My Understanding Defies Heaven: I Create Laws and Preach In the Heavens

Chapter 356: Time comes (5000 words, please subscribe)

Chapter 356: Time Comes (5000 words, please subscribe)

 The eleventh-level celebration of Deputy Tower Master Nalan lasted for more than half a month.

The birth of a new eleventh-level evolver is a major event for the entire human civilization, so it naturally needs to be grand and grand.

And the venue was in a virtual world, so there was nothing extravagant or wasteful about it, it was just that it took a little longer.

But for the current evolvers of human civilization, being able to take advantage of the opportunity of this celebration to meet many high-level evolvers of human civilization is definitely a huge profit.

Lin Yuan only appeared on the first day of the celebration and did not appear again for more than half a month.

The time rule was about to be understood, so Lin Yuan naturally had to seize all the time to understand it.

"Galaxy Star Master." After the celebration, Deputy Tower Master Nalan immediately approached Lin Yuan.

"I was too busy earlier." Deputy Tower Master Nalan apologized.

After breaking through to the eleventh level, most of his energy was spent on getting familiar with the skyrocketing power.

The remaining mind is also dealing with the many changes in identity after entering the eleventh level.

If there were not these constraints, Deputy Tower Master Nalan would probably find Lin Yuan as soon as possible and express his gratitude.

"Congratulations to Deputy Tower Master Nalan for entering the eleventh level." Lin Yuan smiled.

"Level 11? For you, Galaxy Star Master, it's just a matter of time." Deputy Tower Master Nalan said indifferently.

There were some things that he couldn't say in front of outsiders. The most powerful Xia Qin specifically asked him to keep them secret.

But now that we are in personal space, Deputy Tower Master Nalan naturally has something to say.

As a newly promoted eleventh-level powerhouse, Deputy Tower Master Nalan is somewhat proud in front of other evolvers.

Even when facing the tenth-level A-level people who were once on equal terms, they still communicated with each other from a bird's eye view.

But only in front of Galaxy Star Lord, Deputy Tower Master Nalan could not be proud.

What are you proud of?

The proud Galaxy Star Master almost understood the rules of time at the ninth level?

The proud galaxy star master surpasses a large number of eleventh-order evolvers in his understanding of the rules of time?

In fact, in front of the Galaxy Star Lord.

Deputy Tower Master Nalan is still under pressure.

There is a pressure to be surpassed at any time.

"But at least within ten thousand years, Galaxy Star Master should not reach the eleventh level." Deputy Tower Master Nalan thought to himself.

"I hope so." Lin Yuan smiled.

Level 11 is indeed not difficult for him.

Just follow the steps to get started.

What is really difficult is the strongest, the twelfth level, the ultimate realm.

"Seeing the Lord of the Galaxy Star, I seemed to see a powerful human civilization." Deputy Tower Master Nalan said with a little emotion, "It is not easy for our human civilization to come all the way to this point."

"It's really not easy." Lin Yuan nodded.

Promoted to the Grand Scholar of Evolution and the eighth-level citizen, many secrets of human civilization are also unfolding in front of him.

Before Lin Yuan became an evolver, he knew that it only took two million years for human civilization to complete its grand mission of rising from the ancestral planet, sweeping the alien races from all directions, and becoming one of the most powerful peak races in the universe. .


Lin Yuan hasn't discovered anything strange yet.

After all, for him at that time, more than two million years was already considered an extremely long time.

But as the realm of strength continues to grow, I understand the meaning behind it.

More than two million years is indeed a long time for ordinary humans, or second- and third-order evolvers.

But for high-level evolvers, it is not a time that they cannot look up to.

An eighth-level evolver can live for two to three million years, enough to cover the current human star-sea calendar.

As for the ninth-level evolvers, they will only live longer.

A tenth-level evolver? Eleventh level evolver?

Especially the latter, after understanding the rules of time, can easily live for tens of billions of years, hundreds of billions of years, trillions of years.

Many of the 'ancient gods' in the depths of the starry sky were born from the beginning of the universe and have spent an extremely long time, and are still trapped in the eleventh level.

Of course, a small number of powerful ‘ancient gods’ are trapped in the eleventh level, which does not mean that they cannot reach the ultimate level.

But he didn't dare to attack the ultimate.

Once the ultimate impact fails, it will be a complete fall.

Even the most powerful cannot go against the flow of time to be resurrected.

