My System: An Evolved Computer I Made With My Unique Ability—

Chapter 259 Unofficial Beast Tournament IV

The reason why Satoshi easily told Emma his secret was because she knew a lot about him when it comes to his superpower. Sure he could also tell Shiroi and the others about it but they'd act surprised, and everyone will act surprised, and then everyone will become aware of the secret. Satoshi didn't want that, and he thought that Emma is a reliable confidant when it comes to the ridiculousness of his superpower. Hence he didn't hesitate to tell her that he actually tamed a human instead of a beast.

It was time for the semi-finals.

"And for the semi-finals of the first bracket, we have the favored Satoshi who is expected to win the entire unofficial beast tournament with his unusual Alpha Red Salamander... and on the other side of the ring, we have someone named... what's your name again, young kid?" Kim Jin Seok asked, embarrassed since he actually forgot the name of the young man who was going to fight Satoshi in the semi-finals.

"It's Gio. My name is Gio." The young man muttered, ruffling his hair as he smiled at Satoshi. "Be prepared to lose, Satoshi!" He taunted before turning toward Kim Jin Seok.

"Excuse me, sir? Is it okay if I use another beast instead of the one I just caught? I figured this is all right since it's an unofficial beast tournament after all, and you never specified that we could only use our recently-caught familiar.

"Ah er, yes, you're right about that. You can go ahead and use whatever beast you have... but it is preferable if you use the beast you recently caught since one of the unofficial tournament's main goals is to get to know your beast a little better." Kim Jin Seok lengthily explained. Even though his underlying message was that it was frowned upon to use another beast, he didn't actually dissuade Gio.

With his approval, Gio sneered at Satoshi before calling one of his beasts. As it turned out, Gio is also a beast tamer hailing from America, and he wanted to test Satoshi's mettle with his strongest beast.

"Let's go!" Gio called out as he pulled a dimension box from his pocket, throwing it in the air. A pokem— er, a beast came out of the dimension box, screeching as to intimidate everyone who laid their eyes on it.

The beast looked like a huge crab, except its body was made out of pure water and its appendages were made of ice. It was an Icewater Crab, water and ice-type beast which can be found in the Beast Dimension. The Icewater Crab tends to live its life buried in holes dug in thick ice, but if they were disturbed, they wouldn't hesitate to lash out, utilizing their speed and their nimbleness. The Icewater Crab is one of the speediest beasts out there, not to mention that it has a type advantage over the Alpha Red Salamander.

"Now bring out your Alpha Red Salamander, Satoshi! Whahaha~" Gio extended his hands in the air as he manically laughed. Even though he hasn't won yet, he felt as if he got the trophy under the bag.

However, he got one thing wrong. Since this was Satoshi's first time in the Beast Dimension, he immediately assumed that Satoshi only had one beast in his possession. He concluded that the Red Alpha Salamander may be strong, but without any other options, Satoshi is bound to lose to a type disadvantage.

Some of the audience who thought that only your recently-caught beast should be showcased started booing Gio at his underhandedness. They were inexplicably mad at him despite the fact that Kim Jin Seok already clarified the rules of the unofficial beast tournament.

Then again, he was playing dirty, and to the audience, he was perceived just as.

"You can do it Satoshi! You can do it!" Emma cheered from the sidelines, shutting her eyes as she pumped her fists in the air. Even though she was a bit embarrassed about cheering for Satoshi, she still kept on, hoping that it would at least spur Satoshi and give him additional strength.

"You know," Satoshi finally spoke, rubbing his nose to suppress the smile that was forming on his face. "If you wanted to use another beast in the fight then you should've said so. You do know that that rule also applies to me, right? Otherwise, it won't be fair if you're the only one who could use another beast."

"I've seen your previous fights and your recently-caught beast— I don't know its name— is pretty strong. I think if your beast fought my Alpha Red Salamander head-on, it would have a hard time since your beast is also advantageous towards my Alpha Red Salamander."

"But you wanted to change things up so I'll entertain you by doing the same thing," Satoshi continued.

Quite frankly, it wasn't Gio's gestures or disrespect that made Satoshi slightly annoyed. In fact, he didn't hold it against Gio since he's also the type of person who wanted to win no matter what. Nevertheless, the reason why Satoshi felt a bit irked because of his pride as a beast tamer. Right in front of him was another beast tamer, and that beast tamer is taunting him, telling him that he would lose. Satoshi's pride just couldn't accept that, not when he's also a beast tamer himself. It wouldn't really affect him if he loses the unofficial beast tournament, but if he lost it against another beast tamer, it just didn't sit right with him.

Without saying anything, Satoshi's smile became more evident as he stared at Gio. This made Gio a tad bit unsure of his decision, but his confidence was renewed due to the assurance that Satoshi actually only had one beast— the Alpha Red Salamander.


"Come on, are we just going to stand here forever? Bring in your Alpha Red Salamander already." Gio complained.

Satoshi, however, had a different thought in mind. Without further ado, he grabbed Orb Oboros, putting the Alpha Red Salamander back before he called out another familiar of his.

"You do know that water types are weak to electric types, right?" Satoshi asked just as another one of his familiars came out from Orb Oboros's dimensional storage.



"Are you kidding me... are you kidding me right now?" Gio muttered to himself as Satoshi's new familiar came out.

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