My Understanding Defies Heaven: I Create Laws and Preach In the Heavens

Chapter 595: Give in (please subscribe)

Chapter 595: Give in (please subscribe)

 “I can choose from them all?”

Lin Yuan was surprised.

To some extent, the capital is also a treasure place.

This is the largest Yang vein in the Lieyang Ancient Kingdom, and it is a holy place for practice for all those who are strong on the Yang path.

"It is to select three from the resource treasure land that has not been given out yet."

The emperor looked at Lin Yuan, shook his head and said, "Look carefully."


Lin Yuan nodded and looked at the territory map of the ancient Lieyang Kingdom.

The territory of the Lieyang Ancient Kingdom is vast and vast, and it is not limited to a certain spatial layer. As long as it is within the scope of time and space, it belongs to the Lieyang Ancient Kingdom.

"Choose three of all unowned treasures?"

The Red Treasure King next to him was slightly surprised.

The resource treasures of Lieyang Ancient Kingdom are divided into grades one to nine from high to low.

The first-class treasure land has the highest value, and the ninth-class treasure land has the lowest value.

Normally, when a royal family becomes a king, they will be given one or two treasure lands, but they are all fourth- and fifth-class treasure lands.

Want to sit in a more precious resource treasure land? Yes, you can exchange it for merit.

But Lin Yuan?

What the emperor means is to randomly select three of the currently unowned treasures?

Wouldn't it be possible to directly choose three first-class treasures?

Sitting in a first-class treasure land, in addition to the merits bestowed by the ancient country, the resources produced by the treasure land itself are also extremely precious.

Even if 90% is handed over to the ancient country and only 10% is left, it is enough to make the Tianzun-level powerhouse jealous.

The resources produced by the treasure land are not one-time but continuous.

Some special resources have a price but no market. They are bought as soon as they come out. They are not available at ordinary times.

"Consider it carefully. The more precious the treasure is, the better."

The emperor reminded him.


Lin Yuan nodded.

Why does a treasure land need a strong person to guard it?

It is because of the need to bear risks.

This risk comes from many reasons. Some treasure lands exist at the junction of two ancient countries and may face invasion by hostile ancient countries.

Some treasure lands are connected to certain special dangerous places, such as a first-class treasure land called ‘Xingsha River’ in the Lieyang Ancient Kingdom.

Rich in precious resources, star sand, star sand is a rare treasure for body refining. Even though it has a great effect on Tianzun, it is sought after by powerful men from all ancient countries.

However, the bottom of the Star Sand River is connected to a mysterious world. Occasionally, powerful creatures from that mysterious world will invade along the Star Sand River.

The person who sits in charge of the Star Sand River needs to ensure the safety of the Star Sand River so that it can continuously produce Star Sand and hand it over to the ancient country.

Of course, generally speaking, the more precious the resource treasure land is, the more benefits there will be. As for the dangers? If a resource treasure land is too dangerous, no matter how precious it is, no strong person will choose it.

Sitting in a certain resource treasure land, if you fail to meet the resource requirements handed over by the ancient country, you will be punished, so the emperor asked Lin Yuan to think carefully.

Lin Yuan watched for a while. In fact, he had learned about the many resource treasures of Lieyang Ancient Country long before he came.

After all, any core royal family will be given one or two treasure lands, and Lin Yuan estimated that he would be no exception, but he didn't expect that the emperor would let him choose the treasure lands at will.

"Our ancient country of Lieyang is constantly at war with other ancient countries. In essence, we are also competing for more precious resource treasures."

The emperor smiled and asked: "Yinhe, have you decided which three treasures to choose?"

Lin Yuan looked at the many lights flashing on the territory map in front of him. They were all the treasure lands he could choose. After thinking for a while, he circled the three selected resource treasure lands.

"Black Jade Nest?" The emperor and Scarlet Treasure King glanced at each other.

Of the three treasure lands Lin Yuan chose, two were first-class treasure lands and one was a second-class treasure land.

