My Little Sunshine

Chapter 174: Queen Bee

Chapter 174: Queen Bee

"I have something to show to you." Adam grabbed her hand and almost dragged her towards their walk-in closet. 

The couple had just arrived home after a hot make-out session and having their coffees. It was already way past evening, and all Stella wanted to do was to change, have a hot shower and rest. Walking in those heels all day long, was killing her feet.

"What is it?" She asked him with a curious look on her face. He looked excited for some unknown reason.

"You will see." After replying to her, he walked inside, followed by Stella. It's not like she had any other choice, he was holding onto her hand tightly. She was confused for a while as she looked around the walk-in closet. It looked exactly the same to her as it did in the morning before they left for office. 'Wait a second.' She thought inwardly as she began to look more closely, not at the closet, but the clothes which were neatly hanging. 

The change wasn't in the closet but the clothes, her clothes to be specific. All the clothes in her section looked new, she was sure that it was the first time she was seeing those. 

"What happened here?" She couldn't help but ask Adam about it. When she didn't hear a reply, she turned around to find him leaning against the wall. He had his arms folded across his chest as he looked at her intently, taking in all of her expressions.

"The weather's changing, and it's been getting cold. So, I thought you might need new dresses for it. I knew you were too busy to go shopping and you don't even like doing it, so I just gave Katherine a call and ask her to send new clothes for you which are suitable according to the weather these days." Adam replied to her. 

"But what happened to my old clothes." Stella walked towards him. 

"I don't know what she did to them." He shrugged in response.

"But, I didn't even get to touch some of them." She pursed her lips in a pout as she came to a stop before him. 

"You can use the new ones sweetheart." Adam added before grabbing her by the waist and pulled her in his embrace. Stella let him do as he pleased, it was her favorite place to be in anyways. 

"You do know that you are spoiling me too much." Stella said while burying her face is his chest. 

"I know. I want you to be spoiled so much by me that you will find it hard to live without me." Adam smiled. 

"I already cannot live without you." She smacked him on his shoulder lightly. 

"Let's go and freshen up. You need some rest. Your feet must be hurting after wearing those heels for this long." He added before letting her go. Before Stella could move away from him, he bent down and removed her heels. 

"Stop wearing these. I know you prefer sneakers and shoes." Adam gave her a glare before he picked her up in his arms and carried her outside.


"Stella? Your phone is ringing." Adam called out to her. Stella was busy going through her night care skin products while Adam was busy typing on his laptop as he was half lying and half sitting, with his back resting against the headrest of the bed. 

"I am coming in a sec." She replied to him, still sitting before the dressing table. She hurriedly closed the lid of her night cream and walked towards the bedside table where her phone was ringing. "Oh! It's Uncle Liam." She informed Adam before connecting the call. 

"Hello, Uncle Liam." She spoke into the phone's speaker. 

"Hello, sweetheart. How are you?" 

"I am completely fine. What about you?" She asked him in return.

"I am doing good too. How's that brat doing?" Liam replied to her.

"Adam is doing fine too. You want to have a word with him?" 

"No, I actually called to talk to you about something." Liam's voice came through the phone's speaker and he explained his reason for calling her at this hour. 

Stella stayed quiet for some time before she began to speak. "If she really wants to apologise for her behavior, then I don't mind meeting her. But this will be the last time I am giving her a chance for your sake." 

"I get it Stella. And thank you." Liam replied. He had given it a lot of thinking before calling Stella. And this was really the last time that he was giving Rachel a chance to make things right. Just because he stayed quiet, didn't mean he wasn't aware of her doings. He knew about everything he had done so far, and he wouldn't turn a blind eye to it anymore if she messes it up again.

"It's alright. Just let me know about the place and timing. And do take care of yourself." She added politely before disconnecting the call. When she looked up from the phone's screen, she found a pair of gray eyes looking intently at her. She smiled and jumped on to him.

Adam caught her in his arms before narrowing his eyes at her. "How many times do I have to tell you to be careful?" 

Stella didn't reply to him and hugged him. She was sitting on his lap with her legs resting on the bed on either side of his legs. She had her arms wrapped around his broad back and he face was resting at the junction of his left shoulder and neck. 

Adam patted her back as if coercing a child. "You don't have to go if you don't want to." 

"I just want to give her one last chance for his sake." She replied to which Adam nodded understandingly. He continued to pay her back and didn't let go of her. 

Soon, the sound of her even breathing made its way to his ears, making him smile. He closed the screen of his laptop and placed it on the bedside table with one hand while his other hand continued to pay her back. He shifted their bodies slightly such that he was now lying down on the bed with Stella resting on top of her. He made sure that she was in a comfortable position before bringing the duvet up to cover their bodies. 


