My Understanding Defies Heaven: I Create Laws and Preach In the Heavens

Chapter 341: ‘Capitalize the enemy’? (5200 words, ple

Chapter 341 ‘Capitalizing the enemy’? (5200 words, please subscribe)

As soon as these words came out.

The many ninth-level powerhouses on the field felt slightly relieved.

Don't look at the ninth-level powerhouses gathered here at this moment, there are only a few hundred.

But in fact,

The total number of ninth-level powerhouses who are surrounded and suppressed by human civilization in Xuanhuang Secret Territory is at least thousands.

The total number is even close to ten thousand.

Several major alliances of peak ethnic groups entered the ninth level of the secret realm and occupied most of it.

The rest are loners who have a hatred for human civilization.

Thousands and nearly ten thousand ninth-level powerhouses, even if they are chased by tenth-level powerhouses and run away, some of them can still survive, let alone the Galaxy Star Lord?

Moreover, the special environment in Xuanhuang Secret Territory suppresses many spatial methods, making teleportation impossible.

In the previous human civilization, Xi Lan, who had only opened up hundreds of thousands of space layers, was able to persist for three years under the pursuit of special ninth levels like Hunyi, who had opened up more than 30 million space layers.

It can explain the problem very well.

It is true that Xilan's cultivation path of evolution is special, and she is especially good at escaping.

But are their many ninth-level experts now inferior? The most powerful way to evolve? Which of the major peak ethnic groups does not have a path to the most powerful evolution?

"Everyone, the Galaxy Star Lord is indeed invincible, but that doesn't mean we have to let them slaughter humans."

A ninth-level Zerg stood up and said: "My clan paid the price and invited the sons of the Tree Realm to enter the Xuanhuang Secret Realm to compete with the Galaxy Star Lord."

"My clan also paid the price and invited the Dragon Scale King into the Xuanhuang Secret Realm to compete with the Galaxy Star Lord."

"My family also pays"

Several ninth-level powerhouses from the peak ethnic group spoke one after another.

The content of the announcement made many ninth-level powerhouses excited.

The son of the Tree Realm comes from the mysterious secret realm of the universe, the "Tree Realm".

In this secret realm of the universe, there is a ruler, the mother of the tree world.

The Mother of the Tree Realm is a rare special life, an eleventh-level peak existence, and the entire Tree Realm is strictly the body of the Mother of the Tree Realm.

The Mother of the Tree Realm has a son, called the Son of the Tree Realm. In the vast universe, there are only two special beings like the Mother of the Tree Realm.

Therefore, both the mother of the tree world and the son of the tree world are extremely powerful, and their talents are terrifying.

The Mother of the Tree Realm sits in the Tree Realm, and even the most powerful people are unwilling to attack, mainly because it makes no sense.

With the strength of the Mother of the Tree Realm, even though she is not a match for the strongest, she still has some resistance capabilities. At least she has the means to cause the tree realm to collapse in front of the strongest.

In this way, even if the most powerful person attacks the Mother of the Tree Realm, he will not gain any benefit.

In addition, the Mother of the Tree Realm took the initiative to surrender to the Zerg and was willing to donate a pound of the tree realm's sap every ten thousand years, so it can exist to this day.

The Son of the Tree Realm is currently at the ninth level. A special life like the Mother of the Tree Realm has a terrifyingly long lifespan. The Son of the Tree Realm has stayed at the ninth level for at least tens of millions of years.

So normally, the major ethnic groups in the universe would not classify special beings like the Sons of the Tree Realm as being within the ninth level, because they are not normal ninth level at all.

As for the Dragon Scale King, he is almost similar to the Son of the Tree Realm.

"Mother of the Tree Realm?"

"And the Dragon Scale King?"

"These are legendary ninth-level beings, and they are not within the scope of normal ninth-level beings."

The ninth-level powerhouses talked in low voices, and their confidence increased greatly.

Whether it is the Mother of the Tree Realm, the Dragon Scale King, or others, their longevity is terrifyingly long. The life of a normal ninth-level being may not be as long as their several retreats.

Therefore, if they were included in the normal ninth-level life range, it would be somewhat unfair to other ninth-level beings.

"With these reinforcements, what threat does the Galaxy Star Lord pose?" The ninth-level Zerg looked at the many strong men and sent out heavy mental fluctuations.

He and several other powerful men from the top groups looked at each other.

The reason why the tribe paid such a price this time was that they were unwilling to gain anything from entering the Xuanhuang Secret Realm this time, and they wanted to keep their clones.

Although the art of clone is a semi-public secret among all major ethnic groups, when the clone dies, there is a high price to be paid if you want to condense another clone.

