My System: An Evolved Computer I Made With My Unique Ability—

Chapter 251 'Female' Black Winged Dragon

'Dex, any chance that this won't work?' Satoshi inwardly muttered. Even though his superpower was yet to fail him, his gut instincts still warned him about the Black Winged Dragon. In himself, he somehow felt like his superpower wouldn't work on such a powerful beast.

[It will work, Satoshi]

"How can you be so sure, Dex?" Satoshi whispered. From a distance, he could hear Jack Michael and Jean Grey frantically shouting at him.

"Hurry it up, Satoshi! We can't hold it back any longer!"

[Because you've already tamed an SS-Grade Beast. This means that you have a higher chance of catching a certain grade when you've already caught one.]

"Just a higher chance, right? It doesn't mean it's a hundred percent chance." Satoshi reasoned but he still continued forming the bluish orb of flames on hand. "Lighter! Help them!" Satoshi screamed, calling on the lighter to aid the other two who were pushing the Black Winged Dragon back with great difficulty.

The orb of flame was a lot bigger now, almost as big as Satoshi in diameter. Still, Satoshi continued to pour everything he had into the flame, tapping into every cell of his body and releasing every ounce of energy he could. This was a do-or-die moment. Either he fails miserably or succeeds, there were no other options. That's why Satoshi did all he could to increase the chances of him taming the wild beast.

After a few seconds, Jack Michael and Jean Grey finally ran out of energy, jumping out of the way as the Black Winged Dragon went after the one with the most threat— Satoshi. Even though it was the other two who attacked the Black Winged Dragon, it still felt that Satoshi was the most dangerous out of the three. He didn't hesitate to charge at him at full speed, trying to stop whatever it was Satoshi was trying to do.

Satoshi wasn't having it though, he started doing his weird dance as he continued summoning the flames. Jack and Jean stared at him, a little lost.

"What is he doing?" Jean asked.

"No idea."

The Black Winged Dragon started forming another energy ball in its mouth, intent to fire it at Satoshi. Just before it could completely form the energy ball though, Satoshi already shot the blue flames from his hand. "Haah~!" Satoshi exclaimed as if a powerful blast was about to get released from his hands.

Quite frankly, Jack and Jean saw that the blue flames were actually pretty big, that's why they were expecting it to whizz past as fast as their eyes could see or maybe faster than that. To their utter surprise, however, the blue flames traveled at a snail's pace, floating ever so slowly towards the Black Winged Dragon as if it wasn't a threat at all.

"To think that we've bet our lives on that attack..." Jack sighed as he imagined being mauled to death by the Black Winged Dragon.

"Yeah... it's super lame." Jean agreed. They didn't even have enough energy to complain at Satoshi for such a lame attack.

Even the Black Winged Dragon looked disappointed as it stared at the attack like that. It didn't know how to react at all. Instead, it stood there, looking at the blue flames as if it wouldn't harm him in the least. However, the decision of the Black Winged Dragon worked in Satoshi's favor. The moment it stared into the blue flames, it felt as if its soul was being sucked into the void.

With its threatening aura continuing to grow, the blue flames mesmerized the Black Winged Dragon, rendering it immobile as it stared into it. The Black Winged Dragon had every opportunity to run from the slow blue flames but it chose not to. Its consciousness was already taken over by the blue flames.

'What's this... why do I feel like I want to risk my life for that human child over there? Why do I feel like I'm falling for him?' Apparently, the Black Winged Dragon was a female and it felt a keen desire to obey Satoshi even before the blue flames touched it. There was something in her that changed as soon as the blue flames hypnotized her.

The Black Winged Dragon stood there, its shiny scales getting brighter and brighter as the blue flames approached it. Meanwhile, Jack Michael and Jean Grey were stupefied. They wondered why the Black Winged Dragon didn't move a single inch at all.

"Baka na~ what's happening here?!" Jean Grey exclaimed. He couldn't explain why the Black Winged Dragon was acting super weird.

"I don't know either... this is the first time I've seen something like this happen. Wait... does that mean that the kid's attack worked?" Jack Michael raised his voice.

