, admiring Cang Feilan’s bravery. The feeling of safety overwhelmed him. He even envisioned a future where the two of them would be together—one responsible for being invincible under heaven, and the other for making money to support the family. It seemed like a wonderful prospect.

Cang Feilan didn’t say much. She simply pressed her index fingers together, tapped them on the soul-stabilizing furnace, and a fragrant aroma wafted out. The smoke transformed into chains, winding toward the black mist.

However, the mist swiftly dodged the chains with a few flickers. “Divine Ability,” Cang Feilan frowned. It was with this move that the entity had evaded Si Zheng’s pursuit previously.

“A mere seventh-rank Hundred Ghosts Daoist who doesn’t even know how to capture souls dares to talk about killing me? Die!”

With a roar, a chilling wind howled. Countless black energies surged around the black mist.

Qin Feng felt a spine-chilling sensation, as if his consciousness was becoming hazy. It was as though his three souls and seven spirits were about to be sucked away.

“Hold onto the soul-stabilizing furnace and don’t move. Don’t close your eyes. If you can’t bear it, just smell the soul-stabilizing incense,” Cang Feilan handed him the small bronze furnace. Then, like a jade lotus, her delicate arm shielded Qin Feng behind her.

“Miss Cang, how can I help you fight that demonic evil spirit with this item? If I had higher cultivation, I could at least use the Heavenly Mirror to assist and share some damage.”

Qin Feng’s expression was complicated. He hated his own low cultivation level. If he had reached the Ninth Rank, he could at least use the Heavenly Mirror to help withstand some of the damage.

Cang Feilan didn’t respond. She slid her fingers in front of her, activating her Ghost Vision. In this dim and lifeless space, her pale blue eyes emitted a faint, firefly-like glow.

The black mist trembled violently, and countless black energies shot out from all around it, forming a massive net that enveloped Qin Feng and Cang Feilan.

With such a dense attack, any carelessness would lead to irreversible disaster.

The demonic evil spirit emitted a chilling laughter; it seemed to have already foreseen the duo’s ultimate fate.

But at this critical moment, Cang Feilan swiftly took off the dagger hanging from her right waist. The dagger was crescent-shaped, and with a silver light flashing at the blade, followed by a few breaths of thunder, the dense black mist was sliced into pieces by the dagger!

Qin Feng widened his eyes in astonishment. He saw Cang Feilan bending down to meet the dagger. Her black hair, tied behind her head, seemed unable to keep up with her movements and lingered in the air, giving her a unique beauty that was breathtaking.

“No, this can’t be possible! How can you, a practitioner of the Hundred Ghosts Daoist, possess such skills?” The black mist panicked; its tone was no longer as confident as before.

However, Cang Feilan didn’t seem to have any intention of wasting words in the battle. She exerted force with her right leg, concealed under her dark pants. In the blink of an eye, she reappeared above the black mist’s head. The dagger in her hand emitted a chilling light.

The hand rose, the dagger fell, and a silver light flashed—the black mist was instantly split in half.

“Good!” Qin Feng couldn’t help but shout in excitement. But Cang Feilan’s body remained as tense as a stretched bowstring, showing no signs of relaxation. She quickly scanned her surroundings, as if searching for some trace.

“Aha,” a sinister whisper made Qin Feng’s heart leap into his throat again. The demonic evil spirit wasn’t dead?!

A sense of horror swept over him. Qin Feng felt his pupils contract, his body hair standing on end. He felt as if something was happening. Slowly, he lowered his head to look down.

In the reflection, a face had grown on the featureless spot, a terrifying grin with sharp teeth. Accompanied by a piercing scream, the shadow extended its hands, its nails as sharp as blades, clearly capable of easily piercing through a human body!

The claws extended rapidly. Qin Feng widened his eyes, only able to watch as those sharp nails grew larger and larger in his pupils.

Am I going to die like this?

Just as this thought flashed through his mind, the familiar figure appeared before him once again. It might have been an illusion, but the tips of her jet-black hair seemed to have a hint of silver that hadn’t completely faded away.

How could she be this fast?

A delicate jade arm touched his chest, followed by a strong force pushing him away. The ghostly claws, which were supposed to pierce his skull, instead cut Cang Feilan’s right arm.

“Miss Cang!” Qin Feng shouted in panic.

“Don’t come over!” Cang Feilan coldly shouted, and Qin Feng quickly stopped his movements.

In front of them, the space quivered, and the black mist, which should have been split in half, reappeared once again.

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