My System Academy

Chapter 117 Hidden Crisis

[ Detecting that the host has returned, and the area is clear. Host is now being awakened. ]

"Ah!", Eluard jolted out of the bed and slipped on the floor, landing butt-first. He scratched his butt and looked out the window.

Darkness has already engulfed the empire with the twinkling stars above illuminating what little it could on the dense forest around the Tower.

On the ground below, dozens of people were marching to and from the Tower. Some wore exquisite clothes and were probably nobles, while others were those from the Creed, crowding in front of the tower. Although their voices were low, Eluard could hear their complaints and disdainful tones from several floors above.

He shook his head and sighed, then noticed the flashing lights in the depths of the Morning Star City, 'Are they purging the demonic aura now?'

The spectacle almost led him to believe that the Morning Star City was celebrating the new year.

Eluard's trance was interrupted when raging footsteps echoed outside along with the voice of an old man vehemently shouting with no regard.

"You damn fools! You can't even foresee such dangers and the League is paying you for this incompetence? Get out of my face before I smack you all out of my sight!"

"But Elder… your disciple is still asleep…", a weakened voice interrupted, "… and several masters would like to meet him…"

"I said get out of my sight! What meet him?! These masters you said, who do they think they are?!"

The air outside vibrated and several thuds were heard from the distance, "Y-y-yes! I will go now! Sorry, Elder!"

'Damn, that old man is scary when he's angered.', Eluard took note on his mind.

'Elder Flock must've come because of the incident, and the matter about the demonic aura should have been exposed.', he thought while slowly standing up and rubbing his pained butt.

The door handle turned, and Elder Flock strode inside, harrumphing in disdain. Following behind him was Emilia who had an ashen look on her face.

The door was tightly shut, followed by the fluctuation of mana as a magic barrier engulfed the entire room.

The old man was startled after seeing Eluard awake. He quickly set up another magic barrier before straightening his posture, "Brat, are you okay? Did the demonic aura from the crystal invade you?"

Eluard smiled, "Elder, you don't have to worry about anything. I already felt the trace of demonic aura long before I decided to blast it away with my magic. Also, with master's protection, no demonic aura will be able to harm me.", confidently replied.

"You have already felt it?", the old man was shocked, "I see.", dismissing Eluard just as he was about to speak, "Keep it to yourself, brat."

Elder Flock furrowed his brows, wondering about Eluard 'feeling' the demonic aura, 'His master must have given him some other protection, or maybe it is his pure talent?', then lowered his hand holding his chin and waved it, "Regardless, the entire empire is alerted by the sudden emergence of demonic aura deep within the Morning Star Academy."

"The Creed has already started their denunciation of the League, using this incident to further their agendas and whatnots. Most of the nobility are already disappointed by our recent actions, and there are rumors that they are flocking towards the Creed instead, drowning in their religious chants and boring sermons."

Eluard felt the anger within Elder Flock's words, "Elder, do you not think that the Creed has something to do with this?"

"Until we have the evidence to prove their involvement, discussing it won't lead us anywhere.", Elder Flock snorted.

Eluard nodded, "Is there a chance that we will be involved?"

"Not for now. Lumina will do her best to investigate this matter in our place. I bet that stinky girl is up to something.", Elder Flock waved his hands while chuckling, "The League has assigned me to observe the Alderian Terrestrial Sanctuary and the impending civil war between the nobles and the commoners."

His eyes narrowed, "There are also reports that the Manor is amassing forces, ready to attack the chaotic Sanctuary under the right opportune."

"I will act as a strong mediator between these various parties. However, that is not all."

"There were already sightings of the presence of demonic creatures within the Sanctuary. The Elders are worried about this information, especially after everything that transpired in the northern glacial continent.", Elder Flock stared out the window, "They do not want our forces to be divided due to internal unrest and be taken advantage of by a third-party who may or may not be the perpetrator of all these coincidental incidences."

"I was looking for a chance to have Emilia be relieved of her designation from the academy so that she could come with us but…", he glanced at the gloomy Emilia and shook his head, "I don't know if I should call this being fortunate or not."

"Master… it's not my damn fault!", she crossed her arms and retorted, "We were already close to the final development of that magic analyzer! How could everyone in that group not notice the presence of a demonic aura coming from the magic crystal?"

She pointed at Eluard, "In any case, this guy is also a suspect. The professors are worried that he might have been corrupted by the demonic aura and injecting his mana into that magic crystal corrupted it and resulted in that explosion!"

"You dare point at him?!", Elder Flock held her hand and quickly put it down, "You don't know what you are talking about!"

