My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 185: Disciples offend powers

Chapter 185: Disciples offend powers

Yun Jhin was meditating on his bone throne as he had his eyes closed, on the surface he was cultivating but underneath he was observing the newly appointed elders.

Yun Jhin could split up his attention into 10 parts and watch over all of them due to the seals he had put in their minds.

But he soon came to find that most of them were just trying to cultivate at the moment unlike the others who went to do missions they were a little bit more 'relaxed', after all, they did have an allowance because of their elder statuses so they would either be lazy or think that the allowance would be enough for them.

Yun Jhin couldn't blame them, they must have lived day by day scared that they would be caught by those they offended and their heads lopped off, he guessed that they were quite happy that they didn't have to cultivate with one eye open from now on.

Yun Jhin observed them for a short while before stopping, there was no reason to continue as they were all slowly cultivating the technique he gave them.

The meteorite could hold around 10 million people and the 750,000 he currently got wasn't near the limit at all, all he needed now was to continue recruiting disciples, while 90% of the disciple population could be considered cannon fodder due to their humble origins, Yun Jhin could use them for menial tasks and as long as they did them properly he could strengthen them as a reward which in turn will make the sect stronger as a whole.

He decided to start cultivating as well as he had quite a lot of cultivation materials that he had stocked for himself that he could go through, they were all premium quality the best of the best from the Bazaar but it didn't mean much in his hands as most of them were scavenged by mercenaries and the good stuff was in the hands of the top sects.

Yun Jhin closed his eyes as he sat cross-legged in the air. As he hovered above the blood river he consumed cultivation resources like a whale would drink water, his cultivation slowly increased as time passed and the dried up blood river below him was starting to glow with a deep red color the more Yun Jhin cultivated above it.

The river had the passive ability to increase the cultivation speed of those around them by 50% and its energy could also be siphoned for cultivation purposes but both abilities were currently sealed due to its dried state, however, Yun Jhin's cultivation increasing also lead to the river getting more lively as they were connected.

The river glow was getting increasingly brighter as Yun Jhin cultivation grew towards a breakthrough, as for the sect he left the two old fogies to work over it and he could still feel their connection while he was cultivating so he wasn't bothered if they would try to escape both of their souls would explode and they knew that as well.

While Yun Jhin was cultivating under the Darkness palace the two old men were continuing the recruitment of people as Yun Jhin gave them control of a part of the formation to let them see the talents of the recruits.

As time passed and Yun Jhin didn't exit his closed-door cultivation the duo started to get thoughts of escaping but the moment those thoughts appeared in their mind the seal in their mind palaces started to prickle their souls, it was the feeling of drinking something carbonated after eating mentos but this slightly uncomfortable feeling made them realize that even though Yun Jhin was cultivating he still had his eyes on them!

All thoughts of escaping left their minds as they fully became involved in the activities that Yun Jhin let them do.

All of the people who joined the sect were notorious small or medium criminals and very few 'clean' people joined the sect, most of them were given the basic cultivation technique of the sect so they would be able to increase their cultivation faster than what garbage technique they had got from going through the trash of auction houses with unsold pergaments and jade slips.

The technique Yun Jhin distributed for them was a rather simple but effective one which used the surrounding bloody ki to strengthen the body and ki pathways thus increasing the cultivation base along with body refining at the same time, it was a jack of all trades technique but it was very good for the cannon fodder to cultivate as they wouldn't have any weakness but not any strengths either.

This way he would be able to make flawless formations with them in the outer parts where they would be able to take all of the damage while dishing it back out.

While the recruits were getting familiar with the technique, the earlier ones from the first batch of 750,000 were returning with successful missions, well not all of them as some of them died and some of them were captured so they would spill out the secrets of the newly created sect.

But the ones who came back had come with the things they needed to give to complete the mission or well the heads of those they had to kill, etc.

Yun Jhin's treasury was filling up with rarer materials that the disciples came back with as they did missions or traded them for points that they could use to buy things that they needed immediately.

Those materials ended up in Yun Jhin's belly or his cauldron as he created pills with them, two of the elders finally made a move 7 months in Yun Jhin's closed-door cultivation.

They left the sect and went to a different Bazaar than the one Yun Jhin had under him to trade, Yun Jhin had already connected his consciousness to the seals in their minds when they left the sect so he could see whatever they saw and hear whatever they heard.

When they arrived at the Bazaar they swaggered in like they owned the place and went to the most important auction house to buy and trade some things that they didn't find in the sect trade list, and as they knew that the closest Baazar to them was under the patriarch's thumbs, it meant that if they went there to shop they wouldn't be able to find what they wanted either.

So logically they went to the other biggest Baazar they could find.

The grey area was heavily business influenced and 5 Bazaars were equal to the one Yun Jhin had conquered, each had different specialties based on their locations, and 3 of them were mostly controlled by the righteous sects while two of them were controlled by the evil sects, Yun Jhin's was a hodgepodge of both righteous and evil while most of it was controlled by the old fogies he took care of.

The moment the duo came and said what their backing was the owner of the auction house immediately came to invite them in, it seemed the Baazar they chose was controlled by one of the evil sects which was an 'ally' of Yun Jhin in his previous life.

Considering the blood throne sect had resurfaced meant Yun Jhin had reincarnated successfully and his cultivation must have been above the God Realm if he was so upfront with his actions, Yun Jhin was an old monster that the evil faction respected and hated at the same time and considering he was back in power they needed to give him the due respect first.

However the duo was a little bit too 'conspicuous' after they found out how big their backing is and they started to become a little bit too arrogant with the boss of the auction house which had the Dead Bones sect behind him, thus the duo offended them, it wasn't actually hard to offend someone in the cultivation world but these two did it even though their backing was rather huge.

It was actually impressive, Yun Jhin was impressed with their idiocy as they were beaten and whipped to half-death before they were sent back to the sect with a message from the owner of the auction house.

Yun Jhin personally got the message as he read it shaking his head, the man wanted compensation for the actions of the two but he wouldn't get jack from Yun Jhin!

He decapitated the duo and sent their heads back to the man with those words:

"If they are talented I will protect them even if they shit over your head, if they are mediocre their heads are yours but that doesn't mean you can trample over the sect!"

Seeing his hard stance over the matter made the boss forgive the transgression considering the offenders were both dead.

With this situation, Yun Jhin showed his stance to the universe about his sect, if they offend you as long as they aren't talented enough you can kill them. However, if they don't offend you and you still decide to take a fight with them the whole sect will be against you!

This way he also scared the disciples who tried to abuse their backing while also advertising the sect rules to the whole universe at the same time!

This also put the other 8 elders in their place as they realized that they couldn't offend people if they didn't have enough strength, but people also couldn't offend them for no reason either!

These were the benefits of a balanced sect.

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