Among them, the Black Jade Nest is one of the two first-class treasures.

The Black Jade Nest is rich in the special resource black jade, and black jade can temper the spiritual will of living beings.

For the strong, spiritual will is extremely crucial. Its improvement in strength is not as obvious as the physical soul, but it is also extremely important.

It is precisely because of this that the Black Jade Nest can be classified as a first-class treasure.

Lin Yuan also had his own considerations in choosing this black jade nest.

The strength of the mind and will is more similar to the understanding of rules, and can be synchronized with the Fang Yuan world in the chaotic void.

Sitting in the Black Jade Nest, Lin Yuan can obtain 10% of the black jade from this first-class treasure, and he can use it on himself to temper his own soul and will.

As the body, soul, and will of the source world improve, the soul and will of the Chaos Void True Body will naturally improve as well.

"The Black Jade Nest is located at the junction of the Lieyang Ancient Kingdom and the Xuanyin Ancient Kingdom. It is not safe there." The emperor looked at Lin Yuan thoughtfully.

The black jade in the Black Jade Nest is also useful to the strong men of Xuanyin Ancient Kingdom. Sitting in that treasure land, you need to face the invasion of strong men from Xuanyin Ancient Kingdom at any time.

"I know."

Lin Yuan nodded.

He has planned to send a soul to sit in the Black Jade Nest for a long time.

Generally speaking, unless the battle between the two ancient kingdoms is a large-scale or even all-out war, Tianzun-level combat power will basically not be deployed.

Although the Black Jade Nest is a precious first-class treasure, it can only be effective if it is occupied for a long time and the black jade is harvested steadily.

There is no great benefit in sending Tianzun to occupy the Black Jade Nest in a short period of time, and then being captured by the enemy Tianzun in less than a moment.

Although the strength of Lin Yuanyi's soul is not as good as his real body, it is still beyond the normal limit of the core royal family. It is more than enough to sit in the Black Jade Nest.

In addition to the Black Jade Nest, another first-class treasure place is also quite dangerous, and Lin Yuan plans to send another soul to take charge. As for the last second-class treasure land, although the resources produced cannot be compared with black jade, the risk is not great. It is located in the hinterland of the Lieyang Ancient Kingdom, and Lin Yuan only needs to send an avatar to guard it.

"Now that you have decided, this is the edict for those three treasures."

The emperor said, and at the same time, he flipped his hand and three crystal stones appeared.

The auras of these three crystal stones are vaguely consistent with those three treasures, and they are the orders issued by Lieyang Ancient Kingdom.

Leave from the palace.

King Chibao said worriedly: "Yinhe, do you know who is suppressing the Black Jade Nest instead of the ancient country?"

The Black Jade Nest is located on the border between the Lieyang Ancient Kingdom and the Xuanyin Ancient Kingdom. Even if it is not given away, people will still be sent to suppress it.

Of course, the powerful people who suppressed on their behalf would not be able to obtain the credit that would be obtained by suppressing the resource treasure land normally, and could only take away 10% of the resource income.

Even so, given how precious black jade is, even 10% of black jade is enough to make many strong men jealous.

"It's Chiyang Tianzun." Scarlet Treasure King said.

Although Chiyang Tianzun is not from the royal family of the ancient country, his strength is extremely powerful even among the Tianzuns.

"How dare Chiyang Tianzun disobey the emperor's order?" Lin Yuan was slightly surprised.

He took over the Black Jade Nest because he was ordered by the ancient country. Dare the Blazing Sun Heavenly Lord refuse to let him out?

"I don't dare to violate it, but for many things, it's fine as long as you don't violate it directly."

Scarlet Treasure King shook his head: "Chiyang Tianzun has a great demand for black jade, which is why he replaced Gu Guo in the Black Jade Nest."

"Chi Yang Tianzun dare not disobey your order to take over the Black Jade Nest, but he can delay it. As long as the invasion of Xuanyin Ancient Kingdom is imminent, he can completely delay your taking over."