If you want to hit the ultimate goal, one of the steps is to jump out of the river of time.

The leaping out here is all jumping out, including the imprint of life imprinted in the origin of the universe, must also leap out together.

Once the impact fails during this period, everything will be wiped out, including the trace of life.

The strongest person needs to rely on the mark of life to resurrect the life that died in the past as a 'beacon'.

This is also the reason why life below the sixth level cannot be resurrected. The life mark is too weak to form a 'beacon'.

To reach the ultimate level of eleventh-level life, the first thing to do is to erase one's own sign. Only in this way can one finally make the leap and try to enter the realm of the strongest.

As his strength became stronger and stronger, Lin Yuan came into contact with and felt more.

I also feel more and more how incredible it is that human civilization can become a peak race in just over two million years and give birth to nine powerful people.

Like the other peak ethnic groups in the universe, the Zerg tribe and the Tianyu tribe, which of them have been born for countless thousands of years.

But human civilization is only over two million years old?

According to the internal explanation of human civilization, it was a long, long time ago.

An unprecedented adventure occurred on the ancestral planet of human civilization.

This adventure caused the life on the ancestral planet, which is the prototype of future human civilization, to undergo a great transformation.

It was not until the first year of the Star Sea Calendar that the first most powerful person was born, and human civilization began to expand.

That's right.

Before the most powerful person was born, human civilization simply did not dare to contact the outside world.

Because that adventure was so big that if even the slightest bit was leaked out, it would be hunted down by all life in the universe.

In the first year of the Star Sea Calendar, human civilization gave birth to its first strongest person.

Thirteen hundred years after the Star Sea Calendar, the second most powerful person was born in human civilization.

Five thousand seven hundred years ago in the Xinghai calendar, the third most powerful person was born in human civilization.

Eleven thousand years of Star Sea Era, the fourth most powerful person was born in human civilization.

Eighteen thousand years ago, the fifth most powerful person in human civilization was born.

Twenty thousand years after the Xinghai Calendar, the sixth most powerful person was born in human civilization.

Twenty-five thousand years after the Star Sea, the seventh most powerful person was born in human civilization.

Thirty-eight thousand years into the Star Sea, the eighth most powerful person was born in human civilization.

In the 120,000 years of the Xinghai Calendar, the ninth most powerful person was born in human civilization.

Because of that unprecedented adventure, human civilization exploded with the addition of nine powerful people in a short period of time.


This is an extremely glorious period for human civilization.

But before the first year of the Star Sea Calendar, there was a period of dormancy that lasted far more than two million years.

The Star Sea has a history of more than two million years, which does not mean that human civilization only has a history of more than two million years.

In fact, the history of the Ancestral Star exceeds tens of billions of years.

"Having been dormant for years, the strong men of our human civilization can only leave the ancestral star secretly, pretend to be loners in the universe, or work for other alien races in exchange for training resources. Even if they die, they cannot tell their origins."

Lin Yuan said softly.

"Yes." Deputy Tower Master Nalan nodded.

In that era, the geniuses of human civilization had to keep a low profile and try their best to hide their talents, otherwise they might be captured and enslaved by other powerful ethnic groups.

Like today, countless geniuses of human civilization are vying to appear. Although aliens occasionally carry out assassinations, there are only a few who succeed in the assassination.

And as long as you reach the sixth level and can imprint your own life mark, there is hope of being resurrected.

“I don’t know what a grand scene it was when countless treasures fell into the universe, and what kind of adventures it brought to human civilization?”

Deputy Tower Master Nalan said with emotion.

"Countless treasures falling into the universe?"

"Is it the event that caused the mass extinction of 90% of the races in the universe?"

Lin Yuan's heart moved, and he remembered the results after asking the goddess of wisdom to query the black planet.

"Galaxy Star Master also knows something about this matter?" Deputy Tower Master Nalan was slightly surprised.

He only learned these secrets after he entered the eleventh level and reached the threshold of identity and strength.

I didn’t expect that Galaxy Star Lord also knew something about it?

But thinking about the importance Xia Qin, the most powerful person, attaches to Galaxy Star Lord, Deputy Tower Master Nalan understands.


"The unprecedented adventure I had before human civilization was dormant for many years should have come from that incident."

Deputy Tower Master Nalan said.

In fact, he was just speculating, based on the many information he had learned so far.

