My System: An Evolved Computer I Made With My Unique Ability—

Chapter 223 Superheroes Arrive Late


Confused as to what hit him, Satoshi started free-falling towards the water as he lost his balance on the Nailgun. "What just happened?" He asked himself in bewilderment as he tried to crane his neck to look around, just so he could get a good grasp of his current situation.

To his surprise, however, he didn't see anything or anyone nearby. Whatever attacked him was there a moment and not there in the next moment.

With swift movements, Emma opened up a portal, leading the White Lion into it and reappearing right under Satoshi before he hit the water. With a fluff of a sound, Satoshi fell on the fur of the White Lion, sinking right in since the White Lion was really fluffy. With a satisfied expression on his face for a split second, Satoshi got his bearings back, thanked Emma, and rode on his Nailgun Familiar once again.

"Thanks!" Satoshi muttered, charging right at Windstorm so he'd be able to conclude whether the attack on him was a fluke or not. He could tell that it wasn't a fluke, of course since Windstorm was smiling all throughout as he was caught off-guard... but he didn't want to believe it.

An attack that couldn't be seen nor detected? Satoshi couldn't imagine such a thing.

That's when he realized that after all this time, he had grown dependent on Dex for far too much, relying on him to inform him of the opponent and his or her attacks, relying on him to provide him with all the information he needed, and a lot of other things that Dex was capable of doing. Because of that, if there was something that Dex overlooked, Satoshi would overlook it as well.

'That's not a good mindset. I'd die if I were to continue down that path.' Satoshi said to himself, summoning the Ice Queen's Spear/Staff so he could use it as a weapon alongside the nails that his Nailgun Familiar shoots.

At first, Satoshi thought that he'd integrate with the Ice Queen and freeze the whole Sea over but then he realized that that would greatly affect the ecosystem of the sea, which would not be good in the long run. That's why he decided to borrow her weapon instead and use it to fight Windstorm.

"Pathetic, you think you can beat me after you got a spear from your spatial bag? Haha~ think again!" With a wave of his hand, another pair of tornadoes formed, going in the general direction of Satoshi to interrupt his attack and hopefully blow him away.

'As if that would work!' Satoshi said in his mind as he increased in speed, his Nailgun synchronizing with his commands in a seamless manner.

Compared to the wind pressure he unleashed before, the tornadoes weren't all that great, and that gave Satoshi the thought that Windstorm's probably getting more and more exhausted by the second.


Satoshi was hit with another unknown attack, this time squarely on the head which almost left him unconscious. Unexpectedly though, Satoshi was prepared for it and he kept his eyes open.

For a brief moment, there was a huge wave that followed him down before splashing right onto the water.

'What was that?' Satoshi asked in mild confusion as he regained his bearings and charged at Windstorm once again. He started shooting Elemental Nails at him but the wind pressure he used was just too strong, blocking the nails or deflecting them altogether. As for the unknown attack that continuously pummeled him when he least expects it, he still didn't know its source.

Nevertheless, Satoshi didn't back down. Even though the battleships of the Japanese Navy were inching closer towards the DImensional Portal, he and Emma continued their defense play, dealing with the flying supers who tried to capture them.

If it hadn't been for Emma and the White Lion, Satoshi would've been overwhelmed by now. Good thing she was with him when the unthinkable situation happened and up until now, she had been dealing with the other supers who tried to attack them— and all the while, Satoshi focused solely on Windstorm.

As Satoshi continued shooting nails at Windstorm while Windstorm continuously activated his wind superpower, Emma was busily dodging the attacks of the other flying supers, commanding the White Lion as if it was her familiar. Their tag team was impeccable, and Satoshi couldn't believe that Emma actually had the talent of commanding familiars herself.

Their tactic was simple— while Emma created portals, the White Lion would shoot out pure blue lightning energy balls at the enemies. Some of them would hit while others would be deflected by the wind pressure that emanated from Windstorm. Then again, it provided Satoshi with all the cover he needed. Of course, those lightning balls that hit are one-hit knockouts, rendering the supers unconscious in an instant as they dropped into the sea like flies.

"Emma, be careful of the water attacks. You can't see them but you'll be able to detect them." Satoshi warned her.

Emma nodded, ducking from an attack that almost hit her head.


Meanwhile, at the foot of the Dungeon Spire

Fury made sure that the fight between Satoshi and the Japanese Navy was broadcasted live via the news channels where the exclusive reporters worked for. It's a win-win situation for both sides— while Fury asked for help, the news channels received higher ratings and more viewers.

'It won't take long now... please, we need someone... anyone... ' Fury muttered to himself, clenching his fists to the point where blood started trickling from his palms. More than anything, he didn't want Tatsuki to die—

— not on his watch.



Just then, a sonic boom was heard, causing everyone to stop whatever it is they were preoccupied with. Even the heated battle between Satoshi and Windstorm came to a momentary halt as the sonic boom caught them by surprise.

"Satoshi, why are you hogging all the fun by yourself?" Someone asked.

It was none other than Plume, with Satoshi's mom in tow, flying in like the hero who's always late in the scene of action.

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