My System: An Evolved Computer I Made With My Unique Ability—

Chapter 202 Robin Hood

Satoshi gazed in awe at the sheer size of the SAO Headquarters Building. It had been years since he last saw its interior (his parents took him to their workplace at one time when he was still five or six years old). There were a lot of noticeable changes in the appearance of the place, and the walls which had a nice pristine white color before had been repainted to a metallic gray color, adding to the formidable atmosphere of the place. It was more of a stronghold, no, a fortress rather than a headquarters— and rightfully so.

In an event of a calamity, the SAO Headquarters is one of the most reliable shelters out there. Compared to other shelters, it s one of the safest, if not the safest.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I guess the only available training room is occupied... " The personnel bowed down, disappointed that he couldn't serve the son of the famous Midoriyama Duo.

Just a few seconds ago, the training room wasn't actually occupied, but someone beat Satoshi to it, and now it was. Although it wasn't the personnel's fault, he still blamed himself for not being able to help.

There was a guy in the training room, wearing a green hoodie and holding a bow in hand. There were a couple of dummies in the training room, sitting ducks, or so that's what Satoshi viewed them. The guy's hoodie flowed as he leaped a couple of distance while firing at the dummies, his arrows not missing a single one. He was more like a hunter, and his shooting skills were topnotch.

[3.1 seconds, a new record] The System suddenly resonated in the room as the guy in the green hoodie stopped jumping. Sweat dripped from all over his body and the floor even had drops of them. Satoshi was surprised that despite all his jumping around, he didn't slip on his own sweat. And his arrows hit all the targets perfectly as if he were a robot.

"That's not nearly enough." The guy muttered to himself. "I can still do better."

A sense of bloodlust could be felt emanating from his body as his concentration reached an all-time peak. He raised his hand and pointed his index finger up,  signaling for the system to give him another round.

Once again, the timer was reset to zero, and the guy positioned himself on the center of the room once again, breathing in and out as slowly as he could while his gaze stared straight ahead.

It wasn't that conspicuous but there was another timer on the other side of the room. It read four hours and seven minutes, and it continued going up. At first, Satoshi thought that it was a clock, but seeing the inaccuracy of the time made him think otherwise.

"That's how long he'd been using the room for." The personnel said to Satoshi, thinking that he was about to ask the question regarding the timer.

"So he'd been practicing for more than four hours now? Wow," Satoshi trailed off, his gaze fixated on the guy. He wondered why someone with a professional license already could spend hours upon hours of practice. 'It's not like I've never done it before back when I was powerless... but that's some dedication right there.' Satoshi said to himself.

The dummies emerged from the floor for the umpteenth time and the hooded guy jumped on the signal, shooting the dummies with arrows at insane speeds with incredible precision. He never blinked, and his arrow all hit the mark, all fifteen of them.

[3.098 seconds, a new record] The system announced.

"I can still go faster, tsk~," The guy said to himself, clutching his bow in frustration. At the same time, the door to his room opened, marking the end of his practice session.

When he turned around, he saw Satoshi with the personnel. He didn't speak a word, nor did he recognize who Satoshi was since he wasn't really paying attention. Instead, he bowed toward him and exited the room.

"A-are you... " Satoshi suddenly spoke up, making the guy stop short in his tracks. He turned around, confused as to why a teenager was calling out to him.

'Oh wait, today's the Superhero License Exam, right? He's probably one of the candidates.' The guy said to himself. "Yes?" He asked in return since Satoshi seemed to be hesitating with his question.

"Are you the Green Arrow?!" Satoshi asked, remembering a certain classic that was popular a couple of hundred years ago, about a man on a green hoodie who can shoot arrows with awesome precision.  He was a big fan of superhero works and that's why he knows a lot about the superhero classics, and Green Arrow was one of them.

"Green Arrow? Pfft~ no, who's that?" The guy shrugged, waving his hands as if Satoshi just said something funny. "The name's Robin Hood, superhero name, Robin Hood, nice to meet ya, kid." He continued, turning around and extending his hands towards Satoshi.

"Satoshi, Midoriyama Satoshi," Satoshi returned, shaking his hand.

"Oh, so you're— it's nice to finally meet you," Robin Hood grinned before waving his hands for the second time and exiting. "Good luck out there, you hear?"

Satoshi nodded. Even though Robin Hood was just like, well, Robin Hood, he still saw him as someone who represented the Green Arrow even more, not because he was wearing the green hoodie, but because he was pretty insane with the bow. Nevertheless, the encounter was something so unexpected that Satoshi temporarily forgot he went here to practice.

With the assistance of the personnel, Satoshi finally got a vacant room all for himself. This was one of the rare moments where he'd be able to practice alone without anyone disturbing him and so he wanted to get the best out of the little time he had before they announce the top fifty people who passed the first batch of the Superhero License Exam.

"Dex, can you give me information about the White Lion?" Satoshi asked as he summoned the White Lion.

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