My Understanding Defies Heaven: I Create Laws and Preach In the Heavens

Chapter 285: The second floor of the black building (please subscribe)

Chapter 285 The second floor of the black building (please subscribe)

 The rules of space are one of the pillar rules for the operation of the universe.

What are pillar rules? Even if the rules of space are lost, the universe will become imperfect or even collapse.

All existence and all things must rely on space, which is the foundation of all things.

Lin Yuan completely grasps the rules of space, even if it is only one side, his perception of the outside world is completely different.

Before he understood the rules of space, Lin Yuan was like a fish in the water. Everything he saw and felt was limited to the size of his body. But after he understood the rules of space.

It's like jumping out of the water, you can see more and farther.

"The rules of space may not be as mysterious as the rules of time. It cannot go upstream and resurrect the dead lives in the past, but it penetrates deeper into everything."

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

At this moment, he had only reached the ninth level in all aspects. Without mastering the rules of space, Lin Yuan would have exceeded the ninth level threshold in terms of combat power and destructive power.

But if you fight against a ninth-level strongman, the opponent will just leave whenever he wants. With the use of space, you can 'play' Lin Yuan at a high level.

Just like a whale living on the bottom of the sea, even if it possesses shocking power, it cannot threaten life on land.

"Mastering space is just the beginning. Next, I will integrate the Tai Chi rules and many powers of the universe with the complete space rules to find my own path."

Lin Yuan's heart was surging. The road to the ninth level was already in front of him. He only needed to complete the final fusion rules before he could step into the ninth level.

Among all the races in the universe and the starry sky, the ninth level can be called a foundation existence. Many weak and ordinary races, including the most powerful ancestors, are only at this level.

"The world inside me?"

Lin Yuan's consciousness came to the inner world and found that the inner world that was originally only a little over a hundred million miles away began to expand mightily again.

Fortunately, Lin Yuan had anticipated this and took out the Taiwei Clear Crystal that he had prepared long ago and integrated it into the inner world.


Not long after.

The world inside the body then expanded to a size of 1.31 billion miles in diameter.

The thick power of the world circulates, and ordinary eighth-level invincibles can only be crushed in the face of such a huge power of the world, and cannot even resist.

"With the support of the current world inside the body, it shouldn't be difficult to completely absorb the mysterious gourd green liquid."

Lin Yuan thought to himself that in recent years, he had tried to absorb the green liquid, but he had always been stuck at the last point. Now he might be able to get through it easily.

"Absorb the green liquid first."

Lin Yuan's consciousness returned to the outside world, he took out the gray-green gourd, with the mouth of the gourd facing down, and immediately absorbed it.

It is thousands of light years away from the alien battlefield numbered B0001.

A black spaceship ended its wormhole travel and was revealed.

"Is that the alien battlefield numbered B0001?" Lin Yuan was in the spaceship, looking at the behemoth thousands of light-years away.

Alien battlefield number B0001 is the first medium-sized alien battlefield opened by human civilization, with a size of about twelve light years.

As strong as the eighth level invincible, you can fight freely on this battlefield without having to hold back.

"Forget it, just move the rest of the way."

Lin Yuan stepped out of the spaceship and understood the complete rules of space. Any large movement can span hundreds of light years, and there is no 'cooling time'. Much more efficient than the spacecraft's wormhole shuttle.

Of course, using teleportation to travel in a hurry consumes a lot of energy. If you are not in a hurry, it is better to use a spaceship to travel through the wormhole.

Lin Yuan also saw that there were only a few thousand light-years left, so he planned to travel by means of a large movement. He just wanted to try the feeling of traveling with a large movement.


Number 0001 The edge of the battlefield.

Lin Yuan appeared and looked at the battlefield in front of him.

"The space fluctuations are obvious, far more intense than the medium-sized alien battlefield where Taiyin Yuanshen is located," Lin Yuan thought in his heart.

The space fluctuations on the alien battlefield come from the constant fighting of countless strong men and whether there are permanent space cracks.

Battlefield No. 0001 is the oldest alien battlefield.

In the distant past, wars often escalated in intensity;

The tenth-level evolver holding the most powerful weapon ended up personally.

The width and length of the permanent space cracks torn open are also much higher than those of other medium-sized alien battlefields.

The space cracks in ordinary small alien battlefields are about ten meters or tens of meters. The space cracks in medium-sized alien battlefields are mostly more than 10,000 meters, between 10,000 meters and 20,000 meters.

The largest permanent space crack on the battlefield numbered 0001 reaches 30,000 meters.

