My System: An Evolved Computer I Made With My Unique Ability—

Chapter 241 Representatives, The Hall

"Where do I start?" Dex then asked the Statue of Captivity. There were a lot of things to explain that he didn't know where he'd start.

"Just explain anything and we'll go from there." Statue of Captivity responded.

"All right,"

Since Dex was lazy enough to put off explaining everything even though his reasons were valid, Satoshi allowed the Statue of Captivity to speak up first, telling it to relay everything it knows about the unknown dimension and then having Dex add to the explanation after it was over.

"There are twelve representatives, scattered in different dimensions." The Statue of Captivity began explaining as slowly and as detailed as she could so Satoshi would understand everything. "Representatives are like familiars, but they are of the higher rank due to their level of sentience and their usefulness to their owner."

"This place is called the Hall where representatives can be called by their owner and the only one who could access this dimension is none other than the great summoner. So right now, you should well know that you're the great summoner,  Satoshi and that we representatives are already under your command."

The sudden revelation caused Satoshi to back down a little bit as he tried to internalize everything. Him? The Great Summoner? It was a  lot to take in but he wasn't really that surprised. In fact, he was relieved that he finally understood what this entire situation was all about.

"So, this is another dimension—  a hall where the representatives could gather on my command. And also, Dex and you are two of the twelve representatives who exist in different dimensions... and this circumstance proves the fact that I'm the Great Summoner?"

"Not really," Dex then cut off so he could add on to the information. "The Great Summoner was our previous owner hundreds of years ago in a different dimension... he's your predecessor."

"I see... now that makes much more sense," Satoshi muttered to himself even though everything didn't make any sense at all. If he had the same superpowers as this Great Summoner, then that means he can learn more about his superpower if he looked into this Great Summoner that Dex and the Statue of Captivity were talking about.

Then again, their explanation actually made a few things clear to Satoshi even though that wasn't one of their intentions at all.

For one, there are other representatives scattered in other dimensions. If Satoshi could locate them then that would make him more powerful and he would know more about the secret of his superpowers. Second, this hall wherever they were isn't located in Satoshi's dreams but was in fact a place in another dimension where he could gather the other representatives.  Now, even though the place didn't hold his other familiars, he was sure that there was another place wherein his familiars could be called. He had been there a couple of times before, after all, and he even had the chance to talk to all of them at the same time.

"Anything else I need to know before we get out of here?" Satoshi confirmed as he glanced towards Dex and the Statue of Captivity as they continued their light bickering. They seemed to have differing opinions about something and at this point, Satoshi was too tired of entertaining them. The information dump they gave him was untimely, but it was more than enough since Satoshi was already exhausted, to begin with.

After Dex and the Statue of Captivity informed him about a couple more things— to which he didn't bother listening at all— it was finally time for the meeting to be adjourned and Satoshi at long last had the leisure to wake up.


The faint sounds of chirping birds and the gentle touch of the morning sunlight greeted Satoshi as he woke up from his deep slumber. He impulsively stretched after feeling the comfortableness of his bed and the steady blow of the air conditioning which he didn't remember turning on when they arrived home.

As he glanced around the room, Satoshi was then forced to recall everything that happened before he had that weird dream in a weird place with Dex and the Statue of Captivity. As far as he knows, they all arrived home and he fell asleep...


"No, I fell asleep prior to that. I was still in the van with... yeah, Shiroi was beside me and I fell asleep." Satoshi said to himself, rolling on his bed as he subconsciously placed his hand on his chin.

Deep in thought, Satoshi wondered why he didn't wake up when they arrived home. He dozed off but there was no way he wouldn't wake up when someone called him out. There was no way he'd remain sleeping with everyone else around him no matter how tired he was.

And yet, that was exactly what happened— and it could only mean one thing.

"So... they didn't wake me up at all?" Satoshi shook his head at the thought, the embarrassment getting the better of him. He imagined himself in his father's arms as he carried him out of Fury's van, into the house, up the stairs, and then gently putting him down on his bed. It was such a ludicrous thought that Satoshi wanted to bang his head on the wall and die just thinking about it.

'Why did they have to do that? Why didn't they just wake me up? It would save them the pain of having to carry me... aarghh! Also, I'm already sixteen years old! Sixteen! I don't need the others to see me in such a vulnerable state! Seriously, what were mom and dad thinking?!'

His face turning a nice shade of red, Satoshi continued rolling on his bed, kicking the covers, and imagining each of his classmate's faces while all of that unfolded. Of course, it was just his own thought though and none of that actually happened.

Ayumu and Tatsuki knew better than that, after all, and there was no way they could do that without being embarrassed themselves.

Unbeknownst to Satoshi though, what really happened was that— Kuroe was the one who carried him to his bed via her psychic powers. They wanted to wake him up, but he just wouldn't budge. And so as not to disturb everyone who still had to go home before the day ends, Ayumu and Tatsuki decided to rely on Kuroe to carry Satoshi to his bed. Kuroe immediately obliged after the Midoriyama Duo asked her. It's as if their request wasn't even a question since she instantly agreed to it.


It had been three days since then.


For the past three days, Satoshi's classmates and acquaintances would stop over at the Midoriyama Residence so they could see if there were any improvements. They didn't know what happened to Satoshi but they were aware that he hasn't woken up. It's not like Ayumu and Tatsuk wanted to publicize the matter but they just couldn't help but talk about it in one of their interviews since it was weird Satoshi has not woken up yet.

Maybe he only exhausted himself, or maybe something happened during the exchange between the Japanese Navy and him defending the Dimensional Portal... or maybe when he was left behind in the Dungeon Spire, something happened and it took a toll on his body. There were a lot of conclusions to be taken out from that day since a lot had transpired back then. But then again, Ayumu and Tatsuki couldn't blame anyone nor point fingers at any given situation since they had no idea while Satoshi fell unconscious.

He just fell asleep in the van and that's it.

The one most worried out of everyone was none other than Shiroi who had been visiting every day just to check up on Hajime. On the second day, she was even crying her heart while holding Satoshi's hand, pleading that he'd wake up soon. Ayumu and Tatsuki couldn't help but shed a couple of tears as well as they watched Satoshi's childhood friend bawl her eyes out.

They were perfectly aware of how important Satoshi is to Shiroi. After all, her dad was a close friend of the Midoriyama Duo and he would sometimes tell them stories about Shiroi's take on liking Satoshi. Even before Satoshi had superpowers, she was already emotionally invested in him... it's just that she couldn't bring herself to confess to him for fear that he didn't feel the same.

Today was the third day and Shiroi didn't miss her chance to visit Satoshi again. This time though, she decided that she won't cry and that she would remain strong and wait for Satoshi to recover. The doctors who came to check up on him already stated that he was just exhausted and that he would wake up soon. Shiroi resolved to believe them.

After her usual greeting to the Midoriyama Duo, she was then led to Satoshi's room and she entered without knocking.

"Satoshi?" She asked in a low tone,

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