My interracial harem of beautiful queens

Chapter 141 Dream [2]

Her black hair softly trembled in the wind, while the movement of her beautiful eyelashes, long and graceful, possessed an incredible mesmerizing power. Her eyes were black, almost bottomless, but when you looked into them, you didn't feel fear; instead, you felt admiration and tranquility, as if you had found something worth living for. These eyes had an overwhelmingly powerful attraction, and anyone who gazed into them for too long lost the sense of time and soon, their sanity.

Her demon horns were almost inconspicuous, only five centimeters long and ten centimeters wide, making her look more cute than stunningly beautiful. A demonic tail protruded from her coccyx, a characteristic feature of demon women, and her emotions were reflected in the tail's movements – when she was sad, it drooped, and when she was happy, it wagged like an affectionate puppy.

She was dressed in the most ordinary knight's armor, with the only difference from regular armor being its color, which was black as pitch. Her sword was simply enormous, yet thanks to her physique and strength, she could wield it with one hand and not feel its weight. Such was her physical prowess.

All of this was a description of the Demon Queen, Veronica. Any information Adam had about this mad lady's personality had become useless because he couldn't find even a 1% resemblance to her behavior in what he saw before him.

"Big brother, let's go kill that demonic bear!" a tender, girlish voice filled with joy and liveliness resounded.

Turning his head smoothly behind him, Adam saw the young Veronica. The girl positively radiated energy, and a self-satisfied smile never left her face. She roamed all over the place, changing her standing spot every second. He had lost count of how many times she had circled Casanova.

However, the man himself, who watched his sister's antics with a smile, showed no hint of displeasure. On the contrary, his face expressed tenderness and care, and Casanova truly resembled the perfect older brother.

"But for some reason, there's sorrow in his eyes. Why?" Adam pondered.

Casanova concealed it well, so much so that even Veronica, with her keen eyesight, didn't notice any fluctuations in her older brother's mood. She continued to smile happily and giggle, despite her gruesome actions, especially when she squeezed the bear's head with her bare hands so forcefully that it exploded and covered everything in red, all the while she simply giggled.

"She's not normal," Adam thought, confirming his thoughts again and again.

"Veronica... we need to talk," a deep and pleasant male voice echoed. It was Casanova, who wiped the smile from his face, replacing it with an impassive expression.

She gulped and shrugged her shoulders out of fear, causing a clinking sound as her armor slightly bent under her applied force. However, the man himself didn't change his facial expression in response to this amusing scene; it remained just as cold and serious, which only frightened Veronica more. This was reflected in her voice and aura.

"W-what? About what, big brother?" she said with a trembling voice.

Adam raised an eyebrow, and it seemed to him that the woman was afraid of such an expression on her brother's face. He thought, "Can he be intimidating? Although I don't know him very well, an air of carefree aura always surrounds this guy."

However, he found no answer to his question, as he was trapped in some kind of dream that had appeared under unknown circumstances. And for hours on end, he observed Casanova and Veronica, who were brother and sister. He felt like he was unraveling a mystery.

"Veronica... my younger sister," Casanova spoke with a heavy and serious tone, his eyes continuously locked onto Veronica's: "I must go."

Adam narrowed his eyes and felt dizzy. Suddenly, Casanova smiled and turned to him, looking directly into his eyes – that's when the man understood that the second face didn't accidentally look at him. Casanova smiled and waved.

"It's a bit early for you to delve into my memories. But it's a sign that my legacy is accepting you, albeit slowly," Casanova smiled at him and turned away, gazing at the crimson lands. He spoke with a voice full of nostalgia and longing as if someone was talking about their hometown: "Ad. A horrifying place where no one is spared. But I liked it."

Sighing, Adam didn't resist the unsettling force that gradually influenced his mind, lulling him to sleep. Before losing consciousness, he saw a notification.

[Level Up!]


Ding! Ding!

[User has reached level 32.]

Ding! Ding!

[Information analysis in progress, errors and inconsistencies detected]. [User has unlocked the first part of the inheritance [Choice], it can be used right now.]

Ding! Ding!

[Limit on 'Hall of Meditation' has been increased. Current limit: 19 hours, twice a day.]

[The 'workspace' image has been updated according to the achieved level.]

