My Understanding Defies Heaven: I Create Laws and Preach In the Heavens

Chapter 329: Xilan: Where are the elders? (Please subscribe)

Chapter 329 Xilan: Where are the elders? (Please subscribe)

Xuanhuang secret realm.

Deep in the layers of space, two breaths were chasing each other and escaping.

But it was obvious that the aura of pursuit was far stronger than the aura of escape.

Even as time passes, the breath of escape is slowly fading.

It's just that at every critical moment, when the pursuing party is about to get completely close, the fleeing party can always slip out from between the many space layers.

This is like a hundred-meter giant chasing an ant. The latter can use the advantages of the terrain to make the hundred-meter giant return without success to a certain extent.

Of course, the pursuit and escape between ninth-level powerhouses spans many layers of space and is far more complicated than the pursuit within a single space.

Even in special circumstances such as the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, the longer the delay, the more space layers the powerful party occupies, and the narrower the space the fleeing party can reverse and move.

In the end, he was completely locked up like a caged bird.

It was only a matter of time before he was finally caught.

"It's been two and a half years."

Xilan seized the opportunity and instantly jumped from this dimension to another, once again widening the distance from Hunyi.

But it was only a temporary distance. Within half an hour, Hunyi caught up again.

"I can feel that more and more layers of space are occupied, leaving less and less room for me to escape."

Xilan sighed inwardly.

This is the gap brought about by absolute strength. The space layer he opened up is less than a million heavy, and Hunyi is the strongest ninth-level being among the peak tribes such as Tianyu Clan.

The opened space layer weighs more than 30 million!

If we were not in the mysterious territory of Xuanhuang, suppressing any means of teleportation,

In addition, Xilan takes the initiative to burn everything, even her soul and will, and her strength is greatly improved.

I'm afraid he'd been captured alive by the Hunyi a long time ago.

Even so, Xi Lan also vaguely felt that she might not be able to hold on for long.

One is that the Hunyi are about to completely occupy all the nearby space layers, and the other is that there is not much left of his own soul and will, and it cannot burn for long.

"Hold on for another half year."

Xilan calmed down and glanced at Lin Yuan, who was sitting in the corner of the inner world with his eyes closed.

He had great trust in Lin Yuan. Since Galaxy Star Lord said that as long as he persisted for three years, he could wait for the support of the 'elders', Xi Lan had no doubts.

"I don't know which of the elders of Galaxy Star Lord is a strong person in our human civilization?" Xilan was a little curious. Galaxy Star Lord's teacher was Chikun Star Lord.

However, the Star Lord Chikun is only invincible at the eighth level. Even if he breaks through to the ninth level, he is far from being able to support them. The evolvers who have just entered the ninth level, in front of the strongest ninth level beings of a large peak group such as Hunyi, It's just a matter of one move.

He, Xilan, had only persisted until now by burning everything, using the secret method inherited from a certain powerful evolutionary path of human civilization as a means of escape, and the special environment of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

"It's not the Lord of Chikun. It should be the ninth level of our human civilization that has opened up more than 20 million layers of space?" Xilan thought in her mind.

This was the only fun he had while being hunted.

If you want to save them from the Hunyi, ordinary ninth-level human evolvers in the ten-million-layer realm cannot do it. At least twenty million-layer space layers must be opened to contain the Hunyi and then secure the space for their safe retreat. time.

"Twenty million layers of space." Xilan sighed slightly in her heart. The longer she practiced at the ninth level, she realized how difficult it was to open up the layer of space.

The opening up of the space layer is just an appearance. What is more important is the perception of the nature of space. Without sufficient support of perception, it cannot be maintained at all. Even if it is forcibly opened, it will quickly collapse.

Frankly speaking, Xilan still admires powerful people like Hunyi who can create space layers that weigh far more than ten million, because he knows how difficult it is.

at this time.

Hunyi, who was chasing from behind, sent a message again.

"Xilan, I know that you are running so desperately to buy time and to keep the treasures obtained in the secret territory."

"In this way, I can promise that as long as you hand over the Galaxy Star Lord, I will let you go, and you can take back any chance treasures you obtain in the secret realm."

Hunyi continued: "You should know what my promise, Hunyi, means. Even if you and I belong to the hostile camp, I will follow it."

Hunyi was also a little impatient with the pursuit. If it continued to be delayed, maybe three to five months would be wasted.

From the beginning to the end, Hunyi's goal was to kill the Galaxy Star Lord. To be precise, it was to kill the clone of the Galaxy Star Lord to avenge the grievances on the battlefield not long ago.

