My Trillion-Dollar Assets is Exposed by My Wife’s Bragging!

Chapter 115 - 115: Absolute Confidence

Chapter 115: Chapter 115: Absolute Confidence

Translator: 549690339

“I’m really curious how my wife bragged, her look while bragging must be so amusing, I’m just too curious about it.

Yigol Novak was always quite healthy, and now his fighting power has increased even more, which is extraordinary.

Being a man and reaching this level is every man’s dream.

It seems that he should seize the time and let his wife accept him early, or he would be too sorry for the great brag his wife has made for him. When Yigol was happy, the conversation between the besties in the room finally came to an end.

Rachel Turkish waved to Suri Drew and said, “Make sure to have your pregnancy test tools ready. I’m still waiting to be a godmother. By the way, you are all young, take it easy. You don’t want to have a baby and not know how to control it, causing harm to the baby.”

Suri was speechless, “Rachel Turkish, that’s enough. How does a single person like you have no shame when talking about these things? I won’t talk to you anymore, bye.”

Rachel nodded, “Well Suri, you’ve really changed. You’re in a hurry to go to sleep with your man and don’t want to say a single word more to me. I can’t satisfy you anymore, I’ll let go and let your little husband satisfy you.”

“You… Rachel Turkish, I’m just tired, simply tired, alright? Can’t you not talk about that kind of thing all the time?” Suri finished speaking and promptly pressed the red button.

Continuing the conversation, Suri didn’t know what vulgar words Rachel Turkish would say. She was already blushing enough.

After the video ended, Suri skillfully tossed her phone to one side, her heart beating so fast that it felt like it could burst out of her chest at any moment.

He wouldn’t be the kind of man Rachel Turkish mentioned who ends things before they even start or ends things just as they begin, would he?

This curiosity made Suri’s face even redder and her heart beat faster.

She slapped herself on the face, “What am I thinking? Why am I like this? Even if he is that kind of man, what does it matter? That’s what happens to many men, right? I don’t want to be with him forever because of that…

“Ah, no, no, how could I have the thought of being with him forever?

“He always has those saucy words on his lips, so he shouldn’t be the kind of man Rachel Turkish says, should he?”

These thoughts kept alternating in Suri’s heart, and she slapped herself again, “Suri, stop thinking nonsense, go to sleep. Tonight, that jerk is not here, so I can finally have a peaceful sleep.”

Suri covered herself tightly and closed her eyes to sleep.

But although she was already very sleepy, she couldn’t fall asleep.

Yigol Novak, who was lying on the sofa, naturally didn’t know Suri’s thoughts.

He thought that the two besties must be making the most of their time to chat, having endless things to talk about.

However, as time slowly passed, Yigol’s “trust” in Suri began to waver. Even if their friendship was deep, they shouldn’t be talking for so long, right?

It had already been over an hour.

In Rachel Turkish’s case, talking until tomorrow was possible, but Suri wouldn’t. She was always a very disciplined person, and after her time with Yigol, she would stay up a little later for various reasons but she would never talk to Rachel Turkish for a long time.

So, Yigol came to the bedroom door lightly and wanted to hear if there was any movement in the room.

As a result, there was no movement at all.

With the doors so close, if the two besties were still talking, there would be no chance that there wouldn’t be any sound at all.

So, Yigol quietly opened a crack in the door. The light in the room was on, but there was no sound.

So, the conversation was over?

Yigol couldn’t determine how long it had been since it ended, so he simply stood at the door without moving, watching in secret.

But after waiting for a long time, Suri didn’t seem to be in any rush to call him into the room.

He immediately understood Suri’s intentions.

“Little girl, you’re not going to call me back to the room?”

If it were before, Yigol would definitely have struggled between going in or not.

But now, he wasn’t worried. Recently, Suri had become very dependent on him, and she would have trouble sleeping without him by her side.

Habit is a frightening thing, and he wanted to see just how much Suri could endure.

In the past, he would brazenly go to Suri’s room. Now, he wants Suri to beg him to go to her room.

Moreover, Yigol had absolute confidence.

Yigol turned around and went back to his room, deliberately making the sound of closing the door very loud. Especially in the quiet night, the sound was so clear.

Suri hadn’t fallen asleep yet and naturally heard the noise.

She suddenly sat up, staring at her bedroom door, and angrily said, “This shameless man, I think it’s intentional. The sound of the door closing was so loud, who is it supposed to let hear?”

“Hmph, are you trying to hint at me, asking me to call you back? Don’t even dream about it. I won’t take the initiative to call you back. I’m going to let you feel anxious and come begging me to let you in. If you don’t, you’ll be alone at home, so you’ll know the consequences of bullying me all day.”

“Now, I guess you’re waiting outside the door, waiting for me to give you a step down, and then it’ll be a bunch of saucy words, right?”

“Don’t worry, I won’t give you that opportunity.”

After muttering quietly, she lay back down, closed her eyes to sleep. At first, it seemed fine, but as time went on, she found that her mind was becoming clearer and clearer, and then it was full of thoughts of that shameless man.

And in the next room, the shameless man she was referring to was sound asleep, with no burden whatsoever.

The next day.

As usual, Yigol got up early, went shopping, and cooked.

He had served the meal, but Suri showed no sign of wanting to get up.

Yigol came to Suri’s room to see what was going on. Suri was always punctual in the morning. Usually, when he was cooking, she would get up and start grooming herself.

What’s going on today?

“Wife, it’s time to get up.” Yigol knocked on the door.

There was no movement in the room. Yigol patiently knocked on the door again: “Wife, get up quickly. The sun is about to shine on your butt.”

Suddenly, the room door was pulled open, and Suri appeared in front of Yigol, who was startled.

Suri looked exhausted, with dark circles under her eyes, even though she had already put on makeup. She looked just as fatigued as when her mother-in-law had come to visit a few days before..

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