If so many ninth-level experts fell into the Xuanhuang Secret Realm at once, even if they were just clones, they would have a considerable impact on all major ethnic groups.

at last.

It was several peak groups who wanted to test out the true strength of the Galaxy Star Lord.

The Galaxy Star Lord's previous kill of Hunyi was a complete instant kill, except that he learned that the Galaxy Star Lord was very strong and had opened up a space layer that weighed at least 100 million layers.

Don't know anything else.

The purpose of inviting these legendary ninth-level players this time is to determine the upper limit of the Galaxy Star Master.

Perhaps the most powerful ones don't care much about the Galaxy Star Lord, but below the most powerful ones, the tenth and eleventh level experts are very concerned.

Because maybe in the distant future, they may fight against the Galaxy Star Lord on a large alien battlefield.

Since he will have to fight the Galaxy Star Master sooner or later, he naturally wants to get more information about the Galaxy Star Master.

Xuanhuang secret realm.

peripheral area.

Within a wide canyon.

Thousands of ninth-level aliens have been forced into this place.

As for the outside, it is blocked by hundreds of human civilization evolvers.

Use hundreds of ninth-level powerhouses to block thousands of ninth-level powerhouses?

It seems like a fantasy. There is no difference in individual strength between the two. In terms of numbers, the side that is blocking is ten times less than the side that is being blocked.

But reality just happened.

Because the Galaxy Star Lord is intimidating.

No ninth-level alien dared to resist or hesitate.

If the Galaxy Star Lord comes due to resistance, wouldn't it be like seeking death?

Indeed, in the hearts of all ninth-level aliens, no matter how powerful the Galaxy Star Lord is, he cannot kill all of their thousands of ninth-level aliens.

But if the Galaxy Star Lord is determined to kill, thousands of them will not be able to kill them all, but there is still hope of killing hundreds of them.

No ninth-level alien hopes that he will be one of those hundreds.

Therefore, in the face of the encirclement and suppression by human evolutionists, even if the opponent is not as strong as themselves, those ninth-level aliens can run away and will not try to fight back.

Beyond the canyon.

Doko and several other special ninth-level human civilizations were also observing the canyon in the distance.

"We can only suppress them to this point at most. If we suppress them further, these aliens will be forced to resist." A special ninth-level human civilization said.

These ninth-level aliens have been hunted down and still dare not fight back.

In addition to being afraid of the Galaxy Star Master, more importantly, they still have a way out.

but now?

All alien races were suppressed in the canyon, and many space layers were also blocked.

These ninth-level aliens have no way out. If they step forward to suppress them at this time, they will only arouse the other party's resistance.

"Galactic Star Lord."

"Where is the Galaxy Star Lord?"

Several human special ninth-level voices were a little worried.

They have already forced all the ninth-level aliens here. If the Galaxy Star Lord doesn't show up, it will be the evolvers of human civilization's turn to escape.

"Galaxy Star Lord said he would come, and he will definitely come." Doko said in a calm tone.

The other special ninth-level people felt a little calmer.

at this time.

Above the canyon.

A figure suddenly appeared.

The figure looked like a young man, wearing a robe, standing there as if connected to millions of spaces.

"Galactic Star Lord."

"The Lord of the Galaxy is here."

On the human civilization side, after seeing Lin Yuan's appearance, they immediately became energetic.

On the other hand, in the canyon, the faces of many ninth-level aliens were solemn, even showing fear.

"Galaxy Star Lord?"

"It is said that the space layer opened by Galaxy Star Lord is at least over 100 million layers?"

"One billion layers of space? I don't know if the son of the Tree Realm and the Dragon Scale King can compare to the Galaxy Star Lord."

The faces of all the ninth-level aliens were as dark as water, feeling tremendous pressure.

Even if they had trump cards and backup plans, they still couldn't maintain their mentality when they actually faced the Galaxy Star Lord.

Although the Son of the Tree Realm and the Dragon Scale King are powerful, they have no record of killing the special ninth level, but the Galaxy Star Lord has, and the one he killed was the ninth level like Hunyi who opened up more than 30 million layers of space.

Who can not be afraid of this?

"Are they all here?"

Lin Yuan lowered his head and looked down, "Are there other auras hidden aside?"

Lin Yuan glanced at several inconspicuous locations, where he noticed several obscure auras, auras that were much stronger than Hunyi.

This does not rely on Lin Yuan's perception, but on his 'special authority' as the half owner of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

Now, although Lin Yuan has not completely refined the core of the secret realm, he has refined it to 95%. Needless to say, he has control over the secret realm.

