My Trillion-Dollar Assets is Exposed by My Wife’s Bragging!

Chapter 117 - 117: Just Short of Chasing People Away with a Broom

Chapter 117: Chapter 117: Just Short of Chasing People Away with a Broom

Translator: 549690339

Humming a tune cheerfully, Yigol Novak returned home.

Suri Drew, upon rapidly reaching her office, first locked the door behind her, and then slapped her face insistently, forcing herself to calm down.

She actually uttered those shameless words to Yigol Novak.

“Humph, I told you not to come to my room, I told you to return to your own room. If you’re such a smart Alec, stay in your room and don’t come back. I’ll watch and see tonight. If you don’t come back, I’ll make sure you never do.” It took Suri Drew a full ten minutes to compose herself and start working.

After reaching home, Yigol tidied up a bit. With nothing to do, he suddenly felt a strange sense of emptiness and loneliness.

Without the worries for money and nothing meaningful to do, life seemed devoid of freshness and was rather boring.

“Are you saying I should go back to delivering packages just to kill time?”

He hadn’t delivered packages for quite a while. Those experiences, under the disguise of experiencing life, were merely for survival. Now that he didn’t need to do it anymore, he didn’t feel like going either.

Or, should he just drive out and get some fresh air?

But getting out seemed meaningless too. Friends, he did not need, and bosom buddies didn’t seem necessary either.

With nothing to do, Yigol could only stay at home, watch TV, play games.

Just when Yigol was about to get up to cook lunch, he heard the doorbell ringing as he got up.

Yigol, feeling puzzled, opened the door, and was surprised to find Rachel Turkish, who video-called with Suri last night, standing outside.

“Why are you here? My wife has gone to work. Have you tried calling her?” Yigol asked.

“Well, what do you mean?” Seeing no signs of Yigol letting her in, Rachel asked discontentedly.

Yigol honestly replied: “Don’t misunderstand, what I mean is that if you’re looking for my wife, she’s at work. You can go to her office, she’s not at home.”

Rachel couldn’t miss the defensive undertone in his words: “Hey, could you get a clue? This house was bought by that stinking woman, and you’ve nothing to do with it. You act like I shouldn’t be here. And even if I step back, I’m still your wife’s bestie, what’s your point in blocking my way?”

“Sorry, I was actually planning to go out. It didn’t cross my mind that you might come. Please, make yourself at home. I’m going out to buy groceries.” Yigol casually gave way and let Rachel in.

After Rachel went in, Yigol left without saying a word or even casting a glance at Rachel.

Anger welled up in Rachel’s chest. What was frustrating was that she had nobody to vent the anger on.

“What’s got into Suri’s little husband? My look and figure are great, there’s no need to ignore me like this!”

“Besides, what was with his attitude just now? He made it look like I offended him, which I clearly did not. Even if I hadn’t offended him, he should at least treat me politely. Doesn’t he know that guests should be treated with respect?”

“From the way he behaved, the only thing he didn’t do was to kick me out with a broom. When on earth have I ever been treated like this?” Rachel vented her frustration by throwing punches towards the direction Yigol disappeared.

In fact, it was not that Yigol didn’t welcome her. If she knew what he truly thought, she would be furious.

With Suri Drew’s absence, Yigol naturally wanted to keep distance from Rachel. A popular saying among girls goes, ‘guard against fire, burglary and your bestie’. Though Suri wasn’t petty, Yigol preferred to avoid anything that Suri might be unhappy about.

Besides not wanting to get too close to Rachel and upset Suri, Yigol also misunderstood Rachel’s status with Suri.

He originally thought that Suri had eye bags this morning simply because he wasn’t there, causing her insomnia.

However, when he saw Rachel, he came up with another guess—was it possible that the two besties had a fight?

Judging from the looks of it, Rachel showed up uninvited and Suri probably didn’t know about Rachel’s visit.

Could it be that the two besties had a dispute, and Rachel came to make up?

It would be best not to interfere with the issues between two women. Let them handle their own issues to avoid getting himself into trouble, at which point, he’d be the one suffering.

After stepping out, Yigol sent a message on WhatsApp to Suri, telling her that Rachel had come to their house. Then, he headed out to buy groceries.

In fact, he’d already bought the vegetables in the morning. Now that he had nothing to do and preferred not to be alone with Rachel, he just made up an excuse to go out.

Suri quickly replied to Yigol, saying that she would come back for lunch and asked him to cook.

With Suri stating that she would be back for lunch, Rachel naturally stayed behind. So, Yigol bought a bit more groceries on his way back.

Rachel was sitting in the living room watching TV when Yigol returned. He just offered a light smile, which counted as a greeting. Then, he proceeded to the kitchen with the groceries.

Yigol was not exceptionally warm to Rachel, which was the biggest concession he could make. If Suri hadn’t mentioned coming home for lunch, he wouldn’t have returned home at noon.

After Yigol left for the kitchen, Rachel turned her head towards the kitchen direction, rose, and went to Suri’s room.

On opening the door, she saw Suri sitting at her study desk.

In fact, Suri already knew that Rachel was coming and she had come back from the office the moment she knew Rachel had arrived.

Now, the two besties were quietly chatting. They would talk for a while and then look towards the kitchen every now and then.

After a little while, Rachel got up and left Suri’s room, heading directly to the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Suri peeked through the crack in the door, observing what was happening in the kitchen.


Yigol had heard Rachel’s footsteps, but he didn’t look at her.

His body shuddered slightly at her sudden calling.

Continuing with his tasks, he said in a detached tone: “You don’t need to call me like that. Just call me by name. You are my wife’s bestie, but we don’t have any relationship. So, if you need anything, just call me by name.”

“You should leave now, don’t prevent me from cooking. My wife will be back soon; I need to prepare her favorite dishes before she gets home.”

Rachel wanted to become a bit more ‘close.’ However, she was met with Yigol’s cold gaze.

No matter how thick-skinned she was, she just couldn’t stay there anymore.

Turning her head towards the direction of Suri’s room, she made a helpless emoji. Just as she was about to leave, Suri quickly made a pacifying gesture.

Suri grinned, waiting to see what would happen next..

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