"Every time you delay for a while, you can harvest one more black jade. This is very cost-effective for Blazing Sun Heavenly Lord, and there is no reason to violate His Majesty's order."

King Chibao said.

"Forget it, I have dealt with the Blazing Sun Heavenly Lord several times, so I will accompany you to the Black Jade Nest." Scarlet Treasure King thought for a moment and said.

"Thank you, Brother Chibao, for coming." Lin Yuan also knew the kindness of King Chibao.

The Scarlet Treasure King has been running rampant in the ancient country for such a long time, and many secret situations are very clear. With the Scarlet Treasure King beside him, even if the Chiyang Tianzun wants to delay, he has to find a defensible explanation.

Black Jade Nest.

As a first-class treasure of the Lieyang Ancient Kingdom, a time and space teleportation array connecting the capital is naturally arranged here.


A space-time channel connects here. An old man with a red beard and a young man walked out of the space-time channel.

"The core of the Black Jade Nest will condense one hundred catties of black jade every million years, of which ninety catties will be handed over to the ancient country, and those who sit in charge can keep ten catties."

King Chibao introduced: "But according to the information I have learned, the black jade produced by the Black Jade Nest every million years will exceed one hundred kilograms, usually between one hundred and ten kilograms and one hundred and twenty kilograms." ”

The output of one hundred catties of black jade in a million years is only the lowest output of the Black Jade Nest.

In fact, it will be much more than that.

The excess will naturally fall into the hands of the defenders.

On the surface, it is said that the defenders can obtain 10% of the black jade production, but in fact, the actual black jade obtained will be close to 20%.

Not long after Lin Yuan and King Chibao arrived.

Deep in the Black Jade Nest, a man in red robe walked out.

There is a cluster of flame burning faintly between the eyebrows of the red-robed man, which is a clone left here by the Blazing Sun Heavenly Lord.


Chiyang Tianzun looked at Scarlet Treasure King indifferently, and at the same time glanced at Lin Yuan who was standing next to him.

"Chiyang, by His Majesty's order, I and Brother Yinhe will take over this Black Jade Nest." King Chibao moved directly out of the Ancient Kingdom's Emperor.

"Take over the Black Jade Nest?"

Chiyang Tianzun fell into silence, and he also received the order to give up the Black Jade Nest. There was no surprise about this.


"Now I have brought Brother Yinhe here."

The Scarlet Treasure King looked at Chiyang Tianzun and secretly sent a message to Lin Yuan:

"Brother Yinhe, no matter what reason Chiyang Tianzun delays, don't say anything. Leave everything to me. I don't believe him. He dares to openly disobey His Majesty's order."

The Scarlet Treasure King was ready to completely offend Chiyang Tianzun, and he would definitely have to help Lin Yuan successfully enter the Black Jade Nest.

What if we drag it on? For God knows how long, and most importantly, he will be ridiculed by the other Celestial Beings.

"Are you the Galaxy?"

Chiyang Tianzun ignored the Scarlet Treasure King and stared at Lin Yuan.

"Such a strong aura of the blazing sun." Blazing Sun Heavenly Lord was secretly shocked. As a Heavenly Lord, he could feel far more than Scarlet Treasure King, and he was vaguely aware of Lin Yuan's terrifying foundation.

"Forget it, black jade doesn't have much effect on me now. This galaxy is so powerful that it will definitely be cultivated by the ancient country. There may be opportunities to deal with it in the future. There is no need to completely offend it."

Chiyang Tianzun secretly thought that if it were other ordinary royal families, he would definitely procrastinate more, and the black jade could be sold without using it himself.

As for offending?

Ordinary royal families will be offended if they are offended.

But this Galaxy?

Chiyang Tianzun weighs the pros and cons and knows how to advance and retreat.

Thinking of this, Chiyang Tianzun said in a deep voice: "Since His Majesty has issued the order, I will leave now. Brother Yinhe, after you enter this treasure land, be careful about the Xuanyin Ancient Kingdom."

(End of chapter)

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