My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 178: Giuseppe Berlusconi

Chapter 178: Giuseppe Berlusconi

"You think you have the right to say this?" Chance held Edwin's collar and punched him in his face multiple times, while shooting a few questions at him. 

"Then after killing Lucas, why did you dare play with Carol's feelings?"

"You think you had the right to be even near her after snatching away her only family?"

"You have the audacity to act righteous?"

Chance questioned him.

David and Isaac had to stop Chance from punching the guy as his knuckles were bleeding and Edwin was losing his consciousness. 

"Chance, we need information from him, don't forget" David reminded Chance of their main aim.

Chance let go of Edwin, who then fell on the ground.

"Edwin, why did you kill Lucas?" David calmly asked Edwin, who was lying on the ground, bleeding. 

He was not in the condition to say anything.

Panting heavily, when Edwin lied on the ground. His entire life flashed in front of his eyes.

'So, this is how I am going to leave this world' He thought and wished to have a peaceful life next time.

"Edwin" David patted Edwin's cheeks and made him drink some water.

Edwin coughed refusing to drink it but he eventually gave in.

After drinking some water, Edwin felt better and he sat on the ground, still. He was not moving and neither he was making an effort to talk.

"Edwin, we know you are not capable enough to kill Lucas alone. Please tell us who are the other people involved in it?" David asked the guy in his pacifying tone.

Edwin chuckled, as if he heard some joke.

"Why should I help you?" Edwin scoffed at him.

"You want to stay alive?" Isaac asked him, before adding, "If yes, then answer our questions"

Edwin laughed loudly as if he heard another joke, "You think I am a fool? Hmm, maybe I am but I am not as dumb as you think I am. As soon as you get the information you want, you will definitely kill me"

Edwin then looked at Chance and said, "If Mr Grim Reaper has his eyes set on a target, then they have to die. If not, he will lose his reputation"

After he was done talking, Edwin coughed some more blood.

"Don't worry, he will be fine ruining his reputation. Just tell us, who helped you kill Lucas?" David patiently tried his best to gather some information.

Edwin again sarcastically smiled at him, "I know you people will kill me but don't worry I will share the information with you all in spite of it. You know why?"

Edwin questioned the three surprised men.

"Why?" Chance was controlling his desperation to kill this man.

"Because after I tell you about those people, you will go after them and will try to hunt them down. Unlike me, those people are truly smart and dangerous. Even Grim Reaper won't be able to survive against them. You will reach your end chasing that gang, so I will give you all the information. I want to see you all dead, just like me."

Edwin didn't hide his intentions behind sharing the truth which only he knows.

Isaac and David got worried when they heard Edwin's warning but Chance remained unaffected.

"Fine, I'll die chasing those people. Now, stop wasting our time and tell us about the gang you mentioned" Chance was running out of patience.

"The Berlusconi mafia family's gang is behind it" 

Edwin's revelation shocked Chance and David. Isaac had no idea, who this family is, so he was clueless.

"Are you telling us the truth?" Chance asked him.

"Hmm, why would I lie? They wanted Lucas to work for them in their gang but he refused. They threatened to kill him but just like you, Lucas was overconfident too. See, where it got him today." Edwin laughed sinisterly.

"He at least had you to avenge his death. But who do you have, Chance?" Edwin questioned him.

"So, only because Lucas refused to join them, they got him killed?" David tried to remain sane and ask logical questions.

"Not just refused, but he also insulted them. He challenged to destroy them. Lucas had the capability to do so, they felt threatened. Also, Lucas had a very sharp tongue, he didn't know when to shut up, hahaha, no wonder he die aahhhh" 

Chance kicked Edwin in his stomach, who growled in pain.

He didn't like Edwin talking ill of his dead friend.

"Chance, please, control yourself" David scolded him.

"How dare he"

"Chance, please" Isaac too tried to calm down the agitated man.

"Who exactly from the Berlusconi family contacted you?" David asked Edwin, after he stopped shouting in pain.

"Flavio Berlusconi" Edwin smirked at them.

"Flavio is not a big deal, I can handle him" Chance assured David, who was clearly shaken by all this information.

Edwin laughed loudly as if he heard a joke, successfully gaining the attention of three men.

"Flavio is not the problem, Giuseppe Berlusconi is your biggest problem." Edwin declared.

"Giuseppe Berlusconi?" David never heard of this name before and looked at Chance but he too was equally surprised and he shook his head in 'no' as a response to David's silent question implying he too never heard of him.

"Hmm, Giuseppe Berlusconi. The mastermind and the current leader of Berlusconi gang"

"When did he"

"He had always been there, but not everyone was aware of him. His identity had been kept a secret to protect him. Only a few people know of his existence." Edwin proudly informed them as he was one of those few.

"He is going to be the death of you, Mr Grim Reaper" Edwin confidently declared with a satisfying smile on his face.

"Where do they reside in?" David hid how affected he was by Edwin's warning and focussed on gathering information.


"What else do you know about them?" 

"They are so powerful that only one man can't take them down. They will definitely kill you all" Edwin laughed but the next moment his laugh suddenly stopped as a bullet hit him in the centre of his forehead.

Edwin laid on the ground dead.

David and Isaac turned their heads to see Chance standing in frustration, pointing his silencer at Edwin's forehead.

"His words were annoying me, so I decided to shut him up" Chance explained in annoyance.

"Chance, are you crazy? What if he had more information? How could you" David was shouting in frustration.

"He didn't, whatever he knows he already told us. Let's head back" Chance turned around and what he saw widened his eyes in shock and he couldn't take a step forward.

Isaac and David casually turned around to leave but the next second what they saw, shocked them to their core.

Jack was standing in front of them, tears were formed near his eyes.

Chance, David and Isaac had no idea how did Jack ended up standing here in spite of the heavy dose of sleeping medicine given to him. 

'How did he wake up from his deep slumber?' David wondered.

Jack looked at Edwin's dead body and he again looked at Chance. His eyes kept switching between the two.

The four men kept looking at one another in silence. No one knew what to say.

After a few minutes, Jack broke the long silence.

"Where were you guys going? You can't leave his body here like this. If cops get involved it might create chaos. Either cut him into small pieces and let's throw his body in different parts of the city or let's burn him" 

Jack suggested surprising the three men as they never expected the calm-looking, peace-loving man to give such cruel suggestions.

"Why are you all so surprised? I live with Abigail, remember?" Jack sarcastically questioned him and walked towards Edwin's body and slouched next to it.

Jack held the dead man's chin and moved it from one side to another, "So, this is how Lucas died?"

"Yeah" Chance answered him as there was no point in hiding the truth.

"Then that accident? That car? The body we found? The DNA tests?" Jack got confused as he believed Lucas died in an accident as there was enough proof to back it.

"He killed Lucas and portrayed it as an accident" Chance informed him.

"Then how did you know, it was him, who killed Lucas? Why are you so sure?" 

"It is a long story" David answered him.

"Hmm" Jack just nodded his head, "So, what exactly you three are?"

Jack always had his doubts on Chance and David but he always acted ignorant but today after what he saw, he couldn't disregard all of this.

"I am an assassin"

"I used to work in the back-end with assassins, now I am a businessman"

"I am a businessman"

The three men answered him one after other.

"Aren't you associated with assassins in any way?" Jack asked Isaac to which he shook his head saying no.

"Lucas?" Jack asked

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