"You know that I have the ability to kill Hunyi, but you have already invited so many reinforcements. Is it to test my true strength?"

Lin Yuan thought for a moment and roughly guessed the purpose of several top alien races.

Those obscure auras are much more powerful than Hunyi. Wouldn't it cost less to invite such beings?

"Test my true strength." Lin Yuan looked calm.

When he killed Hunyi previously, Lin Yuan only mobilized the power of 200 million layers of space. Although 200 million space layers are still unprecedented, they are nothing compared to the more than 2 billion space layers that Lin Yuan has truly opened up.

"We still can't reveal our full strength." Lin Yuan made a decision in his heart.

Before Lin Yuan, the highest number of space layers opened up in the ninth level in the history of the universe and starry sky would not exceed 100 million.

Lin Yuan opened up 200 million layers of space, which is indeed unbelievable, but it is still not too much. If more than 200 million layers of space were revealed.

Lin Yuan felt that even the strongest would be surprised and might take action regardless of shame.

The most powerful people don't care about two hundred million space layers, but that's not necessarily the case with more than two billion space layers.

The difference between the two seems to be ten times, but the real difficulty is more than a hundred times, a thousand times, and a thousand times.

Canyon below.

Many ninth-level aliens were observing Lin Yuan.

at this time.

Under the shocked gazes of all the ninth-level aliens, the Galaxy Star Lord standing in the void raised his right hand and pressed down on them.


The power of 200 million layers of space is crushing in, determined to destroy everything in front of it.

"not good."

The look of the ninth-level Zerg changed drastically, and he immediately roared loudly: "You guys, why don't you take action?"


Four auras suddenly condensed and came from all directions. One of them was a tree-shaped life. As the branches swayed, the power of the vast space vibrated.

The owner of another aura is a humanoid being with golden dragon scales. Every time he moves his hands and feet, terrifying energy and blood spread.

The four powerful men joined forces to fight against the Galaxy Star Lord. The strength of each of them was far above that of the Hunyi, and the space layer they opened reached eighty or ninety million, approaching one hundred million.

Far away from the canyon, there are a large number of ninth-level powerhouses watching the show.

These ninth-level powerhouses basically have no grudges against human civilization and are not on the list for this encirclement and suppression, so they can stay here leisurely.

"Tsk tsk, Galaxy Star Lord finally appears."

"Is that the Galaxy Star Lord? The will of the universe really favors humans. We, the special beings with our talents and qualifications, will compare with that Galaxy Star Lord."

"It can be seen that Galaxy Star Lord takes action, and this trip to the secret realm is not in vain."

Many ninth-level experts were chatting and laughing with each other, extremely relaxed.

easy? Naturally, it was easy. They were not the ones resisting the beating anyway.


"The Galaxy Star Lord has taken action."

"Who are those four strong men who suddenly appeared?"

"The Sons of the Tree Realm? And the Dragon Scale King? Those top groups are really generous. They even invited these people in."

The eyes of this group of ninth-level powerhouses who were watching the battle and watching the show suddenly widened.

Originally, they were in a one-sided situation, but with the strength of the Galaxy Star Lord, the side of the ninth-level alien race was bound to be completely defeated.

After all, those ninth-level aliens came from different ethnic groups and could not really work together. Facing the unparalleled Galaxy Star Lord, all they wanted to think about was to run faster than the other strong ones.

Will they stay there and try their best to hold back the Galaxy Star Lord?

However, the appearance of four special ninth levels, including the Son of the Tree Realm and the Dragon Scale King, made many ninth level experts see another situation.

As long as these four special ninth-level people can hold back the Galaxy Star Lord, it will probably be a bit difficult for the remaining human civilization evolvers to face the counterattack of thousands of ninth-level aliens.

"Galaxy Star Lord, I didn't expect that a peerless genius like you would appear in this era?" The son of the tree world maintained the form of an ancient tree, emitting mental fluctuations and looking at Lin Yuan with fighting intent.

The same goes for the other three.

The reason why the four of them agreed to support the ninth-level alien races in Xuanhuang Secret Territory was not only because those peak races paid a high price.

It's more because they also want to meet opponents like Galaxy Star Lord.

"You guys, are you coming here to die?" Lin Yuan continued to activate the power of multiple spatial layers. Since he knew the purpose of the alien race, he naturally could not show more strength.

Instead, the number of space layers is controlled to around 200 million.

Just because the weight of the space layer cannot be increased does not mean that Lin Yuan cannot use other means.

For example, "Xuanhuang Strike"?

After completing the first stage of "Xuanhuang Strike", Lin Yuan can explode with double the power in every strike.