The next evening,

"Are you going to somewhere?" Stella asked Adam when she saw him coming out of the walk-in closet with some casual wear in his hands. 

"We are going somewhere." He rectified her. His eyes fell over her figure. "You should change into something else too." He added as his gaze darkened. She was as usual wearing one of his t-shirts with a pair of shorts which barely covered her delectable arse. 

"Can't I just go like this?" Stella looked up from the book in her hands and asked. 

Adam threw a threatening glare at her. "Try putting a single step out of this room in that." He replied as he pointed towards her clothing. He threw another glare at her before heading towards the bathroom. 

Stella smile as she looked at his retreating back from the corner of her eye. 'I love it when he gets possessive like this.' She got up from the bed and walked towards the walk-in closet while stretching her arms in the air. 

"Stella? How long are you going to take?" Adam asked her as he entered the closet. He was about to say something else but the words got stuck in his throat. They most probably lost their way as he gazed at the beauty in front of him.

Stella was dressed in an all black outfit. She was wearing a black leather jacket, paired with some black skinny jeans which hugged her slender legs. Her feet supported black heeled boots which had silver studs on them at the sides. The dark brown wavy locks of her hair, were tied up in a high pony. Though she didn't wear any makeup, her lips were tinted with a dark maroon lip color. 

She looked like some bad ass woman who was ready to take on the world. She looked ethereal to him. 

Stella turned around with a bright smile on her face. "How do I lo.." She gulped when she looked at her man. 

He was wearing a black, full sleeved t-shirt which hugged his toned body. She could count those abs even from over the shirt. A pair of matching fitted jeans adorned his legs. Black converses adorned his feet. He was looking devilishly handsome. 

"Woah." She exclaimed in pride. 'I must have done something damn good in my previous life to get this handsome hunk in this one.' 

"Can you get me a jacket?" Adam asked her. She nodded her head frantically in response before walking to the section of his clothes and started to look for something to match with his outfit. Her eyes glinted with joy when she finally found what she was looking for. 

Pulling out a black leather jacket, which resembled the one she was wearing, she passed it to him. Adam took it and shook his head sideways in amusement before getting it on.

"Shall we go now, my lady?" Adam asked her as he put forward his hand.

"Why not!" Stella beamed at him before placing her hand in his palm and the duo left for their destination. 


"It's creepy." She looked at the abandoned mansion through the windshield of the car. "Why don't you guys renovate the entire place?"

Adam chuckled looking at her scrunched eyebrows and pursed lips. "Because it's not supposed to be noticed by people who drive by the road." 

"I am sure that they notice it." She added to which he nodded and replied. "But they don't dare to stop and have a look around." 

Adam stepped out of the car, followed by Stella. The duo walked towards the entrance, hand in hand. 

Stella was waiting for him to open the door but he stood quietly by her side. She didn't know what he was waiting for. 

"Open it." He asked her suddenly. 

Stella turned her head and looked at him quizzically. "What do you mean?" 

Adam smiled and quietly guided her through the steps. The gate opened and they walked inside. 

"When did you get my identification installed in here? And how did you get my retinal and hand prints?" She looked at him curiously. 

"The day I fell for you." He replied as he guided her to a meeting room. "And I have my own ways to get those."

Inside the meeting room, Blake was already waiting along with Lillian and a bunch of deadly looking men. 

"I missed you, little one." Blake engulfed Stella in a bear hug. 

"You are suffocating her." Adam threw a glare towards him as he tugged Stella's hand, moving her out of his embrace. 

"Hey Lilly!" Stella greeted Lillian who was going through her phone.

Lillian looked up and replied to her with a small nod. 

Adam cleared his throat before he began to address everyone in the room. "I called you all here for an important announcement." He looked at the people sitting around the large oval table which could fit around fifty people. "I want you all to meet your 'Queen Bee'." He draped an arm over Stella's shoulder and brought her closer. "I want every man who's under you guys to know that. And I want all of you to respect her in the same way you guys respect me." 

Everyone in the room besides Blake and Lillian, stood from their seats and bowed their heads slightly in respect. 

Stella shifted his gaze to the man who was standing tall and proud next to her. Her eyes were filled with a number of emotions as he stared at her man. She hugged him by side. "I love you." 

A small smile appeared on Adam's stoic face as he placed a kiss on top of her crown. "I love you too my baby girl." 

The scary looking men inside the room had their eyes popping out of their sockets as they looked at the tender expressions of their Big Boss. Never in their lives, have they seen him like this. 


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