Ding! Ding!

[User gains a reward in the form of a system function – 'Home'. For details...]

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

"Damn!" Adam cursed, waking up instantly from his dream. "Freaking alarm!"

His words weren't the cleanest, and his irritation only subsided after five minutes, during which he vented his frustration toward the non-existent alarm clock. Only when the semi-sleepy state dissipated did he finally pay attention to all the notifications, but his attention was immediately diverted.

"What is this?"

The system space. It had changed again. Before Adam stretched a green meadow, adorned with hydrangea and camellia flowers. The place was filled with a mysterious atmosphere, and a unique power momentarily calmed Adam, giving him a familiar feeling, as if he had returned home.

"Weird changes..." he muttered and furrowed his brow, summoning his profile through his thoughts.

[Name: Adam

Race: Demon

Class: Casanova (Level 33).

Subclass: Not chosen.

Attribute: Darkness, Seduction.

Level: Superior Demon (D+)

Sin: Lust (100%), Envy (100%), Pride (89%)

Seduction Points: 6510

Partners: Claire, Maria, Iliantra, Elara, Elyra, Amarantha...]

"The changes are only in the number of points and the completion percentage of the 'Pride' sin, as well as the level of the class," he spoke aloud, scratching his head. Then he noticed an additional field: "Subclass? What is this?"

And suddenly, he remembered the first notification about unlocking the inheritance and Casanova's words.

"It's a bit early for you to delve into my memories. But it's a sign that my legacy is accepting you, albeit slowly."

Adam didn't know what this legacy was and why it had chosen him. But it seemed like his connection with this mysterious man and the strange class went much deeper than mere coincidence. The prospects and dangers of this realization couldn't be ignored, but his head was throbbing from the loud notification sounds, and his thoughts were in chaos.

"Let's start with some meditation... this damn city is slowing down my development, and it's annoying."

Just the thought of it, and he was in the familiar place. The atmosphere here was just as he remembered, and the silence helped him focus his thoughts and achieve better concentration. Many important decisions in his life had been made here, and when he wanted to extract the most suitable technologies from his memory for his current budget, the Hall of Meditation acted as his best place of unity.

"Let's give it a try."

Adam sat down on the ground and crossed his legs in a lotus position, then closed his eyes. His hands rested on his knees, and his back was straight. It took a few minutes to reach a state of meditation, but soon he was immersed in it. An hour passed, then two hours, then three hours... and finally, ten hours.

His mind gradually became clearer, as if after a long period of wakefulness, he had fallen asleep, and the next day he felt not tired but more alive. After two more hours, the sensation shifted to feeling like he had switched his mode to restful sleep, and each morning was filled with energy, not a desire to smash the alarm clock with an uppercut and then crush it with his foot.

And after seven hours, his eyelashes began to tremble, and then his eyelids twitched.


A deep exhale followed, and Adam opened his eyes, feeling more energized and mentally sharper.


[Strength Increased]

[Casanova Experience (Level 33): 64/555]

"A strange feeling... very strange," he thought to himself and immediately noticed the changes: his body felt lighter, his thoughts gathered faster, and the magical energy in his channels was calm and easily manageable. "But pleasant... it's like I've become a new version of myself. What if I try it again, but this time focus on enhancing my magical energy? Will it become stronger?"

He swallowed hard when he realized the potential implications. So he closed his eyes and concentrated his thoughts on improving his magical energy. The theory he had learned from Iliantra came to mind.

"Magic is an energy present in almost everyone from birth. It's with you from birth

  until death, but those who can control it can become powerful and gain a more formidable body. The only method of magic control is to enhance your mental abilities and concentration, and most importantly, set a goal for yourself," he recalled a quote from a book. "To be more precise, initially, we ask magic to assist us, which is quite different from the concept of control. However, over time, you'll begin to fully sense magic, and eventually, you'll be able to control it, but that's just the first step to power."

"Magic feels different for everyone, but the most effective method is to imagine that magic is like blood, true blue, and your veins are the pathways through which magic flows. Visualize how magic moves through your veins, and after long practice, you'll start to feel it. Then you'll need to control it and to do that, you must push yourself until magic feels like an extension of yourself."

To be continued...

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