My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 102: Everyone is Crazy (from Song Ying’s Hysterical Version)

Chapter 102

Any person of sound mind would not believe it if someone told them they had gained supernatural abilities and could hear the inner monologue of a specific person.

Even if the person telling them this was their new Class Teacher.

The Class Teacher had also come from Song Ying's time, so he could understand her feelings well.

He said, "I'm just giving you a heads up. If you suddenly hear Shi Li speaking out of nowhere, don't be frightened, and don't let Shi Li know about this. Our class has been keeping this secret, not daring to let outsiders know, and we haven't told Shi Li herself."

Song Ying felt that peeking into someone else's mind was somewhat indecent.

She couldn't imagine how uncomfortable Shi Li would feel if she knew her inner thoughts were being heard by others.

At this point, she had already forgotten that she held a disbelieving attitude towards this matter.

She simply asked, "Why keep this secret? Why not let outsiders and Shi Li know?"

The Class Teacher looked at Song Ying as if she were a fool, "Think about it. If our entire class can hear Shi Li's thoughts, where exactly is the problem? Is it with us or with Shi Li?"

Song Ying thought to herself, you all have problems, but now I'm included in that group too.

"Of course, the problem is with Shi Li. Her thoughts are being heard by us, and as Shi Li's teachers and classmates, we're the ones who have the opportunity to hear them. If ill-intentioned outsiders found out about this, what if they kidnapped Shi Li and took her to some underground organization for dissection and research?"

Song Ying was frightened by the Class Teacher's threat. In her mind, she imagined Shi Li being taken away by men in black suits for research. She covered her mouth with both hands in fear.

"That can't happen." Although they hadn't spent much time together, less than a morning, Song Ying felt that Shi Li was a good person. She didn't want Shi Li to be taken away for dissection and research. "I'll definitely keep it a secret and not let outsiders know."

The Class Teacher, like a creepy uncle trying to lure elementary school students, said with satisfaction, "That's right."

Song Ying was still very confused, "So it's fine as long as outsiders don't know, but why keep it from Shi Li? It doesn't seem right that she doesn't know we know her secret."

"Everyone has secrets they can't tell, dark sides they can't let others know about. Shi Li doesn't know we can hear her thoughts, and she unintentionally exposes her dark side. Isn't that not good?"

Although she had thought it through in detail, the Class Teacher looked at her with some sympathy, "Shi Li is different from others. We can't see her psychological dark side from her thoughts, only her contrasting nature. As for why we don't tell Shi Li so she can protect herself from thinking things that shouldn't be seen by others,"

"This is the third point I want to tell you. Some of Shi Li's thoughts can predict the future, and so far, the accuracy has been 100%. We're afraid that if Shi Li finds out, her thoughts might lose the ability to predict the future, or we might not be able to hear her thoughts anymore."

Song Ying nodded, "I understand."

She accepted it faster than herself, the Class Teacher thought sourly. Young people are indeed better at accepting new things more quickly than old folks like him.

Song Ying's expression was still odd, "So in real life, can people really hear others' thoughts? I'm from a small town and haven't seen much of the world. I've only seen this kind of thing in TV dramas."

Well, everything he had said earlier was in vain. She still didn't believe it after all.

The Class Teacher's expression deflated for a moment, but he understood Song Ying's position. After all, it had taken him a long time to accept this fact when he first encountered it.

So the Class Teacher said, "I'm telling you this not expecting you to believe and accept it right away. You just need to pay attention to what I've said and not give it away."

The Class Teacher asked, "That shouldn't be too difficult, right?"

Song Ying nodded woodenly, "I'll try my best."

The Class Teacher, like the leader of a cult, said, "Don't say you'll try, you must do it!" It's do or die.

Song Ying recalled what Shi Li had said in the car not long ago. She had said that all the teachers and classmates in the class were very nice and told her not to worry.

With a Class Teacher like this, how could she not worry?

Shi Li had also said that if anyone bullied her or if she encountered any problems at school, she should feel free to ask for help, and not to be shy about it, because they were family.

Song Ying wasn't the type to trouble others. Although she took Shi Li's words to heart about asking for help if she had problems, she had never actually thought about going to Shi Li for help. She had managed all these years without anyone's help.

Now, bombarded by the Class Teacher's series of bombshells, she particularly wanted to go against her principles and seek Shi Li's help.

The problem now was that Shi Li couldn't know about this.

To seek Shi Li's help or not to seek Shi Li's help, that was the question.

"I know these things are outrageous and it's hard for you to accept all of this. You can observe slowly after you go back, there's no need to rush. If you encounter any problems, you can discuss them with the teachers and classmates. We are all your strong support."

Before Song Ying left the office, the Class Teacher spoke with a somewhat strange tone, "By the way, I remember you and Shi Li are relatives. Are you Shi Li's cousin?"

Song Ying used to browse the internet and had accidentally come across information about the Shi Family in Blue City, but she never knew that her stepfather was actually a direct child of the Shi Family.

Being brought to Blue City and living in a castle-like mansion was like a dream.

Song Ying was most adept at observing people's words and expressions. Even before moving into the old mansion, she had already noticed that her birth mother was not well-liked by the Shi Family.

The Class Teacher's last sentence sounded to Song Ying like he was probing into a student's family background.

Teachers at her previous schools had done this too, treating students differently based on their family circumstances.

Although she was nominally the daughter of Shi Li's uncle, and therefore a granddaughter of the Shi Family, Song Ying knew in her heart that she wasn't their biological granddaughter and couldn't comfortably claim to be Shi Li's cousin.

"No, it's not like that. Simply put, my stepfather is Shi Li's uncle."

The Class Teacher made an "oh" sound, so that's how the relationship was.

The Class Teacher probed further, "So you live together?"

"No, we don't live together. We came to school together this morning because Shi Li had the driver pick me up."

The Class Teacher nodded, his tone lacking the excitement that Song Ying didn't have, "Since you're relatives, you can see Shi Li often after school."

Song Ying felt a bit anxious, thinking how the Class Teacher seemed unable to understand what she was saying. She had just explained that she wasn't really Shi Li's relative and didn't live with her.

"Since you can often see Shi Li, please share with us any gossip you hear about Shi Li at home."

Song Ying: ???

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