"So that's it."

Lin Yuan suddenly realized, no wonder the goddess of wisdom found the origin of the black planet so quickly.

And directly gave the purchase price of 500 million merit points, it turned out that he knew something about the black planet.

"My gourd." Lin Yuan suddenly remembered the gourd he got from sweeping the Milky Way Starfield.

Although human civilization could not find any information about the mysterious gourd, Lin Yuan instinctively felt that perhaps this gourd was one of the countless treasures that fell into the universe.

Because Lin Yuan has not found any information about the mysterious gourd so far, it seems that it is not a product of this universe at all.

After Deputy Tower Master Nalan left.

Lin Yuan's heart stirred up slightly.

Nowadays, most human citizens only pay attention to the mighty achievements of human civilization in sweeping away alien races from all directions over the past two million years of the Star Sea Era. But in fact, before the Xinghai calendar, the longer and longer dormant years were also great.

What if I get an unprecedented opportunity by luck? Without a difficult period of dormancy, no matter how precious the adventure is, it will be plundered and occupied by the strong.

"I want to cherish my current cultivation environment."

Lin Yuan closed his eyes and fell into practice again.

Three years have passed in the blink of an eye.

In terms of understanding the rules of time, Lin Yuan has realized the 2040th new model of time rules.

There are only ten models left before Lin Yuan expects to understand the rules of time.

"The 2041st time rule model. Is it a well? A well of time?" Lin Yuan frowned slightly, trying to construct such a time rule model.

But all failed.

"The well of time." Lin Yuan fell into hard thinking.

"Go to the fifth floor of the Black Building again." Lin Yuan's consciousness followed the magic jade mark and landed directly in the magic jade space.

On the fifth floor of the Black Building, you need to understand the rules of time to get through.

In other words, many time dilemmas on the fifth level are specifically aimed at the various stages of understanding the rules of time.

Lin Yuan leads from effect to cause, and then combines it with the miniature universe, the whole picture of the long river of time, etc., and often there will be great gains.


Lin Yuan came to the nine-story black building.

At this moment, the humanoid stone statue Shen Ji was chatting with the strong man.

The strong man's name is Yuan Jin, and he is the second tester in this universe to enter the magic jade space. By making up for the evolutionary path of a certain demon, he joined the magic jade tower and became an ordinary member.

Naturally, it is far from comparable to Lin Yuan, who has understood the 3,333 ways to evolve demons.

But even in the chaotic void, making up for the demon's evolutionary path is the main way for Moyu Tower to recruit members.

As for understanding the three thousand three hundred and thirty three ways of evolution of demons? Among the 100,000 members of the Magic Jade Tower, there may not even be one.

"You came?"

When the humanoid stone statue Shen Ji saw Lin Yuan, he immediately ignored the strong man Yuan Jin next to him and said with a smile.

The strong man Yuan Jin did not dare to have any objections. In his opinion, the Lin Yuan in front of him was an unfathomable eleventh-level life, which could be seen here.

If it were in the outside world, let alone him, even the Yuan family behind the scenes would have a very difficult time meeting an eleventh-level evolver.

So far, there are definitely no more than a thousand level 11 evolvers in human civilization.

A thousand may sound like a lot, but judging from the vast territory of human civilization, there are so many Star Alliances that it takes only one person to appear.

Moreover, most of the eleventh-level evolvers of human civilization are concentrated in large alien battlefields, and the rest are basically in the central star field.

The eleventh-level evolvers in the four surrounding star regions are mainly nine evolutionary towers.

"I want to break through to the fifth floor." Lin Yuan said directly.

Now that he is familiar with the humanoid stone statue Shen Ji, he can just talk to him if he has something to say.


"You go in."

The pedestrian stone statue Shen Ji nodded.

The entrance to the nine-story black building behind opens.

Under the careful observation of the strong man Yuan Jin, Lin Yuan walked into the nine-story black building.

At this time, the pedestrian stone statue Shen Ji was watching the scene on the fifth floor of the black building.

The strong man Yuan Jin stood aside. He did not have the authority to watch what happened on the fifth floor. He could only stand where he was, looking up at the faint brilliance emitting from the fifth floor of the black building.


The humanoid stone statue Shen Ji shook his head regretfully, "Almost."

"Almost?" The strong man Yuan Jin trembled in his heart.

Almost made it past the fifth floor?

