My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 178: Starting small

Chapter 178: Starting small

Now that Yun Jhin had the first little employee he had to instruct him properly to gain 100% efficiency in his new business.

"What's your name?"


"Ok Mia, take this."

Yun Jhin forcefully inserted his hand into her chest leaving a piece of the formation power from the ruins in her so she could contact him that way no matter the distance and also use some of its powers when she was in a pinch. And considering Yun Jhin was the owner of the formation he also got complete control over her as well now.

"What have you done to me?"

Mia asked with a tremble of her lips, she felt weird as if she was connected to something akin to a hive mind where she could get strength from and also communicate with it.

"Something to enhance your efficiency, my dear."

"Now that you are done with this let's go back to what you were supposed to do."

Yun Jhin slapped the face skin mask back onto her and applied a copious amount of ki to meld it back onto her face, her body changed back to the old man's decrepit one and her long blonde hair faded for the grey balding peak.

"You don't have to advertise or anything... sooner or later people will come to buy and sell, we have enough spirit stones to buy what we need right?"

The disguised woman nodded as she thought for a little bit of time before coming back with a spatial bag full of spirit stones that she showed to Yun Jhin... Yun Jhin rummaged through the bag for a few minutes before nodding and letting her keep it, for the time being, this was the investment he had to make into this shop to make it work.

"Whenever you see an item that you don't recognize send me an image through the neural link that I gave you, if you identify something good buy it at a very low price so we can later sell it to make a fortune..."

She grumbled under her breath:

"As if I didn't know that."

"I just reminded you, dear."

Her body shook a bit before saluting and saying:

"Ok boss leave everything to me here!"

Yun Jhin left the shop and waited in the vicinity, now that he had gotten his hands on the shop he wanted to see what kind of black business did that gangster who came for trouble belonged to... he didn't mind getting his hands in the black market as well, after all, he was in a grey area already and the black market was going to be a pretty big and profitable business and considering that there were no morals involved made it even better for Yun Jhin's money-making tactics.

Since they would expect these things and they would play the game as he would do he knew how to counter them properly.

This is the situation that would make Yun Jhin's experience from his previous lives shine the best!

Since the gangster left after being beaten by the old man he would surely come with more of his accomplices to teach the old man a lesson and try to take over his shop again.

So Yun Jhin would wait around and when they came he would introduce himself to them so he could get them to show him the location of their base and boss.

It took them 3 hours to come.

They were in a group of 20 and they were all exuding an aura that intimidated the surrounding people who tried to trade buy or sell things.

There were even people who whispered to each other about what was happening:

"The Crimson Snake gang? What are they doing here? Hmm? They are here for Old Ma's shop! That though old bone old Ma already refused them too many times huh..."

"Poor fellow it seems he will get his legs broken and his intestines made into a pair of gloves and scarf."

"They really do that?"

"Of course I saw it with my own eyes, it was a rather grisly sight, to be honest."

Yun Jhin listened for a bit before shaking his head, the moment they entered the shop he appeared inside it as well, Mia was quite scared because they were quite a lot of people and they weren't that weak either, the strongest was at the 9th stage of the sage realm and the weakest was at the 5th stage the man who Mia beat and threw out.

"Are you scared now you old piece of shit!"

The weakest gangster said as he showed his differently colored teeth in a cruel smile:

"Boys hold him down as an I cut open his gut."

He took out a small engraved knife from his pockets as he waited for the others to make their move.

Suddenly they all fell to the ground as a gravity field made them lose their balance and crushed them to the floor as if they were hit by a road roller.

"Tsk tsk, it seems you guys have been running wild before I took over this establishment."

The strongest gangster at the 9th stage tried to struggle from the ground before shouting:

"WHO ARE YOU, SHOW YOURSELF! Our boss is almost at the God Realm and he will surely avenge us if anything were to happen!"

His voice turned a little bit more mellow at the end as his strength left his body due to the ever-increasing gravity.

"Yeah let us go!"

The others chorused but Yun Jhin shook his head as he appeared in their faces, he squatted near one of them before grabbing him by the hair and giving him two punches in the jaw dislocating it and making him spit a few teeth.

"I was wondering what kind of businesses are you guys into?"

"What do you even mean by that?" Asked the strongest of them

"Eh, you will see..."

Yun Jhin used his fingers as scalpels as he started to dissect them in the order from the weakest to the strongest while keeping them conscious and alive, he also fed them some pain amplification herbs from the shop which made them scream so hard that their throats turned sore and blood started to gurgle from them.


Yun Jhin was playing with the entrails of one of the middle-ranked gangsters as he was making a scarf with them, he was almost done with it when the strongest one started to shout at him again.

"Are you done yet?"

Yun Jhin's eyes were as cold as glacial ice as he looked at the strongest gangster, these eyes made the man almost pee himself if he could as his liver was taken out by Yun Jhin and then fed to him a little time ago.

The man was rather enduring as he only gagged and vomited it out while shouting for a little more before shutting up but it seemed he couldn't handle seeing his subordinates being destroyed like this anymore.

"So ready to speak?"

"No, I'd rather you kill me!"

Yun Jhin frowned, were these people really this enduring?

Yun Jhin looked into the strongest gangster's eyes and narrowed his as he realized that the man wasn't conscious, his body was actually controlled by someone else at this moment!

"Are you so rich that you could discard someone at the peak of the sage realm, Ring leader?"

Most gang leaders were called Ring Leaders and since Yun Jhin didn't know his name he decided to go with the title.

"Oho? You can see through this little possession trick of mine?"

The strongest man chuckled as he started to struggle out of the gravity field only for his bones to crack and for his skin to sizzle as his flesh became visible and he frowned:

"Hmmm? I infused him with so much ki but he still can't get up from this force field?"

The man realized that Yun Jhin wasn't easy to deal with as he cut the connection and decided to abandon them while running away with the wealth he made, gangsters were rather pragmatic persons. Can you bully that person? Yes? Then go and take his house, fuck his wife and enslave him. That guy is rather strong and a distance away from you? Run the hell away!

Yun Jhin shook his head as he took a look at the mindscape of each of the gangsters in front of him and they were all turned into idiots by the Ring Leader, it seemed he was using methods akin to his which was something of a surprise, how could a man that was almost as strong as the other guy here infect them with ki seeds that could control their thoughts or attack their memory cores?

It seemed the man was a true schemer and Yun Jhin needed someone like him in his team as well, regardless of how scheming he was he would turn into a sheep that would be at his beck and call as long as he would use the same technique he used on these people!

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