This power does not come from the space layer, but has been specially increased, and it is only doubled, which is not too exaggerated.

The truly abnormal thing about "Xuanhuang Strike" is not the extent of improvement. Even the strongest realm of perfection can only increase by five times.

But it becomes ‘normal’.

Any strike can maintain the corresponding multiple increase. This is the most precious thing about "Xuanhuang Strike".

But if you want to be sure of this, you won't be able to detect it at all unless you have a fierce battle with Lin Yuan for several years and decades.

If it's just one or two hits, the most it can be concluded is that it uses a secret method of explosive strength.


Under the blessing of "Xuanhuang Strike", Lin Yuan's attack ushered in a qualitative change. The Son of the Tree Realm and the other four special ninth levels were unable to withstand it and began to retreat one after another.

"When Galaxy Star Master killed Hunyi, he didn't use all his strength?"

"It's too scary. The Son of the Tree Realm and four other people joined forces and were suppressed by the Galaxy Star Lord and retreated?"

"It's over. We probably won't be able to get out alive."

In the canyon, many ninth-level aliens suddenly understood.

"The space layer weighs hundreds of millions, and you have mastered a secret method that can explode twice as much strength?" The leader of the ninth-order Zerg observed carefully.

Finally draw a conclusion.

"This should be the true strength of the Galaxy Star Master. As long as the strength of the Galaxy Star Master can be determined, it will be worth it no matter how high the price is."

The ninth-level Zerg thought silently in his heart.

Only by determining the specific strength of the opponent can we specifically target it in the future.

Otherwise, the scene on the alien battlefield would reappear, with the Tianyu clan constantly sending their own eighth-level invincibles to deliver ninth-level secret treasures to the Galaxy Star Lord one by one.

Far away in the canyon.

Many ninth-level experts were stunned.

"Galaxy Star Lord. Galaxy Star Lord is too strong."

"You actually suppressed the Son of the Tree Realm and the Dragon Scale King so miserably?"

"It's incredible."

The hearts of the ninth-level experts were trembling. They were watching the battle from an extremely distant place, and they could occasionally feel the numbing aftermath of the battle.

You can imagine how much pressure the Galaxy Star Masters and other opponents must bear when they are around the battlefield.


The power of multiple space layers, then blessed by the "Xuanhuang Blow", turned into terrifying blows one after another, suppressing the four strong men including the Son of the Tree Realm and suffering unspeakably.


At this moment, a strong man exploded and fell on the spot.

Of course, only the clones who entered the Xuanhuang Secret Realm died. Whether it was the son of the Tree Realm or the Dragon Scale King, all those sent here were clones.

"Can't leave."

The Son of the Tree Realm sighed inwardly. The four of them worked together, but they were all crumbling in front of the Galaxy Star Lord. Now that one of them is dead, there is no hope.

Canyon below.

The ninth-level Zerg saw that the situation had no chance of reversal.

So he turned around and looked at the many ninth-level aliens behind him, and said, "Everyone, Galaxy Star Lord is cruel. If we continue to stay, we will die at the hands of Galaxy Star Lord sooner or later."

After the ninth-level Zerg race finished speaking, he looked at the faces of many ninth-level alien races and continued:

"In this case, we might as well go directly to the inner area and the core area. They are much larger than the outer area. It is basically impossible for human evolvers to set up a blockade in the inner core area."

As soon as these words came out.

Many ninth-level aliens on the field immediately understood the meaning.

Rather than die at the hands of the Galaxy Star Lord, die at the hands of human evolvers.

It would be better to hide in the inner area, the core area, where the scope is far greater than the outer area, and it is impossible for the evolvers of human civilization to block it again.

Even if the secret realm is finally closed, it would be better for them to die from being obliterated by the secret realm than for their treasures to fall into the hands of the evolvers of human civilization.

It's all death anyway.

Why ‘capitalize the enemy’?

"Let's go."

"We're going to the inner area now."

"Yes, even death will not bring any benefit to human civilization."

Many ninth-level aliens in the canyon immediately flew towards the core area of ​​the inner area.


Lin Yuan slapped the last Son of the Tree Realm into pieces, and saw a large number of ninth-level aliens fleeing towards the inner and core areas.

"Once the Xuanhuang Secret Realm is closed, all outsiders in the inner and core areas will be wiped out. They would rather keep the treasures they harvest in the secret realm than give them to human evolvers?"

Lin Yuan immediately saw the plans of those ninth-level aliens.

Immediately, a strange look appeared on his face. What was the difference between leaving the treasures he harvested in the secret realm and giving them to him?

10,000 words updated.

Please give me a monthly ticket~~~

(End of chapter)

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