My Little Sunshine

Chapter 193: My Woman

Chapter 193: My Woman

"What's going on here?" His firm voice resonated through the hall even though he wasn't too loud. 

The murmuring of the crowd died down as people shifted their attention to the owner of the voice. The guests parted to the sides to give him clear access to see what was going on. Nobody wanted to be in the line of sight of the Adam Levinson. 

As everyone was busy eyeing Adam, Stella was muttering prayers under her breath. She was thankful to the heavens above somewhere in her heart that he was here. But at the same time she was worried thinking about what might happen to her after this. She knew that he was going to scold her after he settles this. 

"Oh! Help me, God." She muttered under her breath softly, keeping her voice so low that it was barely a whisper. 

"What's going on here?" Adam repeated his question when nobody bothered to answer him. 

The model named Cara, smiled a bit for merely a second before changing her expression back to pitiful. She cursed her boyfriend internally as her greedy eyes landed on Adam. She could see her knight in shining armor in him. She would have to live under a rock like Patrick, the starfish, from the show SpongeBob, to not know who Adam was. She was going to put her best act on, just to melt his heart. No matter how tough he usually acted, a man can't see a damsel in distress and stop himself from rescuing her. 

"I will tell you what happened here, Sir." She spoke up, her voice barely audible to the people surrounding them as she tried to make herself look more pitiful. "This woman here, did this to me." She pointed towards Stella and then back to herself. "After that she created this ruckus, and now she refused to pay for the damage she had done to my dress and apologize to me." She blinked her eyes a couple of times as if she was holding back her tears. 

Stella rolled her eyes at her, not bothering to explain herself to the fool. But she had to agree that she was a damn good actor. What was she doing in the modeling industry?

Seeing that Adam had arrived at the scene, Katherine walked up to where Scott was standing and hugged him. Not paying attention to what was happening around them.

Adam heaved out a long, tired sigh as he rubbed the spot in between his brows. He walked close to where the two women were standing, one looking at him with hopeful eyes while the other was barely paying him any attention. 

Cara could feel that the victory was within her grasp when she was his enraged expressions. She was jumping internally as couldn't control her happiness. But Oh Lord! She was so, so wrong. 

Adam walked up to Stella and wrapped an arm around her lower back. 

"Are you alright?" He asked Stella softly. His worried expression and his soft, tender voice, shook people to their very core, especially a certain someone.

Stella nodded her head slightly as she hugged him back, resting her head on his shoulder.

Their closeness was enough of a proof for the people surrounding them to know how close they were. Everyone present there only had one thought in their minds. 'Adam is the boyfriend this girl was talking about.' 

"What happened here?" Adam questioned the woman in his arms, clearly showing that he couldn't care less what the other party involved had to say. 

Stella explained the entire thing to him slowly, pursing her lips in a pout at the end.

Adam looked at the two people who were standing across him, narrowing his eyes at them. "Mr. O'Neil." He called out, his voice firm and resolute.

A man who was in his early fifties, stepped forward from the crowd wearing a worried expression on his face. 

"I only came to this party because I respect you as a person and as my elder. But I wouldn't have if I knew that I have a high chance of running into pests like these two." Adam pointed towards Benjamin and Cara with his chin before continuing. "These two had the guts to mess with 'my woman' on such a trivial thing. Next time, make sure such people aren't invited to your parties if you want me to come." He added the latter part a bit politely as he really respected the old man. But he didn't forget to stress on the words 'my woman' for everybody to hear it clearly. 

The old man could only nod while cursing those two idiots for not only ruining his party but ruining Adam's mood. 

"Let's go back to home, sweetheart." Adam added as he looked at Stella, smiling a little as he looked at her tenderly.

Stella nodded her head, agreeing with him as she returned his smile with her own. 

The duo walked out of the hall under the scrutinizing gaze of the crowd. 

"That was awesome." Stella couldn't help but give him a thumbs up for saving her lousy arse back there, still clinging to his figure.

"Nobody can mess with my woman." His words brought a smile on her face again but it didn't last for long when she heard his next sentence. "Except for me." 

Judging from the way he was looking at her, she knew that she was in deep trouble. Like deep, deep trouble. "I am sorry." She added meekly. Knowing him, there was no way to even try to deny that she didn't pulled that stunt off deliberately.

"What if the call would have taken long and I wouldn't have arrived there in time?" He narrowed his eyes at her before pinching her cheek a little hard.

"Eeeee! I just knew that you would arrive just in time to save your damsel." She winked at him while rubbing her cheek. 

Adam let out a chuckle as he kissed the top of her head at her cuteness. How could he resist her when she was being so cute. 

Getting inside the car, Adam was about to ask her where she would like to go for dinner but Stella beat him to it. 

"Where would you like to go for dinner? Someplace where we can have our privacy and where you can tell me what's bothering you?" 

Her words shocked him a little, especially the latter part. How did she know about it? How did she guess so perfectly that there was something troubling his mind?

"You can choose the place, my love. And there's nothing bothering me?" He replied to her after gaining his composure back. 

"Oh really? Then can you please explain to me why do you smell like you just had a cigarette?" She smiled at him. 

"I-I ran into a friend who offered me one, so I took a drag. That's all." Adam cleared his throat and answered her. He turned on the ignition of the car and asked Stella again about her preference for dinner. 

"Drive the car to that spot there." She added while point towards the far most corner of the parking lot. Adam was confused by her sudden demand but still listened to her nonetheless. 


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