This is not an ordinary space crack, but a permanent space crack, a 'wound' that cannot be healed even by the instinctive movement of the universe.

"First go and take a look at the 30,000-meter-long permanent space crack."

Lin Yuan gathered his breath and headed towards the target location. He was in a foreign battlefield, and the space fluctuated significantly. Even if he mastered the complete space rules, it was best not to use the great teleportation technique.

Because it is easy to be affected by the fluctuating space, causing it to deviate from the destination, and even temporarily get lost in the depths of multiple layers of space.

Galaxy Prime.

Lin Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, and the green flames in his body burned crazily, and finally returned to calm.

"Finally completely absorbed."

Lin Yuan's consciousness came to the world inside his body again, looking at the huge world that quietly reached 1.332 billion miles in radius, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

For human evolvers who normally master the complete rules of space, the limit of the inner world is tens of millions of miles in radius. For those special beings with peak lineage, such as Xinghai Yukun, or other special space beings, the upper limit of the inner world is probably tens of millions of miles in radius.

At the eighth level, there are more than 100 million miles of inner world, and it is estimated that only those special beings are so rare that even groups cannot form.

The universe is fair and breeds all living beings. The more powerful the life is, the lower and more difficult it is for it to reproduce.

The reproductive capacity of human civilization is terrifying, but most of its talents are mediocre.

Xinghai Youkun is gifted with a strong bloodline, but reproduction is extremely difficult. However, no matter how difficult it is, Xinghai Youkun can barely form a tribe.

Some special beings are so rare in number that they cannot even form a group. The terrifying talents of these special beings cannot be explained by ordinary methods.

Deep in the starry sky of the universe, many ‘ancient gods’ crisscrossing the sky were born in this way.

"What's next? Cyan liquid?"

Lin Yuan flipped his right hand, and a mysterious gourd appeared in front of him.

At this moment, the color of the surface of the mysterious gourd began to slowly change, from the previous gray-green to gray-green.


Lin Yuan hung the gourd upside down, and a drop of deep cyan liquid dripped out.


The cyan liquid entered his throat and turned into pure cyan flames, which began to burn Lin Yuan's internal organs.

Several days.

Lin Yuan tried several times, and the world inside his body expanded to 145 million miles.

"If you increase it next, it won't be so fast." The increase of more than double the basic size in such a short period of time is entirely due to Lin Yuan's inner world reaching the basic limit.

Basically, you have to improve slowly and get used to the burning of the cyan flame little by little. "In the past few years, the boundary-breaking source power accumulated has finally reached thirty rays."

Lin Yuan's mind sank into his mind, feeling the amount of boundary-breaking source power.

Before the eighth shuttle, Lin Yuan accumulated a total of thirty-six rays of boundary-breaking source power.

Coming to the spirit world consumes ten strands, and carrying the mysterious gourd and the original fine gold consumes two strands.

After the eighth shuttle, there are still twenty-four rays of boundary-breaking source power left.

In recent years, time has passed, and Lin Yuan's boundary-breaking source power has reached thirty strands again.

"There is no rush for the ninth shuttle."

Lin Yuan looked thoughtful. He was now in a critical period of integrating the rules. Traveling at this time would only affect the time to enter the ninth level.

After breaking through to the ninth level, cultivation has reached a temporary bottleneck, and it is not too late to consider traveling again.

Anyway, for Lin Yuan, he can practice wherever he goes. Whether he travels through the world or the main world, he can quickly improve his strength.

The biggest benefit to Lin Yuan from traveling through the world is that he can see the cultivation system outside the main world and gain benefits from the differences in dimensions.

For example, the spiritual world has no suppression on the power of the universe. Lin Yuan took the opportunity to realize dozens of cosmic powers, more than ten kinds of advanced cosmic powers, and one source-level cosmic power.

If this were placed in the main world, it would be basically impossible to achieve it. Even if Lin Yuan relied on his heaven-defying understanding to do it forcefully, it would waste a lot of time and delay subsequent cultivation.

In the spiritual world, many powers of creation are placed in front of Lin Yuan, which is equivalent to having the right direction, and it is naturally quick to comprehend.

But in the main world, the power of the universe cannot be reproduced. Lin Yuan can only comprehend it from the beginning, and may even take the wrong path in the end.

"Now that I understand the rules of space, I can try to break into the second floor of the black building."

Lin Yuan's heart moved slightly. In the past few years, he broke into the second floor of the Black Building solely for the purpose of honing his use of the power of the universe.

I had no intention of breaking through at all.