As for Xi Lan, Hunyi never took it seriously.

If he wasn't in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, with his strength, there would be no need to pursue him for so long.

"Hahahahaha, you bird people still want to sow discord between me and the Galaxy Star Lord." Xi Lan was unmoved at all.

As the evolver of human civilization, Xilan is very clear about where her roots lie.

The biggest crisis he faces at this moment is nothing more than the complete confession of this clone here and the opportunity to return the secret treasures harvested in the secret realm.

And hand over the Galaxy Star Lord? Putting aside the betrayal of human civilization, considering the potential and talent currently displayed by the Galaxy Star Lord, Xilan is not stupid, so how could he choose to do that?

On the contrary, dying in the mysterious realm of Xuanhuang with the Galaxy Star Master can also deepen the friendship between the two.

"Okay, in that case, prepare to keep this clone completely." Hunyi stopped persuading him. In the past two years of pursuit, he had sent messages more than once, but Xilan laughed at him every time.

"The escape method of the void evolutionary path is truly worthy of its reputation." Hunyi looked slightly solemn, and at the same time accelerated the speed of completely occupying the space layer.

The void evolution path is exactly the evolution path that Xi Lan has practiced, and it is also one of the nine most powerful evolution paths currently mastered by human civilization.

The ultimate existence of this evolutionary path is the most powerful virtual god, one of the nine most powerful people in human civilization.

The strongest Void God is not as powerful as the strongest Xia Qin and the strongest Guli in terms of combat power, but his control over the void is the strongest among the nine strongest.

Among human civilizations, the evolutionary path with the largest number of practitioners is the evolutionary path where the nine most powerful people are located.

Although these nine most powerful evolutionary paths all have ultimate existence, for the vast majority of human evolvers, they do not have the ideas and abilities to hit the ultimate.

In their eyes, the most powerful evolutionary path is mature, complete and almost perfect. If they have the qualifications to practice the most powerful evolutionary path, who would be willing to choose other evolutionary paths.

Xilan is very talented in the space field, and has a special physique with space attributes. She can activate many escape methods in the void evolution path, and she has persisted until now under the pursuit of Hunyi.

"Hurry, hurry."

Hunyi's thoughts converged. No matter how sophisticated the void evolution path is, there must be space. Now two or three years have passed, and after he has continued to occupy the space layer, Xilan is about to be trapped to death by him.

The pursuit of Hunyi, the strongest ninth-level being of the Tianyu clan, also attracted the attention of other ninth-level strong men around him.

"Is that the Hunyi of the Tianyu Clan? Known as the ninth level of the Tianyu Clan in this era? Who is he chasing?"

"You don't know this, right? The party being hunted is Xi Lan, the ninth-level evolver of human civilization. However, it is not Xi Lan that Hunyi is chasing, but the Galaxy Star Lord who is traveling with Xi Lan."

"Galaxy Star Lord? Is he the peerless human genius who lost face to the Tianyu clan on the battlefield not long ago? The youngest ninth level in the history of human civilization?"

"That's it." A nearby ninth-level powerhouse watched from a distance. Hunyi's pursuit was not concealed at all, and the burst of space fluctuations could easily be detected.

"The Lord of the Galaxy is being hunted?"

Some of the ninth-level aliens who have a decent relationship with human civilization are slightly moved. If they save the Galaxy Star Master at this time, they will definitely gain the goodwill of this peerless genius of human civilization.

But it's a pity.

The people who are chasing Galaxy Star Lord are Hunyi. Even if some ninth-level aliens want to please Lin Yuan and please human civilization, they do not have enough strength to hold back Hunyi.

In the starry sky of the universe, human civilization is one of the top groups. It is an absolute behemoth, with enemies and followers.

In addition to the grand alliance established by human civilization itself, there are still many ethnic groups who are unwilling to offend human civilization, and even want to make good friends with human civilization.

"Hahahahaha, Hunyi has been chasing Xilan for more than two years. Galaxy Star Lord should be hiding in Xilando's inner world. It is said that Xilan practices the void evolution path. It's true that he is well-deserved."

"Having been hunted for more than two years, Galaxy Star Lord is really miserable!"

"I don't know what Galaxy Star Lord is insisting on. The fact that Xilan has been able to delay it until now must have used a secret and forbidden technique that affects my true body. To pay such a price, is it possible that a special ninth level of human civilization will come?"

"I haven't heard of any ninth-level humans approaching Hunyi in the nearby area."

Many ninth-level aliens are separated in different spatial layers and communicate with great interest. Whether they are the one who is chasing them or the one who is being chased, they are all extremely famous.