"Do you, master? The entire League is now troubled because of that incident.", she swatted her hand away from Elder Flock, "The nobles, the Creed, even the Knights themselves. They are looking for answers and he is the key!"

"Let them investigate him then!", Elder Flock waved his hands, "As if they are going to find something about Kai's background."

Eluard sat on the side, listening to their bickering. How did he become a suspect? Did they ignore Elder Flock's assessment of him? Was Elder Flock that gullible to be fooled by a youngster?

'Someone out there is causing trouble for me. It seems as if everything that I am doing is going against my wishes.', Eluard thought.

He stood up and interjected, "Elder, I don't think that would be possible. As innocent as I am, desperation will drive those people to do whatever is needed. Regardless of my actions, they will insist on their opinions. It would be better to focus on the task at hand instead."

Elder Flock calmed down and ignored Emilia, "If that is what you wish then. But do note that the longer we ignore them…"

"I know… Elder.", Eluard smiled, "When do we set off for the Sanctuary?"

"After we return to the Tower of Arcanus.", Elder Flock answered.

"The Tower of Arcanus? The main magic tower of the League?", Eluard was confused.

"Someone wants to meet you.", Elder Flock turned serious and gestured to Emilia, "Follow me."

Somewhere in the inner area of the Morning Star City.

An ordinary-looking wooden carriage passed through an alley and stopped at the back of a huge cathedral. There were two guards dressed in red armor and white clothes stationed at the two wooden doors that led to the cathedral itself.

Someone alighted from the carriage. It was a tall person wearing a hooded dark-red robe. The back of the robe showed two curving black lines extending from the long collar down to the bottom. In the middle where the two lines curved at a sharp angle was the figure of a crow with dark-red eyes. It felt life-like as if everything in the vicinity was within its sight.

The two guards noticed this person's arrival but they didn't say anything. They only glanced before returning to their usual posts.

The back doors of the cathedral opened and a young-looking golden-haired man whose face was covered in a golden mask came out and greeted the mysterious guest.

"You have finally come. I have been waiting for hours now.", the golden-haired man said with wide open arms. His body was bent backward, implying his 'courteous' greeting.

"No rush, you silly prophet. You and I both know that we are surrounded by petty eyes everywhere. One does not easily elude from their contemptuous gazes.", the dark-red-robed person calmly replied.

The two walked together, followed by several guards dressed in golden armor.

"Hehe, you talk as if that is true for you…"

A glare was released from the dark-red-robed person, shutting up the mouth of the golden-masked man. He quickly turned his head away while sweating profusely, 'Damn it, for all the times… it had to happen now?!'

They walked through the spacious hallway where the path was carved by an extremely long smooth carpet with red inline and golden outlines. On the sides were statues of holistic figures with wings behind their backs and a floating golden halo on top of their heads.

The halos illuminated the hallway, giving the atmosphere a warm yet creepy ambiance. It shone under the hood of the dark-red-robed person, yet it could not penetrate through the hood.

"I heard about the explosion at the Morning Star Academy. Was this your doing?", the dark-red-robed person asked.

"You must be joking, my lord. I wouldn't dare set off the plan prematurely like that. I am not that demon from the northern lands.", the golden-masked man panicked.

"So be it then, but this must not happen again!", the dark-red-robed person emphasized, "The young ones are already ripe for the taking and we can proceed with some of our plans."

"I hope your side is ready too, despite the losses this time."

The golden-masked man chuckled nervously, "Of course, of course, we are. My bishops are doing their best to convert the public to our side."

"With that earlier incident, the losses are non-existent. The League might go down faster than what you might have expected, my lord."

The dark-red-robed person didn't reply and continued walking to the altar while the golden-masked man continuously reported the progress of their plans without a halt.

"Also, my lord…"

The dark-red robed person raised his hand, shutting the golden-masked man's mouth.

The huge altar was decorated with countless expensive paintings that were immersed into the high ceiling, depicting the holiness of the Creed as they worship the Morning Star above.

Below were countless rows of wooden pews whose luster shone under the bright halos. Everything was horrific already horrific yet was worsened as the wind blew from the openings in the wall and the ceiling, gathering in front of the dark-red-robed person.

Red lustered on their paths, bringing an audible grin from the dark-red-robed person, "Heh… What wonderful progress, indeed."

Alune, one of Aludia's satellites, shone fully through the gap in the ceiling where the Morning Star should be.

On the rarest of occasions, the silvery-white ball turned slightly red and the dark-red-robed person couldn't be happier than his resounding cackles.

"To think that your Light would blind them into the Darkness."

Demonic aura burst out of his body and his head slowly glanced at the golden-masked man, "You truly are the Imprudent Prophet. Indeed."

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