But now, Lin Yuan wanted to give it a try.

Understanding the complete rules of space is a complete qualitative change for Lin Yuan, and it is a qualitative change in all aspects.

Killing, defense, life-saving, etc. have all been qualitatively improved.

As long as an eighth-level powerhouse understands the complete spatial rules, he can make those eighth-level invincibles suffer. No matter how many eighth-level invincibles are besieged, it is impossible to defeat the existence of the complete spatial rules.

A life that understands the rules of space can travel through countless space layers with one thought, and those eighth-level invincibles may not even be able to touch it.


A trace of Lin Yuan's spiritual will followed the magic jade mark and instantly descended into the magic jade space.

In front of the towering nine-story black building, the humanoid stone statue Shen Ji looked at Lin Yuan with a smile and said, "Come to the second floor again?"

In the past few years, Lin Yuan would come over and break into the second floor of the Black Building whenever he had a break. Shen Ji, the humanoid stone statue, had long been used to it.

Watching Lin Yuan rush to the second level is one of the few pleasures in the long and boring years.

Far better than falling into a near-eternal slumber.


Lin Yuan nodded.

next moment.

Lin Yuan arrived at the second floor of the black building.

The humanoid stone statue Shen Ji was still standing outside the black building. Scenes appeared in front of it, which were exactly the scenes on the second floor of the black building.

"I don't know how long this little guy plans to hone the power of the universe."

The humanoid stone statue Shenji thought silently in his heart.

Lin Yuan used the second floor of the Black Building to hone his cosmic power. He had already seen it.


The moment Lin Yuan appeared on the second floor of the black building, a heavy pressure hit him from all directions.

If it had been before, Lin Yuan would have immediately mobilized a variety of cosmic forces to fight. The pressure from the second level cannot be blocked by a trace of spiritual will.

but now?

After mastering the complete space rules.

Lin Yuan formed an 'absolute space' around him with just one thought.

Absolute space is the high-end use of the power of space, which eliminates the pressure from the spatial level. Lin Yuan's body seems to be within a few feet, but in fact it is separated by countless space layers.

Ordinary eighth-level evolvers face absolute space, and all attacks, let alone getting close, will be trapped in multiple layers of space.

An eighth-level being who masters the complete rules of space may not be able to kill an eighth-level invincible, but it can definitely make the eighth-level invincible very uncomfortable.

For example, banishing the eighth-level invincible to the depths of the space layer.

There is no distinction between up, down, left, and right directions there. It is not easy for an eighth-level invincible to get out. He may have to be trapped for decades.

"You don't even need to use the power of the universe?"

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows. At this moment, he was standing on the second floor, and the surrounding space was faintly distorted, diluting and dissipating all the pressure that had enveloped him.

However, Lin Yuan also knew that he was currently at the initial position of the second floor, and as he continued to approach the central staircase, the pressure around him would increase.

By then, it will be difficult to perfectly withstand all the pressure just by relying on absolute space.

Especially when entering the middle area, the endless pressure will condense illusory creatures and attack Lin Yuan.

"Let's see where we can go."

Lin Yuan didn't have much confidence in breaking through the second floor of the Black Building. He mainly wanted to give it a try because his strength had greatly increased after he understood the complete rules of space.

It's better if you succeed, and it doesn't matter if you fail.

Lin Yuan almost regarded the second floor of the Black Building as a standard to test his own strength.

According to the humanoid stone statue Shen Ji, the experienced practitioners who can break through the second floor of the Black Tower are basically the strong ones in the ninth level.

Although it is said that the many methods of ninth-level life are not only the mastery of many rules and the power of the universe, but it is also a very important aspect.

If Lin Yuan could break through the second floor of the Black Building, even if he was not considered a strong person in the ninth level, he would still be stronger than more than half of the ninth level people.

Outside the nine-story black building.

The humanoid stone statue Shen Ji was watching Lin Yuan's performance with great interest.

Every time Lin Yuan comes to break into the second floor of the black building, it will pay great attention to it and can pass the boring time.

However, when it saw Lin Yuan just standing there, easily withstanding the heavy pressure from the second floor of the black building without resorting to the power of the universe.

Suddenly he was stunned.

"This" humanoid stone statue Shen Ji watched Lin Yuan carefully, especially the slightly twisted space around it.

"Has this little guy realized the complete rules of space?"

The humanoid stone statue was a little confused. It remembered that a few years ago, Lin Yuan's understanding of the rules of space was not average, but there was still a long way to go before he could completely master it.

Why did you realize it all of a sudden now?

(End of chapter)

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