"Sshhh~! Don't make any unnecessary noises, we're yet to find out of Satoshi's attack worked or not. Right now, I can more or less guess that the Black Winged Dragon is currently in a trance-like state. We shouldn't break that... otherwise the attack won't work." Jean Grey continued.

"I... I see..." Jack Michael responded, somewhat apologetic that he raised his voice out of nowhere.

"Yes, let's just take a step back and watch. I think we're about to witness something spectacular soon." Jean Grey's lips curved upward as his mood finally lightened.

"I... maybe," Jack Michael didn't know how to respond so he just shrugged it off and gave a one-word reply to Jean.

'Hahh~ what's going on?! I'm really... why am I getting really... haah~ haah~' The Black Winged Dragon started panting as the licks of the blue flames touched her. 'No! This shouldn't be! I'm a proud Black WInged Dragon of the Black Winged Tribe! This can't happen!'

"Oh yeah, you probably don't know this, Jack, but Black Winged Dragons are humans." Jean Grey suddenly pointed out. "That's why it's hard to tame one... they're basically untamable... or something like that."



The sound of crickets in the background started to play.

"WHAT?!" Satoshi and Jean Grey exclaimed in unison.

"NO, WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT!" Satoshi screamed, waving his hand towards the Black Winged Dragon as he panicked to his core. Had he known that the Black Winged Dragon was actually human, he'd have not shot his blue flames at it.

The flames touched the Black Winged Dragon, engulfing her in blue flames. 'That's weird, these flames, they're not... they're not hot at all. They feel warm and kind, and gentle... It somewhat reminds me of my mother's hug... haah~ so warm.'

"NUOOOOAHHHHH!!!" Tears came out of Satoshi's eyes as he extended his hand in the air, all hopeless. Dread was written all over his face as blood came out of his eyes. He really was in anguish, and his despair couldn't be described in words.



Flickering flames in the background, a Black Winged Dragon engulfed in flames, and a dying wailing Satoshi in front of it with his hands extended to the Black Winged Dragon. To anyone watching the scene, it would have looked like a crazy ritual was unfolding. To Jack and Jean, the spectacle looked as if it was straight from a novel about summoning.

"Why did this have to happen?! Why?! Waaaahhh~~!!!" At this point, Satoshi had no idea if he was crying or screaming, or both. The only thing he had in his mind was that what he'd done was irreversible. If the human behind the Black Winged Dragon would die... then it's his fault. Everything would be his fault.

"No... it was Dex's fault, why did he tell me that the Black Winged Dragon was SS-Grade... uuuuu~" Satoshi continued lamenting.

The Black Winged Dragon was now engulfed in flames.

It started reverting to its usual human form.

There was only a split second left for Satoshi. "Think Satoshi, think!" He told himself, trying to get out of the sticky situation.

Such was the way of crime, if one did a crime even though it was unintentional, their first instinct was to hide all the evidence and to try to get away from the scene as soon as possible. Satoshi felt the same thing. He was human, after all, and moreover, he felt all the more guilty that he used his superpower on a human by accident. It was on accident but the guilt was still there.

"For now... I have to put the Black Winged Dragon inside Orb Oboros, and then I'd have to get away from here as soon as possible!" Satoshi's eyes narrowed as the plan started forming in his mind. Do note that everything he was concocting took only a split second. In other words, he was so panicked that adrenaline started filling his system up.

"Orb Oboros! You're connected to my mind so you know what to do. Hide that Black Winged Dragon and get it out of sight!" Satoshi ordered under his breath. Another thought then came to his mind.

'Wait... if the Black Winged Dragon disappears thanks to Orb Oboros... I can just act surprised! Yeah, no one will notice!' Satoshi was delving further and further from his humanity. He was now thinking like a most wanted criminal.

Fwooom~! The Black Winged Dragon disappeared from sight.

And Satoshi, the smooth criminal he was, widened his eyes in surprise and hung his jaw down. "AH?! What happened? Where did it go?" He acted as dumbfounded as he could.

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