My Little Sunshine

Chapter 191: Black Eye

Chapter 191: Black Eye

"It's completely fine. I am sure it was just an accident." He spoke up, coming out of his trance. 

Before Stella could reply to him, the woman interrupted. "How could you say that? She deliberately did it. I know the likes of her, trying to get the attention of others. She must have taken a liking to you and did this to get your attention." 

"I don't think so. Look at her, she must belong to a good family." Benjamin smiled politely at her. Even though he was enjoying the fact that there might be a chance that Stella had done this deliberately and that she might be interested in him. He tried to act as humble as he could. 

"How can you say that honey? Who knows what kind of germs this lowlife brought to this place? It's better to keep your distance from her." The woman dressed in red spoke up as she looked at Stella with hatred. She didn't try to keep her voice down even a little bit. More and more people were shifting their attention towards the scene which was unfolding near the entrance. 

"Sweetheart, we can discuss it like educated people. There is no need to raise your voice and be unreasonable." Benjamin spoke softly to his date, trying to calm her down. He looked as if he was ashamed of what she was doing, which was creating a scene, but his expressions didn't give his thoughts away. He was jumping internally, not being able to control his glee. 

He wanted her to continue this drama so that he could take Stella's side and act like her savior. He was smirking inwardly as he could see that the victory was within his grasp. 

"If there is anyone who needs to be more reasonable is her. She needs to apologise to me properly and reimburse me for the damages she has caused." The model was in no way going to back down easily. She could see more and more eyes turning towards herself. 

'A nobody tried to mess with one of the renowned models of Germany.' She could already see tomorrow's headlines popping before her eyes already. 

"What are you waiting for? Didn't you hear me just now? Apologise to me and you have to pay for the damages as well." The model raised her voice a bit more and smirked. 

"Cara, honey. It's completely fine. I will get you a new dress. There's no need to trouble her." Benjamin tried to coo his date. 

More and more people were shifting their attention towards them. 

Scott looked at Katherine with a worried expression. "This girl, she hasn't grown up even a little bit after all this time. You stay here, I will go and take a look." He was about to stand up but Katherine tugged at his hand, stopping him in his tracks. 

"I will go with you." She left her seat and followed him. Looking at the crowd that was gathered around those three, she was worried about what might happen to Stella. 

'Where the hell are you Adam? What's taking you so long?' She silently cursed Adam as she quietly followed Scott.


"What are you talking about?" Adam yelled at the person who was at the other end of the phone. The call was from the manager of the project site. 

"I am sorry, Boss. But that's how things are here." The man on the other end replied to him. 

"How can a whole person go missing like that?" Adam question him, anger was evident in his voice. 

"I am sorry, Sir." The man who had somehow become the target of his anger, replied politely. This was the only thing he could do. 

"Tell me what exactly happened? Don't leave out anything." Adam added as he rubbed his forehead with his free hand. 

"When we sent our man to pick up Mr. Parker, he wasn't there at the airport. At first, we thought that his flight must be delayed but when we inquired the authorities about it, we realized that the flight was on time. We tried to call him again and again, but his phone was switched off." The man took a pause to take a deep breath before continuing.

"We requested the airport security to show us the CCTV footage from when the flight has touched the ground. After watching the footage, we came to know that he was picked up my some people who were holding a sign of your company. We tried to track the car with the help of the information we obtained from the footage. But we didn't find anything. The police is on board for this case as well. They managed to find a car resembling the one in which they took him. It was abandoned at an old warehouse." 

Adam was quiet for a while as he took in the information, trying to process it at the same time. After what seemed an eternity, he finally spoke up. "So, they ditched the car around an old warehouse. They must have changed to another one. These people are smart enough to do it in a place where there is no surveillance. It means we can't take them as a joke. They are definitely professionals." 

"Yess, Boss. We are trying our best to cooperate with the police." The man replied humbly. 

"Cooperating with the police won't get results. There are high chances that they will take ages to even locate him. And there are higher chances that they will find his body. You guys cannot look after a damn project sight, my man disappears right under your noses, and all you are doing is cooperating with the damn police department." Adam scolded him for his incompetence. 

Heaving out a long sigh, he continued. "Get your hands on the footage and send it to me. I will have a look at it. I will send some of my men there, cooperate with them and provide them with all the assistance they need. Do you get it?" 

"Yes, Boss." It was the only thing that the man could speak before Adam disconnected the call. 


"Are you alright?" Katherine asked Stella as soon as the couple was able to approach her. 

It wasn't easy for them to make their way through the crowd that had gathered around them because of the commotion. 

"Yeah, I am fine." Stella gave her a small smile before her eyes landed on Benjamin's face. He looked as if he had seen a ghost, which was true in his case. 

His thoughts drifted back to the uneventful day when he was caught red-handed by her. It would have been okay if the girl before him wouldn't have lashed out on him. She had dragged the woman he was with across the hall by her hair, throwing her out of the apartment in her naked state. And she wasn't satisfied with that for she had returned back to his room and gave him a good beating. 

Benjamin winced as he remembered the black eye this woman had given him and the pain his body had to bear for days to come. 

"Well, well, well. Don't tell me your owners are here to rescue you." The model named Cara added when she saw a woman coming to the rescue. She wasn't able to see the face of the woman, or else she wouldn't have had the guts to speak such nonsense. 


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