My System: An Evolved Computer I Made With My Unique Ability—

Chapter 261 Unofficial Beast Tournament VI

p A strong flash of light, followed by a deafening roar emanated from the White Lion. It all happened in the span of a split second, but that's all it took for the Icewater Crab to faint in an instant. The area of effect attack was too powerful and unavoidable to boot. Long story short, the Icewater Crab didn't stand a chance against the White Lion. It struggled to stand but after a couple of seconds, its legs finally gave up and it fell sideways, its eyes spinning around— a normal expression of a fainted beast.

"Icewater Crab... lost? No way..." Gio muttered to himself. And there he was, thinking that he stood a chance against Satoshi and his White Lion. As it turned out, Satoshi just didn't bother attacking at all, instilling a false hope within him which prompted him to gain confidence. In the end, the Icewater Crab had no fighting chance against an overpowered beast, and that fact only became clear when that split-second electric field attack transpired.

"You've done well, Icewater Crab, get some good rest," Gio said to himself before he grabbed his Icewater Crab, scooping it up from its belly and carrying it out of the field like an oversized plate. "It was a great match, Satoshi, I lost."

"Sure, just challenge me anytime for a rematch." Satoshi greeted back. He could tell that Gio was strong, but he just got too ahead of himself during the fight.

Since the match was over, Satoshi led his White Lion off the stage so they'd give way to the semi-finals of the second bracket. Quite frankly, Satoshi was looking forward to this fight more than anything since it involved Lydia and his childhood friend Shiroi. The two of them both have type advantages against the Alpha Red Salamander so it would be quite an interesting fight to watch.

With the open area cleared out, Shiroi walked towards one side of it. Her Fluffy Penguin was right on her tail, waddling as it made its way in the 'ring'. It let out a cute squeal towards Shiroi before facing the opposite side with its squinted eyes. It was more than ready for the match— or so that's what the Fluffy Penguin wanted to portray.

"And now we come to the semi-finals of the second bracket! Please give them a round of applause everyone. Shiroi with her Fluffy Penguin, and Lydia with her Frost Elephant!" Kim Jin Seok announced. His tone was a bit low in volume, probably because he was getting exhausted after all that screaming he did.

"You're Shiroi, right? I'm going to win." Lydia called out just as her Frost Elephant exhaled, frost coming out of its mouth.

"I'm going to win. I still haven't had a rematch with my Satoshi." Shiroi responded, smiling at Lydia as she too challenged her. Her Fluffy Penguin let out another squeal, assuring her that it'll do its best to win.


But as soon as she said that, an awkward silence descended upon the entire group. Even Kim Jin Seok, who had been calm and collected all this time, hung his mouth open as he stared at Shiroi. He was still wondering if he heard Shiroi wrong but apparently, everyone had the same reaction so such was probably not the case.

"What do you mean your Satoshi?" Lydia asked, giving Shiroi a suspicious gaze.

Meanwhile, Satoshi averted his gaze from Shiroi. Even though he wasn't the one who said it to her, he still felt oddly embarrassed. Besides, he never thought that Shiroi actually felt that way. He vehemently shook his head. "I must've heard wrong, right? Right?!"

"Ah... eh?!" Shiroi finally realized what she said. Violently shaking her head, she waved her hand towards Lydia, outwardly denying what she just mentioned. "No, ah— er, I meant... we haven't had our rematch! I, uuu~ " She pouted, her face turning into a nice shade of beet red.

"Ehrmm!" Kim Jin Seok cleared his throat as he finally regained his composure, extending one of his hands forward while he assumed his position in the middle of the sidelines to overlook the match as the referee. "Let the fight begin!" He announced.

In terms of experience, both Lydia and Shiroi were equal. That's why everyone expected an equal fight and rightfully so. Furthermore, both the Frost Elephant and the Fluffy Penguin possess the water element.

"Frost Elephant, use Ice Edge!" Lydia called out. The Frost Elephant stomped its foot on the ground, producing an ice field before ice spikes started coming out of the ice field, going forward with the aim to hit the Fluffy Penguin who was standing by the end of the open area.

"Fluffy Penguin, jump then use water gun to propel yourself up!" Shiroi then commanded, to which the Fluffy Penguin promptly nodded.

"All right, now Frost Elephant, use ice breath!"

"Fluffy Penguin, use water shield and then use peck!"

Now, one might be wondering how Lydia and Shiroi were able to command their tamed beast as if they were experienced beast tamers. This was because most of the common beasts in the Beast Dimension are already discovered. So one just needed to access the net and look up the beasts they tamed. There, they'd see most of the moves that the beast could use, as well as general information about them.

The Fluffy Penguin's Peck connected, landing straight on the Frost Elephant's trunk. With a pained groan, the Frost Elephant staggered backward, but its fighting spirit was not yet quenched. Before the Fluffy Penguin could recover, the Frost Elephant shot another ice breath, which directly hit the airborne Fluffy Penguin.


With a soft thud, the Fluffy Penguin fell on its back, sliding a couple of feet on the ice field after it fell.

"Fluffy Penguin!" Shiroi called out. Meanwhile, the Fluffy Penguin struggled to get up. It started letting out a weak moan as it got back on its feet, swaying left and right since it was on the verge of losing its consciousness.

"Hang in there, Fluffy Penguin!" Shiroi gritted her teeth, stealing a glance at Satoshi by the sidelines. 'No... I can't afford to lose... not now...' She muttered to herself.

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