According to the information from the nine-story black building, if you want to break through the fifth floor, you must understand the rules of time to be confident.

And those who understand the rules of time are considered strong even among eleventh-level evolvers.

The adult just now was just one step away from understanding the rules of time.

"I broke through to the ninth level before I could get through the first level." The strong man Yuan Jin swallowed.

Being able to make up for and perfect a demonic evolution path, his talent and qualifications are naturally not bad, but after reaching the ninth level, he barely broke through the first floor of the black building.


at this time.

Lin Yuan's figure appeared outside the black building.

"In a while, it should be almost done." The humanoid stone statue Shen Ji said.

If he were facing other eleventh-level beings, he would definitely not say this. Often the final bottleneck of time rules would stump many powerful people.

But Lin Yuan

The humanoid stone statue Shenji has no doubts.


Lin Yuan nodded.


Lin Yuan glanced at the strong man Yuan Jin who was standing beside him, respectfully.

The other party had been in the magic jade space for such a long time, but Lin Yuan had not said a few words.

Lin Yuan thought for a while, and realized that the strong man Yuan Jin was the same human evolver as him after all. As the only tester in the magic jade space, he still said hello.

Of course, Lin Yuan knew that the strong man Yuan Jin was a human being and came from human civilization.

But the strong man Yuan Jin didn't know any information about Lin Yuan. He didn't even know whether Lin Yuan came from the universe where he was.

After all, in this magic jade space, as long as the magic jade mark is condensed, consciousness can come. No matter which universe you are in, as long as you are still at the same latitude.

"grown ups."

The strong man Yuan Jincheng was horrified. He was so virtuous and capable that he actually let a high-ranking eleventh-level expert question him in person.

"Actually, you don't have to be like this."

Lin Yuan shook his head slightly, "You and I are both at the ninth level, so we can just communicate normally from now on."

"Thank you, sir." The strong man Yuan Jin was about to reply in panic, but his head suddenly stopped.

What did the Lord say just now?

Actually you don’t have to be like this?


Not this sentence.

Are you and I both at level nine?

Are you and I both at level nine?

Are you and I both at level nine?

The strong man Yuan Jin was a little confused.

Ninth level?

Almost broke through the fifth floor of the black building?

Are you about to understand the rules of time?

The strong man Yuan Jin didn't react for a long time.

Is this still the **** ninth level?

The strong man Yuan Jin mustered up the courage to raise his doubts.

But he found that Lin Yuan had left long ago, leaving only the humanoid stone statue Shen Ji standing next to him with a smile on his face.

"Did I fall into an illusion just now?" The strong man Yuan Jin couldn't help but ask the humanoid stone statue.

As a ninth-level evolver, even if he reaches the ninth level, he still has a strong grasp of his own soul, soul, and will.

But what I just heard was too incredible.

So much so that he wondered if he had fallen into an illusion of which he was unaware?

"No need to wonder."

The humanoid stone statue Shen Ji smiled slightly and said: "The one just now is indeed a ninth-level life, but he is also the strongest ninth-level life among all the ninth-level beings I have seen."

"The strongest ninth-level being?" The strong man Yuan Jin murmured to himself.

In other words, what I just heard is true?

The strong man Yuan Jin was shocked beyond measure.

Is Ninth Level about to understand the rules of time?

What kind of perversion is this?

Even the Galaxy Star Lord, who is known as the most powerful genius in history in their human civilization, is far from able to do it, right?

Even though the strong man Yuan Jin has only just reached the ninth level, he also knows that the ninth level is about to understand the rules of time, and the eleventh level is about to understand the rules of time.

They are exactly two concepts.

I don’t know how much harder the former is than the latter.

Galaxy Prime.

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged.

After that, go to the fifth floor of the black building again.

Lin Yuan's understanding of the rules of time suddenly began to rise rapidly again.

[Your understanding is incredible, and you have realized the 2041st new model of time rules]

[Your understanding is incredible, and you have realized the 2043rd new model of time rules]

[Your understanding is incredible, and you have realized the 2045th new model of time rules]

[Your understanding is incredible, and you have realized the 2048th new model of time rules]

[Your understanding is incredible, and you have realized the 2050th new model of time rules.]

[Your understanding is incredible and you understand the rules of time.]

In a daze.

The world in front of Lin Yuan changed.

(End of chapter)

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