My System: An Evolved Computer I Made With My Unique Ability—

Chapter 272 Bug Catcher Ray

"Then why on Earth is the number one superhero of Japan with them? I thought they were the only ones who knew each other?" White Mist pointed out, much to the president's surprise.

"And? You weren't able to kill them, why? I'm sure killing two foreign superheroes is not out of the question, provided that your mission is top secret and no one else would be able to know." The president continued, clasping his hands in front of White Mist. "They couldn't possibly stop you, judging from the fact that you have a representative on your side."

"Well, take me like a joke but... the kid..." White Mist bit his lips as his frustration leaked out from within his body. He then slammed the table in front of the president, his eyes filled with rage and murderous intent. "He has two representatives on his side."

At the sudden unexpected information that White Mist divulged, the president bolted upright with a shock expression on his face. There's no way that White Mist was lying to him right now since he seemed incredibly and genuinely frustrated. Something about what he said bothered the president since he knew just how powerful a representative could be.

"Two. Representatives?" The president readjusted his tie as he sat back down, trying so hard to regain his composure as he slowly breathed in and out. A puff of smoke came out of his mouth, indicating the utter coldness of the conference room. And yet, the two of them inside it sweated profusely. "I didn't hear that wrong, right? You're saying that someone out there has two representatives?"

"That's right! And it's that kid! Tatsuki's kid!" White Mist continued.


There was always a first for anything, and to Tatsuki, such a notion wasn't anything new since he had experienced countless firsts when he became a superhero. He could still vividly remember the first time he went inside the Beast Dimension, surprised that such a dimension existed. Flora and fauna differed from Earth and not to mention the pure sceneries that had never been touched by human hands. It was a literal new world with countless existences that weren't known to humans until that day.

Then there were the Gates and Dungeons— things that should only exist in games and yet they appeared on earth, threatening its inhabitants. Every single time such a thing appeared, Tatsuki couldn't help but feel a little small. Even though he was the number one superhero in Japan, there were still a lot of things unknown that could challenge his strength. And to think that such power existed somewhere in the universe, he could only hope to steer clear from it in his lifetime.

But the moment he stepped inside the Dimensional Portal that led to the Nichijou Region (where the Grey family lives, along with beast tamers that are prevalent in their region), Tatsuki once again felt the smallness he used to feel whenever he encountered something new. A gasp came out of his mouth, followed by a huge smile that plastered itself on his face and instantly shifted its expression from boredom to excitement.

He looked around, there was nothing but trees. Regardless, the trees that existed in this forest were unlike anything Tatsuki had ever seen. He immediately approached the nearest tree and plucked out a branch sticking out from the rustling leaves. To everyone's surprise, he pocketed the branch and proceeded to examine the leaves of the tree with his magnifying superpower. "Awesome! This is a new species of tree! Who would've thought I'd get to see one in my lifetime!" He muttered to himself.

"That's just a common tree in this forest though... it's not particularly a new species." Jean Grey said as the group started walking towards the city.

Everything in Tatsuki's sight felt like it came out of a novel and he couldn't express how happy he was when it comes to seeing a brand new world.

"Wha—! So this is your city?! It looks so nice. What's that big dome in the middle of it?"

"That's the Research Center where the professor researches about beasts. We can take you there after breakfast." Jean Grey pointed out.

"I've been to this city many times now, and I'm still surprised by how normal it looked. Every single time." Jack Michael muttered to himself as he walked alongside Jean Grey. Together, the two of them led the way to the Grey household.

The Grey household resembled a normal up-and-down house. With its wooden veranda and concrete build. Even its color was pretty normal, a speckled white color for walls and a somewhat bright orange brick roof. "And we're here! Welcome to our humble abode."

This was the first time Satoshi and Emma saw the house where the Grey family resides, and they were a tad bit weirded out by how normal it looked. After all, this was a different world and the very definition of normal shouldn't have existed there. And yet, everywhere they go, the city just screamed normal. They could totally relate to Jack's words a moment ago.

"Hoh, there's a newcomer in town." Someone called out from behind Satoshi, impulsively making him turn around since he could tell that the person behind him was addressing him.

"And you are?" Satoshi asked, confused. He had never met the guy before so he had no idea why he was talking to him.

Rubbing his nose and trying to act all haughty and cool, the teenager who was more or less the same age as Satoshi pointed his bug-catching net at him before he started doing his ritualic greeting. Putting his right foot forward, he waved the net he carried before putting up a peace sign in front of Satoshi. "You're new to this city but you still haven't received a proper welcome! Even if the beast master is your acquaintance, that's unforgivable!"

"That's why, hehe, I took it upon myself to welcome you! Give you the welcome you deserve!" He said, clutching his chest as he pointed at Jean Grey, the Beast Master of the Nichijou Region.

"Eh?" Satoshi had no idea what was going on, but it looks like the person in front of him wanted to give him a proper welcome to the city, or something like that.

"The name's Ray. People around here call me Bugcatcher Ray but you can call me however you want." Ray introduced himself, doing a halfhearted pirouette before bowing toward Satoshi.

"I'm Satoshi, Midoriyama Satoshi, nice to meet you, " Satoshi muttered, unsure of what to do next.

"Cut it out, Ray, you don't have a chance against Satoshi." Jean Grey called out, grabbing Satoshi by the shoulder. "Come on, breakfast's getting cold, you know." Jean Grey continued.

Before Satoshi could even accept or reject the 'welcome' that bug catcher Ray put out there, the door to the Grey household burst open, and out came Ash who rushed towards Satoshi with his eyes sparkling. Before Satoshi could react, he grabbed him by the hand and shook it. "Whoa! Satoshi's here! And bug catcher Ray too! Are you guys going to have a beast battle? Sweet! I'll act as the referee for you guys!"

The whirlwind of excitement that went down in front of everyone then stopped as he fiddled with his phone. Just when Jean Grey and Tatsuki were about to tell them that they were going to have breakfast before the beast battle, Ash then pointed a thumbs up toward Satoshi and Ray. "Great timing you guys, the open field right by the park is actually free! We can go there and have our battle right now. I already reserved it!"

Jean Grey was about to say something as he stepped forward, but as he was about to stop the three teenagers from going to the park, someone grabbed him by the shoulder, softly clutching it.

"Let them be, dear. It's been so long since I've seen our son get that excited over a beast battle. Let's let them have their fun for now."

The presence behind Jean Grey belonged to none other than his wife, Dahlia Grey.

"I guess you're right about that. Why don't we go by the park and have a picnic breakfast over there? I also wanted to challenge that Satoshi in a beast battle." Jena Grey said, his eyes screaming with enjoyment as he imagined an epic fight against the teenager. After all, he'd witnessed him summon two representatives in front of him. There's no way he couldn't challenge someone like that.

"Take it easy, dear, you're the beast master, remember?" Dahlia giggled before turning to Emma who was silently watching the whole thing unfold. "What's your name, young miss?" She asked.

"Emma, Emma Leisenberg." Emma responded.

"Well then, Emma, why don't you help all of us pack some food? We can head over to the park and watch the beast battle while eating breakfast." Dahlia requested.

Since Emma didn't know what to do, she decided to help out. Somehow, she found herself looking forward to the familiar Satoshi was going to use in the fight.

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