They also enjoy watching plays.

Needless to say, Hunyi's reputation has spread throughout the ninth level circle, and Galaxy Star Lord, although he has only entered the ninth level for the first time, has also attracted much attention due to his displayed qualifications and the aura of human civilization.

The other side of the Xuanhuang secret realm.

A human evolver wearing a purple robe constantly shuttles between layers of space.

He is extremely fast, and every time he jumps, nearly 40 million layers of space are affected.

This purple-robed evolver is named Duo Ke. He has opened up 39 million layers of space and is the strongest ninth-level life in this era of human civilization.

"Hold on for a while longer, and as long as I arrive, I will definitely make that Hunyi pay the price!"

The location Duoke went to was exactly the area where Hunyi was.

Duoke and Hunyi, who are both the strongest ninth level of a large peak group, often fight against each other. The former has opened up more space layers than the latter, so he naturally has the upper hand when fighting.

Ever since he learned about Hunyi's pursuit of Galaxy Star Master more than two years ago, he came as quickly as possible.

Normally, the Xuanhuang Secret Realm suppresses all smooth movements, and any strong person can only fly slowly. When Doke got the news, he was far away from Hunyi's location.

It's almost impossible to get there within three years.

But even so, Doko still came without any hesitation.

"Hunyi, if you really dare to kill this clone of the Galaxy Star Lord, even the ninth level of your Tianyu Clan in the Xuanhuang Secret Territory will die."

Doko thought silently in his heart.

Generally, special ninth-level people like them would not deliberately hunt down other ninth-level aliens after entering the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

Because it is a waste of time, Xuanhuang Secret Realm is not the outside world, so you can only fly slowly in a hurry, and the opening time is only a hundred years.

Is it possible to hunt down other ninth-level aliens without using the many opportunities in the secret realm?

But Hunyi dared to take the initiative to hunt down the peerless genius of human civilization. This gap should not be opened. Doko would rather give up looking for opportunities in the secret realm and fight back.

Deep in layers of space.

Mado Walker was also watching the chasing and being chased in the distance.

Hunyi has been chasing Xilan and Galaxy Star Master for more than two years. Mado Walker also rushed over after getting the news.

"Galaxy Star Lord is really unlucky."

Mado Walker thought to himself that he had already reminded Galaxy Star Lord, and he would definitely avoid Hunyi as much as possible.

The Xuanhuang Secret Realm has a special environment. Even if Hunyi gets information about the location of the Galaxy Star Master one moment, and when he arrives the next moment, there is a high probability that the Galaxy Star Master will have disappeared long ago.

Unless the two happen to meet.

"It's just that my ancestor really valued the Galaxy Star Lord and actually asked me to use that trump card to stop the Hunyi and save the Galaxy Star Lord."

Madoji shook his head slightly.

As the most outstanding descendant of the Ancient God Ancestor, Mado Walker was very favored by the Ancient God Ancestor. This time he entered the Xuanhuang Secret Realm and was given a life-saving trump card.

Once this life-saving trump card is activated, even if a special ninth level with 50 million layers of space and 80 million layers of space is opened, you will still be trapped for a while.

"The ancestor said that you cannot directly use your trump card to save the Galaxy Star Lord, but you should take action when the opponent is in the most critical moment, that is, when he is about to be caught by the Hunyi. Only in this way can you gain the greatest gratitude from the Galaxy Star Lord. "

Mado Walker thought of the instructions given by the Ancient God Ancestor and felt that it made sense.

"It's almost time." Mado Walker continued to observe for a while and found that Xilan's breakaway speed gradually slowed down. His expression immediately became solemn, waiting only for the critical moment to activate the life-saving trump card.

Xilan’s inner world.

Lin Yuan opened his eyes quietly.

"came back."

Lin Yuan's eyes were deep, and the thousands of years he had experienced in the world of gods flashed by like a dream.


Upon noticing Lin Yuan's movement, Xilan immediately lowered her consciousness and appeared not far away.

"Brother Xilan." A smile appeared on Lin Yuan's face. Xilan's persistence was crucial to successfully ending this shuttle.

Otherwise, Lin Yuan would have no choice but to terminate the shuttle early or give up on the soul in the mysterious realm of Xuanhuang.

No matter which choice you make, the loss will be considerable.

"Galaxy Star Lord." Xilan's breath was sluggish, but she still managed to regain her composure.

The two chatted for a while, and then Xilan cautiously asked, "Galaxy Star Lord, has your elder arrived?"

"Elder?" Lin Yuan glanced at Xilan.

(End of chapter)

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