My Little Sunshine

Chapter 180: Cold Shoulder

Chapter 180: Cold Shoulder

Stella was pacing back and forth in front of the entrance of the mansion. She was expecting to get an earful of scolding from Adam on arriving. But nothing of the sort happened. In fact, Adam was not even at home. She even asked Uncle Rob about him but even the old butler didn't have any idea about his whereabouts. He just saw him leaving when he was going towards the servants' quarters. And by the look on his face, he seemed really angry. 

After knowing about that, Stella felt restless. She wasn't worried about him at the moment. What troubled her was the fact that he was angry when he left. 

'An angry Adam is definitely a good thing for me.' She thought inwardly as she was almost on the verge of crying. 

She heard a low chuckle which made her turn her head towards the source. Edward was leaning against his parked car, looking at her with an amused expression. 

"Why are you laughing?" Stella narrowed her eyes and asked him.

"Because I am amused." He replied with a smile.

"Here I am, almost on the brim of losing my mind. And you find the situation amusing?" She gave him a questioning look only to get a nod in response. 

Stella glared at him one more time before continuing with her pacing. 

"You walking back and forth on the same spot won't make time go any faster." Edward added earning another glare from him.

"What do I do now?" She asked herself while walking back and forth next to the fountain which was located in the center of the driveway. 

"Uh.. wait." Edward stated the obvious answer to her question. Even though he knew that she was talking to herself. But he couldn't let her worry herself to crazy, so he decided to continue to talk to her while waiting for his Big Boss. 

"Can we at least go inside and wait for Big Boss there?" He asked her when he felt a gush of cold wind. He only had one thought in his mind. 'If she gets a cold while waiting outside for him here in my presence, Boss will definitely kill me.' 

"You can go inside if you want to. I am not going in, unless he comes." She replied to him, still continuing her pacing.

"He will be back. Why are you so worried?" He asked her, shaking his head. 

"I know that he will be back, it's just I am worried that he's angry." Stella replied to him. 

Edward was about to say something when he heard the sound of a car coming up the driveway. The car came to a stop before the front entrance where Stella had finally stopped her senseless pacing. He looked from the car to Stella and then back to the car.

Adam stepped out of the car before passing Edward the keys. "Can you please park it in the garage?" He asked him nonchalantly to which Edward replied with a yes. 

Stella was standing a few steps away from the black Audi, looking expectantly at Adam. Her heart started to beat out of her chest when Edward drove away Adam's car to park it in the garage. She was waiting for the scolding to begin any moment now, but to her dilemma, that didn't happen. 

Adam walked up to her and looked at her intently. His face was devoid of any emotion, not giving away his thoughts. She could feel his eyes boring into her head as she looked down at the ground. The two of them continued to stand before entrance in the same position, with Stella looking down at her own feet and Adam at her. Another gush of cold wind passed by, making Adam released a frustrated sigh. 

"It's cold outside, you should go in." He finally spoke up, making a smile crept up on her lips which didn't last for long. When she looked up from the ground, her eyes landed on thin air. She turned around to see him walking inside the mansion with his hands shoved inside his pockets. She pursed her lips in a pout and quietly followed him inside. 

'Good job, Stella. You are getting a cold shoulder from him.' She scolded herself internally. She would have preferred him lashing out on her rather than giving her the silent treatment. 


Stella walked out of the bathroom after a warm bath. She had changed into some shorts and a white woolen baggy sweater. She was hoping to see Adam sitting on the bed and doing his work. But when she looked in the direction, her eyes landed on the empty bed. 

When the duo were coming up, Adam had walked into his study instead of the master bedroom. She was hopeful that he would be fine by now, but it looked otherwise. 

"Ughh!" She let out a frustrated groan as she stomped her foot on the ground.

"Owww." She yelled as a stinging pain shot up through her right leg. In her aggrieved state, she had used too much force. She limped all the way to the bed and sat down before pressing the bell. She dragged her leg up on the bed and leaned against the headrest of the bed. 

After two minutes, Uncle Rob walked into the room. He thought that it must be Adam who called him, but when he saw the sight of Stella wincing in pain, he became worried. 

"Are you okay, Young Miss?" He asked her, concern was evident in his voice.

"I think I sprained my ankle." Stella replied gritting her teeth.

"I will bring the first aid box." The old butler added before walking out of the room. He needed to inform his Young Master as well. 

A couple of minutes later, the door of the bedroom opened. 

"Thank you, Uncle Rob." Stella added without looking up from her leg when a first aid box was placed on the bedside table. She turned to pick it up but two muscular arms beat her to it. She finally looked up at the owner of those hands. 

"Shouldn't you be in your study? What are you doing here?" Stella added with a pout. 

Adam didn't bother to reply to her as he sat down on the other end of the bed. He took out a pain relieving spray from the first aid box and uncapped it. Holding her right leg carefully, he placed it on his lap before putting on the pain relieving spray.

Stella hissed at the burning sensation and tried to pull her leg back but Adam was holding it in place, not letting her to move it even a bit. He put on a little more of the spray before putting it away. 

"Can you be a bit gentle with my leg?" Stella narrowed her eyes at him.

Adam looked up at her after putting the first aid box away. "Can you be a bit gentle with yourself?" He raised an eyebrow at her. "How did it happen?" He questioned her.

"I was stomping my foot on the floor, but I think I used too much force." She answered him honestly. Since it was her own fault, so she didn't mind accepting it 

"Oh really? Why don't you try smacking your head against a wall as well? And don't forget to use too much force?" Adam added sarcastically before getting off the bed. He turned around to leave the room but stopped when two slender arms wrapped around his torso. 

Stella buried her face in his back and uttered an apology. "I should have listened to you. I know I am wrong for not listening to you. I am sorry." 

Adam stood there quietly and Stella continued her apology. "Adam, talk to me. Yell on me, shout at me, take out your anger on me, but at least talk to me. You know how much you being silent worries me. I would rather prefer you getting angry." 

"Please, talk to me." She muttered against his back as she began to tear up. "Adam, please." 

Adam heaved out a long sigh when he heard her voice tremble. He grabbed her arms and loosened her grip around him before turning around.


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